Evolution - True Or False


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Also notice that I remain completely uncompeled to indulge your whimsical need to debate. I will maintain my demur until such time you display a search ethic an not one of simply contentiousness.
How did they determine that natural selection could control evolution from one species to another?

By spending many years studying the world around them; in particular the large;y un-effected wilds of South America. Finding geographically isolated versions of common animals with unique traits not seen elsewhere. In the case of Wallace, by studying the fossil record of the time, and seeing a very clear pattern of change overtime within animal and plant groups.
Althoug your remarks and questions are directed to spidergoat you may find a slightly different perspective useful.
Yeah, I've reviewed several of those "better definitions". I must point out that yours is the most vague.
I think Spidergoat was well aware of that. His definition was wholly ad hoc, and not written, revised, edited and reviewed for a biology textbook.
Explain: top-down active
A Designer who consistently and continuously directs evolution towards a specific goal.
Explain: what is the primary motivator of evolution.
QUOTE]There is no motivator. Evolution happens because that is the nature of things. Life is diverse. Some differences are fitter in a given setting than others. These tend to prosper.
Explain: Explain the complete totality of evolution in your own words.
I cannot do this especially well so I commend to you The Structure of Evolutionary Theory by Stephen J. Gould.
Explain: What is not evolution.
Are you serious? Billiards is not evolution. A helium atom is not evolution. Red shift is not evolution. How long a list do you want?
Explain: From what stage in creature development does evolution begin.
From the moment an organism, or biochemical array, exists that is capable of replication then the forces of natural selection come into play. A form of evolution also occurs within the pre-biotic chemistry. Most biologists tend not to call this evolution, but this seems to me to be more a matter of semantics than of reality.
Has adaptation been observed to change on(e) species into a completely different species?
Depends what you mean by observed. I have observed brachiopds, pelecypods, gastropods, trilobites, graptolites, ammonites and the like evolving through the observation (you did say observe) of their fossilised remains.
Numerous changes have been observed in micro-organisms, but their asexual proclivities and their love of horizontal gene transfer have always made me feel those examples were a little disingenuous. Certainly we have observed speciation in the laboratory favourite Drosophilia. We have not really been observing long enough (in terms of generations) to observe it for vertebrates..
How many of those mutations pass on to the offspring?
50% of those present in the eggs or sperm of the mutated individual...
How did they determine that natural selection could control evolution from one species to another?
Through detailed observation of selective breeding of domestic animals, detailed observations of animals in the wild, careful use of logic, and intelligent design and implementation of laboratory experiments.
Definitions of determine:

establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study; "find the product of two numbers"; "The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize"
shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"
fix conclusively or authoritatively; "set the rules"
specify: decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters

Your response does not match the definition of determine I'm looking for. These definitions above outline a concise conclusion.

Elaborate: How did enviromental study reveal an observered process that lead to this "determination?"

I must contend your comment on the fossil reocrd.
How did he (Wallace) determine a pattern in the fossil record?
Even a creationist like Saquist should believe in Natural selection. Even if his skygod decided to create everything a couple of thousand years ago, "God" still selected the animals that would be most pleasing to it. Thats still natural selection :D
We have not really been observing long enough (in terms of generations) to observe it for vertebrates.

We have seen it in the wild in fish:

I must contend your comment on the fossil reocrd.
How did he (Wallace) determine a pattern in the fossil record?


I hesitated to link to Inductive Reasoning, because it is so often abused by people who have not read anything about how it works. In particular those who are looking for a "Truth" to be handed to them, as opposed to an actual understanding of reality. Induction leads to possible ideas, some of which are more likely than others, based on all the available evidence; in this case, one idea nicely matches fossil and living evidence, so I follow it as the best theory we have yet. Note that I'm not a "Darwinist", as there are many aspects of Darwin's theory which are not supported by evidence discovered after this works were published. The main idea of natural selection still holds in most cases, though even Darwin himself noted that sexual selection clearly acted as a selective pressure, even though he had not considered it in his initial work.
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I'm not a scientist, either.
While the links are appreciated. I did ask for "in your own words."
I can review the links later.
spidergoat defined evolution in his own words, and you harped on him for not giving you a thoroughly edited, reviewed, discussed, and revised meaning.

