Evolution - Yes it DID bloody well happen!

Would everyone agree with me that Loone is the best advert that atheists could ever wish for?

When someone reads all that crap how could they in their right minds ever want to join Christianity?

Keep it up Loone you are doing a wonderful job for atheism.

Life's Soul Purpose!

Originally posted by Avatar
Yeshua is dead and therefore he can not love me.
I don' t turn away any love, because Nietzsche has said smth like "We all fear to die not because we love life, but because we have gotten used in receiving love"

I' m quite pleased with my life, I praise life.

GOD is 'alive and well'! Jesus is 'alive and well' seated at the 'Right Hand of GOD the Father! Praise Him for the life you have! He is the author and the sustainer of all life on Earth!:)

Life's Soul Purpose!

Originally posted by Cris
Would everyone agree with me that Loone is the best advert that atheists could ever wish for?

When someone reads all that crap how could they in their right minds ever want to join Christianity?

Keep it up Loone you are doing a wonderful job for atheism.


Repent of your foolishness! For the time of the End is fast approaching!

Remember, you need JESUS now! And there is always hope in life, but afther that, the Judgement!

Satan is a liar, and the truth is not in him, for he is the father of lies! HE has you in his claws! But Jesus can set you free from the lies of your mind and self! And fools don't want to hear of the God that created them!

You are made in His image, God's ! Not a monkey!:rolleyes:
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Riiiiight!! Whatever!

However, I did like your choice of font this time.

BTW do you have your date yet for starting high school? Or is that too far away yet?

I hope that when you do start to be taught science that you will try to learn something about evolution.

Re: Anti-Christ ! no joke!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

It is no joke!:) Son of 'Adam', "Space Monkey", :) Cool name though!

We were created in God's image, for his good pleasure, for love and worship, hope and healing of sins! JESUS is the only way to Heaven! And you really need Him, the Nation need's Him, the World needs Him now more then ever before! We need you JESUS!

Thats right, say it with him, WE NEED YOU JESUS! WE LOVE YOU JESUS! WWJD?!

Paid for by Money-Laundering Christians Inc.
Originally posted by Cris
Would everyone agree with me that Loone is the best advert that atheists could ever wish for?

When someone reads all that crap how could they in their right minds ever want to join Christianity?

Keep it up Loone you are doing a wonderful job for atheism.



Sir Loone, what can I say? You're a fruitcake. I'm all for everyone believeing in different things, it adds a bit of spice to life. But still, you're a fruitcake.
Sir Loone:
All characters in the Bible were real people, and they all are of historical fact!

Really? Have you found Abraham's bones? Ohhhh! riiight, to you facts don't have to be supported by evidence! They just have to be written in this book and they're automatically facts right? Well then, I could write down the theory of evolution in the last page of our Bible, then it would be considered fact!

Theists have one of the biggest double standards I've seen in a while. You demand evidence of evolution, and yet accept creation without any. You demand scientists to prove evolution using scientific methods and evidence, yet when it comes to your own theories about our origins any old quote from this single book will suffice and instantly prove any aspect of religion you wish it to.

And you wonder why it seems science is making very little progress in contrast to religion... perhaps it's because of this.
Theists have one of the biggest double standards I've seen in a while. You demand evidence of evolution, and yet accept creation without any. You demand scientists to prove evolution using scientific methods and evidence, yet when it comes to your own theories about our origins any old quote from this single book will suffice and instantly prove any aspect of religion you wish it to.

Simply pathetic yet funny at the same time.

Loone, you crack me up. I'm actually glad to have you around these forums. Good stuff. You would make your fellow Christians proud. :D
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING

Simply pathetic yet funny at the same time.

Loone, you crack me up. I'm actually glad to have you around these forums. Good stuff. You would make your fellow Christians proud. :D

Fellow Chrisitians? Doesnt Loone count as 90% of them? By all his propaganda he sure sounds like it.
christians have created super AI/bot entity to preach christianity
on inet.
Evolution=theory, Creation=absolute truth!

Originally posted by Cris

Riiiiight!! Whatever!

However, I did like your choice of font this time.

BTW do you have your date yet for starting high school? Or is that too far away yet?Have GRADUATED, about 30 years ago!:D

I hope that when you do start to be taught science that you will try to learn something about evolution.
I know about 'evolution', have known that most of my life time, and I say God is still greater then 'wee'-'little'-men, and their 'LIMMITED KNOWLEDGE'! You nor they were present at Creation! GOD has created all creatures after 'their kind'! All of mankind was created fully formed from the dust of the Earth, and was made in His (GOD's) likeness!

I do have interest in science, that's one reason I am here, and I read some about evolution and archeiology ever since I first seen pictures of dinos! I watch PBS most of my life, and radio talk shows like 'Art Bell', and christians talk of 'evolution' a lot of times, that it is only theories of men, that some use to discredit the HOLY BIBLE and it's teachings of origins! Science was to explore and to the better understand the physical univers we live in! But GOD, angels, and the Devil, supernatural, are beyond science and our 'crainial capasity' (skull caps) to really fathom! But man is a spirit also! And was made to the Glory of his Creator GOD! Animals make noise, more then just for mating, but to the Glory of GOD! All the oceans and all the Heavens, stars, galaxies, G.R.B. s ,novas etc. etc. was created by GOD, for GOD, to the Glory of GOD Almighty!

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Have GRADUATED, about 30 years ago!
That I guess puts your age at about 48, is that correct?

I assume you are also left-handed, is that correct?

