Evolution & Creationism: Why can't people believe both?

Fine. Pretend I'm an interseted, smart child and tell me what a star is.

I think my previous answer answers that then.

Or are you a dork?

In which case I will need to spend time trying to translate something into something you can begin to understand.
I think my previous answer answers that then.

Or are you a dork?

In which case I will need to spend time trying to translate something into something you can begin to understand.
Some people think I'm a dork.

And I think you know exactly what I'm after here and are avoiding it like the plague because it will show your entire position to be a lie and a delusion.

Simple really.

So, what are stars made of. How simple a question. Answer please.
Some people think I'm a dork.

And I think you know exactly what I'm after here and are avoiding it like the plague because it will show your entire position to be a lie and a delusion.

Simple really.

So, what are stars made of. How simple a question. Answer please.

My position is on the line? oh shit!

Know what? Fuck it. This is more grief than it's worth. You know exactly how we know what we do about nature and the methods we use to determine ages and compositions. You're just a stubborn dick.

Do you think that a law existed before Moses?

I have come to that opinion, Yes.
Perhaps nothing as distinctive as a set of LAWS but perhaps an understood moral code. The behavior post Exodus does give every indication that man was ignorant of what was right behavior. After all Cain was dishonest as well as Adam and Eve about they're transgression. That eludes to some sort of knowledge that their actions were misbehavior.
I have come to that opinion, Yes.
Perhaps nothing as distinctive as a set of LAWS but perhaps an understood moral code. The behavior post Exodus does give every indication that man was ignorant of what was right behavior. After all Cain was dishonest as well as Adam and Eve about they're transgression. That eludes to some sort of knowledge that their actions were misbehavior.

Yeah. It's called "evolved group dynamics". Imagine that.
I have come to that opinion, Yes.
Perhaps nothing as distinctive as a set of LAWS but perhaps an understood moral code. The behavior post Exodus does give every indication that man was ignorant of what was right behavior. After all Cain was dishonest as well as Adam and Eve about they're transgression. That eludes to some sort of knowledge that their actions were misbehavior.

So why did god make ignorant people ? Was one-upmanship his thing ?

One other simple question: why should anyone believe the bible as opposed to other scriptures ?
I have come to that opinion, Yes.
Perhaps nothing as distinctive as a set of LAWS but perhaps an understood moral code. The behavior post Exodus does give every indication that man was ignorant of what was right behavior. After all Cain was dishonest as well as Adam and Eve about they're transgression. That eludes to some sort of knowledge that their actions were misbehavior.


Basically the world was pagan before Abraham.