Evolution - please explain

jonmitz said:
the fallacy of your argument is one of those most common in evolutionary biology: that simple things are useless. (excuss my poor wording; there is a reason i am not an english major)

You are either forgetting or do not know an important thing: evolution is not goal oriented.

you cant say that it was "driven" to end up as it is, it just happend to be that very slight changes over time tended to give rise to higher levels of 'complexity' (depending on your definition of complexity).
You don't have to explain or answer it any further: you stated it like it is - evolution is not goal oriented. Thermodynamics can account for the organization of structure - you may or may not want to call it a "driving force" - and the direction of time, but there is no end goal to evolution.
If you are allowed to repeat yourself, then so may I.

No it isn't a driving force of evolution.

and no it cannot explain life's diversity...
spuriousmonkey said:
If you are allowed to repeat yourself, then so may I.

No it isn't a driving force of evolution.

and no it cannot explain life's diversity...
And if I am allowed to repeat myself again to alleviate your deafness, I already said that "thermodynamics cannot be applied to the diversity of life," but "yes" it is a "driving force." A doctorate student who does not understand thermodynamics and how it can be applied to evolution, should immediately become curious about it and find out for themselves through study and research: not through unsubstantiated continual denial.
It seems to me that what the authors are assuming and trying to get at is that there is no longer a clear distinctive absolute division between the two clades: pterosaur and ornithocheirid.

One is a dinosaur.
One is not.
They lived similar lifestyles this doesn't mean that "there is no longer a clear distinctive absolute division between the two clades."

(Hey, guys. Ready for some more wriggling? Let's see how he gets out of this one.)

Welcome to the world of continuous learning.

No. Welcome to the world of gross misunderstandings (your world.)

Do you not have a scientific mind of inquiry to research the original facts yourself if you question them?

Why bother googling when your statements are patently absurd? The problem isn't your 'research'. It's your misunderstanding of the research. As we've all said time and time again.

I have to reresearch all this just to satisfy your seemingly inherent instinct to spontaneously criticize and condemn?

No. You actually do all your 'reresearch' for your own motivations. It's not our fault that you constantly misrepresent everything you read. That's a personal problem. Yours.

What should we do? Ignore your constant misuse of references? Why should we?

A real scientist would display a degree of curiousity and interest: not continuous condescending criticism, intense vulgarity and obscene use of the English language, and belittlement.

"Round and round the mulberry bush.
The monkey chased the weasel..."

You are a troll. I have little doubt of it anymore. No one could be as obtuse as you really.

Oh well. One more round the mulberry bush and then I leave you to your clandestine amusements.

1.) I did display a degree of curiousity and blah blah. You killed it by being you. By being so dense and obstinate and wrong.

2.) Vulgarity. Criticism. Obscenity. Meanness. And any one of the thousand other things that you seem to think 'real scientists' don't do are not related to science in any way shape or form. A scientist can be vulgar. A scientist can be polite. A scientist can fuck your mother while injecting your son with botulism. Your arguments, as I've repeatedly stated (but which have received absolutely no response from you), on the subject of vulgarity and science are inane. Not only inane, but they are red herrings and strawmen.

Since this new study was unaware to you, you should've found it to be of interest on this forum! Especially on THIS forum!

Well. It was mildly interesting. Somewhat. It was hardly groundbreaking or anything. But, I'll admit that if it weren't for your gross misrepresentation of it then it might have been somewhat interesting. It certainly fits the topic better than most of your 'citations'. But, with your gross misunderstanding of the article, it just becomes annoying.


Hey. What fresh inanities appear to my eye with a page refresh?
Thermodynamics can account for the organization of structure - you may or may not want to call it a "driving force" - and the direction of time, but there is no end goal to evolution.

Ah. Nothing fresh. Just round and round the mulberry bush. I wonder if he'll do a better job defending himself on this one again?