..that it is only theories of men, that some use to discredit the HOLY BIBLE and it's teachings of origins!
And most people in the world do understand evolution and do see that such science does indeed effectively discredit the bible version of human origins. It is only a few people like you who cannot see the truth of such science. This does not mean that your god does not exist, but your book (the bible) that was written by men is unreliable in this matter. Most Christian sects around the world including Catholicism accept the fact of evolution and do not see that it conflicts with their faith.

If you understand anything about science then you should be able to see how evolution is factual and that it does not conflict with your beliefs in your god. At 48 you should have the wisdom to see this. Christianity has over the centuries had to change its dogma and policies as science has discovered real facts. It is time you also accept the truth of evolution as well.

Science was to explore and to the better understand the physical univers we live in!
And it is doing that very well. And evolution is part of those findings.

But GOD, angels, and the Devil, supernatural, are beyond science..
That is true since science deals only with natural phenomena and anything that can be observed and/or detected. These things you say are undetectable and therefore beyond any human, including you to possibly know if they are true or not.

All the oceans and all the Heavens, stars, galaxies, G.R.B. s ,novas etc. etc. was created by GOD, for GOD, to the Glory of GOD Almighty!
And if that is true then he must have done that through evolutionary processes, since we know that those processes did occur and are occurring now.

creationism vs. evolution

Evolution, as Darwin calculated, does seem to be consistent with the Creationist theory that has been derived from the book of Genesis in the King James Bible. In fact, the Catholic Church in 1951 adopted the theory [remember, no matter how convincing, it really still is only theory ;] of evolution as part of the faith WITHOUT getting rid of the account of creation in the bible. Most people nowadays see creation (at least of organic life and inorganic structure) as a not a combination of the two theories, but rather as one singular theory that supports both hypothesis. This is of course excluding atheists (who obviously oppose creationism) and religious literalists (who believe the bible to be true as it is written, ie when they say God created everything in 6 days, they mean 6 earth days, 144 earth hours. Many modern religious figures now interpret this as simplification, meaning it may have taken 6 trillion years). Of course, just because most people think it doesn't mean it's right :D However, I feel that it is wrong to treat either of these theories as anything more than what they really are, [educated] guesses.

And I'm aware i'll probably come under fire for (in addition to other things) calling creationism an educated guess. But i know nothing.

Hi and welcome to sciforums.

And I'm aware i'll probably come under fire for (in addition to other things) calling creationism an educated guess.
Well of course, there would be no fun otherwise. And you guessed it; creationism is nothing like an educated guess, creationism is simple nonsense.

…remember, no matter how convincing, it really still is only theory …
I’ll continue to correct this misunderstanding wherever I see it. Evolution is a fact. Evolutionary theories are the mechanisms that scientists use to explain how the facts of evolution occurred.

I feel that it is wrong to treat either of these theories as anything more than what they really are, [educated] guesses.
Evolution is fact. The processes of evolution are scientific theories based on continually increasing evidence; there is no guesswork involved. Creationism is imaginative fiction.

Take care

***Evolution is a fact.***

A critique on Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, seems to apply to your statement as well:

"Any data derived from sense observation must be organized and interpreted by our fallible human organs and consciousness, and cannot yield absolutely certain empirical truths. If there is anything epistemologists and philosophers of science are in agreement on it is this: sense perception can, at best, lead to probabilities, not absolute certainties."

At best, it is most probable that evolution is a probability. :D
Evolution=theory Creation=Absolute fact!

Originally posted by Cris

And if that is true then he must have done that through evolutionary processes, since we know that those processes did occur and are occurring now.

There are stars being 'born' today, and dieing 'suns', there is order in the chaos! You see a universe after the 'Fall of Man', sin introduceses chaos! That what you see is not exactly the 'perfect universe that was before SIN was introduced into creation! I have read that scientist are now constantly re-thinking of origins of stars and galaxies because of new discoveries from Hobble, and other ground and space based telescopes findings that puzzle scientist and astronomers, some theories has to be totly tossed out and some are still puzling them to day!

About life on Earth, theories is most all there is of 'evolution'. I'm not saying that it is bad to dwell on theories, but to count it as facts before you have the whole story; it would take as much faith to believe it so, then that of Creation, since the Bible is God's very Word to us, He did not tell in great details of creation, that He had made all life after it's kind and not by the 'up the ladder theories of Men'. Made and desined by Supreme Intelligence! Not an acident of nature! "OOPS!":bugeye: But by GOD who is 'Spirit' above all Creation, time and space!

Evolution is still only theory, not solid facts of men, that are still confused and ponderring the origins of life, reviseing constantly their earthly theories against the knowledge of GOD! Creation is of GOD who created the universe and all that ever was and is in it! He was there, we were not!:)

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fact and fiction

I didn't say anywhere in the post that evolution was not supported with evidence. Actually, a lot of evidence I think does point to evolution, and I believe evolution was how we came to be. But at the same time, EVOLUTION IS NOT FACT, and I must regretfully admit that humankind really has little factual substance. We make observations that most logically explain results/evidence; we do not discover fact, we create theories that focus on the evidence. What is logic? Why do we trust ourselves and our conclusions nowadays anymore than prehistoric man did? Do you think that Aristotle considered it fact that the universe is made up of the four elements? I think we overestimate our reasoning abilities, and carving our postulates in stone are very closed-minded and immature. I'm not saying that creationism is not far-fetched sounding, but you do have to regard it as a theory, though it is obviously not as backed up as evolution.