Evolution - Yes it DID bloody well happen!

Read the first page of this thread
You wait 3 pages and that one liner is the best you care to add? How are we to know that you are responding to something three pages ago?
Originally posted by Teg

You wait 3 pages and that one liner is the best you care to add? How are we to know that you are responding to something three pages ago?

Well I was just asking. It was a general question.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: And I responded when I saw that. :(
Evolution=theory Creation=Absolute fact!

Originally posted by Teg

All these theories about you being mentally handicapped, retarded, or an atheist in theist garb. Akam's Razor: he's just stupid.

All the teachings (facts) of God's Holy Word about you being 'dead in their trespasses and sins, and is moraly bankrupt, and foolish ways is that of destruction and strife, is a dead person in the garb of the living! Death is sepration from God your Creator! And death in the physical, is the sepration of the body from the soul and spirit of a man/woman! The 'Second Death' is in the Lake of Fire', where you are in great danger of! Jesus saves !:rolleyes:

No I am that I am, a Christian saved by the Grace of God in Jesus the Son of God!:) You all need JESUS for the pardoning of your wicked ways!

The atheist: The blind are leading the blind, and both shall fall into the ditch! Or in this case, the 'Abess'! So your theories of Evolution only, are of intelectual ignorance of the truth!
after a loooooooong time I got myself to look at one of Sir Loone' s posts (maybe in idiotic belief to find smth has changed).
oh well, bye again

Sir Loone, sorry to say this, but I think tht you need a bit more saving and tht Yeshua didn' t do his job completely.
No it did not! But Creation has!

Originally posted by Thirty Seven

And has christianity been proven? I think not!
And tell me, these characters, god, abe, isaac, and jake, where they humans? (cept god-->i guess:confused: ) And if it was documented that they were humans, then where did they come from? Were they molded by holy clay god bought at his local craft shop?

Hi 'Thirty Seven!' The Christian Faith is a better thing then that of 'theories' of men!:rolleyes: And a far better thing it is!

All characters in the Bible were real people, and they all are of historical fact! Yes, that is true! And most of what we know today of the ancient world does come from the Holy Bible, the Word of God your Creator. Proven by scientist, and note that discoveries are being made now that prove that the Bible is historical fact of the ancient world! But the 'brain-washers' in those universities try hard to discount Bible history, but the truth shall slap them in the face eventually! Live and Learn!

You were created in the image of GOD your creator! You have awsome meaning and purpose in life, and that to come, if saved before your death! Although we all are a 'fallen race', ours is to the glory of GOD the Creator of all that is! Have meaning and purpose in life! Come to JESUS!

For the Truth shall set you free!
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Re: Evolution=theory Creation=Absolute fact!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

All the teachings (facts) of God's Holy Word about you being 'dead in their trespasses and sins, and is moraly bankrupt, and foolish ways is that of destruction and strife, is a dead person in the garb of the living! Death is sepration from God your Creator! And death in the physical, is the sepration of the body from the soul and spirit of a man/woman! The 'Second Death' is in the Lake of Fire', where you are in great danger of! Jesus saves !:rolleyes:

No I am that I am, a Christian saved by the Grace of God in Jesus the Son of God!:) You all need JESUS for the pardoning of your wicked ways!

The atheist: The blind are leading the blind, and both shall fall into the ditch! Or in this case, the 'Abess'! So your theories of Evolution only, are of intelectual ignorance of the truth!

Alright man, what are you smoking? Your missing out on what made you--science.
he has been smoking all the time I have been here @ sciforums and as I have heard even long before me.
Re: No it did not! But Creation has!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

Hi 'Thirty Seven!' The Christian Faith is a better thing then that of 'theories' of men!:rolleyes: And a far better thing it is!

All characters in the Bible were real people, and they all are of historical fact! Yes, that is true! And most of what we know today of the ancient world does come from the Holy Bible, the Word of God your Creator. Proven by scientist, and note that discoveries are being made now that prove that the Bible is historical fact of the ancient world! But the 'brain-washers' in those universities try ahrd to discount Bible history, but the truth shall slap them in the face eventually! Live and Learn!

You were created in the image of GOD your creator! You have awsome meaning and purpose in life, and that to come, if saved before your death! Although we all are a 'fallen race', ours is to the glory of GOD the Creator of all that is! Have meaning and purpose in life! Come to JESUS!

For the Truth shall set you free!

