Evolution - True Or False


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Evolution does not work as a theory. That is obvious.

Jesus here we go. Proof please? References?

So what is your alternative?

This would be interesting to see. Any theory which explains the fossil record that is not Creationism is trivially related to evolution.
Perhaps it is obvious to you because you have a superior intellect to all the hundreds of thousands of anatomists, zoologists, botanists, microbiologists, palaeontologists, geneticists, ethologists, anthropologists, and the like who do believe it to be a working theory.
If you intend to challenge such a group you will have to offer more than a trite (and frankly foolish) 'that is obvious'.

Aside from needing a peice of ornate paper to grant you reasoning skills, do you have a point?

I am not at all clear how theories have a procdure, or a process, or how these two things differ. Perhaps if you explain this I should be able to tell you whether I agree or disagree.

The effort of science has been to explain and outline the process and procedure by which came about on Earth. There theory of Evolutions makes the attempt to explain the process as random and enviromental, chaotic, unpurposeful.

However to date they have not establish that proceedure by which one animal transforms into another...Neither have they shown this on the molecular or DNA level.

Since a theory is a hypothesis which helps explain many observations and does so in a repeatable fashion, especially where no alternative explanation offers comparable volumes or quality of evidence, then the Theory of Evolution has most definitely qualified as a theory.

The intitial observation were incorrect. Note:

Darwin's famous finches. Darwin theorized that the Finches were adapting so rapidly that within 250 years those birds would have become a completely differnt animal. Later he revised that figure to just 100 years.

We return to that Island today. The finches have returned to their previous appearance now that water was more abundant. Darwin thought he was watching a species change...He was wrong and this is an overlooked part of observation that allows the theory to continue instead of revaluated.

Perhaps you would care to cite specific research, or textbooks, that include this proof of 'wrongness'

Oh...I got a cannon full...But not his week. Next week and I'll drop you guys some information. It's the weekend. I plan on enjoying it...

If you cannot do so, please be so good as to retract such palpable nonsense.

REALY, such anti-social behavior. Do they let you out often?

There is nothing in the theory which in anyway permits avoidance of morality, nor that discourages consideration of God, or gods. Only a narrow minded, short sighted, brain dead ignoramus might think so. I am sure you are not one, so I must have misunderstood you.

My eyesight is quite nearsided however corrective lenses serve to bring my visual accuity within state standards for opperating motor vehicles and to conduct my work as a draftsman, designer and artist.

I recieved my first corrective lense at the age of 13 years old. It should be noted that I was second to none in artistic reproductions with out corrective lense. The introduction of said lenses allowed an even greater level of attention to detail than ever before.

As is common with children suffering from defective eyesight my studies suffered but then accelerated. Obviously a limitation that forced greater amount of attention to detail...and apparently a slight case of astigmatism.

I currently go in for appointments every year.
Jesus here we go. Proof please? References?

This would be interesting to see. Any theory which explains the fossil record that is not Creationism is trivially related to evolution.

Jesus is close...

I don't mind science telling me the processes of the events that have shaped life on Earth. I aslo don't mind Science explaining the nature of Universe.

However Science informing me that God does not exist, I think I'll reserve that conclusion for my own council. There has been a long history of men of science appreicating God's existence. Those men are well know.

While science today is quite eagar to abandon God and write off thousands of years of written history as myth and fairtales, they'll have to do far better than that to convince thinking individuals.
Put it this way, all life forms will reproduce somehow if they can. This is due to the fact that if they did not reproduce, they would die out in one generation.
Saquist said:
However Science informing me that God does not exist, I think I'll reserve that conclusion for my own council. There has been a long history of men of science appreicating God's existence. Those men are well know.

Science can say nothing about God. This is not the point. I will cut and past from a previous post of mine, that you obviously have not read:

BenTheMan said:
No tests can be conducted to decide if God exists. No human logic could ever understand God. Scientists are in the business of applying human logic to human observation---God cannot be observed and is outside the realm of human logic, therefore scientists shouldn't be in the business of talking about God. Specifically, the theory of evolution is not inconsistent with a God directing all of the choices---as per (Baron Max's) original post. You must realize that this is a philosophical question, and not a scientific one.

