Evidence in the Pyramids

You are way off. I am not a Corporal, or involved in the army in any way. I am 15, and I have been into the whole "ufo thing" for the last 7 years.

I by no means at all buy into the system. I am always in my school deans office for breaking unjust rules. I was perhaps too aggressive in my post, and I apologize.

It is just that most (Dave is an exception :p) people involved in ufology believe for the sake of believing. Believe because there is hard evidence to back it up, not because you want some spiritual connection with the earth or something along those lines.

The material that has been posted here is pure garbage. I have not seen one shred of hard evidence to back your claims up. If you have it, show it to me. I would love to see it!

People are not destroying the earth, and neither are aliens. The earth is not being destroyed! I don't know how I can get my point across to you people.

I am sorry about the shitty state of this message, but I have to go play Blood2 Demo now! :)
You know what kiddo? The shit you've posted here is pure garbage. You need to get some religion. Here, let me get out my bunsen burners, and conduct an experiment for you...nah, just go back to playing your mindless games.
I need religion? I have religion, though not organized :)

I have been overly aggressive, and I apologize.

I honestly and openly ask for a shred of evidence to support that the earth is being destroyed. I honestly would like to see it.

BTW: How appropriate that you would mock science, as the majority of the ufology community does the same thing unwittingly
Go here for some FORMAL evidence on UFO's


[This message has been edited by Davespace7 (edited June 01, 1999).]
Dave- I absolutely believe that Unidentified Flying Phenomena exist. I also believe that a good portion of these are atmospheric phenomena.

But a small portion probably do relate to psychic phenomena, government tests, and extra-terrestrial vehicles. I am not seeking evidence to prove that point. I completely understand statements like "I believe that aliens visit the planet" etc.

What I want evidence to back up is stuff like this quote from bottica "I think you are very correct in your statement ...and basicly this is what I have been trying to say...That by our egosictical ways of dealing with our host this planet called earth, we have managed to destroy all eco-systtems that surrounds us."

There is nothing to back that up with. No eco systems have been destoyed by people. Harmed yes, but they evolved and adapted to us as we did to them.

I am not a closed minded person. I just want to be able to prove something before I believe in it.

[This message has been edited by Corp.Hudson (edited June 01, 1999).]
What the hell happened to this discussion?

BTW, I forgot to dispute the post that this disscussion started from. The FOX tomb unveiling was not some well respected archealogical phenomena. This is the same network that brought you "Worlds Worst Police Chases When Pedophiles And There Dogs Are In The Back Seat And Crash Part 34". :)
I would like to continue with this discussion. Heres a starting point-

"It is a fact that there have been hieroglyphs found in a pyramid that show futuristic objects. Of them are -Davespace7

That is in no way shape or form a fact. It is an intepretation of a pictographically based(you know what I mean...) form of writing. Show me photographs, and let me make my own interpretation. Proof of this: go to www.idcomm.com/personal/ufo/hele1.gif
and tell me what you see
I've just visited the three most famous piramids and even went inside the one of Mycherinos : no paintings what so ever on the wall ! That was kind of a tick off I must say, in all the other graves and temples I've been up to that point along the Nile there had been depictions of burial ceremonies and Hieroglyphs to praise the gods but the great piramid was just moist, hot and had very little oxygen because of all the other tourists who thought they would see the most spectacular thing in their life. If you have witnessed the hugheness of the piramid from outside then I really don't recommend you to enter it : no fun at all!
Any way these things don't in the least bit make me wonder about possible aliens or Atlantis-kind-of-wizards who build or helped to build those constructs. Instead it makes me humble about the faith that drove people to build it, faith really does move mountains it appears !

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,

Did you go into the Cheos pyramid.. the smallest and the first one? I have a magazine here in Swedish that shows the pictures of it..


just waiting for my peabrain to boot into English
No, I didn't but I do know that the one of Cheops is not the smalles but the biggest. Cheops was the grandfather, then you have Chefren, the father and last Mycherinos. It appears they kind of ran out of funds to build their piramids because they became smaller and smaller...

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,

How on earth can you advise people not to bother going inside the most incredible structure on Earth just because of its lack of internal writings. If you'd done a bit more research on the building before you went there and you'd known what to look for I'm sure that you would have found it a good deal more interesting than you did.

You only say that because you haven't been there. I tell you the tombs in the vally of the King are much more beautiful than the inside of the pyramids ! Although the form of the burial chamber is exactly the same, there were no paintings. Normally there should be a starry sky on the ceiling but there was none of the sort.

You see that is what happens with every mystery ! As long as you don't actually see it and experience the reality of it, it is wonderfull to fantisize about it but it pops like a soapbell when you touch it.
This might very well apply to ufo's also, as long as they stay 'unknown' there is room for countless speculation but once it gets 'known', it gets boring and loses it's special status.

So I advise you, Spadge never to go to the piramids at all and stay away from every other mysterious place or thing you can think of, the beauty and the enigma will be left untouched.

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,

I'm sorry Plato but I'm astounded by your reply. It's like saying nobody should go to Stonhenge because they are just a bunch of big rocks with no artistic markings on them whatsoever. Their facination with me lies in their mystery and not how they are decorated. I thought we were discussing the Great Pyramid's mystery here and not how beautiful it is.

I really do wonder what you actually know about this structure at all.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 18, 1999).]
They are burial mounts for the kings, same thing as everywhere else but here they are a bit bigger because the kings had more money and power to build them. That is all, no mysterie involved.

Besides, I have ben to Stonehenge as well and again, I'm sorry to say not much is left.
The secret here lies in the surrounding landscape that is literaly spickled with burial sites. If you dispence with all the legendary fuss about the place again you get a hughe burial site.