You are dumb.
Very, very dumb.
I bid you adieu.
invert_nexus said:
One is a dinosaur.
One is not.
They lived similar lifestyles this doesn't mean that "there is no longer a clear distinctive absolute division between the two clades."
Orphiote: you are like the idiots of idiots. Just like a clown who entertians in the background for those who want to get a good laugh.

Invert: Dinosaurs evolved from Dinosauria. Dinosauria evolved from Archosauria. Archosauria gave rose to the following clades:
- Dinosauria Dinosaurs and birds)
- Pterosauria
- Ornithosuchidae
- Crocodylomorpha (crocodiles)

Only the first and last are extant. As I said in my previous post, evidently the authors of this new finding see that there is not a clear cut distinction between Pterosauria and Ornithosuchidae. This is what I quoted to you from the article, but you are too lazy to read it yourself, so instead you rely on me - like a baby still in diapers (quote, unquote) for me to explain it to you and cite the sources, and post the contents of the article, rather than doing it on your own: lazy, argumentative, vulgar, condescending, belittling, unscientific, close-minded, and dumb.
"...POP goes the weasel."


You are really dumb.
I'm not going to talk to you anymore.
I don't have much fear of any uneducated people being taken in by you as you are so ignorant that I simply can't believe that anyone would ever be taken in by your wrigglings.

You really are a trip.

Ready for another refrain?

"Round and round the mulberry bush..."
If you have nothing intelligent to post, then please don't post anything at all! I've got research assigned to me to do, homework and reading assignments, my own personal research, tests to prepare for, classes and scheduled appointments to meet - do you really think I or anyone else has time for such nonsensical replies? Continuous immature condescending belittlement and degradation of a person's intellect. Grow up!

Pop goes the weasel iside your acorn brain.
invert_nexus said:
"...Valich, I'm not going to talk to you anymore.
Glad to hear this, even though i do not particularly dislike Valich, I do think you have spent much too much time in trivial, if not innane disscussion with him. Perhaps now you can get to comment on the posts of mine in the "about determinism" thread?
invert_nexus said:
If pterosaurs are actually ornithocheirids and are related to the Albatross and Frigate birds then this is more than a 'new archeological finding'. This would completely rewrite everything we know about the evolution of birds. Birds are not descended from pterosaurs.

I can only guess that by 'related to' they actually mean 'similar to'. Two very different meanings. The first would be a truly momentous statement. The latter would be ho-hum.

Or are you saying that the fossil in question is not a pterosaur at all but rather a bird?
First, "I" was not suggesting or saying anything. I was doing you guys a favor by relaying to you the information about this new ground-breaking fossil discovery, i.e., of course, if you truly are interested in evolution and paleontology, because if you were then you would be excited about this discovery and want to learn more about it. And if that is the case, I would gladly even go out of my way and download the entire journal article and send it to you so that you can analyze and learn from what this team of paleologists have found - in the interest of science. Do you have an interest in paleology that you would like to look over their articulate analyses of this dinosaur species?

Again, what they summarized is the following:

""This new Yaverland pterosaur is undoubtedly an ornithocheirid, and similar to several species that belong to this family. However, it lacks distinguishing features of all genera currently included in this taxon and represented by cranial material, but exhibits a number of characters (maxillo/premaxillary suture descends slightly posteriorly, fifth to seventh pair of dental alveoli of similar size and significantly smaller than pairs one to four; palatal ridge extends no further anteriorly than dental alveoli 8 and 9; and presence of fronto/parietal and maxillo/premaxillary crests that do not merge over the nasoantorbital fenestra or cranium) that are not found in any other ornithocheirid. Consequently, we assign this taxon to a new genus and species of the Ornithocheiridae....This new record fills that gap and further encourages the idea that ornithocheirids were present in Western Europe throughout the Early Cretaceous. An unusual feature of the material described here is its discovery in a plant bed deposited within a fluvial continental setting. Most ornithocheirids have been recovered from marginal or fully marine sediments (Unwin, 2001, table 1) and they are thought to have had a life style broadly similar to that of some modern ocean-going birds such as the Albatross and Frigate Bird. This record of an ornithocheirid preserved in a continental environment adds to other recent reports of these pterosaurs from similar settings (Unwin et al., 2000 and Unwin, 2001), although it is still not clear if these represent accidental occurrences or indications that some ornithocheirids lived in terrestrial environments."

