Equality in pay and conditions and feminism


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Now im currently doing sociology and im forced to sit through lecturers about how bad women have it acording to feminists.

Acording to some pay statistics for graduates that were put up today the inequality for gaduates is 47,000 (men) to 45,000 (women)

thats 2,000 difference in pay, ignoring the fact that there could be outside impacts on this like that men are more willing to work overtime there is another issue which comes up with these numbers.

Last week we were told that 700 people die each year at work (in Australia) and 4/5 of these are men. So i was wondering, how many feminists are begging for equality in THESE numbers? How many want to see more work place deaths for women?
The difference in death rates is probably largely down to the fact that

(a) more men are employed than women.
(b) the types of work that are most life-threatening tend to be done primarily by men.
Feminisium: Serious Business.

Actually, dying at work works out pretty well for me.

I am more than willing to work weird, long hours and deal with stuff most of humanity wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. I think I'll take equal pay.
james on your first point you want to argue that 4/5th of the workforce are men then go ahead, the ABS data would dispute that however.

On your second point thats EXACTLY RIGHT, its men who are putting themselves on the line in jobs like mining where the big money is more than women. If they want the same pay then take the same risks. I dont mean that women should be taking stupid risks in the work force but that to compare the "average weekly wage" of men vs women without taking into account that they are CHOSING not to work in the same industries for various reasons is stupid and quite annoying.

your not in health are you?
because to be honest your responce made me think you could well be in the same class im doing:p
We want the same pay for the same job, honey. No one is saying a doctor and a store clerk deserve the same pay, save the socialists.

Dickheads try to pay me less because I'm a woman. I find this a bummer.
see my problem is that its compleatly illegal in australia to have different rates of pay for men and women and apart from the brief (thank god) period of "work choices" (no work choices more like it) all pay and conditions are set by either enterprise agreement or award. There for the only explination for differences in pay between the sexes is either a) all the men work at one company and all the women at another
b) men are more willing to work overtime than women are and are there for being paid more
c) your comparing doctors to receptionests (ie women are CHOSING to be in the lower paying jobs)

surposedly there is a $2000 difference in the starting wage of paramedics between men and women in SA which i find is a compleat joke for a couple of reasons

1) there IS only one company, ie we are all going to work for the South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) so there cant be discreptancies between companies

2) There is no pay difference in the enterprise agreement (and no idervidual contracts)

3) Its a goverment regulated company

4) no difference in clinical level because we all start as interns

There for there is only 1 conclusion which can be drawn for the surposed discrepancy, the men are more willing to work overtime than the women are for whatever reason.

There for we are surposed to feel bad because for whatever reason women are unwilling to work overtime???????

what a crock
that was a joke, im not REALLY that cold:p
your right even for the ambo's (and other health staff) in end of life situations its about comforting the family even if it takes longer on scene. The way we handle the family when cessing resus has alot of influance on how the family heal.
its just one of the stupid subjects we have to do before we can graduate. I mean one of the thorists (they should be called hypothists because they have NO PROOF:mad:) we are studying proposed that suicide is caused by lack of social suport. So i went up to the lecturer and said that he hasnt taken mental illness into account at all, ie depression causes both suicide AND withdrawal from social groups and her responce was:

"wow, i never thought of that, it makes sence"

Seriously, nither the theorist, NOR the lecturer (who IS current) had taken depression and its effects on desire to socially engage.
My experience in the "I.T" field, is women are generally promoted faster, get at LEAST equal pay (More in my experience, if they have kids), and sometimes get to fuck the dog a lot more too.

However, they are often better managers. (they look out for the "team" a bit more - actually care about the health of a group, men are prone to only give a shit about themselves)
james on your first point you want to argue that 4/5th of the workforce are men then go ahead, the ABS data would dispute that however.

On your second point thats EXACTLY RIGHT, its men who are putting themselves on the line in jobs like mining where the big money is more than women.
How many women are employed as miners in Australia? And of those women, are you saying they deserve less pay then the men they work alongside? I know of at least one woman who worked as a truck driver on an open coal mine. She was paid the same as the other men who did the same work as she did. You don't think her life was any less on the line than the men she worked with, doing the exact same job?

If they want the same pay then take the same risks.
What makes you assume they do not? If they are doing the same job, then they get the same pay and they are taking the same risk. Are you saying we should be forcing women to take higher risk jobs out of fairness? Do you know how hard it is for women to even break into those fields? And you're whining that they're not taking the same risk? What of the men who also choose to not go into a more dangerous line of work?

I dont mean that women should be taking stupid risks in the work force but that to compare the "average weekly wage" of men vs women without taking into account that they are CHOSING not to work in the same industries for various reasons is stupid and quite annoying.
Choosing to not work in those fields? Don't you get it yet? A lot of those positions have a glass ceiling firmly in place. It is damn hard for women to break into those industries to do the work that the men do. But for the women who do manage to break through and do the exact same work, they deserve the same pay. For men and women who do different work, they deserve the exact same pay if they are doing the same work, working the same hours in whatever field they happen to be in.

It's not that hard to understand that if you do the exact same work, then you deserve the same pay. If women choose to not get into fields that are dangerous, then they don't get paid as much as the men who do do the work.

Or are you somehow suggesting penalising women because they are "choosing to not work" in fields that are dangerous?
My experience in the "I.T" field, is women are generally promoted faster, get at LEAST equal pay (More in my experience, if they have kids), and sometimes get to fuck the dog a lot more too.

However, they are often better managers. (they look out for the "team" a bit more - actually care about the health of a group, men are prone to only give a shit about themselves)

that has been my overall experience. i prefer working for women by a wide margin. As long as things are kept tnigs on a professional level.