
I'm afraid that exactly what it means.

He might put forward a well thought out argument, but I'll guarantee he has no evidence to support that hypothesis. NOT PROVEN, sorry.

See, that's where you are wrong. There *is* most assuredly evidence a plenty. The EXACT same type of evidence that supports evolution and all other non repeatable sciences.

We have physical evidence to support UFOs. We have technical evidence to support UFOs. We have clinical evidence to support UFOs. We have documented evidence to support UFOs. What else do you want?

I could accept what you are stating as logically factual if all those other "accepted" piles of horse poop were to be declared "NOT PROVED" but...
I don't know how "Experiencer's" which claim abductions can be related to UFO's.

After all UFO stands for "Unidentified Flying Object" and it's been stated again and again that most that people see while being Unidentified might not be Flying or indeed an "Object".

There is no solid evidence to support "Aliens" are involved in UFO's, other than perhaps the occasional Foreign power flyover that's usually chased off as being "bogey's". (Alien just being Foreign rather than Extraterrestrial in origin)

There is more to support natural phenomena and of course the ever increasing number of people that are either delusional enough to see something or annoying enough to perpetuate pranks.

Abductee's on the other hand have a whole host of potential issues, like for instance they might not have ever left their bedroom, they could of been asleep and dreamt a reality, or been misused in some clandestine government project involving sleep/hypnosis, there is then of course the potential (especially in Children) that the abduction was manifested due to someone else's malicious intent. (It's not limited to children, after all some losers use drugs for "date rapes" which would generate a narcotic effect)
I don't know how "Experiencer's" which claim abductions can be related to UFO's.

After all UFO stands for "Unidentified Flying Object" and it's been stated again and again that most that people see while being Unidentified might not be Flying or indeed an "Object".

There is no solid evidence to support "Aliens" are involved in UFO's, other than perhaps the occasional Foreign power flyover that's usually chased off as being "bogey's". (Alien just being Foreign rather than Extraterrestrial in origin)

There is more to support natural phenomena and of course the ever increasing number of people that are either delusional enough to see something or annoying enough to perpetuate pranks.

Abductee's on the other hand have a whole host of potential issues, like for instance they might not have ever left their bedroom, they could of been asleep and dreamt a reality, or been misused in some clandestine government project involving sleep/hypnosis, there is then of course the potential (especially in Children) that the abduction was manifested due to someone else's malicious intent. (It's not limited to children, after all some losers use drugs for "date rapes" which would generate a narcotic effect)

What 74 year old Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman makes abundantly clear in his new book "Flying Saucers and Science" is that unequivocally a portion of UFO sightings can be, and are, attributed to Alien (not from Earth) technology. He proves this in a very clear and certain scientific manner through readily available documentation, expert testimony and physical evidence. Thing is, try and get the boys in science 101 to accept that proof. That's another matter entirely.

Also, DR. John Edward Mack made it abundantly clear that the UFO related abduction phenomenon is most assuredly NOT the product of the delusional mind or drug induced psychotropic influence.

So, in depth study is needed.
What 74 year old Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman makes abundantly clear in his new book "Flying Saucers and Science" is that unequivocally a portion of UFO sightings can be, and are, attributed to Alien (not from Earth) technology. He proves this in a very clear and certain scientific manner through readily available documentation, expert testimony and physical evidence. Thing is, try and get the boys in science 101 to accept that proof. That's another matter entirely.

Science as you should know is a practition, it's constantly evolving and requires a lot of study to keep up with events and the consensus of thought. When a Scientist is in their prime then they are likely on top of events, as they get older and in this case retire, all you are left with is the sum of your work any anything you happen to do as a "hobby". I would suggest that a book written to engage people about UFO's is more to do with making a bit of side cash since obviously being a true scientist doesn't necessarily make a good pension.

Also, DR. John Edward Mack made it abundantly clear that the UFO related abduction phenomenon is most assuredly NOT the product of the delusional mind or drug induced psychotropic influence.

So, in depth study is needed.

I never said a person has to be delusional to have a reality formulated for them. It just takes people doing a particular task with particular backing to perpetuate a farce. They could be government, cultists or just businessmen cutting corners to maximize profit by not following the Nuremberg Code for Human subject testing.

The problem I see is a number of people that use their professions which are sometimes outside of the loop to rationalise what's going on, they tend to neglect for the most part that fooling them is just as important as fooling the initial victims.
I think it is likely that many (not all maybe, but a lot) of alien abductions are really caused by the abductees suffering from Sleep Paralysis:


I am with you on the sleep paralysis, but why all the similarities once outside the home?

Along that line of question I have actually done some pretty interesting reading on the usage of mind altering substances, Substances such as DMT seem to have some correlative experiencer properties, but nothing like the actual abduction experiences. But still in yet, similar alternate realities.

The real issue here is this documentary (which I am ashamed to state that I have yet to complete :eek: )

What about when abductions happen in broad daylight and others that are not abducted that are witnesses to them?

beyond fascinating phenomenon
Science as you should know is a practition, it's constantly evolving and requires a lot of study to keep up with events and the consensus of thought. When a Scientist is in their prime then they are likely on top of events, as they get older and in this case retire, all you are left with is the sum of your work any anything you happen to do as a "hobby". I would suggest that a book written to engage people about UFO's is more to do with making a bit of side cash since obviously being a true scientist doesn't necessarily make a good pension.

I never said a person has to be delusional to have a reality formulated for them. It just takes people doing a particular task with particular backing to perpetuate a farce. They could be government, cultists or just businessmen cutting corners to maximize profit by not following the Nuremberg Code for Human subject testing.