Now just read the first sentence:

"This new Yaverland pterosaur is undoubtedly an ornithocheirid, and similar to several species that belong to this family."

Then they go on to say that because of the similarities of this pterosaur as an ornithocheirid - wing structure similarities like that of an ornithocheirid "thought to have had a life style broadly similar to tthat of...the Albatross and Frigate Bird," and because "This ornithoceired...adds to other recent reports of these pterosaurs." And right before this they say "Consequently, we assign this taxon to a new genus and species of the Ornithocheiridae....This new record fills that gap and further encourages the idea that ornithocheirids were present in Western Europe throughout the Early Cretaceous."

So "yes" indeed you are in a sense right by saying that "This would completely rewrite everything we know about the evolution of birds." But they are looking at the "similarities," so you have to be more critical in examining the use of the language here. No one, especially not I, ever suggested or said that "Birds are descended from pterosaurs," but "yes" there are great similarities, and this study shows it. Birds are descended from the taxon dinosauria that evolved into six other clades of dinosaurs, one of which, the dinosaur clade Coelurosauria, evolved into seven more clades, one of which evolved into the clade Maniraptora that evolved into four more clades, one of which were Aves (the ancestor to modern day birds).

Again, you are correct, their discovery is rewriting history and what we know about how many taxa of dinosaurs that could fly. Aren't you excited about this new discovery? They've just discovered a new taxa? The article is about fifteen pages long, a bit complicated to read straight through to understand all the minute detail in one reading, unless you are a paleontologist familiar with all the vocabulary, but I am willing to send it to you if you are interested?

In any case, it was unreasonable for you to say that I was "dumb" or that it "was like pulling teeth." I first read the interview from CNN in the morning, then within a matter of hours obtained the complete article and immediately posted a brief summary of what I had read, then began to reread it again to understand it better - all within an eight hour or so time span. Yet during this time span, I received 10-20 condescending vulgar criticisms. If you are not interested in new discoveries in paleontology, then why are you reading and posting on this forum? Would you like me to download and email this interesting article to you so that you can have a firsthand experience of its factual content and interpret their findings yourself? This would certainly solve the problem of you just criticizing me for relaying the info to you quote per quote. Thank you.
valich said:
FYI: Re: Origins of Flight: adaptation or exaptation?

"A new species of flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago has been named for its fang-like teeth....Pterosaurs, or winged lizards, evolved the ability to fly. They lived from about 228 million to 65 million years ago. Their size ranged from those of a small bird to a creature with a wing-span of up to 18 meters or 60 feet. They had hollow bones, thin bodies, large brains, crests and long beaks. Flight in pterosaurs evolved separately from birds. Scientists had thought that the creatures used to glide on the wind, but research has shown that large species could fly. Some species had a hair-like covering on their body. Martill said the flying reptile evolved many different forms and that at least two groups became toothless."

"Flying reptile named for fang teeth"
Tuesday, October 18, 2005; Posted: 11:48 a.m. EDT (15:48 GMT)
valich said:
FYI: Re: Origins of Flight: adaptation or exaptation?

Hi guys! Just a follow-up on the above post. I fully read the original article that appeared in the most recent edition of the journal "Cretaceous research" and there is no mention that this particulary dinosaur species "evolved the ability to fly." The researchers did a thorough examination of the bone structure found and concluded that it is an Ornithocheirid, which are related to the Albatross and Frigate Bird. The assumption that "winged lizards, evolved the abiliy to fly," or through direct adaptation to fly, may only be a speculation on the part of the reporter's interview. As is often the case with the media and news interviewers, they often get the facts screwed up. In this case, don't know? No way to know what the scientist/paleontologist Martill said to the interviewer.
These were my original two postings. Carefully examine what is put in quotations and what is not. This first is the quoted text of the Reuter's reporter - nothing that at all that I myself personally said. So you are extremely out-of-line to say that this was a "gross misinterpretation" on my part. My second posting totally referred back to the reporter's quotation in the first posting and what the team of paleontologists said in the article.

