Evolution - True Or False


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Baron Max:

Argument by ridicule is a particularly weak form of argument. A good example is your constant prefacing or suffixing of your comments by "LOL".

Now, if you had some integrity then a more appropriate response would be to admit that you don't actually know anything about evolution or how it works, and to ask questions or otherwise try to get yourself up to speed, so that you can actually participate in a sensible discussion on the topic.

At this stage, you're just looking like some kind of uneducated hick.
Baron Max: Now, if you had some integrity then a more appropriate response would be to admit that you don't actually know anything about evolution or how it works, ...

Oh, I do know how evolution works, James. One single-celled creature fucked enough times over the millions of years to have finally produced humans. Hell, it's really as simple as that. Ain't nothing difficult about explaining the concept. What is difficult is ....accepting it. And, as I see it, that takes great faith in the theory of evolution.

At this stage, you're just looking like some kind of uneducated hick.

But, ...but ...that's exactly what I am! Surely you don't want me to lie or pretend to be something that I'm not, do you?

Baron Max
Out of curiosity, did this include virus and bacteria cultures?

If it had all those life forms on it then it would have had to. But were talking about the two most pervasive (ah cant think of the right word right now-blockage) lifeforms on the planet so...

JamesR quote:Human beings migrated from Africa and formed separate communities. These communities had various degrees of in-breeding, which over time and via the processes of evolution, led to some genes determining particular features to be more common in the overall populations.

And all the ones with Asian features went here, this group went there (did they walk to another continent (or however the geography was) fly, swim?
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The obvious inference with the use of syngameons to classify would be to acknowledge the plausibility of all the kinds of animals being on Noah's Ark, an obviously upalatable notion for the mainstreamers, so the species concept will not go down easily.

There I disagree. Too many syngameons, even if the number of species were reduced by an order of magnitude.

Look, why this rigidity on the literal translation? Does it have to be literal? As flawed human beings, couldn't some of it be merely an allegory that we got wrong, or merely an error? One could still maintain belief in God without being a literalist about the Bible. It doesn't need to be literal. You're not contesting, for example, that people were really created from dust etc - but that could easily be a great allegory. After all, aren't we all of star dust? Hey, I'd go as far as a widespread flood, but an Ark is a bit much.

Except that Noah's Ark is a crock.

Perhaps not Noa could bring abord the domestic animals and the animals what consisted at that time world Sumeria.;)
Baron Max:

Oh, I do know how evolution works, James. One single-celled creature fucked enough times over the millions of years to have finally produced humans.

You don't know how evolution works. You don't even try to learn.

It's hard to have any respect for you when you make no effort to learn anything about views different from the ones you hold only due to prejudice and lack of education. It's even harder when you claim to be proud of your ignorance.


And all the ones with Asian features went here, this group went there (did they walk to another continent (or however the geography was) fly, swim?

You've got it backwards. They went there and then developed Asian features etc.

And yes, they walked.

Remarkable sophistication those ape to humans had.

What are you talking about?
If it had all those life forms on it then it would have had to.
What? In petri dishes? Or was the ark a very disease-ridden place? If it's the former, how did the various diseases make their way back into human and animal hosts?
I can grasp the concept of synablobs: it's a farce.

Unfortunately for you all the evidence suggest that noah's ark didn't exist and that synablobs are a joked. Synablobs suggest that species arose from synagoo. That's just 'lol'. Feel free to start a thread on that in the appropriate forum.
James R said:
At this stage, you're just looking like some kind of uneducated hick.

James this is his schtick. No self-respecting "uneducated hick" would put an apostrophe in the word "yall". I know this because I am an educated hick. Or redneck, if you like.
Here's a for instance, one syngameon is a vast array of bovines, yaks, buffalos, herefords, angus, and many more, all of one syngameon.

They diverged from a common ancestor, the same way the original species of cow diverged from the common ancestor of all hoofed mammals, and hoofed mammals diverged from the common ancestor of all mammals...
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