Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense!

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I always wondered why God included the DNA for Vitamin C production in our genome but just turned it off!

Or why he included the genes for a prehensile tale? (as has been in births in the Mideast--mostly in the "Children of God" funny to say)

Or why he included the DNA for feet in cetaceans . . . and we're talking, five toes and five fingers with nails type "feet". Not flippers, but feet. 1 in every thousand or so cetaceans is born with the atavistic feet because the old junk DNA just turns back on. They die quickly, but we find their corpses.

Or why he included the DNA for teeth in birds? (a tiny fraction of Chickens get born with teeth, we've actually intentionally turn the gene on to see how it works)

Or the circuitous route that our laryngeal nerve takes (efficient if you're a fish, but really unorganized as we crept onto land and grew longer and longer necks).

Was god just stupid and lazy? Did he lack the genetic capabilities to be just a bit more creative when he crafted the terrestrial genome? Huh.


What's funny is that of the dozen or so creationists/seekers/apologists who will read this, for most it will be the first they'd heard of it.

Or is it more sad than funny?

Due to the controversy and to biased teachers not following curriculum, it demonstrates the level of education in this country.
Lets solve this problem scientifically...

If we have observed evolution then it is not wack because God facilitated it's creation.

So our question then becomes, "Have we observed evolution?"

And that answer is no... Unless your an archeologist or museum enthusiast...

I find it hard to believe in this day so many try so hard and so ferociously to stick to a certain "side" when their beliefs are concerned. There is no side to take against the beliefs of others but for them. If not to enlighten the philosophy behind these beliefs, then to lure the poor believer deeper into delusion. The same methodology works for those who bear "Absolute truth".

Thus the issue is never resolved...
I always wondered why God included the DNA for Vitamin C production in our genome but just turned it off!

Or why he included the genes for a prehensile tale? (as has been in births in the Mideast--mostly in the "Children of God" funny to say)

Or why he included the DNA for feet in cetaceans . . . and we're talking, five toes and five fingers with nails type "feet". Not flippers, but feet. 1 in every thousand or so cetaceans is born with the atavistic feet because the old junk DNA just turns back on. They die quickly, but we find their corpses.

Or why he included the DNA for teeth in birds? (a tiny fraction of Chickens get born with teeth, we've actually intentionally turn the gene on to see how it works)

Or the circuitous route that our laryngeal nerve takes (efficient if you're a fish, but really unorganized as we crept onto land and grew longer and longer necks).

Was god just stupid and lazy? Did he lack the genetic capabilities to be just a bit more creative when he crafted the terrestrial genome? Huh.


Why would such things be proof of unintelligent design?

Can you or anyone explain?

Or are we to be completely unaware of the values driving such claims?
One cannot prove a negative and that you are even asking for 'proof,' is hilarious.

So you refuse to explain why you believe that teeth rot is proof of bad design?

Modelling something does not mean designing something, the body came into existence before the model was made, NEITHER were designed in any way(though the process for producing the model was designed). Design requires a plan to build something to, a goal you are trying to reach, an end goal that does not exist prior to the start of a process and does exist at it's end. None of these things are present in Nature, there is no goal, no plan, no final outcome, everything in Nature continues to evolve to this minute.

I know you're good at strawmaning.
So you refuse to explain why you believe that teeth rot is proof of bad design?

You and lightgigantic have both been doing this: Claiming that other parties are not explaining things that they have been explaining, or claiming they are refusing to explain.

See post 17.

I have explained where I.D. fails and so has everyone else. What's left is only you claiming that no one has and that we refuse.
I am saying that the explanations you give are incomplete.

Clearly, there are things that you see as evidence of a lack of design or evidence of a lack of intelligence in said design.

But you refuse to explicate the values that you hold, on which your assertions about those lacks are based.
I am saying that the explanations you give are incomplete.

Clearly, there are things that you see as evidence of a lack of design or evidence of a lack of intelligence in said design.

But you refuse to explicate the values that you hold, on which your assertions about those lacks are based.

Oh... now they are incomplete.
If that was how you saw it, you'd simply ask me to clarify or complete my explanations.

Then you go on to say, again, that I "refuse to explicate the values I hold..."
Jan Ardena did the thing you accuse me of. Refused to explain and, instead, demanded that I prove Jan Ardena Wrong.

These tactics are purely diversionary.
I listed it out in post 17. Others listed it out in many posts. If you have any desire to debate the topic- Quote those relevant posts and address the issues fairly.

