Evidence that God is real

I didn't say they used the word supernatural in the description. (But nice try!) I said that dictionaries defined God as supernatural (i.e. is above nature; not bound by it.) To refresh your memory:

"2: a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes"
"a. A superhuman person regarded as having power over nature"

Both definitions describing God as supernatural. At least for people who speak and understand English.

This is from a previous discussion with JamesR (he was quoting your dictionary response) that deals with what you say .. To save time repeating myself, I will just copy/paste it, since you probably didn't read it:

I can't help but notice the hand wiggling you employ to equate "having power over" to be identical to "being above".

Yet for some funny reason, atheists prefer to use their own word, "supernatural", instead of any one of a bevy of words theists already provide that satisfy the same requirements, eg transcendent, immanent, omnipotent, etc.
You have, as yet, still failed to explain why it is the case that atheists bring exclusive terminology to define the subject.

Supernatural things have no fundamental relationship with the "reality" of things. No relationship of contingency exists between an "enabler" and "reality" if you want to run around calling things "supernatural". No doubt this is a convenient euphemistic tool of thought for atheists, since a dumbed down version of God provides easier access to their arguments (at least for as long as the fact that atheists are utilizing their own euphemistic language is glossed over, I suppose).

Actually if you remove the supernaturalfrom a designated supernatural thing, the designated thing ceases to exist.
This is why arguments against supernatural things are easier to float than transcendent or immanent things.
Now what supposed agenda do you suppose atheists could have in corralling the definition of God into a more easily dismissible category at the onset of all their arguments?
Is bypassing philosophy the mark of an intelligent argument or a political one?

Those goalposts aren't moving, sorry. Maybe start praying that they do? I hear that always works, which is proof God exists.

See, right there? I actually posted a (potential) way you could prove God exists. Ironic that not a single theist can do it.
It comes as no surprise that euphemisms often find themselves in the company of other forms of logical fallacies.

Let's talk about God.

Right here. Right now.
No, that's a really bad idea. If you go down that road, you're buying into Jan's distraction tactic. He will demand that you define God, again, and then spend pages telling you that you got it wrong because you're an atheist, etc. etc.

Jan shouldn't be allowed wriggle room here. Either he will present evidence, or he won't. My guess is that he won't, because he can't.

In the meantime, with his every post in which he goes on about atheist denial and other off-topic rubbish, Jan exposes the ultimate emptiness of his own position. Dig even a little into his belief and there's nothing there but empty claims.
Yet for some funny reason, atheists prefer to use their own word, "supernatural"
Ah. So your claim here is that theists do not use that word when talking about God.

Leslie White from an article in Beliefnet: "7 Ways to Tap into the Supernatural Power of God"

From Access Jesus - "God’s Miracles – The Supernatural In The Natural World" - includes the quote "God is a supernatural person."

From J. Warner Wallace of Cold Case Christianity - "Natural Explanations and A Supernatural God"

From the United Faith Church - "GOD’S SUPERNATURAL SEED" (referring to God's words)

Looks like you have been betrayed by your own fellow Christians. Quick! Change the subject, or call someone a name!
Supernatural things have no fundamental relationship with the "reality" of things.
Redefining words to try to win an argument is a sure sign you are losing the argument - badly.
As are your continuing evasions and attempts to distract from the topic, to which I was responding, along with your personal slights.

Since then, you've gone on to post several more posts. None of them address the thread topic. All of them consist mainly of slurs against atheists.

That's your opinion James. I beg to differ, as I have explained on quite a number of occassions.
If you are asking me a question, then it is up to me how I choose to respond to that question.
In this case, I choose to go in depth of what is preventing you from accepting God, because when I talk about God, it just seems to go over your head,
and you end up talking about what you think God is, and how evidence of God should be. This only results in you justifying your atheism by only accepting a God that is suitable for such purposes.

You seem terribly worried about my assumptions and what I might think if you were ever to post some evidence. Instead of fretting about what might happen, and thus avoiding, why don't you attempt to answer the question of the thread?

I have done. It's really that simple.
You don't accept Bill Craigs evidence? No surprise there then.
You will not accept anything, that suggests God. So why waste time?

