Evidence that God is real

Once again, you are just off the scale with the bullshit factor as you seek any opportunity, either real or imagined, to ply the bullshit abrahamic atheist identity politics bullshit.
Scriptures (regardless whether one is talking exclusively or not of the abrahamic variety) are jam packed with prescriptive details of personal qualifications for knowing God.
Scriptures are jam packed with nonsense & cruelty. IF you think you know of some sensible scriptures which tell how to know god, cite them. Otherwise your claim is meaningless.
Unless you state whether you are an Abrahamic theist & why, your 1st line is foolish bullshit.

Scriptures are jam packed with nonsense & cruelty. IF you think you know of some sensible scriptures which tell how to know god, cite them. Otherwise your claim is meaningless.
Unless you state whether you are an Abrahamic theist & why, your 1st line is foolish bullshit.

As I said, plenty of prescriptive descriptions, even you want to limit the description to the comfortable playpen of your abrahamic atheist identity politics comfort zone. If, on the off chance, you are not being purposefully daft try googling things like "What does it mean to be a Christian?". Granted, your extensive use of google to locate hackneyed atheist memes may skewer a sizable portion of your hits, but I am relatively confident you could stumble across something substantial ...... assuming that was your goal.
As I said, plenty of prescriptive descriptions, even you want to limit the description to the comfortable playpen of your abrahamic atheist identity politics comfort zone. If, on the off chance, you are not being purposefully daft try googling things like "What does it mean to be a Christian?". Granted, your extensive use of google to locate hackneyed atheist memes may skewer a sizable portion of your hits, but I am relatively confident you could stumble across something substantial ...... assuming that was your goal.
You Google it if needed.

You made the claim. It is not our responsibility to support it.

If you want to claim there is an absence of prescriptive descriptions in the bible, I just gave you a hint on what you could try to google to suggest otherwise.
If you are not interested in explaining why your claims are not obedient to casual observation, that is not my problem.
If you want to claim there is an absence of prescriptive descriptions in the bible, I just gave you a hint on what you could try to google to suggest otherwise.
If you are not interested in explaining why your claims are not obedient to casual observation, that is not my problem.
Evidently, you have no problem as long as you are allowed to make claims & refuse to support them & act as tho others should support them.

I will not go on&on&on with you again. You can have the last evasive meaningless word.

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Scriptures (regardless whether one is talking exclusively or not of the abrahamic variety) are jam packed with prescriptive details of personal qualifications for knowing God.
Therefore, if we don't "know" god, we didn't follow the prescription? And your "knowledge" is therefore exclusive and beyond question? Claims of special knowledge still need to be demonstrated.
Evidently, you have no problem as long as you are allowed to make claims & refuse to support them & act as tho others should support them.

I will not go on&on&on with you again. You can have the last meaningless word.

Once again, my claim is not unusual. Yours is. If you disagree, try google.
Therefore, if we don't "know" god, we didn't follow the prescription?
That's about the size of it.

And your "knowledge" is therefore exclusive and beyond question?
The act of determining knowledge as arising from prescriptive descriptions takes it outside of "my" (or "your") knowledge.

Claims of special knowledge still need to be demonstrated.
Kind of difficult when one demands the regular prescriptions be dismissed even as a subject. Even telescopes tend to come with strong prescriptions about which end to look through
Scriptures (regardless whether one is talking exclusively or not of the abrahamic variety) are jam packed with prescriptive details of personal qualifications for knowing God.
Such as? Please can you give me an idea of what you consider to be such a prescriptive detail of personal qualifications for knowing God? If scriptures are as packed with such as you claim, providing but a single example should not prove too onerous, should it, just so that I can understand what sorts of thing you are referring to?
Scriptures (regardless whether one is talking exclusively or not of the abrahamic variety) are jam packed with prescriptive details of personal qualifications for knowing God.
Then you should have no trouble pointing to a couple of them, and explaining how they qualify those expert persons.
It would save you a lot of typing irrelevant personal disparagements.
That's about the size of it.
Then what about all those people who have followed the prescriptions and for whom God is not revealed? Cue the No True Scotsman defense.
The act of determining knowledge as arising from prescriptive descriptions takes it outside of "my" (or "your") knowledge.
No it doesn't. Accepting a premise solely on the basis of the perceived authority of the author is fallacious.
Kind of difficult when one demands the regular prescriptions be dismissed even as a subject.
I've never done that, only suggested that they are fiction. Worthy of study as fiction and cultural phenomena, but not as fact.
Jan Ardena has blustered on about how he isn't interested in evidence, yada yada yada. As far as actually presenting any goes, there are two things. At one point he appeared to suggest that everything in the world is evidence of God, but he couldn't quite bring himself to commit to that position when asked the question directly. Apart from that, he suggested that the "scriptures" are evidence of God, without providing any particular reason as to why they should be considered as such.