I agree with those articles; they are what I would write if I was capable and they had not already been written.

Aristotle and others have formed a set of rules pertaining to the use of logic in thought and communication; those rules do not cover all cases, but when they do apply, they offer a useful framework for standardizing the methods different people can effectively use to come to a consensus.
Certain methods of communication and logical progress work better than others, and some can be easily identified as faulty.
Your response does not match the definition of determine I'm looking for. These definitions above outline a concise conclusion.
The process I have outlined produced a conclusion that was not only concise, but also precise, assured and comprehensive. Please use any of the available standard definitions of these words that you feel comfortable with.
Elaborate: How did enviromental study reveal an observered process that lead to this "determination?"
Are you seriously looking for the product of thousands of man years of work by palaeontologists, bilogists, ehtologists, anatomists, micobiologists, geneticists and the like to be summarised in a paragraph or two? I have offered you a source of considerable value in answering all the questions you might ask about evolution. If you are serious about acquiring answers and understanding you may already have ordered this book from a suitable on line source.
Here are some pointers:
We observe individuals and groups within many species adopting dissimilar behaviour in response to differences in their environments.
We further observe that genetically determined features that are more favourable in a given environment increase within that environment over a few generations.
We know that mutations occur.
We know that some mutations will be favourable.
It was a mark of Darwin's genius that he saw that an isolated sub group of a species could an would change over time if the character of its enviornment also changed. The mechanism, natural selection, follows inevitably from th eabove observations.
Which part of this sequence do you have trouble with.
Your post was lost in the shuffle on the previous page. However I wan't expecting a response from you. It will take an appreciable amount of time to review the information you've posted...

However you refer to a "mark of genius". What are you refering to?
Actually they may have not been there but the may have observed them.
We don't know as a certainty. We do know they got the facts amazingly correct everytime.

So, you are claiming that although the people who wrote the bible weren't actually present during the alleged events they wrote about, they were still able to observe them. IN fact, they probable weren't even born yet. Please explain how that's possible.

And what "facts" do you refer? There are no verifiable facts to the bible other than a few geographical places and historical figures that can be verified.
Except the six days of creation, how do you know the Genesis accounts are not human eyewitness accounts?

And at what point in the Bible do you believe that "real history" began to be recorded?
There is no motivator. Evolution happens because that is the nature of things. Life is diverse. Some differences are fitter in a given setting than others. These tend to prosper.

I've searched...
several articles refer to a motivator of evolution.
sexual drive...food supply...you would appear to be incorrect.

Are you serious? Billiards is not evolution. A helium atom is not evolution. Red shift is not evolution. How long a list do you want?

If you do not understand the question a statement to that effect is all that is necessary.

From the moment an organism, or biochemical array, exists that is capable of replication then the forces of natural selection come into play. A form of evolution also occurs within the pre-biotic chemistry. Most biologists tend not to call this evolution, but this seems to me to be more a matter of semantics than of reality.

Micro and Macro evoultion...I believe that is what you are refering too and yes according to what I've read those semantics as you put it
are a major contention as I've also seen refrences state that micro (natual selection) is no evoultion observed...or Macro.

50% of those present in the eggs or sperm of the mutated individual...

litteral...and how many of those transfered have an effect on the 'individual' it'self. Further what is the totally amount of restructed DNA in one individual?

Through detailed observation of selective breeding of domestic animals, detailed observations of animals in the wild, careful use of logic, and intelligent design and implementation of laboratory experiments.

This is a preface...I appreciate your litteralness...but this does not outline a determination.

Determination outlines a formula approach. as the definition that leads to a hard and concrete conclusion? If evolution is still a Theory this leads me to believe that there is no concrete conclusion. Further your failure to outline molecularly A+ B=C leads me to the conclusion that this is still unknown...as I suspected.

Further while certain changes have been observed...the process remains unobserved...I'm still reviewing certain examples and links for further study. But I felt it necessary to give a response your post.

It was insufficient in Process and observation of the process aswell resulting in a lack of determination. In other words this has not left the observational status that brought the theory about...Through Darwin....

