Evolution - please explain

Archaeopteryx are regarded as the amongst the most first undeniable example of the origin of flight. If you deny that, then you shouldn't patronize because you are in denial of historical facts.

The other paleontologist arguments are "from the trees down" or "from the ground up."

Short wings and feathers were already present in early Dromeosaurs and Caudipteryx, but not the lateral and downward-forward motion of their of their arms that allowed for lift, like Archaeopterx had.

To date there is no known earlier bird than the Archaeopteryx. So where do we go from here? Pterosaurs were gliders.

State your facts and cite your sources.
The Second Law applies because the Earth is an open system. What is the problem? Research it? There's even a short paragraph in Wikipidea on Biology Thermodynamics, yet so many people seem ignorant of its application.
Since entropy gives information about the evolution of an isolated system with time, it is said to give us the direction of "time's arrow" . If snapshots of a system at two different times shows one state which is more disordered, then it could be implied that this state came later in time. For an isolated system, the natural course of events takes the system to a more disordered (higher entropy) state.

I found a graphic you might even understand valich. But I'm not sure you want to.

Pterosaurs were gliders.

Sure about that? This was once considered to be the facts of the matter, but modern interpretation of the fossil evidence suggests that pterosaurs were fliers. Not gliders.

In fact, weren't you arguing for the fact that pterosaurs flew rather than glided in that evolution of flight thread? You have to be perhaps the most inconsistent person in these forums. I guess that's what happens when your knowledge comes from the almighty google and you have little ability to differentiate the wheat from the chaff.

The Second Law applies because the Earth is an open system. What is the problem? Research it? There's even a short paragraph in Wikipidea on Biology Thermodynamics, yet so many people seem ignorant of its application.

It's your pet 'theory'. Why don't you try explaining it since it has a treasured parking spot right up your ass?

The problem is, of course, that you blatantly misunderstand thermodynamics in biological systems. You also seem to think that because you are incapable of either understanding or even explaining your own flawed interpretation, that whenever anyone disagrees with your crackpot notions that they're disagreeing with thermodynamics itself. Nobody is saying that entropy doesn't take part in biology. Nobody.
spuriousmonkey said:
I found a graphic you might even understand valich. But I'm not sure you want to.

Well, two simple diagrams hardly totally explain biological thermodynamics, but I wish that everyone who has no understanding of the Second Law would start by looking over them. Your weblink is an excellent step for anyone to see, that cares, to understand how thermodynamics applies to biological systems. Thanks for posting it.
invert_nexus said:
Sure about that? This was once considered to be the facts of the matter, but modern interpretation of the fossil evidence suggests that pterosaurs were fliers. Not gliders.

In fact, weren't you arguing for the fact that pterosaurs flew rather than glided in that evolution of flight thread? You have to be perhaps the most inconsistent person in these forums. I guess that's what happens when your knowledge comes from the almighty google and you have little ability to differentiate the wheat from the chaff.

It's your pet 'theory'. Why don't you try explaining it since it has a treasured parking spot right up your ass?

The problem is, of course, that you blatantly misunderstand thermodynamics in biological systems. You also seem to think that because you are incapable of either understanding or even explaining your own flawed interpretation, that whenever anyone disagrees with your crackpot notions that they're disagreeing with thermodynamics itself. Nobody is saying that entropy doesn't take part in biology. Nobody.
If you'd cut the obnoxious sarcasm and be more polite without interjecting vulgarity and rudeness, you'd find your replies to be more productive, progressive, and acceptable. Integrity?

I am currently studying paleontolgy, and even my professor and other colleagues browse the internet in their spare time. Why do you always mock people for so-called "googling." Are you saying that this is something wrong? That we shouldn't use thw WWW to find out new knowledge? I do it if and when I have the time, and so do my profs! What's with the relentless criticism?

I am uncertain about Pterosaurs. I guess my mind is evolving and I still do not know. I was taught that they were fliers and the pictures that we were shown pictured them as fliers. Then, when I posted this information on another thread, I was vehemently attacked for even suggesting it! Whoa! The fact is that they were "winged lizards," a terminology that suggests that they were gliders? But the pictures that I have seen of them looks like they were fliers? However, because I am not a paleontologist, I am in no position to state as fact that they were one or the other, but at the time, I was stating what I learned from my professors - they have more expertise than I!