Evidence that God is real

Are you on crack? Which is it? My history tells us JC is a myth or I haven't addressed the history which you just claimed to prove astrology is correct?

There is no need to get frustrated and resort to insult.

I am an old man and perhaps prone to confusion but there is no need to resort to suggesting that my brain is damaged by drugs.

It does not worry me other than it makes you look bad as insulting someone is generally seen as poor form but when you suggest you observe symptoms of drug addiction folk wonder how you could know such things assuming, I hope wrongly, that is part of your world.

Perhaps point out in which post you feel that you have addressed the matter and I will look at it again...maybe I missed something which is certainly a more reasonable proposition than to assume drug addiction.

you just claimed to prove astrology is correct?

Just to make it clear...I am not claiming astrology is correct and sorry if there has been any post that could enable you to form such an impression.

What I thought I was pointing out was the common thread of astrology with the many human gods.

That is not saying it is correct and frankly I dont know how you thought I was saying such given that I did not.

Umm ... right there but that is not the only spot

Well I find it odd that you could interpret my words the way you have in the context of the reply that I was making to you.

Anyways so you understand let me go thru it carefully.

I do not believe in astrology as having any merit but recognise that the study of the Sun and stars (astrology) played heavily in ancient times such that we can look at many of the human gods to determine that they were invented with heavy reliance on astrology.

These human gods were trying to take on characterists of the Sun as a way to establish that they were gods.

Now that is an observation of the history and does not mean that I support astrology.

One of my hobbies is astronomy and astronomers get most upset when folk confuse astronomy with astrology.

What I am not clear upon is if you see the part astrology played when these various human gods (including JC) got invented....or if you accept that there were a great number of them.

I don't know what your fascination with JC.

Heck I thought that to be obvious.

The fascination is about the fact that a multitude of human gods all based on astrology were in play before JC and that JC was just another Elvis impersonator in effect.

I think that is rather interesting given the number of christians in the world...it means the whole christian religion is based on a lie...a lie that history clearly points out...what could be more facinating.

..so many believers being absolutely and demonstrably wrong all victims of a con job.

What it is you base your argument on?

The history.

The history that you seem to ignore.

You dont seem interested in the history.

It tells us that they had Elvis impersonators back then and JC and that story means all your text need take second place to the historical facts and given the text is involved in the basic lie why should one give it any thought at all...christianity was just another human god cult.

Then challenge others to counter your idea,

I asked you do you accept the history or not...the fact you change my request into a challenge indicates to me that you are not agnostic at all.

which is based on nothing,

So here we have it...the history that tells us about a huge number of human gods all with the same characteristics and all based on astrology ....is nothing....you casually dismiss the history as nothing...look you do that but you must know the history wont go away just be ause you stick your head in the sand...

so your love of history is very selective such you can call all these human gods and their Elvis impersonator status nothing.

Are you serious?

Fair enough you have your texts and know exactly the conclusion you will arrive at... just ignore the history that may destroy your preconceived notion but please drop this agnostic persona and declare what you really believe...

The wisdom of the crowds is not the correct tool to analyze that kind of data.

That is what everyone was telling you.

Just because JC was a human or didn't even exist (according to the text) doesn't automatically mean a god does not exis

True but what it would mean is that one religion that says there is a god has been discredited...it would mean that all the talk about humans knowing the mind of a god was the rubbish that it is...anyways forget the christians and tell me how you still find there is hope that a god exists and without religion ( you know the text that you refer to) explain how a true agnostic can find any possibility that a god could exist...without religion of course.

but there is no evidence one way or the other to make a definite conclusion.

Hang on...there is no evidence to get the god project off the ground in the first place and yet you now give it a possibility. ..why?

We cant say that space aliens are not eating missing humans but just because we cant definately eliminate the possibility that does not mean we seriously keep that option open...

You believe there is a god or you dont... just as you can believe there are aliens who eat humans or not...on your approach do we keep the door open for fire-breathing dragons???

No of course not so why close the door to one myth and leave it open for a more implausible myth.

Heck you have more chance of fire breathing dragons than you do for a god that pops out of eternity to create a finite universe...think it though.

This shows your bias more than mine

I asked for something in the there is no god dept and you cant even give a direct answer...more nails in your believer coffin.

So nothing on there is no god side ... you could get a job as a sheet of glass.

Is that how you form your hypothesis? You start with a conclusion and then demand evidence to prove your assumption wrong? That is not how logic and reason works

What are you talking about?

