Evolution - True Or False


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Evolution is occuring RIGHT NOW, and if you bothered to look, you could go watch it. For humans and most large mammels, it progresses at a rate slower than you are selfishly asking for, but it can be seen in insects, bacteria and viruses every day. Go do a high-school level experiment with fruit flies, and come back when you done. Or better yet, go get last-years flu shot, and let me know how long it is before you catch the flu. map the genomes of both the vaccine source and the variety you end up puking from.

No relavence at all to perceived human evolution. NONE whatsoever.
Missionaries are easily fooled, religion creates superstitious beliefs. Anecdotal reports are not evidence.
No relavence at all to perceived human evolution. NONE whatsoever.

Why not? Are you so prideful that even if evolution can be shown in animals, plants, and bacteria, using the very same reproductive tools as you and I enjoy (DNA, etc), that you think those observations shouldn't apply to you as well?

if you think there is no creator than what about the true book 23 Hours in Hell?

How do you know that this story is true?
Does anyone know of examples of a brain evolving?

There are all levels of brain complexity evident in modern species; from notochords to the human brain. Comparing hard structures that surround contemporary brains to fossils, we can confidently conclude that the fossil records show wonderful evidence of brain change over eons, from the earliest days of spine to modrn humans.

This took millions of generations.

Changes in brain structure can been seen between single generations, though trends in a population can't been seen in such a small sampling. Studies of generations of fruit fies have shown changes in eyes, wings, legs, and nuerological structure, however. Science hasn't been around long enough to have written records of the human generations required to show the same; however, the same bones that we use to determine ancestry have been used to infer the same brain case changes overtime as are evident across all animal species.

And I repeat:
No relavence at all to perceived human evolution. NONE whatsoever.

Why not? Are you so prideful that even if evolution can be shown in animals, plants, and bacteria, using the very same reproductive tools as you and I enjoy (DNA, etc), that you think those observations shouldn't apply to you as well?

And since IAC has ignored my question thusfar, let me also ask you:
Tell me - who are your ancestors? I don't mean evolutionarily, but in terms of a family tree. Who is your great-great-great-great-grandfather, and where did he come from? Are you of European, African, Asian, or American descent? How do you know? How can you verify this objectively? Why do you believe this, even though you do not:
1) personally know every one of your ancestors
2) have the bones of each individual available for your direct study
Where, one step broken, the great scale's destroyed:
From Nature's chain whatever link you like,
Tenth, or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike.

-Alexander Pope,
An Essay on Man, Epistle I, 1733

Does anyone know of examples of a brain evolving?

yes: the human brain.


By comparing modern man with our ancestors of 37,000 years ago, the Chicago team discovered big changes in two genes linked to brain size.

One of the new variants emerged only 5,800 years ago yet is present in 30% of today's humans, they believe.

This is very short in evolutionary terms, suggesting intense selection pressures, they told Science.
Where, one step broken, the great scale's destroyed:
From Nature's chain whatever link you like,
Tenth, or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike.

-Alexander Pope,
An Essay on Man, Epistle I, 1733

That would be an example of the fallacy of ad verecundiam...

... except that Alexander Pope knew squat about biology, genetics, archeology, geology, etc. So it isn't really an appeal to authority as much as a lame attempt to show off some bad poetry that has no bearing on the subject at hand.
There are all levels of brain complexity evident in modern species; from notochords to the human brain. Comparing hard structures that surround contemporary brains to fossils, we can confidently conclude that the fossil records show wonderful evidence of brain change over eons, from the earliest days of spine to modrn humans.

This took millions of generations.

Changes in brain structure can been seen between single generations, though trends in a population can't been seen in such a small sampling. Studies of generations of fruit fies have shown changes in eyes, wings, legs, and nuerological structure, however. Science hasn't been around long enough to have written records of the human generations required to show the same; however, the same bones that we use to determine ancestry have been used to infer the same brain case changes overtime as are evident across all animal species.

SO YOU KNOW OF INSTANCES WHERE THE BRAIN HAS\CAN CHANGE (CAP LOCK ON) anywhere near the capacity from ape to human?

why not give some examples of a brain developing anything beyond normal learning capability?

