Evolution - Yes it DID bloody well happen!



You said that you have seen many people with ears and some people without ears (i guess...). SO, you can apply that PERCENTAGE to the rest of the world. You can say that MOST people have ears (not just most people you have seen, but that fact is part of it), and that SOME people do not have. If you have seen many people with ears and some people without ears, you DEFINATELY cannot say that all people do not have ears, that is shit worthy logic.

I know you aren't good with parallels, but ill try this on you: IF you see ONLY people with ears (no people without), THEN you CAN say that all people have ears (or at least most people have ears). IF you test ALL rocks on earth to be 4.55 bil. years old, THEN you CAN say that all rocks on earth are 4.55 bil. years old (or at least most rocks are). This is called inductive reasoning, it means taking a specific point (people we have SEEN, soil we have TESTED) and applying it to construct a general point (all people have..., all rocks on earth are..., etc).


Seriously, the only one who thinks you proved me wrong is YOU, yourself. Don't go throwing around insults and CAP LOCKS again k? Remember I can just as easily ignore you completely as read your posts, so if you WANT me to read your stuff, be nice and try to comprehend...


Show me exactly where I am self-contradictory and tell me your reasoning for that. I am not going to just take your word for it.


If thousands of tests is what you consider "few" than YES, it is "TONS OF EVIDENCE". Have you ever heard of something called a representative group? This uses that premise.




Oh my god. IT CAN'T. My POINT was that you don't NEED to detect/measure/touch it for it to be tangeble. It only needs to be POSSIBLE TO detect/measure/touch it at any later date.

Whatsupall, I have never seen you admit you are wrong in any way shape or form. Can you please try to understand something and tell us you were wrong, I think I've seen something like that out of everyone on here but you.
All this times that I have debated here..I only saw one thing that I said that was wrong..And that was when I said "Hinduism didnt teach not to kill", I slipped there and made that false comment, and I already apologized for that act..

Everything else is evident and logical and contains truth.......Except for my unneccessary insults.....
it is good that your words contain the truth...it is a shame though that THE truth doesn't exist...

I was hoping you'd feel something by the fact that even tiassa disagrees with you. He puts a lot of thought and contemplation into his posts, and that coupled with the fact that he is a very senior member here, should THWAP some sense into you.

You've got yourself in a big mess here, the high members are all against you. When you see feedback like that even from the veterans it is a signal that you should at least take the time to reassess your viewpoints. Ask yourself if your god absolutely forbids compromise or efforts to understand other viewpoints. Does christianity consider such effort to be a sin?

I'm guessing not, and it's not your god that guides you in these rants but possibly your own mind, caged by the ugly power of prejudice and mental laziness to make that effort to break it down.

And your arguments about what is physical and what is not seems to be the exact opposite of the logical, cogent argument I was hoping for.

Anyone feel that we should possibly ignore whatsup and place him in quarantine, or ban him?

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
whether or not god created all animals, they are evolving now. Can you argue with evidence that parents are similar to children, and that an animal will survive better with bigger teeth. So the animals all get bigger teeth
I have read all 14 pages of this topic, and I must admit it is very interesting. Alas, there will always be people who cannot function in a debate, and end up making it look sloppy.

Whatsupyall: You might be new to the internet, and you might be new to debating in general, but there is something you really should learn and understand before continuing.

Using excessive caps on the internet is regarded as shouting. Shouting in a debate is not a sign of strength, but of failure. You might very well have some decent points to make, and issues to raise, but nobody will be able to take you in a serious capacity if you continually write LIKE THIS.

Have you noticed, that in the past 5 or 6 pages, you haven't managed to make a point that has sunk in to anyone's brains? While you would undoubtedly call them stupid little children, perhaps the problem is on your side. If you typed like this instead, I can guarantee you would get further, faster.

{Pretend whatsupyall}: Hi, I would like to respond on these issues. What I don't understand is how any scientist can claim the earth is four and a half billion years old, unless he has tested every rock on the planet.

This is a good way to start, and it certainly beats "YOUR ALL FUCKING STUPID ATHEISTS..." (btw, I have emulated your spelling characteristics, I am well aware it's you're instead of your).

