Eyes see more than normal?

Cool, you see em :D

Yeah they are very close to any object, im not sure what causes it but it might be something to do with interference patterns.

Someone said the particles are dust getting very close to the eye but I don't think that’s the case because of the way they look and move.
Those floaters are pieces that have broken of of some part of your eye. They float around in in the fluid stuff. (as you can here, I now my eye science :) :) )

But really, they're something like that.

Seeing colors around objects when staring at them: James Redfield would tell you that you can see the energy surrounding the object.

You could call it an aura.

I also heard a scientific reason for these colors. It would translate into 'afterimages', but I don't know if that means anything in English.

There are drawings at which you can stare for a few minutes, and if you look at a white wall afterwards, you can see the image on the wall: 'afterimage'.

When you look out of focus at your hand, the image of your hand floats away, cause your brain is not updating what is seen right.

I don't know why some scientific mind did not yet jump in to explain these things right.
Yeah I know about most of the things you mean, floaters are another one to add to the list but not the cause of anything I’ve described so far.
Hmm..On second thought, do you mean black lines around the fingers? Because if you do, then those are just from the fact that your eyes are defocused because of the proximity of the fingers to the face and to the screen...

heh heh heh...It looks like there are strands of glue between my fingertips, when I'm doing the "thing". :D
Yeah it’s nice to know that others can see these things. A friend said I must be very observant to even notice some of this stuff but I was also hoping to have super human vision :D
Originally posted by mart
Hi, new here, dunno how I found this place, simple site name but seems hard to find :p

Anyway it’s the best place I found to ask a few questions.

These are all to do with sight and may seem strange, I have normal vision (I think) but I notice more than most seem to.

Also I can see when doing the same thing, light bending slightly and sometimes red or blue shifting but that doesn’t seem possible because that’s only possible from a strong gravity.

These are some weird things I have noticed and I have to know if anyone else has noticed anything similar?


When you look at something plain light and bright, do you see these small particles like bright streaks that move about in a random but smooth flowing way?
They’re almost like small atomic particles or something that streak then disappear while new ones reappear and it goes on all the time, though you won’t notice it with lots of different colours in any mess, just plain light surface.


*** According to the health book I study......... the small particles are bits of cellular debris floating within the eye which are commonly referred to as floaters. Because these floaters cast shadows over the retina, the individual sees small specks that move slowly before the eyes, exspecially in certain lights and against certain backgrounds. Eldery and nearsighted people are most likely to complain of floaters. Most floaters eventually become less noticable and are considered benign.


***It is normal to see a few floaters at times, but if you suddenly see a large number of them, consult an ophthalmologist. This may be a sign of developing retinal detachment . Delaying treatment can result in a detached retina requiring lenghty surgery.

Also I noticed a strange thing when I look through my fingers or any object that has two surfaces close together I see, dark lines, almost like veins or fork lightning, which moves following the surface angle. I did think it was the dark around the light making me see the veins in my eye but that just isn’t the case as it moves following the surface, oh and to see it well you have to move your fingers or object back and forth slightly in a steady motion.

Dimness Or Loss OF Vision

Many different conditions can lead to a dimming or loss of vision. Among the most common are cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa are less common, but do occur with some frequency. There are others as well. Retinal detactment causes a loss of vision often compared to having a curtain drawn across one's field of vision. Loss of vision may be preceded by a shower of "sparks" or lightning-like flashing of light, or by a dramatic increase in the number of black floaters in the field of vision.


See opthamologist
Originally posted by mart
Yeah it’s nice to know that others can see these things. A friend said I must be very observant to even notice some of this stuff but I was also hoping to have super human vision :D
Yeah, I hear you, man. :D Sometimes I'd like to be more than just a human, y'know? :)

Holey Crucifix, Lady's post is so scary! Detached retinAs?! :eek: "cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy..." *starts to hyperventilate*

"Loss of vision may be preceded by a shower of "sparks" or lightning-like flashing of light, or by a dramatic increase in the number of black floaters in the field of vision."

*dead faints*
Re: Re: Eyes see more than normal?

Originally posted by Lady
Loss of vision may be preceded by a shower of "sparks" or lightning-like flashing of light, or by a dramatic increase in the number of black floaters in the field of vision.

Sparks? As in blueish small things in front of your eye at times?

Re: Re: Eyes see more than normal?

Originally posted by Lady

When you look at something plain light and bright, do you see these small particles like bright streaks that move about in a random but smooth flowing way?
They’re almost like small atomic particles or something that streak then disappear while new ones reappear and it goes on all the time, though you won’t notice it with lots of different colours in any mess, just plain light surface.


*** According to the health book I study......... the small particles are bits of cellular debris floating within the eye which are commonly referred to as floaters. Because these floaters cast shadows over the retina, the individual sees small specks that move slowly before the eyes, exspecially in certain lights and against certain backgrounds. Eldery and nearsighted people are most likely to complain of floaters. Most floaters eventually become less noticable and are considered benign.