10 years

By comparing modern man with our ancestors of 37,000 years ago, the Chicago team discovered big changes in two genes linked to brain size.

One of the new variants emerged only 5,800 years ago yet is present in 30% of today's humans, they believe.

This is very short in evolutionary terms, suggesting intense selection pressures, they told Science.

is this saying that a 37,000 year old humans (or it's evolutiionary equivelant) brain and a modern humans were physically compared?

is this while operating under the assumption intelligence is measured by brain size?
why am i showing off? i didnt write it.

Because you are quoting something that sounds impressive while having nothing to do with the discussion at hand, in an attempt to lend validity to your point. It smacks of "look what I can do!!"

Answer my question about your ancestors.
is this saying that a 37,000 year old humans (or it's evolutiionary equivelant) brain and a modern humans were physically compared?

is this while operating under the assumption intelligence is measured by brain size?

Obviously you didn't read the link. Anyway it showed that the human brain evolved in a short period. Exactly what you asked for.
Because you are quoting something that sounds impressive while having nothing to do with the discussion at hand, in an attempt to lend validity to your point. It smacks of "look what I can do!!"

Answer my question about your ancestors.

If you cannot see how it is relative to this discussion then i dont know what to tell you.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest:
The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.

-Alexander Pope,
An Essay on Man

My ancestors are from Rome, Italy...why?

Spurious, did you read this part in the article-

Their hunch is that it might have something to do with the important role that these genes play in brain size, but stressed that did not necessarily mean better intelligence.

no proof exists that a brain in any organism has ever shown the capability to evolve to into a higher intellect being/
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just believing doesn't make something true. you can twist lies, but you can't change lies to truth. i know for a fact that these books truly exist and are nonfictional books. i have the hugo book at home now!=spidergoat;1316452]Don't confuse abiogenesis and evolution, they are separate.

The first law of thermodynamics describes the behavior of a closed system. Since the Earth is not a closed system, the tiny fraction of matter on Earth leaning towards order is offset by the greater proportion of matter in the universe leaning towards disorder.

Incorrect. Abiogenesis (not a law), describes several theories about how life can emerge from non-life.

Evolution describes how life changes over time, and says nothing about how the first life emerged.[/QUOTE]
no proof exists that a brain in any organism has ever shown the capability to evolve to into a higher intellect being/

Your diversion tactics are not really interesting. The human brain evolved recently. Whether you want to nitpick on what the change means is not of interest in this discussion.

1. you asked for an example of brain evolving.
2. I gave you an example.

Now you suddenly want to discuss what this evolutionary change means exactly? Why? That's not what you wanted to be demonstrated.

You now have to take a step back and have a look at what you are doing. We can answer any question you will put in front of us. But your response already indicated that you will just continue demanding more and more.

The fact is that you asked for something that you thought didn't exist. It exists. Now you have to examine your own claims and convince us. Not the other way around. I gave you an example of the brain evolving with a rather exact timeframe. That ball is now in your park. What are you trying to argue here? You fail to argue that evolution does not exist, because you used the 'belief' concept.

'I cannot believe the primate brain evolved or that anyone showed it'.

You were wrong. From now on your beliefs have no value anymore. Come up with something substantial.
My ancestors are from Rome, Italy...why?

How can you believe this? Look at all the missing links in your family tree. Do you know or have the bones of all the relatives between you and your Roman ancestors? If you don't have every person between you and your first Roman ancestor in a box, ready for examination, then I say you have missing links in your Theory of Italian Ancestry.

Therefor, God created you from the dirt directly, and your parents are not who you think they are.

just believing doesn't make something true. you can twist lies, but you can't change lies to truth. i know for a fact that these books truly exist and are nonfictional books. i have the hugo book at home now!

Having a book does not mean that what is written inside is correct. Even when it is labeled "non-fiction". Didn't your parents ever tell you "Don't believe everything that you read!"? There are non-fiction books about alien abduction, demon rape, and even (shock!) evolution - and non-fiction ads selling the brooklyn bridge and land plots on the moon.

Fictional = imaginary. Non-fiction != right. Non-fiction = the author, no matter how sane or crazy, believed that it was true as written.
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