What's the relevance of this to the thread topic?

You need to change your mindset, if you are sincere about the thread topic.
So right now anything is relevant, until you can do that.

Look, Jan, if you think that Stan Lee is evidence for your God, by all means make your argument. If you have some other interest in him, start a new thread and we can discuss.

There you go dictating how I should respond to your question.

Quoting out of context James?
You must be getting desperate to win.

How has this incapability been established?

Because man is man, whereas God is God.

Of course, if you're right, then you are exhibiting an example of something that could not exist without God, namely "scripture". Now, all you have to do is to back up your claim. Let's see how you go with that.

Define God?
Let's see how you go with that?

Ah. So your claim here is that theists do not use that word when talking about God.

Leslie White from an article in Beliefnet: "7 Ways to Tap into the Supernatural Power of God"

From Access Jesus - "God’s Miracles – The Supernatural In The Natural World" - includes the quote "God is a supernatural person."

From J. Warner Wallace of Cold Case Christianity - "Natural Explanations and A Supernatural God"

From the United Faith Church - "GOD’S SUPERNATURAL SEED" (referring to God's words)

Looks like you have been betrayed by your own fellow Christians. Quick! Change the subject, or call someone a name!
And these contributors strike you as philosophical heavy weights?

All that aside, nothing in the links you provided demand that supernatural is an exclusive or central term to God (some parts go at length to discriminate supernatural things that are connected to God, and supernatural things that are not connected to God .... which is, in itself, a novel concept to say the least.)
Redefining words to try to win an argument is a sure sign you are losing the argument - badly.
As per your atheism, I am genuinely surprised that you would suddenly rise to defend the supernatural as a sort of event that occurs in reality.
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No, that's a really bad idea. If you go down that road, you're buying into Jan's distraction tactic. He will demand that you define God, again, and then spend pages telling you that you got it wrong because you're an atheist, etc. etc.

Jan shouldn't be allowed wriggle room here. Either he will present evidence, or he won't. My guess is that he won't, because he can't.

In the meantime, with his every post in which he goes on about atheist denial and other off-topic rubbish, Jan exposes the ultimate emptiness of his own position. Dig even a little into his belief and there's nothing there but empty claims.

Now you're resorting to discussing me in public with your fellow atheist.
Desperate times.

Check out Bill Craig. I'm fine with the evidences he put forward, so there is no need for me write them out again.
You don't agree with Craig?
No surprise there.
Now what do we do?

In the meantime, with his every post in which he goes on about atheist denial and other off-topic rubbish,

Why do you assume it's off-topic (I know you don't really think it's rubbish)?
Do you think I should conduct myself the way you would, in this thread? Would that be right in your eyes?

Jan exposes the ultimate emptiness of his own position. Dig even a little into his belief and there's nothing there but empty claims.

You're the one who makes claims James.
I have no problem with accepting that you're an atheist.
And I know your atheism is not based on evidence, or lack of evidence for God.
It can't be, unless you make assumptions, then believe them to be true.


It appears you've got muddled, and maybe didn't read another reply I made to you, here:


I can't help but notice the hand wiggling you employ to equate "having power over" to be identical to "being above".
If you think this is problematic, you ought to explain why. The prefix "super-" in "supernatural" literally means "above" or "beyond".

Yet for some funny reason, atheists prefer to use their own word, "supernatural", instead of any one of a bevy of words theists already provide that satisfy the same requirements, eg transcendent, immanent, omnipotent, etc.
You have, as yet, still failed to explain why it is the case that atheists bring exclusive terminology to define the subject.
I don't believe it is a terminology exclusive to atheists.

Supernatural things have no fundamental relationship with the "reality" of things.
It is interesting that you say that.

Are you saying, therefore, that anything "supernatural" is therefore necessarily a fantasy?

I suppose that, if this is your position, you would describe God as entirely "natural". But in that case, empiricism would appear to be the logical epistemology method for investigating God, would it not?

