Evolution, not a fact??????

Do you belive in evoloution?

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Kinda says it all really, doesn't it Jan? There you are making such demands, (that you would merely laugh at if they were given in return), but then do not even have the decency to read the guy's posts - which might just give you that which you seek.

Like you, this guy has no answers, his whole concept is based on anti-Godism.

Of course you'll never know because, as you clearly state, you cannot be bothered.

I'll never know what?
That he thinks he knows that God does not exist, and he is full of hate for anyone who believes differently?

This isn't a case of you wanting to know reality, but whether you can or cannot be bothered learning - and it seems apparent that you can't.

Oh and reality is, all this diversity we see around us all came from one cell which formed out dead matter, which formed out of.....?
Prove it, or shut up.

It's shocking.. someone who can't be fucked taking the time to learn, but can argue against reality, (while supporting kiddy fiction), without taking the time to learn anything about it.

Kiddy fiction? :D
And what's macroevol, adult reality?
Then show me the reality, why just believe others because they APPEAR intelligent?

If nothing else, please answer this question.
Why do you think macroevol is a scientific fact?


You're a disgrace.[/QUOTE]
Like you, this guy has no answers, his whole concept is based on anti-Godism.

Well well, don't you come across like a grumpy 5 year old girl who's had her toys confiscated? What did I do to upset you other than point out the idiocy of making demands for something without first bothering to check whether he has fulfilled them or not? Where is the 'anti-godism', (which in itself is an utterly daft statement to make to an atheist -[ someone who cannot be anti because he does not believe it exists.. it's like you being anti-leprechaun]), in him making a post that you can't be bothered reading?

That he thinks he knows that God does not exist, and he is full of hate for anyone who believes differently?

His hate, your hate, and anyone elses hate is irrelevant to what I was saying. Try again.

Oh and reality is, all this diversity we see around us all came from one cell which formed out dead matter, which formed out of.....?

Well, who am I to answer that? Alas I don't know everything. Of course I do try to learn things, (which was the very point of my post to you), but it seems you'll never be able to do so while you're dragging that 'pole up the backside' attitude around with you.

He says it's this way, you say it's that way.. his is backed up by the most upto date scientific evidence, yours is backed up by a book written by men that thought the world was flat. Kinda says it all really - whether you acknowledge it or not. These are the facts of the matter. You are talking some old text written on some dried plants by some ancient shepherds versus modern days greatest scientific minds from all kinds of different areas of expertise that all agree with each other.

Perhaps they're both complete and utter bollocks, but only an absolute fool would even consider subscribing to the former while happily rejecting the latter. Still, it's your life.. do as you see fit.

Of course also remember that lack of a complete answer to premise A does not instantly mean premise B is true.

Prove it, or shut up.

Keep your knickers on my little friend. But tell you what.. I'll show you all my evidence if you show me yours. Oh wait.. you don't have any. Seeings as that's the case, I'll hand back your own advice: Shut up.

Then show me the reality, why just believe others because they APPEAR intelligent?

I'm sorry, but 'believing' the best of modern day scientists is far better than believing some ancient halfwit you've never met and will never meet. I understand you have personal issues and this seems the only way you can resolve them, (fear of death etc), but it's naive, and it's also unhealthy to try living a lie. As Mark Twain said:

"Faith is believing what you know aint so".

However, I'm not specifically one for 'belief'. I simply follow the evidence. Right now science has a lot more than any of the millions of sky fairiy beliefs.

Why do you think macroevol is a scientific fact?

While I never even implied such a thing, I will point out that animals and people do change.

You know, in the past 40 years women's feet have gone up 2 sizes. Something so small, so obscure, so hardly noticeable and it took 40 years.

A question you were asked, (if I recall correctly without scrolling back), but failed to answer was: what stops those changes?

I mean.. if changes keep occuring, what is to stop them? And that is the question you must answer for me to be able to go any further.
SnakeLord said:
The error is in the first part of your question. We share a common ancestor with apes, we did not evolve from apes. Given differing circumstances, our evolution branched in different ways - leaving us with humans, chimps and so on.

Your question is similar to asking why a labrador doesn't turn into a poodle.