Then someone who knows a bit about the dating process will give you their response. At this stage there is little reason to accuse them of being taken over by satan. It throws out any decency of debate like a fart in a hurricane.


One of my areas of expertise, is with understanding human behavioural traits, and the reasons why people say what they say, and do what they do. Of course, this is not an 'absolute', and can be contested freely, however it does show itself as accurate in general application.

What I can gather from you, with the little information I have to work with, is that you suffer from extreme self doubt. It seems your whole 'world of belief' is built upon a bunch of brittle twigs, ready to collapse at any given moment. You, being the 'fight to the death' kind of person, are trying to keep this belief of yours above water while already knowing it is sinking fast. In this instance I think the attempt will do more damage than just letting the house sink, and finding yourself a new accomodation. What many people, including yourself, have probably not realised, is that you're not actually trying to make points to them, you're trying to make points to yourself. In doing so you think it will help keep this house of yours afloat. I'm sure for the moment it will, but eventually gravity will serve its purpose and things will come crashing down inconsiderate to your outer feelings.

While each man's life must come to its own natural, (or supernatural), conclusions, I would ask kindly that you quit writing in caps if you ever intend to be taken as a serious person with serious points.


Furthermore, for a man to be able to give serious points, he should have at least a basic understanding of the topic itself. When my wife debates lipstick, I abstain from comment - because I don't know anything about it. When some guys down the road debate over car engines, I also refrain from comment. I know nothing about cars, except that they have four wheels, a few seats and windows. From reading your posts, it seems you don't have a high enough level of topic understanding to really be debating it. Now, don't get me wrong and write me off as a devil possessed atheist, you may certainly think you're right in saying there may be a 10 billion year old rock sitting at the bottom of the Atlantic, but it is your very lack of knowledge on the subject that leaves you unable to grasp any responses you do receive, unable to understand the implications of the point you're trying so desperately to make, and completely incapable of understanding the science behind the topic.

I have also noticed your extensive use of the following sentence:

"There is LOADS of evidence to show god is real," or some variant thereof. You repeatedly say this, seemingly to try and boost your own failing, fragile set of beliefs. What I would ask now, is that you make a comparison, using your own point based ideals to show this LOADS of evidence.

That leaves you in a very sticky position. However, to show you what I mean in full would require you to undertake what I have asked, and that is purely up to you. I can see you're already engaged in an inner battle, and I don't want to further spread the fires that are ravaging through your insides.

You know, notice it or not, you've been doing nothing more for the past 5 pages than promote agnosticism. That's all your argument is, and you most likely don't even care about rock dating. You are shouting out for attention, but fail to pay attention to that which you're shouting. "SCIENCE IS A FAITH LIKE RELIGION IS A FAITH". In your eyes that is clearly true, and what you are in fact saying is that neither of them are the way you want to be. Still, you maintain you're a christian, and accuse others of being manhandled by satan with typical caveman like incompetence.

In short: You're telling yourself to be an agnostic. I sincerely hope you find your way.
Most irritating debate I've ever read, I wish on peoples posts there was a "murder" button right next to "quote".
If there was, and it in fact actually worked in reality, killing the poster of the message on which it appeared in a gruesome painful way, I would have pressed without delay on whatsupyall and kalvin and loone etc.
The world seriously does not need levels of ignorance that overwhelming.
ugh, I just can't even stand to be in this thread...
Dr Lou, what debate?. Irritating yes! debate?. questionable, unless we can call outright flaming a debate now.

I need help for Biology. Our teacher tries to act lke he knows all about evolution and he really doesn't. Actually I have learned more by reading these posts then I have the entire year. My question......Is it possible for two different species to evolve into one new species please please reply I need all the help to answer this question. :)
Please please read a bible or go to a church service. I understand that you deeply believe in evolution. I am but a child and I even know that as more and more scientists studied evolution that they were compelled to believe in a higher power because they soon relized that there was no another resonable explanation about how everything came to be. I don't care about what you believe but let the rest of us believe in God and prove you wrong when it comes to judgement day.
Frencheneesz said:
Oh my god. IT CAN'T. My POINT was that you don't NEED to detect/measure/touch it for it to be tangeble. It only needs to be POSSIBLE TO detect/measure/touch it at any later date.
You forgot to capitalize God and he's my God too.
I need help for Biology. Our teacher tries to act lke he knows all about evolution and he really doesn't. Actually I have learned more by reading these posts then I have the entire year. My question......Is it possible for two different species to evolve into one new species please please reply I need all the help to answer this question

Well no. You can sometimes breed two different species. A few examples:

dog/coyote or wolf/coyote
horses and donkeys
leopards and lions

and so on.

