

I saw the Light
Registered Senior Member
I do not no where to begin so I will just ask. I am having trouble understanding the process of evolution, especially concerning what makes it happen. What is evolution's origin? What makes it happen?

His Son,
It involves a repeating process like reproduction (with variations), and a selection force, like the environment.

The living thing that happens to be better suited to the environment is able to make more copies of itself, thus influencing successive generations.

The operative entity in evolution is the gene. It has no intentions, but becomes more or less prolific in proportion to the suitability of the machine it builds to reproduce itself in it's environment, which includes both the Earth, the body, and other genes.
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I do not no where to begin so I will just ask. I am having trouble understanding the process of evolution, especially concerning what makes it happen. What is evolution's origin? What makes it happen?
You should post this on the Biology & Genetics subforum. This is the wrong place.
I do not no where to begin so I will just ask. I am having trouble understanding the process of evolution, especially concerning what makes it happen. What is evolution's origin? What makes it happen?

His Son,

There is no origin and nothing 'makes it happen'.

What exactly don't you understand about the process ?
It involves a repeating process like reproduction (with variations), and a selection force, like the environment.

The living thing that happens to be better suited to the environment is able to make more copies of itself, thus influencing successive generations.

The operative entity in evolution is the gene. It has no intentions, but becomes more or less prolific in proportion to the suitability of the machine it builds to reproduce itself in it's environment, which includes both the Earth, the body, and other genes.

Where does the gene come from and what has given it the ability to act?
There is no origin and nothing 'makes it happen'.

What exactly don't you understand about the process ?

How something as great as evolution can act and have no cause and how life has no origin. Enlighten me?
That you have posted this in the religion forum, that you have already mentioned creationism, and the nature of your avatar makes us highly suspicious of your motives. :bugeye: I doubt that you really want to learn any science but instead are looking to start the usual evolution-creation crap fest.

If I’m wrong and your intentions are genuine, then you would do well to go to a library and check out a beginner’s book on evolutionary theory. Asking internet forum participants to explain evolution rarely results in satisfactory answers and nearly always degenerates into the aforementioned crap fest full of misinformation.

That's the amazing thing, it doesn't act at all. A gene never adapts itself. Sometimes, when it gets copied, it gets copied inaccurately, and those changes affect how often it gets copied in the future, due to the variability of the survival of the living machine that comes from it.

Where the gene comes from is a bit of a mystery, scientists think it may have come from RNA based life forms. The study of this is called abiogenesis.
That you have posted this in the religion forum, that you have already mentioned creationism, and the nature of your avatar makes us highly suspicious of your motives. :bugeye: I doubt that you really want to learn any science but instead are looking to start the usual evolution-creation crap fest.

If I’m wrong and your intentions are genuine, then you would do well to go to a library and check out a beginner’s book on evolutionary theory. Asking internet forum participants to explain evolution rarely results in satisfactory answers and nearly always degenerates into the aforementioned crap fest full of misinformation.

Judging by your avatar, and that you called the evolution-creation debate a crap fest makes me highly suspicious of your motives. I doubt that you really want to learn any religion but instead are looking to start the usual scientific big worded cruel remarks to make me look stupid.

Concerning the library and books who is to say that I haven't done that, or who is to say that you have read more on evolution than me? And out of curiosity if I ask you, an internet forum participant, to explain evolution to me will it result in a satisfactory answer?

My intentions are to learn where this world came from and how evolution started from people who believe it. Also the Religious have been debating the origination of the world a quite bit longer than the scientific. Even if we debate creationism vs evolution if you do not like it I suggest you do not look at it. God forbid you waste your time on a debate of the ignorant.
In biology, evolution is a change in a group of living things' traits from one generation to the next. Traits are things we can use to describe some living thing, like its height, eye colour, or having a certain bit of DNA, but traits that are directly caused by outside forces, such as having a scar or a certain haircut, do not count when looking at evolution. Evolution is said to have happened when some trait that is not directly caused by outside forces becomes more or less commonplace in a group.[1]

In a person's family, his or her grandparents are one generation. The parents, aunts, and uncles are another, and that person, and his or her brothers, sisters, and cousins, are a third. Even photographs of all these people at the same age would not show very many people who looked exactly the same. This is the fact of evolution: A family, like all groups of living things, is changing from generation to generation in small ways, and these changes can add up over many generations and lead to very big differences.

