Evidence in the Pyramids


Aarrggh...........Giant communication devices!!!!!!! I'm sorry but I personally think that is a load of crap.

The pyramids were, as Dave says, designed and built for a function. That function could well have been to launch the spirit of the deceased pharaoh to the stars.


I do agree with you when you say that a lot of this is crap but you really should do a bit more reasearch. The latest ideas on the construction of the pyramid are perfectly reasonable and are based on good science and not the ideas of cranks. Even a sceptic like you should not find them too outlandish to take on board. We are not talking about beings from the stars here but of the existence of an Egyptian 'star cult.' If you don't check out these ideas then how can you form a balanced opinion. Your "burial mount" ideas may be correct but it is wrong to only look at one theory. You have to explore them all before making your mind up.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 23, 1999).]
Have to look at all the possibilities before making up your mind, huh? Consider how large our deep space radio observatories are. You are looking for a function- yet you fail to even consider a logical explanation. Early expeditions into the interiors revealed radioactive signatures, yet nothing radioactive was found. The placement and structure would be ideal for a beacon/communications device. As for launching souls into space- why would they want to? From where did they get an idea that these objects could do that? Perhaps from watching others communicate with others? Hearing the voices, with no bodies. And to tell you the truth- NO ONE has showed that early man could have built them. So we are left with a construct that was built by some advanced race. Abadoned. Early man was trying to contact the "GODS" that had left them. Show/tell me another plausible reason for why? Only the Ruler/God was buried there. Why? Because he was a 'God' and therefore belonged with the "Gods" who had left. Complete theory. No gaps, no missing function.

With all due respect Ramonth, I have considered your opinion but I am afraid that I do not see the 'Giant Communication Beacons' idea as being logical at all.

Pyramid building was an evolutionary process which the Egyptians learned and there are plenty of other pyramids around in Egypt that were built earlier which in no way measure up to the Great Pyramid and its neighbours. The Great Pyramid was the culmination of this evolution. The later pyramids of the 5th Dynasty went back to being spectacularly unimpressive in comparison. Why would this be? Surely your space beings didn't run out of money when building them?

You mentioned the gold capstone. (and for some reason the Jean Michelle Jarre concert of Dec 31st 1999) Yes,it is pretty much agreed that the Great Pyramid could have been topped by a capstone of gold. But why you should see that as evidence of a transmission device is beyond me. The pyramid was also once faced with gleaming limestone which was later removed by Arabs. Both the limestone and the gold cap (if it existed at all) were simply decorative.

We know from the pyramid texts that the constellation of Orion was very imporatant to the Egyptians. It was discovered in the 1960s that one of the strange shafts which travel from the King's Chamber (the so called Star Shafts) pointed to Orion's Belt. Orion's belt is known to be the constellation of the god Osiris. This is not in dispute and this view is held by the world's formost expert on the pyramids, Dr Eiddon Edwards.

However, it has only recently been discovered that the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber pointed at the star of Sirius (the star of Isis), Osisris's consort.

The other two remaining pyramids built in the 4th Dynasty at Abu Ruwash and Zawayat Al Aryan were built to the South West and North East of the Giza pyramids. In exactly the same relative position as two of the other stars in the constellation of Orion, Saiph and Bellatrix.

Add to that the fact the river Nile is in the same relative position as the constallation of Orion is to the Milky Way and you are left with the fact that the ancient Egyptians were literally trying to build a representation of their heaven on earth. The three pyramids at Giza are a representation of the three stars of Orion's belt. This also explains why the third pyramid of Menkaura is smaller and slightly offset to the others. The layout of the three Giza pyramids on the ground mirror the stars of Orion's belt exactly.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 23, 1999).]
I won't argue that some of the pyramids were built by egyptians- but why? just to bury a few god/kings? The sphinx is way older than the pyramids, and some of the pyramids are also very old. I think that some of the first pyramids were built not for burial or even stars but for communications. The radioactive footprint can only be accounted for if someone was using a large amount of material. Why else would they find radioactive footprints?
I am quite sure you are right when you say that the Sphinx is much older than was previously thought. Recently a geologist has pointed out that the weathering on the Sphinx has been caused by water and not by sand. His case is very impressive indeed and backed up with good science. I fail to see how anyone can dispute his conclusions. Why does this cause problems? The last time Egypt had a climate when the Sphinx could have been weathered by water was approximately 10,500 years ago. Egyptologists, not suprisingly, appear to be simply ignoring this evidence.
OK...here we go...
Gold is the best type of non-corroding conductor to use in electronics. Transceiver equipment is loaded with it because of it's excellent properties in relation to conduction Vs. Deterioration/corrosion. I know, I worked on Government Communications equipment for nine years. I'm not saying anything conclusive, it's just that if you wanted to know why you would place a hunk of gold atop a device....???....well???...Also remember you don't need wire to connect to an arial....that's why your car phone can have the arial stuck on your window and the cable on the inside window - no holes required! (capacitive coupling). All I'm saying about the gold top is that it MAY have been for something other than decoration....the inside wasn't decorated, why the hell do half a job by decorating the outside??? ( I at no stage said this was a comms link O.K.? )
Let's also mention the 5 mammoth slabs of granite or "Spirit Stones" that are mounted above the Kings(?) Chamber too. Then there's Faradays visit to the Pyramid and how he noticed the electrical charge that built up in his drinking bottle when under these stones. He built a crude static collector by wrapping the bottle in damp newspaper and was amazed at the amount of charge that built up in the device.
I don't know what the function of the Pyramid is and I don't know why these things were made as they were.
As for the sphynx, it is approximated by Adam West that the Sphynx may in fact be even up to 20,000 years - old never-mind 10,000!!! Pretty mind-boggling...that's probably why so many people are having a hard time with it 'time frame' ...Theories go up the shoot, all the clever Egyptologists may perhaps fear the level of their credibility may come into question...blah blah blah.....
intelligent critics refuse to continue comment in threads like these because it's 'all gone stupid now'.....a shame, really..