Eyes see more than normal?


Registered Member
Hi, new here, dunno how I found this place, simple site name but seems hard to find :p

Anyway it’s the best place I found to ask a few questions.

These are all to do with sight and may seem strange, I have normal vision (I think) but I notice more than most seem to.

When you look at something plain light and bright, do you see these small particles like bright streaks that move about in a random but smooth flowing way?
They’re almost like small atomic particles or something that streak then disappear while new ones reappear and it goes on all the time, though you won’t notice it with lots of different colours in any mess, just plain light surface.

Also I noticed a strange thing when I look through my fingers or any object that has two surfaces close together I see, dark lines, almost like veins or fork lightning, which moves following the surface angle. I did think it was the dark around the light making me see the veins in my eye but that just isn’t the case as it moves following the surface, oh and to see it well you have to move your fingers or object back and forth slightly in a steady motion.

Also I can see when doing the same thing, light bending slightly and sometimes red or blue shifting but that doesn’t seem possible because that’s only possible from a strong gravity.

These are some weird things I have noticed and I have to know if anyone else has noticed anything similar?
Welcome Mart.

I think you're in the wrong section. You need the biology one.

I'm Thor, one of the funny ones here. Hope you enjoy your stay:D
Hey Mart! Welcome to SciForums! :D I'm Blue. Please keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times. lol :)

I thought I was the only one going crazy, because I have sort of the same "vision" too!

Sometimes, when I'm lying in bed, I stare at the ceiling and look at the streaks of light coming through between the blinds. If I look hard enough, but not concentrate, I can make the light disappear completely, and put the entire room into total darkness.

Or, if I'm sitting at the public bus terminal, and stare at the tiles on the floor, I can see the illusion of waves and ripples, as if the entire floor were composed of Jello, and someone was bouncing on top. Then, I take the waves and push them into the centre, where it turns into a vortex, and I can actually see the edges of the conical shape lifting up and becoming 3-dimensional!

Or maybe I'm just going crazy
lol, I have seen all the same types of things you have too!

Once when playing some sport in school I had a very dizzy spell and everything went really bright, coz im tall the doctor said it was the blood not getting to my head :p, but anyway when I had to sit down and close my eyes I opened them and looked at the gravely path and some of the stones glowed luminescent blue as if they had light coming from them but not the others.

lol, just another weird thing I seen :p

Oh also try what I said and look through a gap between your fingers and move it back and forth quickly but smoothly and only a little. Tell me if you see the black lines, it happens every time and they stand out really well, I really want to know what’s causing it!
Welcome to sciforums, mart.

The symptoms you describe are common. You need to go to an eye doctor to have it checked. No one here is a medical physician so legally we can not proscribe anything for you. The seeing of bits of light specks is commonly refered to as "floaters".
Hi Mart welcome, you can call me __________ or ____ for short. :).
Anyway I think you can solve your problem by staying away from LSD. :D
If you stare at the a surface with something blocking your vision a little, (i.e. look at the floor behind a table leg) if you try looking through the floor, then after a while, one eye will sort of paste in the information that it sees behind the leg that the other eye doesn't, thus making it look like the leg has disapeared! Or if it is a patterned floor, your brain will fill in the patterned section, but it will look sort of funny... Anyone else try this?
Its not an eye problem of any kind, its just some thing that i noticed when concentrating. Did you try what i said?
Oh also try what I said and look through a gap between your fingers and move it back and forth quickly but smoothly and only a little. Tell me if you see the black lines, it happens every time and they stand out really well, I really want to know what’s causing it!

Ok, I'm doing it right now...noope, sorry dude, I can't see any black lines.
All I see are my fingers getting blurry, because I'm moving them quickly. :D I think it may be your eyes (don't get mad! :eek: ). Or maybe it's my eyes, since I have one near-sighted and one far-sighted. (I'm weeeird)

Once when playing some sport in school I had a very dizzy spell and everything went really bright, coz im tall the doctor said it was the blood not getting to my head :p, but anyway when I had to sit down and close my eyes I opened them and looked at the gravely path and some of the stones glowed luminescent blue as if they had light coming from them but not the others.

