Evolution, not a fact??????

Do you belive in evoloution?

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Nisus said:
We live in the same world as you. We just don't interpret it the same.

Your are right. I go by truth, you go by mythology.

I like how you talk about what you think you know about me...

You are a fundie that has labelled the bible near 100% truth... I think that says a lot about you.

It assures me I wasn't wrong for not listening to you in the first place. Since you don't know what you're talking about.

At least try to listen to people smarter than me then...
KennyJC said:
Your are right. I go by truth, you go by mythology.

And just, where are you going? I'm just sitting @ my house. I don't know what mythology or truth that you're talking about. But you're afire with opinions...

KennyJC said:
You are a fundie that has labelled the bible near 100% truth... I think that says a lot about you.
Run up on that conclusion quick, it will hit you in face like a brick wall. Don't hurt youself.

KennyJC said:
At least try to listen to people smarter than me then...
hmm... no thanks I think I'll stick to whom I elect, I can't follow a blind man.

Anything in specific you would like to address before you leap to another conclusion?
So Nisus how do you interpret the world, and what do you use as your guide to this interpretation?
I interpret the world with my senses. Life is very much a flash of energy/light on the cerebral cortex. And our brains a registry of data.

Our eyes interpret light on a certain frequency, but our eyes can't discern all that can be around us.

Smell doesnt' capture all that is in the air, taste is chemical reaction.

Touch is stimulation of nerve.

Freedom to think is invincible.

Leave an equation for possibility, always.

Words carry thought, through interpretation. And even after being able to comprehend them with fine ability; much is still lost in translation, through evolution of language.

The body is a vehicle for experience, and an instrument of education.

I use my thoughts and conciousness, which I interpret as my spirit, to guide me into the infinite possibilities of thought that stetch like the ends of the universe.

I search for the surest words, though interpretation is left to the individual, and understanding is left to the senses.
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leopold99 said:
is evolution a fact? yes
that is the only thing i can say about the subject. check that, proof is not evidence. i am a non scientist (meaning no formal education) and i believe this "proof/evidence" might be lori's "problem". lori don't make the same mistake i did, if it is proof you want then theology has no proof, how we got here from the elements has no proof.

Proof...lol...that's funny. I couldn't give a rat's ass, which I'm pretty sure this sentiment I've conveyed already. I'm not into debating this subject either...there is no debate for me. To me, it's just too trivial to bother with...details...details...like not seeing the forest through the trees. See, I know God. I mean, I know God personally...have a relationship with Him. So when someone tries to argue His existence with me, it's like they might as well be trying to convince me that my little brother doesn't exist...it's just ridiculous. And, the fact is, that I know for certain, through personal experience with the law, that the only reason that anyone does not know God personally just like I do, is because they don't want to. There is just no arguement to be had. What you people do a lot of out here is what I like to call mental masturbation. Hey, if it's what you're into...
Lori_7 said:
See, I know God. I mean, I know God personally...have a relationship with Him.

what makes you say that? what kind of relationship do you have? prayer does work but i believe it is more "power of the mind" than anything else. the mind is a wonderous organ that science has yet to fully understand. how can you be so sure of something that has no proof? and please don't use the word "miracle".
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Lori_7 said:
I mean, I know God personally...have a relationship with Him. So when someone tries to argue His existence with me, it's like they might as well be trying to convince me that my little brother doesn't exist...

It is clear all of your post is BS, that much is obvious. But what does a discussion on evolution have to do with the existance of God?
What you people do a lot of out here is what I like to call mental masturbation. Hey, if it's what you're into...
I'm sure into stimulating my mind ;) it feels GREAT i'm telling you. You should try it sometime.
I know you haven't, which is just sad. it's pretty obvious you'ure not into stimulating your brain.
Lori_7 said:
Proof...lol...that's funny. I couldn't give a rat's ass, which I'm pretty sure this sentiment I've conveyed already. I'm not into debating this subject either...there is no debate for me. To me, it's just too trivial to bother with...details...details...like not seeing the forest through the trees.

If there's no debate, why bother posting? Why try to argue your case?

Lori_7 said:
it's like they might as well be trying to convince me that my little brother doesn't exist...

how do you know he doesn't? talk about closed mindedness. what are you hoping for? to go to heaven? i have said it once and i'll say it again, if there is ever a place called heaven it will be created by the blood and sweat of PEOPLE. lori do you know what a religious fanatic is? i can sum it up for you with 2 words my grandfather. i was raised with this stuff, beat over the head with it, and yet i have doubts about the existence of "god". i believe that what you feel is god is coming from inside you not outside.
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i can sum it up for you with 2 words my grandfather. i was raised with this stuff, beat over the head with it, and yet i have doubts about the existence of "god". i believe that what you feel is god is coming from inside you not outside.
That's actually 37 words....

lol don't mind me i'm just bored out of my mind
I have a question, if we have evolved from apes/monkeys, why are there still monkeys around which havent evolved yet, why just that particular species which did? And if it was to do with species and environment why havent the gorillas and chimps and so forth, evolved even a small amount? This is probably a fairly dumb question, but i still reserve the right to have it answered!!:D
john smith said:
This is probably a fairly dumb question, but i still reserve the right to have it answered!!:D
a right to have it answered? i have a right to know if god exists. i have a right to know the exact numerical representation of pi. i have the right to know where the edge of the universe is. i have the right to know the mechinisms of abiogenesis. answers john?
I have a question, if we have evolved from apes/monkeys, why are there still monkeys around which havent evolved yet, why just that particular species which did?

The error is in the first part of your question. We share a common ancestor with apes, we did not evolve from apes. Given differing circumstances, our evolution branched in different ways - leaving us with humans, chimps and so on.

Your question is similar to asking why a labrador doesn't turn into a poodle.

I hope that helps,

mountainhare said:

Thank you Jan. You've merely demonstrated that when a poster does try to spoon-feed you evidence, you merely turn your head the other way, and pop up in another thread squeaking "No evidence, not fact, just religion, la la la!"

I'm not going to dignify the rest of your drivel with a response, since it is just the same arguments I have already refuted. You consistently ignore the fact that your arguments have been debunked, and repeat them ad nauseum.

Still think that direct observation of an event is necessary for an explaination of it to be scientific? I've explained why that statement is not true to retarded 5 year olds with success, so there is some hope for you, Jan.

The truth of the matter is, you have no solid proof of evidence of macroevol.
It is the only thing that can compete with the understanding that the universe is a creation of intelligence, and even then it is still fundamentally absurd.


..........king is in the altogether,
the altogether he's.....

Jan . ;)