WTF?!?!?! Dont tell me who made me, you ignorant asshole! I am a human, not a foolish radicalist like you! Now I suggest that you leave SciForums, and go put on your glasses and read a scicence book! PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH, YOU DONT KNOW THE TRUTH!
calm down XXXVII, he just gives some spice to this place, maybe even without knowing it.
if you wish not to see his posts, simply under control panel put him in your ignore list and tht' s all
Evolution=theory Creation=Absolute fact!

Originally posted by Avatar
after a loooooooong time I got myself to look at one of Sir Loone' s posts (maybe in idiotic belief to find smth has changed).
oh well, bye again

Sir Loone, sorry to say this, but I think tht you need a bit more saving and tht Yeshua didn' t do his job completely.

Avatar, you don't know the God of Love and Grace & Peace! You have no standing in truth about I, nor of God, Jesus loves me as much as any other! Now thats truth!:)

JESUS still LOVES YOU 'AVATAR'! So long as you live, and as long as the Gospel ('good news') is herd or read, you have hope of finding a far better life for you and family and friends and even asosiceates to live! :bugeye::rolleyes:.....:D!
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Originally posted by Avatar
calm down XXXVII, he just gives some spice to this place, maybe even without knowing it.
if you wish not to see his posts, simply under control panel put him in your ignore list and tht' s all

Ok Thank you
I honestly hope Sir Loone is just joking. Because otherwise that's some of the most illiterate, insane, irrational garbage I've ever read.
Re: Re: No it did not! But Creation has!

You still didn't answer my Question XXXVII, How old are you?:( :(
Re: Evolution=theory Creation=Absolute fact!

Originally posted by Sir. Loone

Avatar, you don't know the God of Love and Grace & Peace! You have no standding in truth about I, nor of God, Jesus loves me as much as any other! Now thats truth!:)

JESUS still LOVES YOU 'AVATAR'! So long as you live, and as long as the Gospel ('good news') is herd or read, you have hope of finding a far better life for you and family and friends and even asosiceates to live! :bugeye::rolleyes:.....:D!

LOL. How much did the christian church pay you to type that?
Yeshua is dead and therefore he can not love me.
I don' t turn away any love, because Nietzsche has said smth like "We all fear to die not because we love life, but because we have gotten used in receiving love"

Avatar, you don't know the God of Love and Grace & Peace!
Maybe simply because there is no such being;)

Jesus loves me as much as any other!
no prob with me about this, I won' t take away Yeshua from you:) :rolleyes:

you have hope of finding a far better life for you and family and friends and even asosiceates to live!
I' m quite pleased with my life, I praise life.
Re: Re: Re: No it did not! But Creation has!

Originally posted by Markx
You still didn't answer my Question XXXVII, How old are you?:( :(

Old enough to slay a bear
Re: Re: No it did not! But Creation has!

Originally posted by Thirty Seven

WTF?!?!?! Dont tell me who made me, you ignorant asshole! I am a human, not a foolish radicalist like you! Now I suggest that you leave SciForums, and go put on your glasses and read a scicence book! PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH, YOU DONT KNOW THE TRUTH!

Yes, God your Creator has made you, and all creation and beyond! :)
I am not radical as of ye!:)
Calm down and except that some people, in fact many people still do and will long after we are gone, really believe with all our hearts that Jesus is Messiah! And He will soon come again! And the Bible really is, the 'Word of God' Himself to mankind! And that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He is the one and only way into Paradice! Heaven shall come to Earth one day, and He have me and others to give out His invitation to a better world to come! He is not willing that any should perish, but to come to a saving knowledge of Him! JESUS is our only hope in this world, and that to come!

The Word of God is Truth! The Word of GOD is life! And it is from GOD Himself!

Live and learn, that man with knowledge alone, shall not susced! But to fall!

There is 'wisdom' of the highest, in the Word of GOD the Bible!

Beware, the time of the Anti-Christ is approaching! Beware!
Anti-Christ ! no joke!

Originally posted by Adam
I honestly hope Sir Loone is just joking. Because otherwise that's some of the most illiterate, insane, irrational garbage I've ever read.

It is no joke!:) Son of 'Adam', "Space Monkey", :) Cool name though!

We were created in God's image, for his good pleasure, for love and worship, hope and healing of sins! JESUS is the only way to Heaven! And you really need Him, the Nation need's Him, the World needs Him now more then ever before! We need you JESUS!