I hope that helps,

M*W: This is undoubtedly the most logical, rational, intelligent and sane explanation I have read on this forum.
Like you, this guy has no answers, his whole concept is based on anti-Godism.
Argumentem ad hominem logic fallacy, and an unsupported assumption. Even if I am 'anti-God' (which you have failed to demonstrate), attacking my stance regarding religion in no way comes even close to an adequate rebuttal of my arguments.

I'll never know what?
That he thinks he knows that God does not exist,
Straw man attack. Never in my history of internet posting have I ever stated that I 'Know that God does not exist'. In otherwords, you're making shit up again, Jan.

and he is full of hate for anyone who believes differently?
Any examples of me expressed hatred towards rational Jews, Christians, Muslims, Deists, Pagans, etc? No, I didn't think so. Just you pulling more BS out of your ass.

Oh and reality is, all this diversity we see around us all came from one cell which formed out dead matter,
Dead matter? WTF are you blathering about?

Why do you think macroevol is a scientific fact?
This has been explained to you time and time again. I encourage you to stop making shit up, stop making personal attacks against posters, and actually go back and read the various replies, which quite clearly answer the above question.

Also, you might want to review that thread I linked you to (Chromosome Challenge), which you admitted you 'Couldn't be arsed reading'.

Merely because you ignore the facts, does not make them disappear, Jan.

.....your hate.....

What hate?

......you say it's that way..

I've said no such thing, I'm asking for the reason macroevol is a SCIENTIFIC FACT.

....his is backed up by the most upto date scientific evidence,

If you can be bothered to read the discourse, you will find this is the actual point of conflict, he cannot produce this scientific evidence which claims macroevol a scientific fact.

...yours is backed up by a book written by men that thought the world was flat. Kinda says it all really - whether you acknowledge it or not.

What are you talking about? I have made no claim of fact.

These are the facts of the matter. You are talking some old text written on some dried plants by some ancient shepherds versus modern days greatest scientific minds from all kinds of different areas of expertise that all agree with each other.

How did you arrive at this fact?

Perhaps they're both complete and utter bollocks, but only an absolute fool would even consider subscribing to the former while happily rejecting the latter. Still, it's your life.. do as you see fit.

This was the point of my question to you. Why would you consider subscribing to macroevol? Do you have possession of the scientific evidence which warrants this concept a fact? If yes, please provide. This is the point.

Of course also remember that lack of a complete answer to premise A does not instantly mean premise B is true.

If something is regarded as a SCIENTIFIC FACT, and it is being taught as a truth, then a complete answer to my question should be forthcoming, or at least a credible explanation which blows all competing arguments and theories away. As it stands, there isn't even a sound philosophical argument for this alleged fact. There is no comparison in nature that can be used as an analogy (to my knowledge).
There is no premise B in this discussion.

Keep your knickers on my little friend. But tell you what.. I'll show you all my evidence if you show me yours.

Show you evidence that microevol is not a scientific fact?
I can't, there's nothing to work with.
Noone has observed macroevol (except ophiolite, which doesn't count).
It cannot be falsified, and as become a 'brute fact' not a scientific one.

Oh wait.. you don't have any. Seeings as that's the case, I'll hand back your own advice: Shut up.

What are blithering on about? :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, but 'believing' the best of modern day scientists is far better than believing some ancient halfwit you've never met and will never meet.

You're opinion is fair enough, but it has nothing to do with whether or not macroevol is a scientific fact. But I hear you, you are prepared to have faith in someone based on their proffession rather than the substance and validity of their claims, or in other words you have blind faith in modern-day scientists Thanks for being honest.
Who is this ancient halfwit?

I understand you have personal issues and this seems the only way you can resolve them, (fear of death etc), but it's naive, and it's also unhealthy to try living a lie. As Mark Twain said:

I'm sure this is very interesting, but what is your point?
Resolve which issues?
I think "fear of death" is pretty much a universal concept don't you?
Or maybe you are fearless.
I assume from the Mark Twain quote, you are accusing me of LIVING a lie, please elaborate on this.

"Faith is believing what you know aint so".

That is a blockheads understanding. It is a necessary part of their belief system.