The problem I see is a number of people that use their professions which are sometimes outside of the loop to rationalise what's going on, they tend to neglect for the most part that fooling them is just as important as fooling the initial victims.

Stanton Friedman was addressing the House of Representatives concerning UFOs in 1968. He was (and is) the leading civilian research authority on the Roswell incident. Friedman has never not been extremely involved in the field of UFO research. His being retired has nothing to do with his ongoing interest and research in this matter.
With all the CCTV and people that have their mobile phones or camera's at the ready, don't you think they would of caught something on camera. If not their own abduction but the trail of someone else's. The absence of physical evidence pretty much suggests that it's a very psychological event.
Stanton Friedman was addressing the House of Representatives concerning UFOs in 1968. He was (and is) the leading civilian research authority on the Roswell incident. Friedman has never not been extremely involved in the field of UFO research. His being retired has nothing to do with his ongoing interest and research in this matter.

So writing a book isn't for the "popular and novel" content that most people that believe such things would pick it up for, so why not a book on Gardening?
See, that's where you are wrong. There *is* most assuredly evidence a plenty. The EXACT same type of evidence that supports evolution and all other non repeatable sciences.

We have physical evidence to support UFOs. We have technical evidence to support UFOs. We have clinical evidence to support UFOs. We have documented evidence to support UFOs. What else do you want?

I could accept what you are stating as logically factual if all those other "accepted" piles of horse poop were to be declared "NOT PROVED" but...

Dude, you see geese and shout 'UFO', so I don't think you do have evidence, I think you have video of geese!

But you know, if you do have something more, please link. But no image artefacts, or birds please.
If Friedman does not 100% PROVE that a real portion of the UFO phenomenon does in fact represent extraterrestrial (alien) technology...

Damn, even I have to say that's a pretty tall order my friend.
This phenomena can be frustrating, lol.
Damn, even I have to say that's a pretty tall order my friend.
This phenomena can be frustrating, lol.

And this is the interesting thing Moementum7, it's really not about proof at all. It's about acceptance.

This is all a futile exercise. I UNDERSTAND that much. You see, there is more proof that a portion of the UFO phenomenon is Alien (not of this Earth, or of the Earth as we presently understand it) technology than there is to support non repeatable acceptances such as the theory of evolution for instance.

Again, we find ourselves dealing with the typical close minded clique mentality that honestly cannot scientifically support their refutes. They just insist on them and by doing so, they admit their own superstitious aversions to the real unbiased laws of scientific probability.

Again, Stanton Friedman does in fact provide a solid and convincing case for proof of extraterrestrial technology that our governments are well aware of.
With all the CCTV and people that have their mobile phones or camera's at the ready, don't you think they would of caught something on camera. If not their own abduction but the trail of someone else's. The absence of physical evidence pretty much suggests that it's a very psychological event.

How exactly would goldfish or insects, perhaps even primates, provide physical proof or evidence of their captivity or capture and release?
Again, Stanton Friedman does in fact provide a solid and convincing case for proof of extraterrestrial technology that our governments are well aware of.

Read, he can concoct a good conspiracy theory.

That's all you have. A theory, without evidence.

Evolution has genetic evidence, and a fossil record. Show me some of Friedman's evidence.
Read, he can concoct a good conspiracy theory.

That's all you have. A theory, without evidence.

Evolution has genetic evidence, and a fossil record. Show me some of Friedman's evidence.

WRONG, within evolution we have NOTHING more than the accepted speculative correlations for the types of evidence you propose. Fossils do not prove ANYTHING other than the fact that organic matter becomes fossilized after a certain period of time. EVERYTHING else is a case for sheer peer reviewed accepted speculation. If this is not so, recreate the process in an actual demonstration.

As for the evidence with respect to Stanton Friedman, it's all in his book. Go read it.
How exactly would goldfish or insects, perhaps even primates, provide physical proof or evidence of their captivity or capture and release?

Birds are often tagged and let back into the wild to identify if their numbers are in decline, the same can be said about a number of other species. The evidence is of course things like Radio collars.

The problem Electrafixtion is that there is no physical evidence and you do tend to leap from "UFO's" (which can be down to various weather conditions or people spotting satellites) to Aliens running amok on the planet and invading peoples homes. It's a very large leap, you should perhaps stick to just one concept at a time.
Birds are often tagged and let back into the wild to identify if their numbers are in decline, the same can be said about a number of other species. The evidence is of course things like Radio collars.

The problem Electrafixtion is that there is no physical evidence and you do tend to leap from "UFO's" (which can be down to various weather conditions or people spotting satellites) to Aliens running amok on the planet and invading peoples homes. It's a very large leap, you should perhaps stick to just one concept at a time.

I know it is Stryder. Your assessment here is actually very rational and appreciated by myself.

More discipline and less enthusiasm is not one of my strong points. ;)

Have you read EndLightEnd's latest offering? You might be surprised at how synchronized it is with your latest post in this thread. Pretty amazing.
And this is the interesting thing Moementum7, it's really not about proof at all. It's about acceptance.

Funny, I had a moment of clarity on this very realization and the dominant role it plays...don't have time to get into it right now...worked a late shift...sleepy!
And this is the interesting thing Moementum7, it's really not about proof at all. It's about acceptance.
Call it by its proper name: Faith.

You see, there is more proof that a portion of the UFO phenomenon is Alien (not of this Earth, or of the Earth as we presently understand it) technology than there is to support non repeatable acceptances such as the theory of evolution for instance.
This statement alones establishes you as an individual who is not worth taking seriously. The combination of ignorance and an appeal to faith place you in the category of religious nutter.