Evolution question


The chicken execrate feces , urine and eggs through the same hole .
When a chicken execrate feces and urine she does at any place without hiding
Why is it when she lays an eggs she runs to hide the egg,
Were did she got the information that she have to protect it ?
(Note my chicks are raised without an older hen )

How does the chick knows if it is feces or egg, both come out a round lumps , why does she does not protect the feces lump ?
What does she know about survival of the specie ?, she have not been trained

What is the scientific explanation for such behavior ?
How does the chick knows if it is feces or egg, both come out as round lumps
But they come from different places inside her body. Chickens have internal sensory nerves just like we do. They have some awareness of what's going on inside their bodies just like we do. They know where that egg came from.
But they come from different places inside her body. Chickens have internal sensory nerves just like we do. They have some awareness of what's going on inside their bodies just like we do. They know where that egg came from.

Some mysterious tell the chick go hide your self then were you lay the egg then come out again.

Why would you use the word KNOW, when the creature have not been trained nor have seen an adult chick even to smell it.

Question How does evolution fits without programming the gene ?
It's an instinct. They know by the shape of it, and maybe they have a feeling when it comes out. All birds know what an egg looks like.
It's an instinct. They know by the shape of it, and maybe they have a feeling when it comes out. All birds know what an egg looks like.

Sir the question is not how can the identify between shot and egg.

The question is why do they run an hide when they lay an egg , they don't run and hide when they shit , I have been cleaning their shit for the lat 5 months and they even crap on my shoes , but when it comes to lay eggs is different
Again How did they get programmed.

Basically, a bird that would abandon it's eggs would not survive, unless those eggs were laid on a cliff or something where they were safe. So, evolution favored birds that knew they were laying an egg, and showed caring behaviors about it. The same dynamic explains why humans love their children, and indeed why all humans think babies and baby animals are cute, and inspire feelings of protection and care.
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It's an instinct. Most have it, some don't. Those that don't loose thier eggs.

I live on a farm with many fowl. Occasionally, I will find an egg in the middle of nowhere.

Sometimes chicken or duck, other times peafowl or goose. If I know it was not there for long, I take it in an eat it because someting else will that night.

Basically, a bird that would abandon it's eggs would not survive, unless those eggs were laid on a cliff or something where they were safe. So, evolution favored birds that knew they were laying an egg, and showed caring behaviors about it.

You are talking as if evolution is a mysterious component that have a power of teaching how to behave .

About other animals . To my understanding If a lion wants to get a piece when the female have cubs and she does not accommodate him ( male lion ) he kills the cubs , ( no simpaty ) then he gets laid,
I know it sounds like I speak of evolution as if it were mysterious, but at it's basics, it's not. It doesn't teach neglectful birds not to do something, those bird's egg's will simply not develop, and the genes that lead to a bird that doesn't care about it's eggs will become reduced in number in the gene pool. Over time, this will lead to birds that do what it takes for their eggs to survive.
You are talking as if evolution is a mysterious component that have a power of teaching how to behave
Incorrect. As Spidergoat explained: those who don't look after their eggs don't survive as a species. Therefore it's only logical that those who do look after their eggs will be the ones that are still here. Evolution doesn't, and can't, teach.
It's an instinct. Most have it, some don't. Those that don't loose thier eggs.

So how do they aquiere the instinct.

I get this fast word evolution instinct . but the animal is dumb , but is born with certain programmed attitude to protect the specie from becoming extinct .
The question again the animal does not know about death , why is he protecting the lineage?
Incorrect. As Spidergoat explained: those who don't look after their eggs don't survive as a species. Therefore it's only logical that those who do look after their eggs will be the ones that are still here. Evolution doesn't, and can't, teach.

Babe, you are a nice girl , I hope you know how to cook
The animal doesn't have to know why it's exhibiting a certain behavior. Natural selection has just weeded out those who don't have that behavior.

In the beginning, we can theorize that there were a variety of bird behaviors, some worked to continue the lineage, and some didn't. Those behaviors that didn't lead to having a lineage died out, leaving just those birds that seemed to know what to do.