These are termed as 'mules'. (you'll know what a mule is).

However they all share one thing in common: The offspring are sterile.

So to answer your question: No. They will never 'evolve'.
Thank-you. my biology teacher drives me insane. My other question was about killer bees they are they a cross of species or are they hybrids.
I am but a child and I even know that as more and more scientists studied evolution that they were compelled to believe in a higher power because they soon relized that there was no another resonable explanation about how everything came to be.

This is quite simply not true. Undoubtedly you will have people changing their beliefs in life, (my wifes friend has decided now, after 27 years, that there is actually no God, whereas she spent the first 27 years as a devout christian). People are free to do so.

However, evolution is, simply put, a fact. Evolutions goal is not to describe the very first nanosecond of this planet's existence, nor in itself, does it denounce belief in a god. You can believe in both god and evolution - (God started the whole show and left life to it's own devices or whatever).

Evolution happens. That's all there is to say on the matter.
Thank-you. my biology teacher drives me insane.

Not a problem, it's just a tad scary seeings as the whole "my biology teacher..." speech is a commonly used 'charade' by those seeking to make a point in subtle style. It's almost cartoonish in its deliverance.

My other question was about killer bees they are they a cross of species or are they hybrids.

I'm not much of a bee expert, aside from knowing how to avoid them. My 'general' science book here mentions them briefly enough to say they're a hybrid between the African honey bee, and his European counterpart. It also says something about them scaring the pants off of Americans :D
Snake, mosquitos scare Americans. I live in the Houston Texas area, very humid here, and lots of swamps around, mosquitos are a problem, we have something over here they worry about called the West Nile Virus, derived from mosquitos, the desease struck 11 individuals last year and killed three. They make such a big deal, it's redicoulous, when in the freaking freeways here in Houston, more than 11 individuals get injured a year, and more than just 3 individuals loose their lives here in the freeways (highways). However the lines of thousands of people are shown, to get a shot for the virus, it is silly to see this crap on tv.

I'amAChristian, good for you! who cares?. if you really want to find all about evolution try here; http://www.talkorigins.org/ be carefull you just might change your mind, I was a young person once believing in the mighty god above, and all that, but I found some common sense, and realized all I was doing is believing in something that made no sense. God is a creation of man, god did not create anything, this would be a contradiction of metaphisics, and a contradiction in logic. You keep learning, don't change your mind by my account, but by learning more and more, you'll come to realize someday perhaps, that it makes no sense in believing in that which you can't prove it exists or not, you will begin to doubt, the more you learn, or you will use non-sense, non-sequirtus, to justify your beliefs, either way it will make a good debater out of you the more you learn. Ok!
BTW, when people do not capitalize "god" it is a way that atheist show that an entity with no identity, is nothing more than just a word, made up to be of great significanse of some entity that no one can prove the existence of.

Thirty Seven said:
Think about it, in the bible it preaches that "god created all humans" and "god is perfect" Now tell me, to be perfect you must either be everything or nothing. And he is not in everything, he is not in me.He is not in my fingers. He is not in my keyboard. He is not in my computer. If he was, he wouldnt let me type that he wasnt. And since he is not in me, he is not in everything, which means he must be the other possibility, which is being nothing. And nothing is he.

And also, we commonly refer to god as a "him" if he was perfect, he could not not be a him. He could not be a her. He could theoretically be either or nothing.
Thirty Seven Just a head up God is in everything. colossians 1:16 For in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visibal and invisibal,weather thrones or dominions or prinicipalities or authorities all things were created through him and for him. 17,He is before all things,and in him all things hold together. God is in the verry fiber of your being. but freewill and a sinfull natuer is what keeps you and him apart.