Ethics of the Iraq occupation

The occupation of Iraq is...

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
So, is the current occupation of Iraq by the United States right or wrong?
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It is neither right or wrong, it is unethical as anyting unethical in our eyes for we are different entities to say the least. The war has no ethics in its eyes, its wielders are never those who are certain of starting their liberation of the land, the war pertains to many, it crawls out of all our past ... we all are cause of the war directly or indirectly on its behalf we wield weapons unseen and seen.
I cannot understand how anybody could say the occupation in Iraq is "right" or justified. I'm half Iraqi, and have over a hundred relatives in Iraq alone. They say the country is completely devastated. They have two hours of electricity a day, and cars can't drive in most places because the streets are literally overflowing with garbage. They live in Kirkuk, which means they are in the middle of the Kurd/Arab conflict for that section of Iraq.

Of course, Kirkuk is still relatively peaceful. I can't imagine how horrible living in Baghdad is. The war has been a total disaster. My only hope is that the Sunnis/Shi'ites/Kurds can cast aside differences and force an American withdrawal.
Our love is justified

Our war has no needs for justice

The justice of our war falls short upon the victims of their own acts

Our American Malady

Draqon said:

It is neither right or wrong, it is unethical as anyting unethical in our eyes for we are different entities to say the least. The war has no ethics in its eyes, its wielders are never those who are certain of starting their liberation of the land, the war pertains to many, it crawls out of all our past ... we all are cause of the war directly or indirectly on its behalf we wield weapons unseen and seen.

Sounds like a dodge, Draqon.

The war is, and was at the outset, wrong. This is the crime of our president. This is the crime of our people.

One of the hard things about the run-up to the war is that we really weren't supposed to be so cynical of our leaders. Even though we have been for many years, the various parties and factions are always admonishing one another about their harsh rhetoric. So when the president and his administration put their pile of lies in front of the world, most of my fellow Americans—many against their better judgment—gave him the benefit of the doubt in order to "be fair".

The president and his cohorts had already lied to us. They were already trying to tell The People that what the government does is no business of theirs unless the government says so. In "being fair" to the president, we chose to be unfair to the rest of the world, especially the people of Iraq.

This was unethical, and the only excuses we have are—
• That we never supported the war, but that is a weak defense since so many of us who would use it didn't really do much of anything to stop it.
• That we are not responsible for trusting the president because we are, in such issues, non compos mentis.​
I knew. But I didn't hit the streets, tear shit up, set anything on fire, or chant away outside the White House. Even that last, an assuredly futile demonstration, would have been something.

But I didn't.

And now I have a daughter. And she's my excuse for not tearing shit up, setting things on fire, or chanting outside the White House. I'm not sure how I'll feel about that in later years. Something tells me I have betrayed myself, my country, and my daughter by my inaction.

And, of course, my fellow human beings. That I have to add that note on edit should make a point about the nature of our American malady.
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The initial reason was not true. The benefits to the Iraqi people are non existent. But having admitted that we've done something wrong, we should try to fix it. however given the history of mismanagement and incompetence amongst US officials, I doubt Iraq will be anything but another Somalia.
im surprised at the amount of no votes, not that im surprised at the way anyone actually voted. Oviously the other side hasnt seen this thread yet (or doesnt care to lay it on the table)
people in this network are to kinds:
1. they are not knowing about the real stuff
2. they are afraid to ask and to accept the truth

irak, afganistan, serbia, kosovo, the eastern countrys, albania, etc. are only parts of a system plan for the future in the great planing of the twelve ( not living in the U.S.) but using the U.S. for they plans......
its said for the people of irak, or any other country.
It's legally and morally wrong. The same way you could ask a question whether Hitler's occupation of Poland was wrong.
of course what was hitler doing was extremly wrong. but why to research the past and doing the same things (wrongs) what they was doing in the past. And anyways. why the us put they noses in things what is not they's? i hink the u.s. has enough problems in they own country and o watch over them. they are not the leaders of the world outside of the u.s.. atleast not for me.
meaby u dit not understand me:

people in this network are to kinds:
1. they are not knowing about the real stuff
2. they are afraid to ask and to accept the truth

irak, afganistan, serbia, kosovo, the eastern countrys, albania, etc. are only parts of a system plan for the future in the great planing of the twelve ( not living in the U.S.) but using the U.S. for they plans......
its said for the people of irak, or any other country.e:

when i say they i mean not the iraqis or the other people outside of the us. i mean this people who commands the us to act in that ways
im surprised at the amount of no votes, not that im surprised at the way anyone actually voted. Oviously the other side hasnt seen this thread yet (or doesnt care to lay it on the table)

Why are you surprised?

It would appear that the French resistance was a terrorist group for shooting Nazis.

And if they existed in today's world, they would be deemed to be terrorists and Hitler would then have the justification needed to attempt to kill them without fear of foreign intervention, while slaughtering the Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, etc.. declaring them to be danger's to society and being involved in a terrorist plot to take over his Government.
Originally Posted by S.A.M.

It would appear that the French resistance was a terrorist group for shooting Nazis.
No, the French resistance would have been terrorist only if they had been killing French civilians at French markets and killing Polish civilians at Polish markets. Resistance fighters target the invading army, which is understandable, but they do not target their own innocent women and children that do not participate in the war. Terrorists are a lower form of scum, not resistance fighters.
No, the French resistance would have been terrorist only if they had been killing French civilians at French markets and killing Polish civilians at Polish markets. Resistance fighters target the invading army, which is understandable, but they do not target their own innocent women and children that do not participate in the war. Terrorists are a lower form of scum, not resistance fighters.

You mean the French resistance did not target those French Vichy regime who collaborated with the Germans?

I also distinctly remember a revolution when heads rolled.

I hear the Poles did not take the Jews welcome of Stalins army too kindly either.
So, is the current occupation of Iraq by the United States right or wrong?

It would seem to me that Iraq has elected its own leaders or haven't you seen that as yet? American troops there now are only acting as a security force trying to prevent more bloodshed by terrorists. When will the terrorists end their suicide bombings?
It would seem to me that Iraq has elected its own leaders or haven't you seen that as yet? American troops there now are only acting as a security force trying to prevent more bloodshed by terrorists. When will the terrorists end their suicide bombings?

I'm sorry what part of :Is the US occupation of Iraq right or wrong? difficult to comprehend?
I'm sorry what part of :Is the US occupation of Iraq right or wrong? difficult to comprehend?

As I stated it is a security force helping the government bring stabalization to its country. The Iraq government has asked America to stay and help so that would mean that Americans are there because they were asked to be not because they want to be there.