The removal of God from science was a long and arduous task, and hopefully humans will never make the mistake again of resorting to God when they are too lazy or confused to answer the question properly. Science has no business describing God, just as religous people have no business calling their beliefs science.

The point is that evolution is the scientific theory which explains natural phenomena which we can observe. God is not observable, and so we cannot use "God did it" as a scientific (or logical, or consistent....) conclusion. To claim otherwise is a logically corrupt and indeffensible opinion.

Science isn't telling you that God doesn't exist, it is only telling you that a belief in God is not required to understand the natural world.

Saquist said:
While science today is quite eagar to abandon God and write off thousands of years of written history as myth and fairtales, they'll have to do far better than that to convince thinking individuals.

This implies that athiests aren't thinking individuals, strictly, and can be interpretted more broadly as "Only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal sviour have been blessed with the intelligence to understand the universe." This also implies that there is no science outside of God. But this clearly can't be the case because it was only when Europeans were removed from beneath the suffocating boot of the Catholic Church that science was able to advance. Is this what you mean?

I submit that evolution is not inconsistent with belief in God (a view that I have held since I was 12, when I first studied this problem), as the study of evolution and the study of religion are (necessarily) two separate endeavors. Evolution is made inconsistent with a belief in God by Christians who willfully (and perhaps knowingly) blur the line between the two questions. (If you would like to have a debate about why God must be bound by the laws of physics, then you should start another thread.) Any belief in "divinely inspired creation" is trivially the same as any evolutionary theory that you read in the scientific literature.

And you still haven't qualified your statements that evolution is a worthless theory. Instead of plugging your ears and singing "How Great thou Art", maybe you could actually address the issues here, perhaps with some divinely inspired Solomonesque wisdom that will save us hellbound agnostics from sure damnation.
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That doesn't explain why they reproduce. Why would unconscious things (like genes) have a will to reproduce?

The answer is very simple: everything is conscious to some degree, and thus they have a will to reproduce.
They reproduce because that is their structure. Why is it their structure to reproduce? Because if they were structured differently, they wouldn't exist.
My god this thread is long, I tried reading it all but stopped because it's just to big for me now :L Anyways, it's simple....

God doesn't exist because there is no supportive evidence that can be scientifically verified.

Evolution is real because there is prior evidence that has been scientifically verified as being accurate, and this evidence leads some to suspect lifeforms evolve over time, by interacting with the environment + eachother. Therefore it is accurate, the only thing to debate are the finer points.

Yes I am god btw
God doesn't exist because there is no supportive evidence that can be scientifically verified.

Do you believe in "love"? Do you believe in other similar emotions like compassion, greed, hate, ...? Can they be scientifically verified?

And by the way, a lack of evidence has never scientifically proven anything, at least to my limited knowledge.

Baron Max
Science isn't telling you that God doesn't exist, it is only telling you that a belief in God is not required to understand the natural world.

Then science should be able to tell us where the "natural world" came from, right? 'Cause ain't that a pretty damned major part of the issue??

Scientists are saying, "Geez, I don't know where the fuck it all came from, but once it got here, good ol' evolution took over and did lots of things .....we think!"

That's sorta' like a banker saying, "Geez, I don't where the fuck all this money came from, but by golly, I'm gonna' use it to make a fuckin' fortune for myself!"

Baron Max
must...resist...responding...to the Baron...

Geez, surely it ain't so hard to resist that temptation, is it?

No, they are a figment of your imagination.

Well, okay ....you're a scientist, so I must believe you. But it's kinda' funny, don'tcha' think, that there are actual pictures of caterpillars in the books and magazines? Are those people suffering delusions, too?

Baron Max
You know evolution is BS.

Oh, I don't think evolution is bullshit. In fact, I think it explains lots of things in the natural world. But it doesn't explain everything, nor does it negate any beliefs in god. It could well be that god put things on this Earth, as well as the Earth itself, with the full idea that evolution would go the work of modifying things as the world progressed through the heavens. I.e., evolution is also one of god's plans, huh?

Baron Max
Then science should be able to tell us where the "natural world" came from, right? 'Cause ain't that a pretty damned major part of the issue??

If I respond to this will you promise to read my post?
Think about this for awhile.

Throughout history how do we know Apes to live-

Do they live amongst other species?

AGAIN - how many different species live within close proximity to each another?
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