Me too, :D It's like a light-headed, woozy feeling, eh? Sometimes, I black out for a fraction of a second too, like my eyes are wide open, but I see pitch black. It was scary, I blacked out while walking once, just for a second, but it felt like an eternity. :eek:

If you stare at the a surface with something blocking your vision a little, (i.e. look at the floor behind a table leg) if you try looking through the floor, then after a while, one eye will sort of paste in the information that it sees behind the leg that the other eye doesn't, thus making it look like the leg has disapeared! Or if it is a patterned floor, your brain will fill in the patterned section, but it will look sort of funny... Anyone else try this?

Yep, and I think there's a scientific explanation behind it too. I think it's because each eye sees a slightly different image than the other, because they are set apart. Therefore, we have periphial vision, and can see depth. I've tried it before, when I'm lying down and one eye can see the top of the blanket and the other one can't, so the images meld and fuse into this strange transparent image. From one eye's point of view, I can touch the blanket, but in the "layered" point of view, the other eye thinks there is nothing there.
Ok try looking through the same gap between your fingers and move it about a hands distance away from your nose and look at the monitor, move it and you should see the light bend almost like it’s being magnified (focus at the monitor) and also I can just about see the thin dark lines as well. :)
Apparently you guys are able to manage the filtering mechanism of your hippocampus and hence the results...

have fun...there may not be any value other than having fun...like double joints etc. I used to filter out sound in a crowded place, it helped me to zero in to voices from a distance....may be you can find some application that is useful...
Oh my, quite odd. Guess what I can do? If i'm lying in bed and close one of my eyes then the pillow is close, but if i close the other eye, its far away!

Oh my god!


lol :)

I have seen some odd things when staring at bright lights though.
*tries again and again* Sorry, Mart, I can't see what you're describing...all I see are blurry shapes that are my fingers and the monitor. :D
i have a good idea what you are experiencing it is simply defocusing your eyes. For example staring at a candle and concentrate long enough and everything seems to disappear for you or with waving your hand in front of the moniter like you describe I bet it doesn't work if you try focusing on your hand and not behind it cause when you focus behind your hand the two eyes see two seperate images of your hand and as they move back and forth it blurs two images so that you see black lines which are really just the transparent appear images of your hands from your eyes being defocused that is pretty much it. Looks like vibrating strings right?
I can see into the ultraviolet spectrum to the extent that flowers in daylight look quite different to me than to an average person.
When you look at something plain light and bright, do you see these small particles like bright streaks that move about in a random but smooth flowing way?

I think I know what you're talking about. When I look up at a clear blue sky on a sunny day I see tiny, translucent, dougnut-like figures floating about. Also, I can somehow make my room appear totally dark at night, like %BlueSoulRobot% mentioned, but I think it's just my brain involuntarily focusing my eyes, and, WOAH! When I look at the spaces between the wood on the desk, everything goes all wobbly.
Originally posted by LordRavenHawk
For example staring at a candle and concentrate long enough and everything seems to disappear for you or with waving your hand in front of the moniter like you describe
Nah, I can't stare directly at a candle. I'm no superman. :D

When I look up at a clear blue sky on a sunny day I see tiny, translucent, dougnut-like figures floating about.
:eek: Aliens? :D

Also, I can somehow make my room appear totally dark at night, like %BlueSoulRobot% mentioned, but I think it's just my brain involuntarily focusing my eyes, and, WOAH! When I look at the spaces between the wood on the desk, everything goes all wobbly.
Making the room darker than void black is awesome, eh? It makes me feel like I have a "power", how the darkness is so absolute. I don't see things wobbly when I look between the grains of wood though...

Hey! I saw the black lines, there at the tips of your fingers, %BlueSoulRobot%
HoLy MaCkErEl! I see the lines! I see the lines!
