
Clearly you know nothing about mutation rates in mitochondrial DNA.

Go learn some science and get back to us.

I clearly know that all you contend is peer reviewed accepted speculation concerning evolution. Correlations do in no way prove anything no matter who they are accepted by. Maybe I in fact could learn a great deal more about science and I fully believe that I will. However I am not certain you could ever grasp basic law because of being as seemingly narrow minded as you come across. Get a clue. If you cannot demonstrate what you contend in it's exact context and outcome, guess what? You FAIL at proving that contention. That's why they call it the THEORY of Evolution. Evolution is NOT scientific LAW.
That's why they call it the THEORY of Evolution. Evolution is NOT scientific LAW.
I shall try to keep it simple for you. There was a period in the 17th and 18th centuries, with scientific methodology still quite new, when some ideas were accorded the title Law.That inappropriate fashion has long been abandoned.

The acme of scientific thought is the theory. A theory is a complex combination of observations and explanations that have been thoroughly and exhaustively tested in a wide variety of ways, over an extended period of time, by a great diversity of individuals. This testing has consistently confirmed the heart of the theory and has revealed intricate relationships between varied aspects or facets of the observations related to the theory.

Evolutionary theory is as well established as anything in science. Your failure to understand this, independently calls your views on UFOs into very serious question. If you lack the intellectual integrity or the education to understand how foolish it is to reject the evolutionary theory, then why should we give any weight whatsoever to your speculations on UFOs?
I shall try to keep it simple for you. There was a period in the 17th and 18th centuries, with scientific methodology still quite new, when some ideas were accorded the title Law.That inappropriate fashion has long been abandoned.

The acme of scientific thought is the theory. A theory is a complex combination of observations and explanations that have been thoroughly and exhaustively tested in a wide variety of ways, over an extended period of time, by a great diversity of individuals. This testing has consistently confirmed the heart of the theory and has revealed intricate relationships between varied aspects or facets of the observations related to the theory.

Evolutionary theory is as well established as anything in science. Your failure to understand this, independently calls your views on UFOs into very serious question. If you lack the intellectual integrity or the education to understand how foolish it is to reject the evolutionary theory, then why should we give any weight whatsoever to your speculations on UFOs?

So in essence, despite your graceful explanation of what is a basic donut dunking scientific clique, you cannot prove evolution anymore than I can, in your eyes, prove UFOs as being in part exemplary of extraterrestrial technology. Correct?
So in essence, despite your graceful explanation of what is a basic donut dunking scientific clique, you cannot prove evolution anymore than I can, in your eyes, prove UFOs as being in part exemplary of extraterrestrial technology. Correct?

He's a Geologist, not a Biologist, so it's not up to him to prove evolution, like me, he's just read enough to accept the facts. Biologists hold evolution to be the most fitting theory, and there is DNA evidence to prove the theory.

Disproving evolution would not prove UFOs btw, so I'm not quite sure where you are going with this angle, unless you are some cult member.
He's a Geologist, not a Biologist, so it's not up to him to prove evolution,
With respect Phlog, it is as a geologist that I came to understand evolution. The wealth of fossil evidence is overwhelming. You really can't look at the changes to ammonites, or graptolites, or trilobites and doubt the reality. It is really only in the last decade, when I have taken a deeper interest in biology, that the evidence from the various fields has impressed itself upon me. Nice as that evidence is, overwhelming as it is, I would still be quite happy to accept evolution based upon the fossil evidence alone.
He's a Geologist, not a Biologist, so it's not up to him to prove evolution, like me, he's just read enough to accept the facts. Biologists hold evolution to be the most fitting theory, and there is DNA evidence to prove the theory.

Disproving evolution would not prove UFOs btw, so I'm not quite sure where you are going with this angle, unless you are some cult member.

My point is logic. Sheer logic dictates that if evolution cannot be proved, yet because of it's accepted peer reviewed status is considered legitimate science, it is no more valid a theory in proof than is the GREATER body of evidence (far more technologically primary anyhow) that supports the theory for extraterrestrial involvement in the UFO phenomenon.

Credible scientists have offered just as solid a case for the reality of extraterrestrial UFOs as has been offered up to support the theory of evolution.
My point is logic. Sheer logic dictates that if evolution cannot be proved, yet because of it's accepted peer reviewed status is considered legitimate science, it is no more valid a theory in proof than is the GREATER body of evidence (far more technologically primary anyhow) that supports the theory for extraterrestrial involvement in the UFO phenomenon.

Credible scientists have offered just as solid a case for the reality of extraterrestrial UFOs as has been offered up to support the theory of evolution.

