evolution unravled


were the proof of the earth being estimation of 4.6 billion years old and i could be wrng on the year

never spoke about the age of the earth as it would be like you trying to tell me when creation started; neither of us can stand on the argument

we (both) not supposed to be of false witness, right?

for either of us to do so is against truth (god himself)

the folks arguing with you do not care about you, i see you are young and wishing for the truth, not acceptance. That is good!

but in doing so, you must trust GOD (within) allowing you to go beyond both sets of literature.

Meaning, within you will 'feel' what is true; follow it

but it does not mean using the arguments of tongue twisters whether of science or religions.

does knowledge evolve? Yes...

is there much still to learn? Yes

are you going to be on this earth longer than most on this whole website? Yes..............

you are our future, not them!

so go beyond the norm and let the truth live within, trust yourself and your inner ties to existence (God) to unfold what is true.

do not 'believe' to be accepted!

Do what is right, for them who will take over when you leave.

get the point? Care for the truth and the progression over even your own; then you are doing good by GOD/existence/ the ever lasting; all because you maintained rule number one, BE HONEST!

that is a choice no human alive can take from you unless you personally go against god by your own complacency. (become selfish)

you have good company, learn and be better than good.....

give us all hope JeF!

If my argument is flawed and contradicted by many examples then just share them instead of hurling elephants.


The White Cliffs of Dover. This is made of chalk, which is the accumulated skeletons of tiny marine animals. It would take way more than 6,000 years to build up a structure like this. Also, it erodes at a rate of one centimeter per year, that's about 200 feet in 6,000 years, meaning it would have existed before then.

Let me guess, you go to school in Kansas? Or maybe you are homeschooled? Intelligent Design was an instrument of creationists to force the teaching of creation in public schools. This was proven in court:
No. Truthfully, evolution is NOT a fact. It's in FACT a proposed and accepted scientific process that cannot be readily duplicated. ONLY when we can readily replicate the evolutionary process will evolution itself become fact. Until then it is only a belief that is accepted by many as being the most logical possibility.

I have always contended that evolutionary absolutism requires just as much faith as does believing the earth and all of creation occurred in 6 24 hour periods of time.

ANYTHING that cannot be proved, cannot be logically considered absolute.

Wow Ef - your worst - most misinformed post yet.

we have duplicated and observed evolution many many times - one example from the many would be genetic engineering.

Boom! your argument falls at the first fence with a knock down an eight year old could have delivered.

Like I said EF - your worst post yet
of course it is a fact but there are so many things that apply to the word. what you are doing is guessing though and the reality is that extinction is a reality. truth of the matter is that any reticence i have has nothing to do with religion. perhaps some spirituality and a reluctance to believe that life will simply take care of itself.

Wrong john - it doesn't simply point to extinction. It points to a lineage of increasing complexity over time, and the emergence of new species and higher clades.
I wish to insult both of you, a lot, but I'll refrain.

Science doesn't prove anything.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
The White Cliffs of Dover. This is made of chalk, which is the accumulated skeletons of tiny marine animals. It would take way more than 6,000 years to build up a structure like this.

coccolith accumulation rates are at around 1m per 10 thousand years in the most productive regions - do the math :)
Wow Ef - your worst - most misinformed post yet.

we have duplicated and observed evolution many many times - one example from the many would be genetic engineering.

Boom! your argument falls at the first fence with a knock down an eight year old could have delivered.

Like I said EF - your worst post yet

Forced mutation does in NO WAY replicate the proposed theory of naturally occurring evolution. TONS O HOLES my boy, so that eight year old's momentum might as well belong to a chicken feather. No way. No how.

You show me a REAL duplicated and controlled demonstration of EVOLUTION and not some weak kneed man made and enticed genetic blunder which is nothing short of a forced and confabulated MUTATION by DESIGN (which in effect REINFORCES intelligent design BTW) and I will succumb to this lunacy.

Evolution CANNOT be proved. That's the only REAL fact.
The White Cliffs of Dover. This is made of chalk, which is the accumulated skeletons of tiny marine animals. It would take way more than 6,000 years to build up a structure like this. Also, it erodes at a rate of one centimeter per year, that's about 200 feet in 6,000 years, meaning it would have existed before then.

