Equality in pay and conditions and feminism

I'm not so sure about that

Asguard said:

tiassa thats only because it insults gays rather than the person your talking about.

Right. Which is why one can occasionally witness a fistfight over such statements. Don't get me wrong; I wish people were so idealistic, but calling a man a faggot or a cocksucker? Them's fightin' words, and not out of sympathy for gays.

And I know this isn't a purely American behavior, either. It does exist in Her Majesty's territories as well.

At any rate, it's a bit hard for me to explain why the line—

"Are you callin' me a poof? You want a smack in the mouth?"​

—is so damn funny to me. Check your message inbox. I sent you a note about an audio file I thought you might enjoy (and is, peripherally, relevant), and another is due in just a minute.

(The endeavor failed; the second note was intended to resolve the the technical problem described in the first. Back to the drawing board.)
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i didnt mean to implie there arnt homphobes anywhere. What i ment was that if you called ME a fag i would be pissed off because thats an insulting term for discribing gays. In isolation if you called me gay i could care less (course i discribe myself as bi so *shrug*).

On bitch though my partner and i refer to eachother as bitches frequently, to us at least it discribes a behavor (catty would probably be the best way to discribe it i guess)
(Insert Title Here)

Asguard said:

i didnt mean to implie there arnt homphobes anywhere. What i ment was that if you called ME a fag i would be pissed off because thats an insulting term for discribing gays. In isolation if you called me gay i could care less (course i discribe myself as bi so *shrug*).

On bitch though my partner and i refer to eachother as bitches frequently, to us at least it discribes a behavor (catty would probably be the best way to discribe it i guess)

True 'nuff.
Pfft. How is negotiating with each individual and paying them what we mutually agree to against the law? I treat the women the same as the men, they simply don't ask for money as much as they ask for other things.

And when you are found guilty of not giving equal pay for equal work, don't come crying to me. What you are doing is specifically against the law now and you can be sued for all lost wages, not just the last 3 years.

No matter what they "ask" for, if you systematically pay women less, they can string you up by your tiny balls.
I've never felt like there was a glass ceiling at all. I don't think it exists anymore except in the mind of the feminists.

I'm successful, get treated as an equal, get equal pay and equal consideration for the job I do. When I wasn't being treated as an equal, I spoke up and got it resolved or I changed jobs. Simple as that. Men have been doing it for centuries.

But I am also logical and use common sense. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me that a woman should be encouraged to be a great bricklayer, crab fisherman, lumberjack, coal miner etc... there are some jobs that women are physiologically not designed to do and they shouldn't be encouraged to do them because the results might damage their bodies.

The problem with most feminists is that they get too emotional about "being" a woman. They invest too much time in it. I'm human and that's enough for me to be equal to everyone else. People make too much of a deal out of it.
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And when you are found guilty of not giving equal pay for equal work, don't come crying to me. What you are doing is specifically against the law now and you can be sued for all lost wages, not just the last 3 years.

No matter what they "ask" for, if you systematically pay women less, they can string you up by your tiny balls.

So now employees cannot negotiate a personalised contract with the employer? Wow.
That's because calling a guy a dick doesn't strike the same as calling a woman a cunt. But for men, it's largely sublimated. We might call women bitches, comparing them to whining dogs in heat, but if you really want to piss off a guy, call him a faggot. The gender consideration is simply applied in a different context.
Profanity and insults are quite complex and nuanced, so it's somewhat hard to rationally compare insult words. I agree with what you're saying about calling a guy a dick vs. calling a woman a cunt, but that's mostly because "cunt" is an A-list profanity, while "dick" is B-list at best. Calling a guy an asshole would be a more appropriate comparison, and likely to elicit an equivalent response.
Women have assholes, too

Nasor said:

Calling a guy an asshole would be a more appropriate comparison, and likely to elicit an equivalent response.

"Asshole" isn't gender-specific. Women have assholes, too.
"Asshole" isn't gender-specific. Women have assholes, too.
Yes, but in common usage it seems that it's used almost exclusively to insult men, much like "bitch" is only used to insult women. It's rare to hear someone say "I really hate that annoying asshole" in reference to a woman.

So is it inherently bigoted to use insult words that have a gender connotation, even if your only intention is to insult the person rather than their gender? If I refer to a woman who I don't like as a "bitch," I'm not trying to use her gender itself as an insult or imply that she should be ashamed of being a woman. I'm simply insulting her specifically, using a word that in general use is only applied to women.
Almost anything with teutontic roots is going to make for good cussing. Lots of hard sharp sounds, gutteral vowels and explosives.

The poor romance languages are just the opposite. Just compare "cunt" and "vulva."
The story so far ....

Nasor said:

So is it inherently bigoted to use insult words that have a gender connotation, even if your only intention is to insult the person rather than their gender?

Well, aside from the absolutely insane end of feminism—which, by the way, only has what power it does because ... um ... well ... because some people decide to pay attention to them at all—the most common differentiation I've encountered is that it is generally okay if something is a bitch. Life's a bitch. I had a bitch of a cold. Bitchin' Camaro. But one should be very, very careful about applying the word in any human context. I mean, we all have our bitchy days, but the history of Sciforums suggests that our familiarity has not bred the trust and friendship one might presume as a foundation for colloquial convention. It's best, then, that people probably shouldn't throw the word at one another around here at all.

It's not necessarily a matter of being inherently bigoted insofar as your intent. But the word bears a very particular pejorative context that relies specifically on certain identifications, including in this case gender. It's like Asguard and I disagreeing about faggot. I don't disagree that the insult relies on a negative presupposition about homosexuality, but when I've seen the word cause problems, it's because the other damn well didn't want to be thought of as a homosexual. That negative presupposition he identifies is much akin to bitch and nigger.

In the context of Sciforums, my concern as a moderator is with the negative presuppositions. I mean, yeah, someone might be pissed to be called a dog or a homosexual, but I've pissed people off before presuming they were intelligent.
In the context of Sciforums, my concern as a moderator is with the negative presuppositions. I mean, yeah, someone might be pissed to be called a dog or a homosexual, but I've pissed people off before presuming they were intelligent.

How long have you been working here? Never presume that people are intelligent, they strive to willfully prove you wrong.

And damn you for getting that song stuck in my head.
So now employees cannot negotiate a personalised contract with the employer? Wow.

It depends on the employer, traditions in the field, the job market and the employee.

Blue collar workers generally are commodified and don't do much individual negotiation.

Skilled workers and white collar workers generally have more personal leverage to negotiate with.

However in all cases excuses like "women don't ask for as much money" don't cut it. If there is systematic evidence that an employer pays women less over all, then that employer is setting himself up for a fall, plain and simple.

People with equivalent skills and education should be getting equivalent pay and promotions.