No relationship of contingency exists between an "enabler" and "reality" if you want to run around calling things "supernatural". No doubt this is a convenient euphemistic tool of thought for atheists, since a dumbed down version of God provides easier access to their arguments (at least for as long as the fact that atheists are utilizing their own euphemistic language is glossed over, I suppose).
What's your preferred, smartened-up version of God?

Actually if you remove the supernatural from a designated supernatural thing, the designated thing ceases to exist. This is why arguments against supernatural things are easier to float than transcendent or immanent things.
I take it you argument, then, is that God is immanent and transcendent, rather than supernatural.

How does this impact the evidentiary question? It seems to simplify things, from my point of view. We needn't worry about God having "more than natural" attributes. No miracles allowed, I assume.

So, given that we can't appeal to miracles as evidence for this immanent, transcendent God, what evidence are you going to present?

Now what supposed agenda do you suppose atheists could have in corralling the definition of God into a more easily dismissible category at the onset of all their arguments?
It's an interesting question to consider, but one better suited to a different thread. This one is for discussion of evidence for God, as you know.

In this thread and many more, I have brought it up many times, with discussions about the variety within epistemology according to western and eastern philosophical traditions. It appeared to fly over your head, so I started discussing Andamon Islanders, medieval painters and history, utilizing the services of professionals like mechanics, doctors and lawyers by the otherwise inept, etc. Your standard response is to try to swallow it all under the umbrella of empiricism.
Okay, let's assume you have talked about your toolbox. So, you use your non-empirical tools to dig up the evidence and ... what do evidence do you find that shows that God is real?

James R said:
What is your non-empirical evidence for God? Can you present some of it?
Musika said:
Well? Where is it? There are now more than 600 posts in this thread.

Will your next post be the one where you stop talking about the method for obtaining the evidence, and finally post some of the evidence itself?

The main contributing problem here is your automatic compulsion to approach such evidence empirically.
Fortunately, you aren't constrained by my automatic compulsions. You can approach the evidence non-empirically. I just want to see the evidence.

You were talking about (empirical, of course) evidence. You were saying that things outside (empirical, of course) evidence are supernatural. I introduced cosmology and events pre-big bang as subjects rife with dubious empirical connections (or even flat out of bounds to empiricism) and alluded to your presumed reluctance to categorize them as "supernatural" despite them meeting your same criteria (being "beyond empiricism .... as a further detail, I expect you would go the extra mile and explain how such things are not "beyond nature", but exist as the empowering core of reality, even if they are empirically inaccessible, hence use of the word "supernatural" would be interpreted as a dishonest ploy to dumb down science yada yada .... ). Now you have come forth and said, no, we have theories (pural, of course) to explain such things. So do theories equate to evidence (for instance, can one acquire a nobel prize by a theory alone? If not, why?) or are you rolling back the terms under discussion?
No, theories don't equate to evidence. That's why I keep bugging you and Jan to stop explaining how one might theoretically go about finding evidence, and to start actually finding some evidence.

You asked me what relation I think that theory has to evidence, and I told you in a previous post (the one you apparently didn't read, linked above).

Anybody can float a hypothesis. To use your example, in cosmology there are many competing hypotheses. Where evidence is lacking, it can be impossible to tell which, if any, is correct. Therefore, I do not commit to any single theory, but keep an open mind, pending collection of the relevant evidence. If there is no evidence to be had, then the theory is mere speculation. It could be right, or it could be wrong; there's literally no way to tell for sure.

Your theory, and Jan's, is that God is real. Jan apparently has no evidence to offer. Let's hope you can do better.

One could point to any example...
And yet, you do not do point to a single example. Why not?

... since empiricism has a fundamental requirement for epistemological incompleteness (aka ignorance) in order to function (can you think of anything scientists have studied that has no more requirement for further research?).
This is not to say this is because scientists are a bunch of nasty dummies (although, on account of the human condition, they certainly can be on occassion), but rather, the weighing in of the finite (human powers of perception) vs the infinite (the macro and micro universe) always swings the scales in one direction for as long as these two things face each other off in the epistemological boxing ring.

I mentioned cosmology and pre-big bang because they are easily identifiable as clear candidates of impossible victory, even in the pathological minds of those beset by the violence of such an epistemological arena.
It sounds like you're saying that hoping to find evidence of God is another "impossible victory". Is that what you're saying?

