Evolutionary Theory responsible for Nazism


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
Let us pray for discernment. "by their fruits ye shall know them"

Unfortunately, your graceful and beloved theory of Evolution has a dark side when combined with astheistic and neopaganism/humanism:

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Oh, I forgot, Hitler acted alone. His ideas must have been self-generated.
He didnt share his ideas with any "sane" men, especially not any top-notch scientists, (like the men that built NASA).
they built nasa?what....builders?hitler was mental but he was also a very clever man,next you are going to be saying that neitzche was responsible for the holocaust.he twisted things to his own ends.,dont be such a retard.
Yes. Nieztche was responsible for fomenting ANTISEMETISM. Read his works

The buildering and advancement of NASA was because of Nazi scientists imported from Germany after the war, well known fact, smart guy.
Study more history, or at least watch the history channel...

Cmon, did you really read the article?
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Lawdog said:
Yes. Nieztche was responsible for fomenting ANTISEMETISM. Read his works

i have,he said quite a lot that he admired jews.he wasnt a racist he just hated everybody,most of all german nationalists.

The builders of NASA were brought from Nazi germany after the war.



This is the kind of insane bullshit that makes me certain that you are mentally unbalanced.

The theory of christ has led more people to slaughter and genocide than ten hitlers combined.

Choke on that for a while. Nutjob.
I find it hard to believe that you are trying to dismiss this. Are you refusing to look at historical facts?

The Christ has lead to millions being saved from death and self-destruction, for example: (the Aztecs were prevented from offering thousands of human sacrifices because of Cortez's intervention). the preservation and advancement of medicine, (where do you think nurses came from, does the word Nuns ring any bells?), in fact education itself, since we founded the first universities in the west. All kinds of help from the advanced technological societies (which originally embraced christian ideals) were brought through our missionaries.

What you have said is repugnant.
Evolutionary Theory responsible for Nazism

On the same token, i'm going to blame Newton for all the times that i fell down the stairs.
The evolutionary is theory responsible for Nazism. That's at least what I heard in an Islam documentary.
fair enough. How can one actually blame Darwin? He was doing his job as a scientist.

If blame must be assigned, perhaps those revolutionary psuedo-scientists who arrogantly infused the theory with a materilist atheistic/agnostic world view (a nihilist attitude which the neopagans later adopted) should be the ones to step up to the plate and admit that they used their authority to mislead the Germans.
Maybe God should be blamed for Nazism? "by their fruits ye shall know them"
(the Aztecs were prevented from offering thousands of human sacrifices because of Cortez's intervention)

You are now officially a moron. Cortez's motivation can be summed up in one word: gold.
Oh, great knee-jerk two-cent piece from a God-blamer. I should have come up with that explanation earlier.
Lawdog said:
The Christ has lead to millions being saved from death and self-destruction, for example: (the Aztecs were prevented from offering thousands of human sacrifices because of Cortez's intervention).
Oh, you mean right before Cortez murdered every last Aztec, with sword, gun, lance, and knife in the name of thier "Jesus" and "God"? :rolleyes:
Tjalian said:
Maybe God should be blamed for Nazism? "by their fruits ye shall know them"
Oh, great knee-jerk two-cent piece from a God-blamer. I should have come up with that explanation earlier.
Just because you cant handle the fact that a man can
get rich while serving God by waging a just and bloody war doesnt mean that I cant.

The facts are the facts, the human sacrificers had to go.
You should say a prayer of thanks to his holy soul evey time you vacation in Mexico.

I stronlgy recommend that you read the primary historical accounts of his expedition.
What the fuck are you jibbering about?
Cortez didn't go into there to save the aztecs, he went in there to kill all of them, and steal thier gold, in the name of christianity, even though christianity, in throry, concentrates on peace.

"thou shalt not kill"
"thou shalt not steal"

Ring any fucking bells?
Lawdog said:
Just because you cant handle the fact that a man can get rich while serving God by waging a just and bloody war doesnt mean that I cant.

The facts are the facts, the human sacrificers had to go.
You should say a prayer of thanks his holy soul evey time you vacation in Mexico.

you are actually mental
Are You Out Of Your Minds!!!!????

Hapsburg, The Church provides in its dogma provisions for a just war.
In the case of our Iraq war they were not met, and the Pope said so.
In the case of Cortez they were.
Read the history.