The paleontologists said, "an Ornithocheirid, which are "similar to" [and related to by ancestry - this is a fact] to the Albatross and Frigate Bird" The reporter stated the assumption that "winged lizards, evolved the ability to fly."

In science, you have to be much more critical and precise in examining what you are reading and to whom you are attributing the quotes and thus who you are contributing the interpretations to. Notice how "I" did not interpret anything myself. In fact, what you stated about me was just the opposite. I in turn stated that "As is often the case with the media and news interviewers, they often get the facts screwed up."

Are you interested in evolution and paleontology? If so, I would be happy to download and email you this ground-breaking article - the discovery of a new taxa.
BillyT is correct. Too much time has been wasted on your arrogant stupidity.
You were wrong, You are too immature to admit it. Arrividerci.
Did somebody fart? I think somebody farted. I smell something. And I know it's not my ass.
(If I hadn't already said that I wasn't speaking to a certain fart-smelling cretin, I'd make a comment about how the issue of what the article stated and what the farter posted has already been covered. But, then I'd have to open my mouth and some of the fart gas might get inside. Can't have that.)

Billy T,

Yes. I promise I WILL get to it. You must realize that I've been rather busy this week. Responding to Valich takes no great expenditure of mental capacity or resources.

I will respond to your post. I'll make a new thread on it to free it from this morass. And I'll pm you the link when I have it done. It'll be this weekend. Maybe Sunday. Probably Sunday.

I'll also post in that Determinism thread. I had been eyeballing it since it got dug back up because it happens to jibe nicely with a few things I've been reading lately. So, I'll respond to it.
Again. Sunday.

I'd respond to your post in here in Determinism, but I think that it is somewhat off-topic to that thread. It'd do better in its own environment, don't you agree?

Bah. I just wish I still had a copy of The Mind's Past by Gazzaniga. If you've never read, I suggest you find a copy. Very interesting stuff in there on the delay time of sensory perception (among other things. Gazzaniga was made famous back in the day for his 'split-brain' experiments. The ones with lobotomy patients that exhibited a strange dual behavior. In some cases the two halves of the brain were quite antagonistic towards each other. Here's a link to an article he wrote. You might find it interesting: http://cwx.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/morris4/medialib/readings/split.html)

I also have some interesting links to certain optical illusions that would fit into the discussion. I've posted them several times but no one has ever, not once, commented on them. I find them fascinating. But go figure. Are you on dialup or broadband? Hopefully broadband.

So. Expect me this weekend.

Oh. By the way. I remember when you first posted that paper long ago. Way before Determinism. This was about the time that I had been reading the Mind's Past if I remember correctly. I had planned to respond to you back then, but.. well. That's how things go sometimes.
Invert: Again, if you would like me to send you a downloaded copy of the paper I quoted from, about this new taxa that this team of paleontologists have supposedly discovered; if this will stop the animosity, vulgarity, and condescending belittlement; if this will cure any misunderstandings; I am absolutely happy - in the interest of the advancement of science and the objective productive progressive in education - to email you a copy free of charge.
invert_nexus said:
... I just wish I still had a copy of The Mind's Past by Gazzaniga. If you've never read, I suggest you find a copy. Very interesting stuff in there on the delay time of sensory perception (among other things. Gazzaniga was made famous back in the day for his 'split-brain' experiments. The ones with lobotomy patients that exhibited a strange dual behavior. In some cases the two halves of the brain were quite antagonistic towards each other. Here's a link to an article he wrote. You might find it interesting: http://cwx.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/morris4/medialib/readings/split.html)
thanks for the link - I will look at it soon. Yes I know Gazzaniga works. I have a lot of his older papers, but it has been several years since I read them or a book of his. I think I have a book of his, but prety sure it is not Mind's Past.