I asked a question and presumably if you tried you could answer it clearly...the fact that you respond in this unusual fashion tells me you are not genuine and that I was correct in my assessment that your agnostic guise is nothing more than a ploy by yet another dishonest theist to present as normal and rational so as to sneak in their most reasonable conclusion that there is a god.

And if you want proof I will put it to a croud vote.

Anyways you tried and failed.

Would you not feel better just to come out and say you believe there is a god rather than waffling.

Unless you are leaning to the atheist side...I expect it must be hard over there given religion is given an unrealistic importance...I bet even trying to hide atheism behind agnosticism would not be easy.

Have a happy New Year its already new year here.
Same reason as Shakespeare?

Well, he didn't anticipate being decapitated. You might as well ask why JFK went to Dallas just to be assassinated.

Maybe, but Shakespeare was a writer not some random Jew. You will never know if the bible is a truthful account of a person called Jesus. All religious texts take faith to believe in them, whereas you need physical evidence I presume? A theist who says they can prove this or that objectively about their God/gods are either stupid or stupid.

I didn't ask, do you think Paul made the New Testament up?
I didn't ask, do you think Paul made the New Testament up?
He (if he actually existed) might have had some kind of experience on the road to Damascus. What he wrote was either his interpretation of a real experience or just made up to make a point. The same is true of Jesus' parables. They are plausible as actual events but they aren't supposed to be interpreted as actual individual events. They illustrate universal truths.
Acitnoids said:
The wisdom of the crowds is not the correct tool to analyze that kind of data.
A fact that did not escape the notice of governor Pilate when he said; "I wash my hands of this" and left "judgement" to the crowd, who promptly crucified the "savior".

Then, from guilt the crowd took revenge on Hypatia, another respected teacher who came a little later and branded her a witch before they tore her limb from limb.

When a crowd becomes a mob, bad things usually happen.
He (if he actually existed) might have had some kind of experience on the road to Damascus. What he wrote was either his interpretation of a real experience or just made up to make a point. The same is true of Jesus' parables. They are plausible as actual events but they aren't supposed to be interpreted as actual individual events. They illustrate universal truths.
Thanks for your opinion, I'll bare it in mind.
Did he? Have you got the post number off the top of your head? I ain't looking through 60 pages.
Sure. Post 11. Some excerpts:

"As for evidences for God. They are real, whether you accept them or not."
" . . God is within every atom . . God is a separate entity, that could be known via satisfactory evidence"

Feel free to read the post yourself, of course.
Do you realise God is looking at this thread now and laughing his arse off?
Which god would be the one laughing?
Sure. Post 11. Some excerpts:

"As for evidences for God. They are real, whether you accept them or not."
" . . God is within every atom . . God is a separate entity, that could be known via satisfactory evidence"

Feel free to read the post yourself, of course.

I see. Thanks.
No you're not.
You're interested in finding as many reasons why people believe in God, as you can, so you can reject them.

Honest, meaning a post that either conforms to your worldview, or one that can be tackled by your worldview.
You're basically self-centered.

IOW you're setting your stall up.
There is no way you are going to accept anything theists say, because your mind is already made up.
And you accuse me of being dishonest. :rolleyes:

You wouldn't recognise honesty, if it punched you in the face.

Everyone is religious.

The real question is why do atheists deny, and or, reject God. And for what?

Because we accept God. We do not deny God.


Great post#20, kudos to you :)
No you're not.
You're interested in finding as many reasons why people believe in God, as you can, so you can reject them.

Honest, meaning a post that either conforms to your worldview, or one that can be tackled by your worldview.
You're basically self-centered.

IOW you're setting your stall up.
There is no way you are going to accept anything theists say, because your mind is already made up.
And you accuse me of being dishonest. :rolleyes:

You wouldn't recognise honesty, if it punched you in the face.

Everyone is religious.

The real question is why do atheists deny, and or, reject God. And for what?

Because we accept God. We do not deny God.


I agree 100% another great post ignored by the wonderful atheist choir.
I agree 100% another great post ignored by the wonderful atheist choir.

So you failed to notice Jan's lie that everyone is religious.

That is not the truth.
That is a bold lie.

It is that sort of wild unsupported claim that got me into presenting the eternal universe...
You know how you felt that I was taking an unreasonable stand and ignoring others views...well tell me why we should not see Jan's claim as a lie.

And dont get me wrong I like Jan and you but neither of you should lie.

In fact I suggest each of you ask yourselves if holding a belief that causes repeated lieing to be employed to defend that belief can be a good thing. .. dont you fear that god will send you both to hell for lieing...why do theists lie so often...it just seems very very wrong to me ...lieing is a sin I expect...and the wages of sin is death right...so why lie so much?