However, I'm not specifically one for 'belief'. I simply follow the evidence.

And what is the scientific evidence which makes macroevol a SCIENTIFIC FACT? Please try and answer this question instead avoiding it.

While I never even implied such a thing, I will point out that animals and people do change.

I think everybody knows that (talk about stating the obvious :eek: ), but does this mean we change into a completely different species? If you think it does, and you only follow scientific evidence to make your decisions, then please explain why you think it does.
That is all I am asking. Is that so hard a question to answer, especially as it is a SCIENTIFIC FACT.

You know, in the past 40 years women's feet have gone up 2 sizes. Something so small, so obscure, so hardly noticeable and it took 40 years.

So in a million years or whatever, women will have feet the size of ocean liners, but they will still be women won't they?

I mean.. if changes keep occuring, what is to stop them? And that is the question you must answer for me to be able to go any further.

Why do you demand an answer to this, when it is classed as a scientific fact that one species can change into an entirely different species, although it has not been observed. Which do you think is more important?

Jan Ardena.
If ignorance equated with dollars Jan Ardena would be the richest man on the planet.

Sorry, richest woman, not man. I just can't imagine a woman being so foolish.
Jan Ardena said:
I think "fear of death" is pretty much a universal concept don't you?
Most people who fear death are irrational.
How can you fear something that is never around when you are?

It is highly rational to fear dying, however - as this can sometimes be a long, drawn out and painful process.

Jan Ardena said:
And what is the scientific evidence which makes macroevol a SCIENTIFIC FACT?
Micro-evolution is fact - it has been observed.
Extrapolating it to the macro-level can explain everything we see around us, and we can extrapolate it back to the very first lifeform.
This "theory" of evolution has been used as a predictive tool for further observations - and it fits all of the observations.
The level of evidence that exists for macro-evolution (including the observed existence of micro-evolution) adds sufficient weight for macro-evolution to be considered a scientific fact.

However, do not confuse a "scientific fact" with objective reality.

Jan Ardena said:
...but does this mean we change into a completely different species? If you think it does, and you only follow scientific evidence to make your decisions, then please explain why you think it does.
That is all I am asking. Is that so hard a question to answer, especially as it is a SCIENTIFIC FACT.

So in a million years or whatever, women will have feet the size of ocean liners, but they will still be women won't they?
It is possible, that given enough time and enough instances of micro-evolution, that the human race will branch off and become two different species. It would take a long time indeed.
But given the ability of humans to now travel to all parts of the world, it is unlikely to ever happen - as the gene pool is constantly being spread around - and we have developed to a state where we do not rely solely on our genetics to survive - but can adapt our environment. Evolution is more prevalent where life-forms can not adapt quickly.

And also it is utterly naive and demonstrating a lack of understanding if you think evolution enables us to predict future genetic changes in species. Evolution does not enable predictions of future changes - but is a scientific fact that can, and does, explain every observation made of past life, and allows predictions to be made of the gaps.

Jan Ardena said:
Why do you demand an answer to this, when it is classed as a scientific fact that one species can change into an entirely different species, although it has not been observed. Which do you think is more important?
Speciation HAS been observed.

Just do a google on "speciation" and "observation" and read a bit.
What hate?

Alas, this is what happens when you pull two words out of a sentence and surround them by dots. I have no interest in what you might or might not hate - that was the very point of the earlier sentence. Might I suggest you go back and read it in full without thinking extracting two words is of any value.

I've said no such thing

But you have, all throughout this forum for as far back as I can remember you. Indeed even on this very thread several times, including:

"Macro evolution relies purely on conditional belief, based on complete denial of God".

So.. you see it that way, he sees it a different way. Now, back to the point, (that you always seem to miss).. His is backed up by evidence, so where is yours that it relies "purely" on conditional belief and that denial of god is of any relevance to it?

There you are demanding people supply evidence, (which they do), while you seem to think it's perfectly ok for you to fart arse around with pure assumption, unfounded allegation, and fantastical make believe - while, I hasten to add, spending a lot more time attacking the people than the argument itself. A tragically naive way of conducting a debate.

