Ethics of the Iraq occupation

The occupation of Iraq is...

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I do not think the US has to right to tell lies as an excuse to obliterate a country. Or pay extremists to have excuses to stay on.

I think the occupation of Iraq is wrong and US troops should get out.
I do not think the US has to right to tell lies as an excuse to obliterate a country. Or pay extremists to have excuses to stay on.

It seems , with Saddam, he was obliterating his own country and people as well or do you remember what he did when he mass murdered thousands of Kurds as well as thousands of others that didn't go along with his views?
It seems , with Saddam, he was obliterating his own country and people as well or do you remember what he did when he mass murdered thousands of Kurds as well as thousands of others that didn't go along with his views?

Fine, so you think the occupation of Iraq is right.
You don't think its wrong. :shrug:

Perhaps if you voted, there would be no ambiguity.

I don't think there is an "occupation" as you put it going on in Iraq today. I believe that Iraq has ASKED America to stay there until the violence has calmed down. Do you disagree with that? Why?
I don't think there is an "occupation" as you put it going on in Iraq today. I believe that Iraq has ASKED America to stay there until the violence has calmed down. Do you disagree with that? Why?

So the US invaded Iraq on request?
As I stated it is a security force helping the government bring stabalization to its country. The Iraq government has asked America to stay and help so that would mean that Americans are there because they were asked to be not because they want to be there.

I've read the same story in soviet history books about Latvia. According to those the soviet army was asked into Latvia to help to drive off the nazis and remain there forever after to keep the peace.

Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.

A poster in Latvian from 1980s
I don't think there is an "occupation" as you put it going on in Iraq today.

Don't take it very personally, but you are very close to hit my ignore files. You have been expressing just general dumbness lately, this post being one of the primary examples. You are not mean or anything, just plain stupid who doesn't really learn. Like Baron Max was. So there is really no point in corresponding with you...
It seems , with Saddam, he was obliterating his own country and people as well or do you remember what he did when he mass murdered thousands of Kurds as well as thousands of others that didn't go along with his views?

You obviously don't know shit about Saddam. Saddam had not destroyed his own country - in fact, his country was actually improved vastly under him. Yes, he did kill anyone who opposed him, but you could at least go out to the market, let your children outside, go to school, go to work, etc, without the fear of being killed.
Exactly. Life for a few Iraqis under Saddam was bad, but now life for the majority of Iraqis is terrible. If it were up to me and I had some magic wand, I'd make it so that we never invaded to begin with.
Didn't a lot of terrorists from other countries pour into Iraq? Is it Iraqi people setting off bombs in the pet market or people from other countries? When America went in, did they go in all by themselves with no other countries?

So when asked about invaders or occupiers, isn't there more than one group of people who have done this?
Didn't a lot of terrorists from other countries pour into Iraq? Is it Iraqi people setting off bombs in the pet market or people from other countries? When America went in, did they go in all by themselves with no other countries?

After the invasion, militants from many surrounding nations poured in. Prior to the invasion, there were no "terrorists" or anything of the like in Iraq. Saddam would have them killed immediately.

So when asked about invaders or occupiers, isn't there more than one group of people who have done this?

The "group" that initiated it, and the "group" that is the largest by far, is the U.S.
So, is the current occupation of Iraq by the United States right or wrong?

This is as relevant (and loaded) as the question, "Do you think it's right or wrong to slaughter unicorns?"
It's not a loaded question, it is an occupation by definition, and it has been called as such even by the USA.

Occupation - the seizure and control of an area by military forces, esp. foreign territory.
It's not a loaded question, it is an occupation by definition, and it has been called as such even by the USA.

Occupation - the seizure and control of an area by military forces, esp. foreign territory.

I'm not disputing that. I'm merely pointing out the irrelevancy of what SAM's version of a loaded right and wrong entails.
I'm not disputing that. I'm merely pointing out the irrelevancy of what SAM's version of a loaded right and wrong entails.

Perhaps if you're lucky enough to enjoy an occupation in your lifetime, you can share its positive aspects with us. :bugeye: