Entropy contradict Evolution

Is it me or has this thread deteriorated into the usual 'evolution is false, now you prove to me its true or im right'.????
so that would basically mean organs. Because light-sensitvity can't actually see. It can only react to light.
Lemming3k said:
Is it me or has this thread deteriorated into the usual 'evolution is false, now you prove to me its true or im right'.????

Maybe, maybe not.
I feel the burden of proof is on you, you should prove that it isnt possible for an eye to evolve from a non-eye(as you put it) as your claiming it cant happen, you wish to disprove the theory and continue to make claims without backing them up, i think its put up or shut up time.
Evolution says gradual change. Then it is your responsiblity to show if an eye can be formed gradually. The burden of proof is on you.
Well, this thread is hell and gone from the original topic of entropy, but what the heck.
786 said:
You are changing the topic. Is that the best you can do. That is a common evolutionist attitude when refering to things like eyes.
Actually, you’re the one who seems to rely on changing the topic. At first you were claiming that it’s impossible for information to be added to the genome by mutations, based on a creationist propaganda video. When people explained that the video was deliberately edited together in order to mislead the audience and provided links to back it up, you switched over to arguing that it is ‘too unlikely’ that beneficial mutations could occur for evolution to be credible. But when it was shown using the numbers that you provided that in fact we can expect there to be many beneficial mutations in each generation, you immediately changed the topic over to ‘irreducible complexity.’ You seem to be bringing up a point, trying to argue it until it gets shot down, and then switching over to a new point.
Nasor said:
Well, this thread is hell and gone from the original topic of entropy, but what the heck. Actually, you’re the one who seems to rely on changing the topic. At first you were claiming that it’s impossible for information to be added to the genome by mutations, based on a creationist propaganda video. When people explained that the video was deliberately edited together in order to mislead the audience and provided links to back it up, you switched over to arguing that it is ‘too unlikely’ that beneficial mutations could occur for evolution to be credible. But when it was shown using the numbers that you provided that in fact we can expect there to be many beneficial mutations in each generation, you immediately changed the topic over to ‘irreducible complexity.’ You seem to be bringing up a point, trying to argue it until it gets shot down, and then switching over to a new point.
Oh I should've answered to that number system he used. Oh well here is the answer. The verse refered to that out of all Mutations known only 1% were beneficial mutations.

See MacM misinterpreted the verse and used the 1% as beneficial occurence. But if that was the case then you fail to recongize the other 99%. People believe that mutations could be nuetral and harmful aswell. so we can divide it in half, even though most are harmful. so we get 49.5% harmful mutations. Now if you put that into the equation. The rate of harmful mutations would be 48.5% more than benefical mutations. Who is going to take account for the harmful mutations. When harmful mutations occur then you are at a disadvantage.

The harmful mutation overpower the beneficial mutations. I thought people had the minds to figure out his one sided equation.

He only showed you the beneficial mutations, but did he show you the harmful mutations. NO!. Harmful mutations would overpower beneficial mutations by 48.5%. You would not improve but be be more on disadvantage. I thought you people had the mind to see his one sided equation.
I guess I was wrong. on you to see his one sided equation. Sorry for not answreing.
786 said:
Oh I should've answered to that number system he used. Oh well here is the answer. The verse refered to that out of all Mutations known only 1% were beneficial mutations.

See MacM misinterpreted the verse and used the 1% as beneficial occurence. But if that was the case then you fail to recongize the other 99%. People believe that mutations could be nuetral and harmful aswell. so we can divide it in half, even though most are harmful. so we get 49.5% harmful mutations. Now if you put that into the equation. The rate of harmful mutations would be 48.5% more than benefical mutations. Who is going to take account for the harmful mutations. When harmful mutations occur then you are at a disadvantage.

The harmful mutation overpower the beneficial mutations. I thought people had the minds to figure out his one sided equation.

