evolution unravled

JF - I can give you plenty of resources way beyond the level of wikipedia - I am a marine biologist of sorts so I deal with this sort of stuff on a daily basis.

The problem is that you're current understanding of biology and science is around that of a second or third grader - so hitting you with peer reviewed stuff isn't going to help you one bit - at that level the studies tend to be very specific - not the sort of big picture stuff you need in order to get up to speed with other people of your age group.

If I were you I'd start by giving yourself a basic grounding in the sciences from some fun, readable, pop sci - "A Brief History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson is a great read and not only explains things really nicely, but also gives a historical perspective of how we have got to the current state of science in several fields.
A book like that may also help to clear up some of the confusion you have between different scientific disciplines like biology and cosmology and it won't get you in the kind of trouble with your church / parents / teachers that being caught reading a straight up biology text book will.

Listen to me SP. If there is ANYTHING false about the following statements, you let me know. K?

Evolution cannot technically be proved because it's pretense can only be observed hypothetically and cannot be factually demonstrated in a controlled replication of the process claimed by those that have accepted it as an unguided source of life's development on Earth.

Certainly any form of "genetic engineering" can only bear speculative similarities, as correlated by those that have already tainted a truly unbiased assessment via their acceptance of an unproved theory, wherein they are "looking" for supportive evidence.

Evolution is a theory based on the assembly of post related information and evidence as validated via empirical review.

Is this not 100% true?
I feel you on all that. I know there is a diff. between evolution and the actual beginning of what we know as the Big F'in Bang. I was sort of being sarcastic ;)


I love Calvin and Hobbes.

thought i would add; there is no division between faith (God) and science

them divisions are manmade... not reality!

Keep that in mind and no debate on the subject willl bug you.

you are capable of thinking and will know within if you have covered the bases before taking a side. Best bet, learn and apply what you learn over time. Each day something will be added and tomorrow you will be smarter than today.

The world is yours.............. make a difference, for us all!
Listen to me SP. If there is ANYTHING false about the following statements, you let me know. K?

Evolution cannot technically be proved because it's pretense can only be observed hypothetically and cannot be factually demonstrated in a controlled replication of the process claimed by those that have accepted it as an unguided source of life's development on Earth.
evolution is the most logical to have occurred over time.

Who knows maybe when god mentioned adam and eve, he meant atoms and energy and moses didn't take that class in school. I wasn't there, were you?

Seems darwin shared a model that makes sense but you are correct, the current sciences have no ability to define or prove the transitions in math or reproducible evidence.

Certainly any form of "genetic engineering" can only bear speculative similarities, as correlated by those that have already tainted a truly unbiased assessment via their acceptance of an unproved theory, wherein they are "looking" for supportive evidence.
i support that knowledge evolves.

and mankind 'created' airplanes from that evolution

such that if i was on the moon and had been staring at the earth for the last 100 years, i would be writing a paper about how the earth is 'evolving' and new life is sprouting from th surface, flying through the sky

Evolution is a theory based on the assembly of post related information and evidence as validated via empirical review.

Is this not 100% true?
the obversations and the written interpretations by darwin did make it to print:
have you read the book?

the theory is not available with the math to perform the experiments, so you have a sound argument

but i will always look at a monkey with curiosity............. because i believe it is good to at least leave the possibilities open..... i want to learn.

for example: some time back, people thought God raised the sun from the east and then took it down in the west but then someone suggested the earth rotates and now most know the phenomena behind the suns reoccuring event

nothing was taken from God, knowledge just evolved.
synthesizer-patel that explains everything but come to the conclusion that evolution is not a fact there to many missing links to be fact in the first place
spider goat find a diffrent resource your listing to wikipedia me and you both no its false information most of the time

You could always trying checking out the Encyclopaedia Britannica website, of course you would need to actually pay to get in there.
Bishadi nothing gets to me i let everything go i might mske comments just to c how they react for the fun of it but that it
synthesizer-patel that explains everything but come to the conclusion that evolution is not a fact there to many missing links to be fact in the first place

JF - well first of all we need to get you up to speed on some basic science - and perhaps some reading comprehension.