Let me ask you directly: do you have any evidence for God? Do you think that any evidence exists?
No, that's a really bad idea. If you go down that road, you're buying into Jan's distraction tactic. He will demand that you define God, again,
I'm a visual guy.
I'd be happy to talk about anything Jan can demonstrate to me that's of God. (We call that 'evidence' but let's keep that between you and me.)

Because having him agree to actually talk about God and his manifestations is far closer to the thread topic than having him wax poetic on atheistic straw men.

Too bad though. His best evidence of God - in merely the 600 posts of this thread alone - is 'Google'.
There's nothing here to refute. You have yet to bring a single one of Bill Craig's "evidences" to the table.

Go look them up.
I have responded to your question, as requested.
If you have doubts, you raise them.

As I said previously, you're just vaguely waving your hands in his direction. When pressed, you come up with a blank, post after post.

Again with the assumptions. What is wrong with you?
That is my response. You said nothing about bringing anything to the table.
If you think they are not evidence of God, you explain why.

No. it's for you to present, if there is any such thing.

You're the one asking me, remember.
I say that it is for you to find out.

Is there any evidence that it doesn't? If so, present it.

Is there any evidence that it does? If so, present it.

"Arguments" can be based on all kinds of things. You say Bill Craig has evidence. If he has it, why can't you present it?

His argument present evidence for God.
The title says nothing about presenting evidence that God is real.
You already know Craigs arguments, plus I already know you don't accept them. So what is the point of presenting them?
They are there should you choose to disagree.

Where can we view them? Be specific. You ought to provide a brief summary, but you can link to more information if you think it is required.

There's no point. We've been going through this for years, and the result is always the same. You deny and reject God.
I'd rather take a different approach at your question this time.

I don't believe you. Present the evidence, please.

As I said, there is no point.
Plus, you already know his arguments. So just say what you're going to say.

Check out Bill Craig, I'm okay with that evidence..

There are very practical reasons why we can't take your suggestion to simply go read Bill Craig's works.

1] Such discussion will invariably lead to requests for clarification on certain points. We cannot do that with Bill. It requires two-way discussion. Like on a forum.

2] In reading an entire work, we have no way of knowing what your favorite bit of evidence is. And it is you that we will be discussing it with. Let's not spend 600 more posts with us saying 'OK, this doesn't sound right' and you responding with 'bad example, pick another'.

3] You are asserting the evidence as compelling, here. The onus is on you - not a third party - to put forth an argument succinctly. We cannot have a discussion that spans an entire book. Let's start small.

4] In 600 posts, you've written written more than an entire article by Bill Craig. You can't possibly suggest it's too hard to write out a paragraph or two.

So, come on. Show us this isn't a stall.
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Jan Ardena:

That's your opinion James. I beg to differ, as I have explained on quite a number of occassions.
I invite readers of the thread to judge for themselves.

If you are asking me a question, then it is up to me how I choose to respond to that question.
Or not respond, as the case may be.

In this case, I choose to go in depth of what is preventing you from accepting God, because when I talk about God, it just seems to go over your head, and you end up talking about what you think God is, and how evidence of God should be. This only results in you justifying your atheism by only accepting a God that is suitable for such purposes.
This thread isn't about me and my problems accepting God. It is about evidence for God. Is there any? Do you have any? The answer, based on your posts to the thread, is: you have nothing.

You don't accept Bill Craigs evidence?
Which evidence? You have yet to post a single item of evidence from Craig, or anybody else. If you present it, then I could tell you whether I accept it.

You will not accept anything, that suggests God.
Even if you're right in your assumption about me, it's irrelevant. My lack of acceptance doesn't stop you posting the evidence, if you have any.

So right now anything is relevant, until you can do that.
Nothing is relevant until you make it so. If you have a point, make it.

There you go dictating how I should respond to your question.
Oh, how terribly rude of me to say things like "by all means, make your argument". How restrictive of me.

Because man is man, whereas God is God.
You didn't answer the question. Try again.

Define God?
Already done. Besides, I just advised Dave to avoid throwing himself into that particular black hole of yours. Why do you imagine I would do so, again?

