Evolution debunked?

Thanks, those answering have cleared quite a few things up :D

I've been hearing that it has been recently discovered that we only have 95% of our DNA similar to a chimps? Fact or fiction?
its more than a few skulls.......

that cartoon is the funniest thing i have ever read.... pretty much every so called argument against evolution in it is flawed or a commonly known LOBS .... (load of...)

"protons have positive charges. one law of electricity is: LIKE CHARGES REPEL EACH OTHER! Since all the protons in the nucleus are psotiively charged, the should repel each other and scatter into space."

oh my god so protons and all that sub atomic partical stuff is a lie?

....... ok well this kind of creationist bollox is TOO easy to debunk. Infact it is so STUPID you have to wonder about the intellegence level of the person who wrote it.
All physical laws interact with each other, not law acts on it's own.

Its kind of funny that i'm staring at a cathode ray tube (CRT) comptuer screen right now...... each bright point on the screen is made by a beam of electrons ...... yes subatomic particals right before your eyes.
Basicly if there was anything wrong with the theory, then your montitor wouldn't work and fridge magnets wouldn't stick to fridges... any questions?

Thus prooving all of quantum mechanics correct, and refuting any religious fruitcakes evil attempt to distort the truth and brainwash people......
Originally posted by venomx
Basicly if there was anything wrong with the theory, then your montitor wouldn't work and fridge magnets wouldn't stick to fridges... any questions?
Thus prooving all of quantum mechanics correct, and refuting any religious fruitcakes evil attempt to distort the truth and brainwash people......
I agree with your general premise, but not on these specifics. Our theories about sub-atomic could very well be wrong... however there is no evidence of it. Magnets and CRTs working doesn't prove that the theory is completely correct, but that it gives correct answers when applied to these cases. We may find a theory which turns out to be 'more complete'... although our current theories will probably stick around because of ease of use.
3 minor additions to the "why aren't humans evolving?" question
1)humans may still be evolving, we are about 5" taller on average than we were in the 1700's. that could be attributed to diet, however, and not evolution....
2)by allowing all members of our species to reproduce, we certainly do slow down our rate of evolution, however, we as a culture do certainly have limits on who reproduces with whom. it's unusuall to see an attractive person going out w/ a geek (not unheard of, but rare), so I could see the human race spreading farther and farther apart into to groups - looks vs brains over the next 50,000 years. Maybe not divergent species, but possibly groups like Donkey's vs Mules- closely related by different enought o be classified seperatly.
3)also, by teaching compasion as a major tenant of life (one of the reaosns why people who are physically and mentally handicapped due to genetics are allowed to reproduce in western society), we can evolve our culture, even while the evolution of our species slows.
Uh, like you could SEE humans evolving before your eyes...right...

Evolution debunked? Nice try.
i like the cartoon....

the teacher is really cool. He has a really annoying brat in his class who has to know everything better, but he still didn't slap him silly. I would have.
What's all that stuff about gluons? What are they?

I thought the strong nuclear force held the protons together in a nucleus. Doesn't the strong nuclear force overpower the repelling power of the protons?
Evolution is a fact.
Shocking and controversial this might sound, but bear with me. I'm not talking about Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. I'm talking about the changes in the gene pools of all species that occur every single day due to births and deaths. If you accept that most members of a species do not all have the exact same DNA (which is easily demonstrated), and you accept that sexual reproduction combines the DNA of two parents to form a slightly different combination of genes, and you accept that not all creatures survive long enough to be able to reproduce, then....

You have accepted that evolution is an observed, natural fact. That's all it is. A change in the genes over time. Evolution happens. Things evolve. That's what it means. There is no debate in the scientific community as to whether or not evolution is a fact. It is a fact of nature, just like gravity.
As in another post, I reccomend anything By RObert T Pennock for an update on the battle between evolution and the psuedo-science "intelligent design" theory. Those tracts are simply fantastic, i like "a love story" as well
funny, i work with evolution as a job... not fossils and dna, but computer software, neural networks and such. if there was anything wrong with the the theory i haven't found a problem with.