I'm asking for the reason macroevol is a SCIENTIFIC FACT.

First we must work through the basics. It's the same with anything you do. If you do not fully comprehend the basics, there is no chance anything further will be of value to you. The funny thing is you're getting all worked up, typing in caps, insulting the other forum users and so on without having even done the decency thus far of answering my question to you. I did state that we can move on once that question has been answered, kindly do so.

If you can be bothered to read the discourse, you will find this is the actual point of conflict, he cannot produce this scientific evidence which claims macroevol a scientific fact.

But how would you know? In your own words: "I cannot be bothered reading his post".

Perhaps a starting point for you would be: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/

I must point out however, that it isn't specifically designed for the layman, and I fear you will struggle a great deal with it. However, that's what the learning process is all about - especially when someone is as bias against something, (with nothing to support that bias), as you clearly are. I don't see why you would take it as such a threat to your life and ideals, (as you seemingly do). You cannot just brush aside and ignore evidence and 'reality' because you want something better to be true. At the very least you can combine the two: god made the first life and the process of evolution.. what a glorious space fairy. See, that way you can accept and embrace reality while still clinging onto nonsensical fantasy.

What are you talking about? I have made no claim of fact.

You'd know what I was talking about if you took the time to read it. Kindly scroll back up and try again.

How did you arrive at this fact?

The 'fact' is before the: "These are the facts of the matter". Let me requote:

"his is backed up by the most upto date scientific evidence, yours is backed up by a book written by men that thought the world was flat. Kinda says it all really - whether you acknowledge it or not."

Understanding of evolution is backed up by the most upto date scientific evidence. Faith in gods are backed up by the words of ancient people that knew bugger all about anything.

Why would you consider subscribing to macroevol? Do you have possession of the scientific evidence which warrants this concept a fact? If yes, please provide. This is the point.

There is plenty of evidence, which you can happily view by clicking the earlier link, (as a starting place), and as I did state earlier I just follow the evidence. At the end of the day it's all about evidence - which is exactly why I am not religious. There is nothing in the way of evidence to support belief in sky beings. Nothing at all. Given the choice I lend more support to the one with the greater amount of evidence. Of course things can change - such is life.. (except if you're religious in which case any old answer from 2000+ years ago is apparently good enough). Now.. to get to your 'point', please answer the return question I asked.

If something is regarded as a SCIENTIFIC FACT, and it is being taught as a truth, then a complete answer to my question should be forthcoming, or at least a credible explanation which blows all competing arguments and theories away.

Certainly a valid argument to get religious education out of our schools. I'll use it next time it comes up, thanks.

Schools do not generally have the time, resources or even education to really go into details concerning these things. They know that anyone really interested in a specific subject will go on to university education dedicated to study of that subject. They will as a result stick to the basics. Now, evolution is a fact - and it's about time you woke up that, and while we can all sit here and debate the ins and outs of it, nothing changes evolution from happening. Teachers in schools recognise that evolution is a fact and teach the basics of the theories and understandings behind it. While, once you have answered my question, I will do my utmost to help assist you with your learning, it can only go so far without you actually doing a degree in the subject. Having done that you will certainly understand a lot more than I do.

Of course we literally don't have the time to learn everything, and so we often have to apply common sense to our basic understanding and move on from there. Take for instance toothpaste. Science keeps telling me it makes my teeth strong, but I have no degree in the subject.. Is it faith? The answer is no, it's just common sense and following the evidence. When I brush my teeth they certainly feel stronger, and a look at all the gaps in the mouth of those who don't brush their teeth appeals to my common sense.

With regards to evolution you might aswell just look at dogs. We can see the vast differences that occur, and unless you can supply evidence of a specific mechanism that stops those changes from progressing, then common sense clearly dictates that those changes escalate until such time where the two things changing can no longer produce viable offspring - and get classified as different species.

It's like 10% study, 90% common sense.

As it stands, there isn't even a sound philosophical argument for this alleged fact. There is no comparison in nature that can be used as an analogy (to my knowledge).

Study Jan, study.

What are blithering on about?

Given time, and a little bit of common sense, and you'll work it out.