The theory of evolution tries to explain all the patterns found in the entire history of living things. One part of evolution that explains a lot of what we see is due to natural selection. Natural selection says that since children are not exactly like their parents, some of them might have a slight advantage that makes them better able to live where they live. Since they have an advantage, these ones are more likely to survive. Children are more like their parents than other unrelated individuals. So the ones with a slight advantage are likely to have children with a slight advantage, or might even end up with some children with a bigger advantage. After many generations in the same place, the great-great-great-great-etc. grandchildren are likely to be really good at living where they live.



That's the amazing thing, it doesn't act at all. A gene never adapts itself. Sometimes, when it gets copied, it gets copied inaccurately, and those changes affect how often it gets copied in the future, due to the variability of the survival of the living machine that comes from it.

Where the gene comes from is a bit of a mystery, scientists think it may have come from RNA based life forms. The study of this is called abiogenesis.

I understand the first part, my inquire is concerning the mystery that you speak of. If it came from RNA based life forms then where did those life forms come from. See what I am asking? Thank you so much for the assistance though.
It is proposed that the early Earth, being lifeless, accumulated organic chemistry in it's oceans, which, under deep sea pressures and volcanic heat, was saturated with dissolved minerals. Laboratory testing reveals that the chemical precursors to life are formed in conditions like the early Earth- lightning, ammonia in the atmosphere, water.

Due to the mere shape of some molecules, they can influence the kinds of combinations that occur within a system. We know this kind of action as a catalyst. A molecule made of more than one component can hold other examples of it's constituent components in place so that they react much more readily than if they depended on running into each other at random. When outcome is a copy of itself, it is known as a self-catalyzing reaction.

The copy then makes a copy, and the reaction grows exponentially. Each time a copy comes together, probably floating in the ocean, just by bumping into the required molecules, there is the possibility of error. Perhaps one of these errors is better at making copies of itself. That version becomes the most common. Given enough diversity, these molecules could find a parasitic strategy on other types, forming a situation that we know of as an "arms race". The more complex a molecule, the more possibility of errors, and thus the more probability that it will form a variation that can exploit all available resources, including others like itself, more effectively.

The outcome of this process were single celled structures that exploited the sun's energy to power themselves and copied themselves by dividing.

How those became you is the subject of evolution.

Are you interested in evolution or the origins of life? Because the two things are quite separate questions.
It is proposed that the early Earth, being lifeless, accumulated organic chemistry in it's oceans, which, under deep sea pressures and volcanic heat, was saturated with dissolved minerals. Laboratory testing reveals that the chemical precursors to life are formed in conditions like the early Earth- lightning, ammonia in the atmosphere, water.

Due to the mere shape of some molecules, they can influence the kinds of combinations that occur within a system. We know this kind of action as a catalyst. A molecule made of more than one component can hold other examples of it's constituent components in place so that they react much more readily than if they depended on running into each other at random. When outcome is a copy of itself, it is known as a self-catalyzing reaction.

The copy then makes a copy, and the reaction grows exponentially. Each time a copy comes together, probably floating in the ocean, just by bumping into the required molecules, there is the possibility of error. Perhaps one of these errors is better at making copies of itself. That version becomes the most common. Given enough diversity, these molecules could find a parasitic strategy on other types, forming a situation that we know of as an "arms race". The more complex a molecule, the more possibility of errors, and thus the more probability that it will form a variation that can exploit all available resources, including others like itself, more effectively.

The outcome of this process were single celled structures that exploited the sun's energy to power themselves and copied themselves by dividing.

How those became you is the subject of evolution.

But how the earth and its water and lighting etc. got here is a mystery?
How something as great as evolution can act and have no cause and how life has no origin. Enlighten me?

First of all evolution is not a being, so it doesn't act.
I guess you call environmental pressure and gene variety the cause of evolution..
Who said life has no origin ??

Let me ask you this: have you actually at least tried to learn about evolution ?
You seem like a very biased person, and probably are just another theist looking for a fight.