Ok as for humans well modern medicine and lifestyle keeps alive people who would have otherwise not survived or reproduced due to their inferior genes. People with bad genes now can also comfortably reproduce, even people with severe abnormalities can live normal lives, get married, have kids. IVF and such also ensures classical genetic evolution is dead.
Even people who do stupid things and injure themselves are much more likely to survive these days.

so not only should the gene pool be rotting to s**t, we should also on average be getting stupider....... it doesn't seem that way.

this is a topic for another post (might start one), but has human evolution really stopped?

why has average IQ risen 10-15% across the last century (the reality is we are just better at IQ test-type mental skills, but this is controversial).

how do you explain video games and extreme sports, where participants have incredible mental and physical skills that did not exist a few decades ago?
how do you explain that in the last 20 years theres been more scientific papers published than in all of the previous 200 years?

The total content of the internet is already more than every writen word writen down in the past 5000 years. In the next decade there will be more written knowledge created than in all of human history to date. Scientific and technological progress is increasing at a exponential rate also.

It took 6 billion people to get einstein, darwin and hawking, where if natural selection was still functional it'd be alot less:

Evolution is still happening, its just natural selection is not. The worlds population has been increasing drasticly because people are simply not dying and breeding more successfully. If you have a unsucessful genetic combination (a poor upbringing too, i haven't ignored that), you end up in with the other 99% of humanity working 9-5 (or not) and making no significant contribution to the pool of human achievement.

All of humanity gauges its sucess based on the endeavour of a few.

It really is only 1% of us that are scientists, artisans, achievers and leaders. Modern society allows the rare few brilliant people to make a much huge impact across the whole of humanity. The large majority of mankind is human waste.

The UN is concerned about a worldwide population CRASH around 2050, as the overpopulation problem seems to be about to turn on its head.
dude...their are alot of smart people on the earth. however unfortunatley, most of them dont have the resources and conditions to really compete with those in mordern countries.
um reserach points out to a loss of memory when you play video games.
depends on your definition on most "contributive" stephen hawkings is a brilliant man but.........he does not contribute as einstein, and darwin. they did not contribute to our lives, they didnt make our lives better.
you know what you man, are you calling your little "scientists, artisans, achievers, and leaders" better than us?
yea, they may be smarter then us but is that important? is everything for reasons of practicality now? is that how the world has sunk to now, that avg humans are total waste.
well guess what, THANKS TO US average humans, you scientists, achievers and leaders can get what you call "greatness".
Wow, Nazi propaganda must be right, kids, jesus made us! I don't Goebels telling me evolution isn't true, maybe we're not exactly right, but this comic surely does not prove it one way or another. I loved it though, thank you for showing it to us. (Nazi's=Catholics) (Jews=$$$) (Other=Teh Suck, white people coming for you) (Athesist=science)
not totally true

um nazi's were athiests

many believed in god and their given superiority because the bible only ever listed aryan type people, it was their tool to justify genocide and racism. they may not have been totally religious but a lot of their motivations stem from religious thought- imperfect or not.
if they were, then the nazi propoganda must really have distorted the bible. becasue if you read it u could infer that the jews were a superior race. not like the germans said.........
Originally posted by edgar
if they were, then the nazi propoganda must really have distorted the bible. becasue if you read it u could infer that the jews were a superior race. not like the germans said.........

There is no right way to interpret the bible. It is but a weapon, and can be used by anybody for whatever means they have at the time.
Nazis used it, Chick uses it, people USE it all the time, and it is hardly ever for a decent puprpose.

really?its gross how you portray the bible. the bible teaches us good things, how to be compassionte etc. how can you say the bible is disgusting? it's when peoplem misinterpret the bible, then it could be used as a weapon. bet in it's pure form the bible is the most truthfull thing we have in the world.
Originally posted by edgar
really?its gross how you portray the bible. the bible teaches us good things, how to be compassionte etc. how can you say the bible is disgusting? it's when peoplem misinterpret the bible, then it could be used as a weapon. bet in it's pure form the bible is the most truthfull thing we have in the world.

I portray the bible as the killer that it is. It has some good fairy tales to scare your kids with so they won't misbehave.

Yeah, this Chick guy is really compassionate, he loves everybody.
(I lay the sarcasm on almost as thick as the amount of bullshit in the bible...almost)

God murders and gives license to kill in the bible. The bible has been used to justify hatred and intolerance for centuries. It is the most hurtful weapon ever wielded be mankind, and is disgusting.

The bible is almost ALL lies, the truth only comes from humans, and there is no man behind the curtains. It is a flawed piece of literature made by man and man alone.