Oh dear. OK, show me the complete set of fossilised UFOs you have. Show me the UFO DNA.

BTW, your 'logic' is fallacious. You could claim there's a big teapot in orbit near Saturn, and that theory, not yet being disproven, is a valid as evolution. That's just not true.

On your point of credibility. Please, show us one, not that Jesus freak or the foot doctor though. Friedman you will perhaps say,.... although he abandons peer review when it comes to his pet subject, ....
Oh dear. OK, show me the complete set of fossilised UFOs you have. Show me the UFO DNA.

BTW, your 'logic' is fallacious. You could claim there's a big teapot in orbit near Saturn, and that theory, not yet being disproven, is a valid as evolution. That's just not true.

On your point of credibility. Please, show us one, not that Jesus freak or the foot doctor though. Friedman you will perhaps say,.... although he abandons peer review when it comes to his pet subject, ....

When is the last time you saw successive photographs of something evolving?

There is definitely radar and trace evidence to support UFOs. (just like fossils my man, start digging)

Where is the myriad of evidence to support the teapot orbiting Saturn like all the EVIDENCE that exists to support the UFO/ET connection?

There is no such thing as "evolution DNA" There are accepted correlations that are merely speculative in nature as related to the mutation of DNA. That's it. Throw that DNA shit out the window. That does not begin to prove anything. It's merely supporting evidence that may in fact be no more than the use of unrelated process to fit preconceived far stretched claims. You, or no one else knows that for sure. Do you? Why? Because you cannot duplicate it. That's why.
I know it is Stryder. Your assessment here is actually very rational and appreciated by myself.

More discipline and less enthusiasm is not one of my strong points. ;)

Have you read EndLightEnd's latest offering? You might be surprised at how synchronized it is with your latest post in this thread. Pretty amazing.

The main problem with mentioning Endlight's input is again it jumps the gun. Most people won't take what you suggest seriously because you are pretty much missing the point in regards to "For the want of a nail".

Basically you point out Aliens and UFO's exist, however you are missing all the information that would build up to that outcome. (A bit like saying "the wars won" in that proverb, without understanding the relevance of the string of events that lead up to it's eventual outcome.)

It's known that Implantation and Mindcontrol techniques had been tested by a number of governments during the major cold war period, making near anyone a sleeper agent. You might ask why someone that has no affiliation with a government office would be implanted, well it could be a "Blue on Blue" test.
When is the last time you saw successive photographs of something evolving?

As evolution happens over a long timescale, and photography really quite recent, this question is STUPID at best.

There is definitely radar and trace evidence to support UFOs. (just like fossils my man, start digging)

UFOs, or ETI craft? Stuff that doesn't geti ndentified, or stuff that is Extra Terrestrial? Stop obfuscating and hiding behind terminology!!!!!!!!!!!

Where is the myriad of evidence to support the teapot orbiting Saturn like all the EVIDENCE that exists to support the UFO/ET connection?

GEESE! you showed me fucking GEESE as evidence for UFOs. your evidence is rather lacking lacking therefore!

There is no such thing as "evolution DNA" There are accepted correlations that are merely speculative in nature as related to the mutation of DNA. That's it. Throw that DNA shit out the window. That does not begin to prove anything. It's merely supporting evidence that may in fact be no more than the use of unrelated process to fit preconceived far stretched claims. You, or no one else knows that for sure. Do you? Why? Because you cannot duplicate it. That's why.

You really do yourself no favours when you make such posts. Why do you deny Evolution? What is your problem there? CULT MUCH?
The main problem with mentioning Endlight's input is again it jumps the gun. Most people won't take what you suggest seriously because you are pretty much missing the point in regards to "For the want of a nail".

Basically you point out Aliens and UFO's exist, however you are missing all the information that would build up to that outcome. (A bit like saying "the wars won" in that proverb, without understanding the relevance of the string of events that lead up to it's eventual outcome.)

It's known that Implantation and Mindcontrol techniques had been tested by a number of governments during the major cold war period, making near anyone a sleeper agent. You might ask why someone that has no affiliation with a government office would be implanted, well it could be a "Blue on Blue" test.

That face in your avatar is one of the most foreboding and sinister mugs I have ever seen. What is that from?

Yes, yes...yes. :rolleyes:I know that you are correct and further more, tremendously well put or illustrated via "for want of a nail".

This is not kiss ass stuff either. I know that I am always jumping up, but dammit, this stuff deserves so much more respect than the scientific community is giving it.