However you are mistaken - evolution is a fact - even for you its a fact beleive it or not.

At the risk of repeating myself, the fact that species have changed, and whole new clades have arisen over time is incontravertable - this in simple terms is a definition of evolution.

The debate - insignificant that it is - lies in not in the area of whether or not it happened, but the area of HOW exactly this has come about.

Creationsits beleive that evolution takes place at a staggeringly rapid rate, that at some point about 4500 years ago God killed off 99% of all living species in a great flood, and only saved a few key members of most Orders in a big boat, and that this small assemblage of species ( a few hundred individuals max) then evolved at around 250,000 times the known rates in a huge display of radiative adaptation in the last 4500 years or so to produce the living species we have today.

Intelligent design proponents beleive evolution does take place in much the same way as mainstream biologists but that some un-named external source has intervened at certain critical points.
At least that's the pretence - it's really just creationism in a slightly less cheap suit than a televangelist - so you may as well ignore this.

The Theory of evolution is an explanatory framework that takes evidence from numerous sources and disciplines which suggest that variation within species is a natural process, and that these variations can be amplified by the physical and biological environment tio the extent that new species can arise from this process.
Put simply - theories aren't facts - they explain facts - in the case of the Theory of evolution - it explains the facts of evolution.
electrafixtion its absolutly true here some cite http://unmaskingevolution.com/31-fact_belief.htm if you want more just tell me
I just read through the main points - overall around 95% are just plain incorrect - the rest simply aren't relevant.
The worrying thing is that a smart junior schooler can deal with about 50% of it.

Seriously my friend - this is why you need to get your science up to speed so that you can sort the shit from the shineola - by all means persue the goal of replacing the current theory of evolution with something that fits the facts better - I'd welcome someone having a serious crack at it - but if you go about following dreck like this as a basis you'll be laughed out of town.

Here's a simple question for you - the person who disproves the theory of evolution will become the most famous, celebrated person for over a century - right up there with Einstein - only considerbaly wealthier. If the stuff in that link you provided was really any good, dontchathink someone would have used it to get themselves rich and famous by now?
Creationsits beleive that evolution takes place at a staggeringly rapid rate, that at some point about 4500 years ago God killed off 99% of all living species in a great flood, and only saved a few key members of most Orders in a big boat, and that this small assemblage of species ( a few hundred individuals max) then evolved at around 250,000 times the known rates in a huge display of radiative adaptation in the last 4500 years or so to produce the living species we have today.
But that were you are wrong God doesnt match with evolution It says God created man correct not nature you cant have God in it and not in it it a contradicting itself and for you other point its just a observation me and you know the top scientist are evolutionist and do you think they will admit when they are wrong no they dont they spin off in lies http://www.expelledthemovie.com/ watch this movie and check out this cite then you have all the proof in the world
syntheizer patel you only replay is a obfuscation. and you make obsuption and yet to show me fossil records at all to prove your theory
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But that were you are wrong God doesnt match with evolution It says God created man correct not nature you cant have God in it and not in it it a contradicting itself and for you other point its just a observation me and you know the top scientist are evolutionist and do you think they will admit when they are wrong no they dont they spin off in lies http://www.expelledthemovie.com/ watch this movie and check out this cite then you have all the proof in the world

The creation museum is pretty clear on its support of evolution as a massively accelerated rate - they say that noah took one of every "kind" (not species) of animal onto the ark because there wasn't enough space for every species - and these few hundred species evolved into the millions of species we have today in the last 4500 years. Its a pretty common beleif for creationists.
If you don't agree with the people who take the bible literally, how do you explain how the few hundred "kinds" Noah took on the ark became the millions of species we have today?

Ps - expelled the move? Seriously? this is a joke right? because that movie sure was - seriously!
Heed my advice on getting yourself some basic level science education so you can see through dreck like this and find something you can actually work with - quoting old internet links with old evidence that fails to harm evolution in any way will get you nowhere - you're not at bible camp anymore - simply quoting someone elses badly thought through bullshit - or laughably badly made movies packed with lies and half truths won't earn you any points here.

ps - can you try to insert some punctuation into your posts please - the longer they get the less intelligible they become