Otherwise, there is no reason to pay attention to the diversionary tactics any longer.
Can you elaborate?

What would be a case of design?

A case of design would be a respiratory system which did not drain back into itself. A case of design would not include a vestigal organ which has no use and becomes inflamed, killing it's body. A case of design would not include teeth made out of a material which can rot, become infected, and kill it's body.

What we have here in the human body just developed, it was never planned or designed.
A case of design would be a respiratory system which did not drain back into itself. A case of design would not include a vestigal organ which has no use and becomes inflamed, killing it's body. A case of design would not include teeth made out of a material which can rot, become infected, and kill it's body.

Can you substantiate your ideas?
I wonder, do you think it's the ID-er's inability to really understand this concept that prevents them from agreeing, or is it simply that they don't want to?
It's really hard to imagine someone sitting through the lectures, doing the labs, reading and studying, preparing for all the exams, completing all the assignments, interacting in with the class and teacher, then finally passing the exam....

....only to chuck it all away and revert to denialism. This is why it must be that they don't understand the basics at all. They can refuse to take their medicine up until the point where the class requires it. This has to be the central fear of the ID-er's challenge to teaching it. They probably have figured out that once their kinds learn it, there's going to be hell to pay in Sunday School (or youth bible study).

It permeates so much of the information around us - all the normal media outlets discuss it, and resources like Wikipedia, all the government science offices, and boards like Sci, where they may drop an occasional homework question - all are rife with more and more to say about it, yet that drum beat keeps coming from the other side of the hill.

What I suspect is happening is that the hard core denialists are becoming marginalized and the younger ones are maybe catching on at an ever-faster rate. That would be a good poll. I know I was disappointed about the poll that came up in one of the other threads that showed 15% of high school biology teachers in the US believe the Earth was created 6000 years ago.
Is a house made of straw in tornado valley unintelligent design?

It all depends on the point you wanted to make by building a house made of straw in tornado valley.

If it was to demonstrate that straw houses are not likely to withstand a tornado, then you've made your point and your design was intelligent.
Can you substantiate your ideas?
Design is a process whereby things are made fit for purpose. The concept of a perfect design is idealistic rather than realistic, but the intention of design, implicitly, is to approach perfection.

The examples of non-perfect design cited by others above are so gross in their ineffectiveness that one could really only continue to assert conscious design by conceding that the designer was incompetent, or warped.

If you wish to assert unconscious design that's fine. I believe we call that evolution by natural selection.
Design is a process whereby things are made fit for purpose. The concept of a perfect design is idealistic rather than realistic, but the intention of design, implicitly, is to approach perfection.

Perfection to do what?

The examples of non-perfect design cited by others above are so gross in their ineffectiveness that one could really only continue to assert conscious design by conceding that the designer was incompetent, or warped.

Gross in their ineffectiveness to do what?

The complaints against the idea of intelligent design are based on an idealistic, vague notion of what something is supposed to be like. But so far, nobody has explained why things should be that way.

For example, why should humans not have an appendix? What exactly is wrong with having an appendix? Because it can get inflamed and be fatal?
And why is that bad? Can you explain?

If, as the fans of science would have us believe, it is perfectly normal that living beings age, grow ill, and die, then where exactly is the problem?

If, as the fans of science would have us believe, it is perfectly normal that living beings age, grow ill, and die, then why exactly should we not have an appendix, teeth that rot and such?
The complaints against the idea of intelligent design are based on an idealistic, vague notion of what something is supposed to be like. But so far, nobody has explained why things should be that way.

For example, why should humans not have an appendix? What exactly is wrong with having an appendix? Because it can get inflamed and be fatal?
And why is that bad? Can you explain?

If, as the fans of science would have us believe, it is perfectly normal that living beings age, grow ill, and die, then where exactly is the problem?

If, as the fans of science would have us believe, it is perfectly normal that living beings age, grow ill, and die, then why exactly should we not have an appendix, teeth that rot and such?

You've focused on the flaws that can kill you. What about the ones that make no sense?
Like the nerve leading to the voicebox on the Giraffe- and if that is not human enough for ya: That us human males have that problem with the tub leading from scrotum to appendage used for mating.
As the scrotum dropped, the tubing got looped around.

These flaws may not be "bad," but they demonstrate a lack of conscious design. These looping tubes and nerves show that the original creature did not have a long neck or a dropped scrotal sack. As our ancestors evolved, these traits remained, even when they make no sense. But they DID make sense on the animals that developed them way back then.
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