You're opinion is fair enough, but it has nothing to do with whether or not macroevol is a scientific fact.

No, it had nothing to do with macroevolution at all. I'm glad you're starting to pay attention. Alas we cannot really continue with the macroevolution discussion until you answer my question. As such I was concentrating on the worthlessness of someone demanding evidence while believing in sky fairies because some 'ancient halfwit' says so.

But I hear you, you are prepared to have faith in someone based on their proffession rather than the substance and validity of their claims, or in other words you have blind faith in modern-day scientists Thanks for being honest.

You know, if it makes you feel better in yourself to make believe fantasy answers from the people you're talking with then feel free. Who am I to object if it makes you feel better? It's extremely ignorant, but it's your right.

I'm sure this is very interesting, but what is your point?

The point is contained in the sentence. That's how it usually works. Try reading it again.

That is a blockheads understanding

Mark Twain was far far above what you could ever even dream of being.

It is a necessary part of their belief system.

Provide evidence of this.

And what is the scientific evidence which makes macroevol a SCIENTIFIC FACT?

Did I use the word 'fact' in my sentence? I said: "I follow the evidence". You can find some examples of that evidence on the link I provided. It certainly has more evidence than "god did it", and as such it gets more credibility in my books.

but does this mean we change into a completely different species? If you think it does, and you only follow scientific evidence to make your decisions, then please explain why you think it does.

I said we'd get to it once you answered my question, but oh look.. you couldn't even manage it. One simple little question and you ran away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. Why expect me to answer your questions when you can't give the same courtesy in return? As you can see, I have answered near enough every question you've asked. I only asked you one and you can't do it. I am truly disgusted.

So in a million years or whatever, women will have feet the size of ocean liners, but they will still be women won't they?

The question is: Is it just feet that change? If in a million years they have feet the size of ocean liners, pointy ears, no hair, 2 vaginas and retractable claws then no, they won't still be "women". They will be something so far removed from what we know as "women", that you'd be hard pressed to consider them as ever having been the same. But of course those changes don't just stop for the mere thrill of it. They continue along this process until they are unable to breed with their former selves and as such become classified as a new species.

Why do you demand an answer to this

You want me to help you, (seemingly), you make demands for this that and the other.. this question is an important part of stage 1. Now.. answer this: Why is it so hard just to fucking answer it and get it done with? Am I asking for you to lay your life on the line? Am I "demanding" that you chop your head off? No Jan, it's a simple bloody question. Why are you running? Be a man and answer it.
leopold99 said:
a right to have it answered? i have a right to know if god exists. i have a right to know the exact numerical representation of pi. i have the right to know where the edge of the universe is. i have the right to know the mechinisms of abiogenesis. answers john?

Do you know what :D means??? It means i was bein humourous...not taking that statement
John Smith said:
This is probably a fairly dumb question, but i still reserve the right to have it answered!! :D
literally OR seriously. Jesus Christ, whats on your tits???

Snakelord said:
The error is in the first part of your question. We share a common ancestor with apes, we did not evolve from apes. Given differing circumstances, our evolution branched in different ways - leaving us with humans, chimps and so on.

Your question is similar to asking why a labrador doesn't turn into a poodle.

I hope that helps,

Thanks, i see what you mean, ta for the help :)

Most people who fear death are irrational.
How can you fear something that is never around when you are?

It is highly rational to fear dying, however - as this can sometimes be a long, drawn out and painful process.

How do you describe someone who fears death because they know that they are going to die, and it may just be a long drawn out painful process. Or how do you describe someone who fears death because they have experienced the death of others??

Micro-evolution is fact - it has been observed.
Extrapolating it to the macro-level can explain everything we see around us, and we can extrapolate it back to the very first lifeform.

Why would you come to the conclusion that macroevol occurs?

This "theory" of evolution has been used as a predictive tool for further observations - and it fits all of the observations.

What do you mean by this?

The level of evidence that exists for macro-evolution (including the observed existence of micro-evolution) adds sufficient weight for macro-evolution to be considered a scientific fact.

That's a very nice statement, but it does not make it so.

However, do not confuse a "scientific fact" with objective reality.

Then anything goes?