***It is normal to see a few floaters at times, but if you suddenly see a large number of them, consult an ophthalmologist. This may be a sign of developing retinal detachment . Delaying treatment can result in a detached retina requiring lenghty surgery.

lol thx for the info but as i said before the thing im explaining here is not them. I can at times see a few which is probably common and nothing to worry me about. :)

Also I noticed a strange thing when I look through my fingers or any object that has two surfaces close together I see, dark lines, almost like veins or fork lightning, which moves following the surface angle. I did think it was the dark around the light making me see the veins in my eye but that just isn’t the case as it moves following the surface, oh and to see it well you have to move your fingers or object back and forth slightly in a steady motion.

Dimness Or Loss OF Vision

Many different conditions can lead to a dimming or loss of vision. Among the most common are cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa are less common, but do occur with some frequency. There are others as well. Retinal detactment causes a loss of vision often compared to having a curtain drawn across one's field of vision. Loss of vision may be preceded by a shower of "sparks" or lightning-like flashing of light, or by a dramatic increase in the number of black floaters in the field of vision.


See opthamologist

lol my eyesight is fine (im sure :confused: ) and none of that is what im trying to explain here either. Vision stays normal yet when i move an object i can see a faint outline which looks like fork lightning, branching out but following the outline of the object, it can be seen alot better when 2 objects are close together with a small gap as it merges.
Hey when I'm in a pitch dark room I see little bubbles floating if I relax my eyes. Anybody else do that?:eek:
Yes! :D Lowefly, dude, it's freaky, eh? It's supposed to be completely dark, but then there are these phantom rings/bubbles...apparitions almost, only they go away if you blink a lot or close your eyes.
Hey Mart,

It's good to see that I'm not the only one with these problems (or gifts, curses, whatever...). I know EXACTLY what you are talking about with what you are seeing, and no, they are not floaters. I can distincly tell the difference between floaters and these phosphmenes (psych terminology - documented), and these are definately not floaters. Floaters are non-voluntary and I ALWAYS see them, whereas the specks I have to WANT to perceive them. As for the brain lacking oxygen, when I focus my mind to see these specks, I have deep controlled breathing for relaxation, so lacking oxygen is certainly not causing this. I was also able to get my roomate to see them as well, you really need a mind of nothingless (think of a blank slate) and then focus on trying to percieve these things. Another note, I don't do drugs (aside from alcohol) nor have any medications, I party on weekends with friends, work hard at my studies during the week, overall, an average guy.

As for the black lines between fingers, I don't see that at all. Instead I see something that I can only explain as light 'bending' around my finger (like heat will bend light on the surface of the road on a hot day). As my finger moves across a backdrop, the images near the finger will get sucked closer to it as I move them around, much like how the sun's gravity well will change the path of light from a distant star to make the star seem like it has changed position when the sun's gravity has only altered it's course (einstein's relativity, smart bast'd).

Also, I found a similar anomaly with sound, preferrably white noise (or the sound of a fan or moving air...) when going to sleep. I found the sound would start to change from what I was hearing to something else. Some cases it would be parts of a conversation, ambient sounds you would hear on the street, pretty much anything. The only ticker was that when I had become aware the sound was no longer the sound of the static 'white noise', I would lose focus on it and I would revert hearing white noise again. To try this, simply put on some white noise or pink noise with some headphones and hit the hay. Try to clear your mind and wait... when your mind seems to drift away from this plane, you may notice strange things happening all around you.

However, I cannot perceive any of these strange occurrences randomly like I can with my floaters, I can pick those out anywhere, anytime. It's only when I focus my mind that I can see them. I think it's more of a state of consciousness than a physical problem, after all, look at what Einstein or Tesla came up with when they were able to focus the mind.

It may not be a scientific answer, but rather one of those theories that can remain a theory because there's no way of disproving it, or even proving it for that matter. Science does tell us that we do use some small percentage of our brains (~5%?), maybe concentration and focus is like working the brain muscle, allowing us to greater sensitivity or feeling to the world around us. After all, we know that there's a greater spectrum beyond visible light (ROYGBV) that we can't see, but some insects do.
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Light grey shadows around moving objects

I dont know i have been lookin for this issue on the net and cant find anything about it pretty rare? i dont know. anyho my issue is my eys i think. If i stare across the road say at a house? or someone that i am talking to and a vehicle passes in front of me i get a trailing effect from the car! its not massive but its grey in color like a comet trail but its like 1inch around the vehicle if its on stop its cool.

I get the same thing if i am stretching my hand out in front of me to pick something up its like a trail delay but the trail is grey in color and it allways stays close to the object within 1inch at the most its weird. I cant say i have ever suffered with this and nor does it happen 24/7 I find it does when im tired.

But i have been using computers since i was 10 and spend well in excess of 10hrs in front of the screen my vision has degraded im not blind and i do wear glasses as i can not see distant objects.
There is fluid flowing around on top of your eyes which can distort the picture somewhat. Also, "mart" is correct about the lines, they are interference patterns caused when light cancels itself out.