What does this say ? That people have been occupied with death since they uttered their first coherent thought. There lies the mysterie, one we haven't solved up untill this day (maybe we never will), the mysterie of death !

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,

[This message has been edited by Plato (edited June 18, 1999).]

Firstly, to adress the original disscusion, I would like to point out that I am not saying I think that The Great Pyramid is evidence of extraterrestrial contact. I do however believe that it is proof of an older civilisation which possessed knowledge which mankind forgot for a long time. I have to assume that you are not aware of the relatively recent discoveries of Graham Hancock who has proved his case for a more ancient civilisation beyond doubt as far as I'm concerned. Apologies if you have...

I posted that first message in response to what I saw as you trivialising the most astounding construction on the face of the Earth. Your view was the Valley of the Kings is more beautiful and nobody should go to the Great Pyramid as it's not nicely decorated. That was your first point and you can't dispute it. You say that it's a burial mound which happens to be just a bit bigger because of the money the Pharoahs had. A bit bigger? Isn't that just a tiny bit of an understatement? It's 450 foot tall for God's sake. It is a fact that The Great Pyramid would tax modern building methods to the limit to reproduce it. What's more there is no gaurantee that it could be done to the same degree of amazing accuracy. You say that there is no mystery attached to this place at all. I'm afraid you could not be further from the truth. For a start it incorporates the figure Pi into its contruction which wasn't supposed to be discovered until the Ancient Greeks came along. The fact the inside chambers of the pyramid are not decorated is actually another mystery. Why is Cheop's name (Khufu for those not familiar with his other moniker) not plastered all over the place. You'd think he would have wanted to advertise the fact that this was his tomb. Quite a modest bloke considering he was supposed to be part god don't you think.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid I also have to correct you on the Stonehenge bit. Stonehenge is not, as you say, an ancient burial ground and I have never even heard it ever described as one by anyone. It is pretty much agreed by everyone that Stonehenge was either built for the study or worship of the heavens or for seasonal rites. Recent discoveries have only added strenghth this view. Again, the fact that they are basically a load of old stones would not stop me from going there.

I shall desist from saying more......for now!

I look forward to your reply.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 23, 1999).]
You are both forgetting the fact that the great pyramid is in fact more than an estimated 10,000 years old and perhaps older still! It wasn't made to be a tomb for an egyptian king and the ancient egyptian civilisation (as we know them from ~4,500 years ago) didn't build them. That's why there are no markings or glyphs or decorations in them. It was made for a function, not to impress people of the future with their great tastes in dècore!
Remember that the egyptians were very particular about keeping records on everything they did. From child-birth to harvesting, to sacrifices and general lifestyle. Yet there is not one single glyph anywhere that tells of the building of the pyramids -Why? because they were already there!
Money had nothing to do with it either. Remember that one of the kings son's of about ~2,500 years ago, took off upstream to start his own city because he didn't agree with worshipping 50 god's, he opted for worshipping just one and to hold Him responsible for all that is. So, how could he build an entire city and make it more cost effective than building one pyramid? -On his own funds and not his parents??

I'm working from old memory so don't bash me for not having EXACT dates etc. Remember the topic is "Evidence in the Pyramids" - The evidence I see is that ancient egyptians (circa 5,000 years ago) did not construct the Great Pyramid.
Ancient Sumerian tablet texts have been found that actually describe what seem to be the Pyramids of Egypt. These tablets were over 10,000 years old, which really helps what I've just said. A real eye opener is these same texts name the earth as the 7th planet in our solar system. Considering the last two planets were only discovered in the last 50 years or so, how did they know if you count all the planets from the edge of our system going in, that earth was the 7th planet, not the 3rd, as we count from the sun out??
There's so much to discover and learn- but will the answers come in our lifetime?


The Great Pyramid is not supposed to be 10,000 years old. Egyptologists say that it was constructed around around 5,000 years ago.


The helicopter heiroglyph you mentioned in the first post was not found in a pyramid. It was discovered on a wall panel frieze in the Egyptian temple of Seti 1 at Abydos.
The general opinion of Egyptologists about the freize , which also seems to show a tank and a submarine, is that there is no mystery to it at all. They say that it is simply the inscription of a royal name. This however does not explain why these glyphs appear. Egyption heiroglyphics are a pictorial form of writing and a helicopter glyph should simply mean helicopter. Egyptologists appear to be ducking this particular point and their deafening silence appears to confirm that none of these glyphs appear in any dictionary of ancient Egyption language.

It does not however, mean that it is actually a helicopter.....

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 23, 1999).]
Wow - you guys really go off the deep end. Try a LITTLE research. It's good for the soul. First check out STICHIN. He is an expert on ancient civilizations. One of only 12 or so people who can READ Sumerian glyphs. He is of Jewish descent and does a remarkable job in explaining the pyramids and the begining of civilization. He explains it and shows you why he thinks what he does. The 10th (12th) planet has been confirmed by Scientists. Who know that a "very large planet size object IS affecting the outer planets orbits. (The Search for Planet X) It is due to RETURN in 2003. It is already affecting our planet. Global warming? Next try ZETTALK. While it is a little off subject from Stichin, is still very interesting. One final note- the pyramids were built as communication devices. All the guts have been removed. Egyptians then used them for burials. Consider that on Dec 31st '99 there will be a live broadcast from it-after they have placed a gold foiled metal cap on it. Better for transmission and reception?
PEACE ramonth
I'm not even going to read this any more, some much BS together makes my head turn.

Have a nice discussion !