It is possible, that given enough time and enough instances of micro-evolution, that the human race will branch off and become two different species. It would take a long time indeed.

Like the whole theory (appears), this is merely speculation based on the theory of evolution, which is a scientific fact, but not objective reality.

But given the ability of humans to now travel to all parts of the world, it is unlikely to ever happen - as the gene pool is constantly being spread around - and we have developed to a state where we do not rely solely on our genetics to survive - but can adapt our environment. Evolution is more prevalent where life-forms can not adapt quickly.

This is macro-speculation.

And also it is utterly naive and demonstrating a lack of understanding if you think evolution enables us to predict future genetic changes in species.

I was kidding Sarkus.

Speciation HAS been observed.

To save going through the verbiage, did/does the new species have new genetic information which did not exist in its particular population prior to its existence? Or was/were it/they a variation of its existing population, with no new genetic information?

Jan Ardena said:
How do you describe someone who fears death because they know that they are going to die, and it may just be a long drawn out painful process. Or how do you describe someone who fears death because they have experienced the death of others??
The first is someone afraid of dying - although assigns the end result (death) to that fear. This assignation thus confuses the person to their actual fear (dying).
The second is similarly confused with what they actually fear. They do not fear death itself but the effect it has on others.
Anyhoo - this is rather off topic.

Jan Ardena said:
Why would you come to the conclusion that macroevol occurs?
Because it is a logical conclusion to reach, with supporting evidence, that fits all the known facts.
While a deity is also a logical conclusion - it has no supporting evidence.

Jan Ardena said:
What do you mean by this?
All theories are capable of being used to make predictions of the gaps in the knowledge on which they are formulated - this is a necessity to be considered even a scientific theory. If the prediction proves incorrect then the theory is amended or discarded.
This is where the "fact" of evolution differs from the numerous "theories" of evolution.
The "theories" - such as "survival of the fittest" - are numerous and debated.
However, the fact of evolution is behind them all, and it is what the theories are trying to explain.

Jan Ardena said:
That's a very nice statement, but it does not make it so.
Indeed it does make it so - if we are considering Scientific Fact and not Objective Reality.

Jan Ardena said:
Then anything goes?
Indeed - with the proviso that it survives scrutiny from the Scientific Method. If the claim fails the scientific method process, or is not a valid theory, i.e. not falsifiable - then this thing does not "go".

Jan Ardena said:
Like the whole theory (appears), this is merely speculation based on the theory of evolution, which is a scientific fact, but not objective reality.
You gave the example - I was merely stating that while an evolutionary possibility, evolution does not lead itself to making predictions of the future.

Jan Ardena said:
This is macro-speculation.
Of course. I claimed nothing factual about it. :)

Jan Ardena said:
I was kidding Sarkus.
Glad to hear it. ;)

Jan Ardena said:
To save going through the verbiage, did/does the new species have new genetic information which did not exist in its particular population prior to its existence? Or was/were it/they a variation of its existing population, with no new genetic information?
It is sufficient to say that it was not 100% genetically the same and could not breed with the original "species" - and hence is defined as a new species.
Guys, sometimes you just have to give up on a fundie. Let them continue believing the Earth is 6,000 years old and Adam and Eve :rolleyes:
There is no such thing as macro-evolution. Seperating evolution into micro and macro status is extremely misleading to what actually happens. Evolution is only microevolution. There are no drastic changes that suddenly cause one species to branch off from its ancestors. There are only small changes. This is why evolution takes millions of years to progress noticably. Small changes occur due to mutations and gene differentiation. These changes could be like longer toe-nails or wider eyes, or something only slightly distinguishable, or perhaps so miniscule as to be unnoticable. If the mutation helps the organism to survive, it will most likely be passed on to the next generation. If it is harmful to the survival of the organism, it will most likely die along with its genes. These small changes occur repeatedly, each generation. The organisms that gain mutations that are advantageous to their environment will surivive and procreate more than those that don't. There are no large scale mutations. You will never find a transitional species because they are all transitional. The only way you could define Macro-evolution would be to say it is the point at which an organism evolves such that it cannot breed with the species directly related by lineage. But it is not as big of a step as it sounds.
To save going through the verbiage, did/does the new species have new genetic information which did not exist in its particular population prior to its existence?