We have the house in a mess - all the rooms have just been painted. All my books were at a farm (50 head of cattle) that I sold two years ago. My wife already had her appartment, where we live, full of books so mine have been in boxes since I sold the farm. I also brought to Brazil about a yard and and a half of Xerox articles on various subjects related to mind function (all more than 13 years old now). She has promissed that as we put books back she will put some of hers that have not been opened for years into boxes so mine will be more accessible. Then I will know what book(s?) of Gazzaniga I have. I only brought about 5% by weight of physics books etc to Brazil. - 90% are mind related. - I really have not been very interested in physics for 15 years, ever since I got interested in how the mind functions. (I sort of became a "cognitive science crackpot" after a year's sebatical in the JHU cognitive science dept. - in that my views are quite non standard to say it kindly - crazzy most would say.) I look forward to your comments, even if they only support the idea that I hold crazy views.

PS I forget his name just now, but you may recognize that the experiment I describe in my post as a test of my theory with the moving light and unexpected sound is stolen idea (he had patient tell where fast moving clock hand was when the "decided" to push button etc.) from the very famous guy who is often is quoted for his open brain experiments that show up to 0.5 sec unconscious planning etc activity prior to conscious awareness that you have started to decided "freely" to push button etc. That too is related to "sensory delay / perception etc." but sort of internal sensing.

There are lots of also related studies in language (dicotic listening studies especially) that show you unconciously process spoken words to a high level (past the "lexicon look up of the meaning of the heard words") without ever being conscious of the them as you are payng attention to the msg in the other ear. I think a thread on all this type stuff might be very good. The times I have looked for it have been disapointing, but I have not looked recently.
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valich said:
""...they are thought to have had a life style broadly similar to that of some modern ocean-going birds such as the Albatross and Frigate Bird. This record of an ornithocheirid preserved in a continental environment adds to other recent reports of these pterosaurs from similar settings (Unwin et al., 2000 and Unwin, 2001), although it is still not clear if these represent accidental occurrences or indications that some ornithocheirids lived in terrestrial environments."

No one, especially not I, ever suggested or said that "Birds are descended from pterosaurs," but "yes" there are great similarities, and this study shows it. Birds are descended from the taxon dinosauria that evolved into six other clades of dinosaurs, one of which, the dinosaur clade Coelurosauria, evolved into seven more clades, one of which evolved into the clade Maniraptora that evolved into four more clades, one of which were Aves (the ancestor to modern day birds). [UNQUOTE]

They are saying that the LIFESTYLE of this new ornthiocheirid would have been similar to that of albatrosses ie gliding predator. They have placed this new find into the context of the archosaurian clade - but they haven't said anything about how many "taxa of dinosaurs" could fly - pterosaurs/ornithocheirids aren't dinosaurs. And, almost by definition, dinosaurs didn't fly; birds do. One taxon of dinosaurs (the maniraptors) have birds as a descendant taxon, that's all. Neither the maniraptors, nor any other dinosaurian taxon, could fly.
alibim said:
valich said:
""...they are thought to have had a life style broadly similar to that of some modern ocean-going birds such as the Albatross and Frigate Bird. This record of an ornithocheirid preserved in a continental environment adds to other recent reports of these pterosaurs from similar settings (Unwin et al., 2000 and Unwin, 2001), although it is still not clear if these represent accidental occurrences or indications that some ornithocheirids lived in terrestrial environments."