Here's an alternative: try addressing the thread topic, Jan.

Check out Bill Craig.
What should I check out, specifically? I asked you before, but you came up blank.

You don't agree with Craig?
Agree with him about what? You have posted nothing from him. No extracts, no links. Nothing.

Why do you assume it's off-topic
This thread is about evidence for God.

You're the one who makes claims James.
We all make claims, Jan.

This thread is about evidence for God. Have you got any?

I have no problem with accepting that you're an atheist.
I'm so glad. Now can we have your evidence, please?

And I know your atheism is not based on evidence, or lack of evidence for God.
Is this magical knowledge from God, again? Can't we discuss what my atheism is or isn't based on in a different thread? This one is about evidence for God.
Uh huh. And just so we're perfectly clear, you have no evidence to present here.

I have stated the source of that evidence.
The title said nothing about giving presentations.
But why does it matter whether or not I present it, now that you have the source?

I have stated the source of that evidence.
The title said nothing about giving presentations.
But why does it matter whether or not I present it, now that you have the source?
I addressed this while you were typing. Post 654:

There are very practical reasons why we can't take your suggestion to simply go read Bill Craig's works.
1] Such discussion will invariably lead to requests for clarification on certain points. We cannot do that with Bill. It requires two-way discussion. Like on a forum.
2] In reading an entire work, we have no way of knowing what your favorite bit of evidence is. And it is you that we will be discussing it with. Let's not spend 600 more posts with us saying 'OK, this doesn't sound right' and you responding with 'bad example, pick another'.
3] You are asserting the evidence as compelling, here. The onus is on you - not a third party - to put forth an argument succinctly. We cannot have a discussion that spans an entire book. Let's start small.
4] In 600 posts, you've written more than an entire article by Bill Craig. You can't possibly suggest it's too hard to write out a paragraph or two.
Jan Ardena:

Go look them up.
No, Jan. I'm not about to go on a wild goose chase. Read the opening post again:

"The aim here is to have the theists post what they regard as good evidence."

Is there any evidence that it does? If so, present it.
This thread is about evidence for God, not evidence against God, or absence of evidence for God. Although, of course, that's all we're seeing here: absence of evidence for God.

His argument present evidence for God.
What argument? Where?

The title says nothing about presenting evidence that God is real.
The opening post does:

"I invite our resident theists to put forward what you regard as the best evidence for the existence of the God or gods that you believe in."

You already know Craigs arguments...
Not the ones that present evidence for God. What are they? You have yet to post a single example.

There's no point.
More avoidance.

Your behaviour here is transparent, Jan. All you have is excuses and avoidance.
So, in the spirit of cooperation, and acquiescence to Jan's request, I have looked at "any" of Bill Craig's works.
This is from page one:

The cosmological argument comes in a variety of forms. Here’s a simple version of the famous version from contingency:
1. Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause.
2. If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God.
3. The universe exists.
4. Therefore, the universe has an explanation of its existence (from 1, 3).
5. Therefore, the explanation of the universe’s existence is God

As you can see, Bill Craig's argument - which Jan supports, as much as anything else Bill Craig has written - is a tautology. It begs the question - a very basic logical fallacy - it takes its conclusion as one of its premises.

Here, I'll call it out:

Premise: If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God.
Conclusion: Therefore, the explanation of the universe’s existence is God

The premise has not been granted, therefore the conclusion cannot be made.

Since Jan has made it plain that any of Bill's evidence is as good as any other, it follows that any of Bills evidence is as bad as any one chosen. The first one is faulty.

Jan's evidence dies a still birth.

Well that was easy.

Musika, you're up next.
So, in the spirit of cooperation, and acquiescence to Jan's request, I have looked at "any" of Bill Craig's works.
The one you looked at is not concerned with evidence, but philosophical argument. Also, we discussed this in depth a long time ago. There's an entire thread titled "Kalam cosmological argument" somewhere in archives.

Maybe Jan thinks that philosophical arguments are the same as evidence. There's no way to tell, since he is yet to suggest anything specific that he regards as evidence in this thread.