You are an obfuscation expert James.
I see this mash-up of misrepresentation, as a sign of frustration. You need to get closure on the issue of ''there is no God'', but you can't.
You try to convince yourself there is no God, by twisting what theists say.

I cannot convince you that scriptures are evidence of God, because for you there is no God.
The problem is you are an atheist by choice.
Of course you're going to claim that you have not stated, there is no God. But you don't have to say it. It is conclusive that for you there is no God.

I know. Have you got any evidence?

Based on what I said I believed, what would you regard as evidence?

I think you've tied yourself in a knot again. I invited you to address the issue of "real" when you provide evidence, if you think you need to. That invitation remains open. We can discuss it when and if you decide to present some evidence.

Given the subject matter (God) what would you accept as evidence?

As is clear from the statement I made (which you quoted in the process of producing this response), I am bothered about presupposing truths. I also wrote quite extensively on my thoughts about the possibility of accessing the Truth, with a capital "T".

You can grammar it how you like James. Truth is truth. If I said I was a man, I would be telling the truth. If I said I was the fastest sprinter in the world, I would not be telling the truth. Do you want to know the truth, or aren't you bothered. That is the question. I'm not interested in your long-winded answers. Just a simple yes or no.

But, again, this talk of "Truth" is just a distraction on your part. If you think you have some True evidence, why don't you just present it? That's what the thread is about.

You mean evidence aside from the ability to perceive something as evidence?
That would mean presupposing I am separate to God, and my faculties are independent of God.
That is your delusion, not mine.

Are you willing to change your mind about the reality of God, in principle? (Watch the cartwheels start.)

Firstly, I would have to consider what ''willing'' is. Whether or not it was a part of the reality, that it would need to separate itself from in a bid to independently find the reality that is real. The problem is that in doing so, I would lose access to reality, and consider my delusion a reality. In that way, I will have deemed myself, God. Similar to what atheists do.

I'm not so sure about that, but it's a discussion better suited to the Philosophy forum.

There's no need to hash this out with philosophy. There is a truth. Whatever happened for us to be here today, happened, and here we are.

I must say, it's remarkable in this thread that you, one who is so often demonstrably unable to distinguish subjective from objective Truth, are suddenly an enthusiast for the One Truth.

You’re the one who has trouble. You don’t even realise that you’re predisposed toward truth, even in your world where you try to make it possible there could be a God, but there would have to be independent evidence.
What do you think God is, why there could be independent evidence?

I think I have said all I need to say thus far.
I suggest you stop with obfuscating, and simply respond to what I say, so we can progress.

You are in your position, and I am in mine.
To make things short, but informative, I suggest you bring forth a definition of God that is acceptable for both of us. Then we can move forward.

You can approach it only from the "there is a god" presupposition, (willfully?) ignorant of the possibility of no god.
Along with the inexcusable rude childish presupposition that atheists know there is a god.
James & I & many others have repeatedly told you we do not exclude the possibility of a god. How do you continue to express ignorance of it?
You are the 1 with problematic presuppositions.


Atheists are the ones whi approaches. Theists have no need to.
That you think it is possible that God may not exist, lays bare your presupposition. We are simply not relating to the same subject matter.

If atheists know anything at all, then they know there is God. Sure they can deny it, and become intellectually fulfilled with just so stories of how we come to know things. But they are simply kidding themselves. There is a reason why some atheist are not partial to truth.

This idea of not completely writing off the possibility of there being a God, is bullsh#t.
It is using your God-given abilities to decide that you are not satisfied with any account of evidence in a God that is acceptable to you.
But you don’t want to discuss the God that theists accept and believe in. Why? Because you know that God Is, meaning you would be very foolish to not accept and believe in God.

If atheists know anything at all, then they know there is God.
What about gods? Why do you keep forgetting that many people believe in more than one god? Are you so arrogant that you think your view is the only theistic view that's valid?
Because you know that God Is, meaning you would be very foolish to not accept and believe in God.
Award for the most circular argument so far!
Such as? Please can you give me an idea of what you consider to be such a prescriptive detail of personal qualifications for knowing God? If scriptures are as packed with such as you claim, providing but a single example should not prove too onerous, should it, just so that I can understand what sorts of thing you are referring to?
When in doubt, try asking google.

When in doubt, try asking google.
You're not Google. I'm asking you. At least be polite enough to answer rather than requiring me to ask someone else to answer on your behalf. I'm asking you to explain what you see as such a prescriptive detail of personal qualifications for knowing God. Not for you to simply provide a web link to passages from scriptures that might merely be about knowing God, for example (e.g. how is "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." a prescriptive detail for knowing God?).