I will tell you I already have seen that Darwin was wrong without a shadow of doubt. How do you think he was correct?
I've searched...
several articles refer to a motivator of evolution.
sexual drive...food supply...you would appear to be incorrect.
motivator is a horrible word in this context. It implies intention and more than just selective pressure.
There are driving pressures, the very root of the term "natural selection", but I would certainly not call them "motivators"

If you do not understand the question a statement to that effect is all that is necessary.
What if the question is understood perfectly well, but is aimless?

litteral...and how many of those transfered have an effect on the 'individual' it'self. Further what is the totally amount of restructed DNA in one individual?
could you reword this question? I do not understand it.

This is a preface...I appreciate your litteralness...but this does not outline a determination.

Determination outlines a formula approach. as the definition that leads to a hard and concrete conclusion?
According to what methodology of logic? I'm not familiar with this method your discussing, nor do I quite understand what "determination outlines a formula approach" means. Are you following any accepted set of logical arguements? Or is this your own novel approach?

I will tell you I already have seen that Darwin was wrong without a shadow of doubt. How do you think he was correct?
Becuase the idea of natural selection has allowed us to develop medical treatments and methods that would have not worked at all if the germs in question were not evolving due to the environmental pressures we create for them. Same with GM foods, gene therapy, and more everyday aspects of modern life.
saquist said:
The bible makes observations about our enviroment.
Science uses observations about our enviorment. Science answers questions about our enviroment. Science has the same foundation as the Bible, the difference being that rather than asking scientific questions it answers scientific questions...of course though, not in a scientific matter.

Observation is the foundation for both.
And observation is the foundation for fingerpainting. The fingerpainter makes observations about the environment, just as the Bible and the scientist do.


And I am not sure what you meant by science not asking scientific questions, but providing scientific answers - we have questions, observations, deductions, inductions, conclusions - none of them are "scientific" as an inherent property. The science is in their relationship, and that is where the Bible differs.
saquist said:
I will tell you I already have seen that Darwin was wrong without a shadow of doubt
And yet you cannot say how, and you bring up instead references to "macro" and "micro" evolution - proof, if any were needed, that you do not understand Darwinian theory.

Science, unlike the Bible, does not accept revelation as fact, or even argument. Seeing without doubt means exactly nothing in science- except maybe a warning: without doubt, how ward off error?
I've searched...
several articles refer to a motivator of evolution.
sexual drive...food supply...you would appear to be incorrect.
I undoubtedly appear to be incorrect to you. This is related to your extensive ignorance on the topic under discussion. As River Wind has remarked 'motivator' is an appalling word to use in this context, with its strong teleological implications. Sexual drive, food suppy, in short all the environmental factors do not motivate evolution they enable it. While I appreciate the difficulties you are experiencing working in a foreign language please do not try to be cute by playing with semantics: that is arguably the most intellectually dishonourable of pursuits.
If you do not understand the question a statement to that effect is all that is necessary.
If I do not understand a question it is typically because it has been badly phrased, or, as in this instance, because its semantic content approaches zero..
If evolution is still a Theory this leads me to believe that there is no concrete conclusion.
You really do need to get an education in the sciences. In post after post you betray an ignorance of the fundamentals that is extensive in depth and awe inspiring in breadth.
Point 1: Please read this very carefully. You can double your understanding of science if you take in this point. Theory is as good as it gets in science. There is nothing better than theory. Theory is the end product of scientific investigation, the goal to which scientists struggle. You begin with an observation; this leads to speculation and perhaps more observation; you formulate a hypothesis; you test the hypothesis thourgh experiment and further observation; you refine the hypothesis and subject it to further testing. If, after a multiplicity of such tests in a variety of contexts, with a wide range of variables, the hypothesis still stands, it may be considered a theory: the ultimate in science.
Point 2: Of course there is no concrete conclusion. Science is always provisional.Science always has an open mind. Any theory can be ovberturned at any time in the face of new observations. This has not been the case in the theory of evolution, which has withstood tests after test after test.

Saquist, there is nothing wrong with ignorance. We are all ignorant in our way. What is unattractive is when such depths of ignorance are accompanied by heights of arrogance. You would do well to contemplate that.
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