But what does this have to do with naturally occurring, non guided evolution? Creationism by the overtly literalistic (those who take the bible to be a word for word verbatim of class room text book application concerning the process of creation) is a far cry from the the intelligent design of guided evolution.
yes it does - that's why it works

a 7 year old girl could have had you with that one

need someone to braid your hair for you

Making the rules up as you go are we? Tell me how it proves evolution. It's a speculative correlation and you know it. It doesn't prove anything within the scheme of unguided evolution.

I keep looking at that avatar and reading your posts and you know what? It's all starting make sense.
Making the rules up as you go are we? Tell me how it proves evolution. It's a speculative correlation and you know it. It doesn't prove anything within the scheme of unguided evolution.

I keep looking at that avatar and reading your posts and you know what? It's all starting make sense.

So basically what you are saying is that you don;t understand how genetics dovetails into biology - put even simpler you've just told the whole board that don't understand the first thing about basic biology.

That's fine by me, but it begs the question: why are you even bothering to argue about it when you admit you don't understand the simplest principles?

Seriously dude - bring something to the table and I'll discuss it with you happily - but you keep posting like you have and you'll simply be a waste of good bandwidth
Bishadi i was tring to c where you stand so i know where to start i dont know much about you only thang i know you willing to debate peacfully and understanding instead of being stubbon like some people
spider goat find a diffrent resource your listing to wikipedia me and you both no its false information most of the time
synthesizer-patel you can belive that it is a fact but doesnt meen it is like you can believe the world is flat but its been proven to be wrong it a sphere so you dont have proof of what you are saying until u do then u cant say it is a fact so show me resources and please nothing from wikipedia i dont need false information thank you its ok i understand why you think its a fact because your afraid of the truth
synthesizer-patel you can belive that it is a fact but doesnt meen it is like you can believe the world is flat but its been proven to be wrong it a sphere so you dont have proof of what you are saying until u do then u cant say it is a fact so show me resources and please nothing from wikipedia i dont need false information thank you its ok i understand why you think its a fact because your afraid of the truth

JF - I can give you plenty of resources way beyond the level of wikipedia - I am a marine biologist of sorts so I deal with this sort of stuff on a daily basis.

The problem is that you're current understanding of biology and science is around that of a second or third grader - so hitting you with peer reviewed stuff isn't going to help you one bit - at that level the studies tend to be very specific - not the sort of big picture stuff you need in order to get up to speed with other people of your age group.

If I were you I'd start by giving yourself a basic grounding in the sciences from some fun, readable, pop sci - "A Brief History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson is a great read and not only explains things really nicely, but also gives a historical perspective of how we have got to the current state of science in several fields.
A book like that may also help to clear up some of the confusion you have between different scientific disciplines like biology and cosmology and it won't get you in the kind of trouble with your church / parents / teachers that being caught reading a straight up biology text book will.
Bishadi i was tring to c where you stand so i know where to start i dont know much about you only thang i know you willing to debate peacfully and understanding instead of being stubbon like some people


some care, and some think they know everything.

What i would prefer is seeing you with wings in the sense that you can fly over the fools and read, observe, see and feel what is right and make your own determination.

I trust the honest ones and i don't give a hoot what religion or degree any have hanging on the wall. It is what people do that represents what they are.

Think of evolution as the 'description' but see for yourself, the grounding foundation is incomplete. (so even you could contribute, whether for or against is irrelevant, because the truth is all that matters)

So when you cause an action, speak or even write, you represent what is real over anything. It will reflect who you are as well allow you the humility to learn. (we all learning)

You have far more available than majority of the folk on this website combined.

(the internet and more time)

that means, before you are done you should be well beyond any of us in the sense of knowledge, the diversity and the limitations.

Just be fair and when a guy like me says, 'Keep the faith'

that means, have faith the big guy (existence in total) will reveal the absolute truth

Be honest and be able to 'learn a lesson, from even a car wreck'....

everything happens for a reason

if you have any questions, you can also PM me