No one, especially not I, ever suggested or said that "Birds are descended from pterosaurs," but "yes" there are great similarities, and this study shows it. Birds are descended from the taxon dinosauria that evolved into six other clades of dinosaurs, one of which, the dinosaur clade Coelurosauria, evolved into seven more clades, one of which evolved into the clade Maniraptora that evolved into four more clades, one of which were Aves (the ancestor to modern day birds). [UNQUOTE]
They are saying that the LIFESTYLE of this new ornthiocheirid would have been similar to that of albatrosses ie gliding predator. They have placed this new find into the context of the archosaurian clade - but they haven't said anything about how many "taxa of dinosaurs" could fly - pterosaurs/ornithocheirids aren't dinosaurs. And, almost by definition, dinosaurs didn't fly; birds do. One taxon of dinosaurs (the maniraptors) have birds as a descendant taxon, that's all. Neither the maniraptors, nor any other dinosaurian taxon, could fly.
Good observation. Pterosaurs are considered "winged lizards," often incorrectly referred to as "pterodactyls," both of which are not dinosaurs, but evolved from the same taxa Archosauria. Most paleontologists think that Pterosaurs could fly or glide. Dinosauria are in this same taxa. Pterosaurs existed from the late Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous period (228-65 mya). The study seems to base their conclusion on the careful analysis of the bone structure of the wings and their attachment locations.

Ornithischia were "bird-hipped" dinosaurs but were not known to fly. Birds evolved from Theropoda Saurischiums. The earliest feathered dinosaur is the Sinosauropteryx (150-120 mya). The first dinosaur with flight-like feathers is the Caudipteryx (135-121 mya). Microraptors were Theropods covered with flight-feathers and thought to be gliders - still not yet true fliers. Many Coelurosaurian dinosaurs like the Alvarezsauridae and the Maniraptors are thought to have been fliers.

Maniraptora includes the clades Deinonychosauria, Oviraptorosauria, Therizinosauria, Dromaeosauridae, Troodontidae and Aves. Oviraptorosauria, Dromaeosauridae, Archaeopteryx and, of course, Aves are thought to have been able to fly. Archaeopteryx - either a Dromaeosauridae or a Troodontidae - (Jurassic-Cretaceous ~150-100 mya) are thought to be the first known birds able to fly and are considered to be dinosaurs, or at least it is agreed by most all paleontologists to be part-dinosaur.
valich said:
This new PTEROSAUR is undoubtedly an ORNITHOCHEIRID, and similar to several species that belong to this family....we assign this taxon to a new genus and species of the Ornithocheiridae....they are thought to have had a life style broadly similar to that of some modern ocean-going birds such as the Albatross and Frigate Bird. This record of an ornithocheirid preserved in a continental environment adds to other recent reports "of these PTEROSAURS"

We all know that Pterosaurs could fly, and Albatross and Frigate birds can fly too. It seems to me that what the authors are assuming and trying to get at is that there is no longer a clear distinctive absolute division between the two clades: pterosaur and ornithocheirid. Welcome to the world of continuous learning.

They are saying no such thing! They have said (& I've bolded it in your quote) that the two groups had similar lifestyles !! Any physical similarities are due to convergent evolution. This is NOT the same as saying that the two clades lack any clear distinguishing features.

Incidentally, in an earlier post, you commented that "some dinosaurs evolved feathers and could fly" - they could indeed - & we call their descendants "birds". You seem to think that theropods and coelurosauria aren't dinosaurs - when in fact this is just what they are.
valich said:
alibim said:
Good observation. ..

Maniraptora includes the clades Deinonychosauria, Oviraptorosauria, Therizinosauria, Dromaeosauridae, Troodontidae and Aves. Oviraptorosauria, Dromaeosauridae, Archaeopteryx and, of course, Aves are thought to have been able to fly. Archaeopteryx - either a Dromaeosauridae or a Troodontidae - (Jurassic-Cretaceous ~150-100 mya) are thought to be the first known birds able to fly and are considered to be dinosaurs, or at least it is agreed by most all paleontologists to be part-dinosaur.

Please don't be patronising.

BIRDS have the power of flight; Archaeopteryx is generally regarded as being a transitional species; we don't have a bob each way (as your quote suggests).