For instance, just think where we would be in these discussions if Oli were to give far greater credence to things like the TR-3B Astra. ;)

I have been really attempting to take in the big picture lately and what I am coming up with is startling. No, I am not going to write a book! :D

There is some of the bizarrest stuff going on these days and only about 4 technological explanations are truly possible.

1) Alien or Extraterrestrial (from other inhabitable planets in the universe)

2) Intra dimensional

3) Earthlings that are far in advance of us, possibly a different species, that have coexisted with us for who knows how long. Could these be the same as #2

4) This entire phenomenon is all man made. If you stop and think about this, it actually is not as improbable as it might seem. Consider how far some basic public technologies have come in the last 30 years alone. Contrary to what many posters here that I do still admire believe, in my line of work I do talk to actual lab based research and development personnel. According to them, a GREAT deal of our present energy based technologies were actually developed in the 40s! The question is, why the hell would such technology be kept silent for so many years?

I have been watching a 2 hour documentary hosted by a man named Nick Cook. He is a Janes Defense writer/researcher. It's called An Alien History of the World (or something very close to that). He goes into surprising detail concerning technology the German's were working on and testing toward the end of WWII when at which time via something called "project paper clip" they were rounded up and brought back to White Sands where they continued their R&D for the States. According to a well researched school of thought, their technology is possibly what crashed at Roswell.

The fact is that there is simply no question that actual technological devices that are in no way typical of known technology are being observed repeatedly by extremely credible witnesses. This is simply NOT astrological or natural weather phenomena.
As evolution happens over a long timescale, and photography really quite recent, this question is STUPID at best.

UFOs, or ETI craft? Stuff that doesn't geti ndentified, or stuff that is Extra Terrestrial? Stop obfuscating and hiding behind terminology!!!!!!!!!!!

GEESE! you showed me fucking GEESE as evidence for UFOs. your evidence is rather lacking lacking therefore!

You really do yourself no favours when you make such posts. Why do you deny Evolution? What is your problem there? CULT MUCH?

What gives? This is just another go nowhere and state nothing post. I get it. You are overtly skeptical. So what? If you honestly can't offer anything useful such as information that directly explains this or that, why bother?
What gives? This is just another go nowhere and state nothing post. I get it. You are overtly skeptical. So what? If you honestly can't offer anything useful such as information that directly explains this or that, why bother?

Stop cowering and answer the questions.

Stop saying UFO if you mean ETI.

Provide some evidence. Not testimony from Jesus Freaks or video of migrating birds. Show me a decent video, or pictures, that are not fakes.

Something, anything, please. Because I wanted to believe, and I looked, and there was nothing. People like you that grasp onto anything do the subject no good, because your standards are so low, meaning there is so much crap to filter out.
Stop cowering and answer the questions.

Stop saying UFO if you mean ETI.

Provide some evidence. Not testimony from Jesus Freaks or video of migrating birds. Show me a decent video, or pictures, that are not fakes.

Something, anything, please. Because I wanted to believe, and I looked, and there was nothing. People like you that grasp onto anything do the subject no good, because your standards are so low, meaning there is so much crap to filter out.

Friend, let me tell you something. NOTHING you could throw at me will solicit cowardice from me. Absolutely nothing. I challenged you recently to read a specific book that is FILLED with evidence. Is that too much for you?
You continue to display the depth and breadth of your ignorance.

Newsflash: Two reclining twins pursued by giant lion across the heaven's.


and you sir continue to be a troll. So far, how many posts and counting? Not one single post of value among them all. At least your consistent.
Note on "Trolling":
It seems that from time to time people disagree in this subforum and they are all too quick to call each other trolls. There is however a more in-depth reasoning to peoples perspectives and perhaps the methods they choose to adopt.

For instance some are claimed to be trolls because they point out there is absence in regards to evidence or any logical path towards the assumed outcome. They might seem troll-like when they have seen repeated false statements, assumptions, strawman arguments and overall ignorance. Obviously they shouldn't necessarily be rude to people (After all there is no point swearing at a brick wall that isn't listening to you, it's just going to continue being a brick wall), however years of dealing with people that don't get the point tends to bitter them.

On the other hand however those people that continue to tout theories and opinions with no proof, really should realise they are just "Beliefs" and "Theories" because there is no solid evidence to back them up. To continue suggesting the contrary makes them as troll like as those they usually claim are trolling in response to them.

While it is a general rule to stop trolling within subforum's on this website. I felt it was time that it was understood why this forum might seem to allow it. If I was to remove trolls from this forum, there would be no discussion and the subforum would be quite dead.