Yes. The new species has a unique combination of genes.
James R:
Yes. The new species has a unique combination of genes.
But, but but, that's just variation, not evolution!
Point mutations = Variation, not evolution!
Reshuffling of existing genes (including frame shifts) = Variation, not evolution!
Genetic duplication = Variation, not evolution!
Chromosomal duplication = Variation, not evolution!
Genetic duplication + point mutations = Variation, not evolution!
Chromosomal duplication + point mutations = Variation, not evolution!

Sure it is.

If the variation increases the chance of survival then the species goes into the next round of variations. With each positive variation the result is gradual change. That's a valid evolutionary process.
Cris, I was just joking...

No matter what genetic changes you thrust in the face of a Creationut, it's always 'just variation', not evolutionary change.

'No new information' my rotund ass. Creationists can't even reach a universal definition on what constitutes as 'new information'. And for good reason. Since they don't define what they mean by 'new information', this allows them to continue to push the goalposts whenever an example of new information is provided.

I think he simply disbelieves evolution because he simply "can't believe" that all the myriad complexities of life are the result of random processes.

Belief has nothing to do with it, I just don't agree that the evidence presented by evolutionists, make it a scientific fact. I see it as a giant assumption, and the fact that it is vehemently trumpeted as "scientific fact", I find very strange.

From a theistic point of view, he is reassured that there appears to be plenty of evidence that there was a Creator God, he doesn't necessarily believe every word of Genesis 1 (nor indeed Genesis 2, which gives a different account of Creation).

What do you mean by reasured?
There can really never be any evidence (scientific) of Gods existence, but through evidence you can come to the understanding that He exists, and the same can be said of macroevol, so ultimately, everything is subjective.
If God is real, then everything is a part of His energy, everything is ultimately Him. This means we will never understand God, via natural means because He is ultimately the natural means we use to understand Him, and our ability to understand would also be God. We would be in the perpetual state of chasing our tails.
All we would really have is our will and individuality, to choose whether we want to be reintergrated (fully aware) into His Kingdom.
To assert that God is something other than God, is to deny His Godness.
So to try and amass scientific evidence of Gods existence is a futile endeavor, as is to try and prove His non-existence.

I don't think we have ever discussed Genisis, but I do recognise the consistency of information which is present in all scriptoral documents.

On the one hand, why would a Creator make a creature that couldn't eat and continue to live after mating?

It would seem you are basing the life of such creature on your life, or human life.

Perhaps, though, this is the perfectness of the Design! In that case, why do not more creatures, or all creatures expire as soon as they have procreated?

The things is, all creature do expire as soon as they have procreated, it is just a perception of time. In human life a woman is (naturally) able to produce offspring up to a certain age, lets say that age is 50. She then lives for another 20 years. To us 20 years is a long time, but in the universal sheme of things it may not amount to a moment.

Was the Designer trying out different ideas in an experimental frame of mind? Is the Designer not perfect?

These questions are irrelivant if you are not prepared to try and understand the Designer, but pose them merely as scientific or philosophical enquirys. It reveals alot more than you say, when taken apart.

A busy-bee God specially creating each individual species is less great than a God who created the evolutionary processes that we see in operation.

You make it sound like it would be an arduous task for God. Why would you assume this?

A God who created the wasp that injects its eggs into baby caterpillars is less great than the loving God of mercy and compassion that would be worthy of worship. (Being an anti-authoritarian myself, I automatically exclude the vengeful, hate-filled God that for all I know might well be the One that exists, if any, from the deserving of worship.)

You are limiting everything to your own understanding of life, which makes it very difficult to have a reasonable discussion on this subject.

i have come to one inescapable conclusion. "god" as depicted in the bible can not exist. there is no such thing as an all powerfull rightous entity anywhere. this "need" for a god is the subject of another thread. i, like alot of others just did not want to see the light or, like some people, want to go to heaven. face it people god is godless.your arguments for id,god,the force or creation, is the result of abiogenesis not being proven. as soon as it is the argument will vanish like it never existed.