He only showed you the beneficial mutations, but did he show you the harmful mutations. NO!. Harmful mutations would overpower beneficial mutations by 48.5%. You would not improve but be be more on disadvantage. I thought you people had the mind to see his one sided equation.
Truth is out of 100 mutations you will have
.00001 - beneficial
2- lethal - we never see these because they die long before birth
97 - nonsense - they are mutations that would effect your eye but occur in your foot when your past reproduction.

Now have 70,000,000,000,000 children and record and report the results. It is clear that is the only way you'll ever understand.
lol. I think scientist have already done a lot of recording and the results are very clear.

Clearly, eyes can develop, because they develop from a bunch of cells in every baby animal.

You're asking the wrong question.
I think you should first check out information about eyes, and what eyes need to function.

Oh! and Richard Dawkins was stuck for an answer, the edit only repeated the awkward scilence.

Did you read Dawkin's response, which I linked above?

The minimum requirement for something to function as an eye is some light-sensitive cells. There are plenty of those in nature.

It isn't important, but computer simulations have been done evolving complex eyes from scratch, using only your favorite process of chance mutation combined with natural selection.

It is hardly surprising that eyes have evolved over 40 times, since there is really only one good solution to forming in-focus images at many distances.
James R said:

The minimum requirement for something to function as an eye is some light-sensitive cells. There are plenty of those in nature.

It isn't important, but computer simulations have been done evolving complex eyes from scratch, using only your favorite process of chance mutation combined with natural selection.

It is hardly surprising that eyes have evolved over 40 times, since there is really only one good solution to forming in-focus images at many distances.

First of all an eye needs more than light senstivity. if you didn't know, that light-sensitivity only reacts to light, it doesn't see. I'm talking about an actual eye.

And about computer thing. I'll write back to you. It is interesting that you bring that up, even though it doesn't really give you the answer, which many people think it does, for example You.
Last edited:
786 said:
Oh I should've answered to that number system he used. Oh well here is the answer. The verse refered to that out of all Mutations known only 1% were beneficial mutations.
You said that an animal would have a one in a million to one in ten thousand chance of having a gene undergo a beneficial mutation in each generation. Based on that, it is inevitable that there would be many beneficial mutations in each generation.
See MacM misinterpreted the verse and used the 1% as beneficial occurence. But if that was the case then you fail to recongize the other 99%. People believe that mutations could be nuetral and harmful aswell. so we can divide it in half, even though most are harmful.
No, the vast majority of mutations have no effect.
sWho is going to take account for the harmful mutations. When harmful mutations occur then you are at a disadvantage.

The harmful mutation overpower the beneficial mutations. I thought people had the minds to figure out his one sided equation.

He only showed you the beneficial mutations, but did he show you the harmful mutations. NO!. Harmful mutations would overpower beneficial mutations by 48.5%. You would not improve but be be more on disadvantage. I thought you people had the mind to see his one sided equation.
Once again, your argument seems to indicate that you don’t understand evolution very well. Harmful mutations would not overpower beneficial mutations because animals that undergo harmful mutations will simply die, while those with beneficial mutations will survive. Natural selection will eliminate the harmful mutations and encourage the beneficial ones.
You don't get my point. It is extremely hard to explain this issue, that may be the reason why you don't understand. So for that reasons I recommend you look at the scientific data. Scientific expiraments, and recorded data show the results very clearly.

One of those most popular are the experiments done of Fruit Flies.
Ive posted this opinion on another thread, but in a nutshell, i think that consciousness is the force that pushes evolution forward, the ability to imagine what is required by analysis of experience.


First of all an eye needs more than light senstivity. if you didn't know, that light-sensitivity only reacts to light, it doesn't see. I'm talking about an actual eye.

Complex eyes have evolved many times from simple light-sensitive cells. There is a mountain of evidence which supports that.

And about computer thing. I'll write back to you. It is interesting that you bring that up, even though it doesn't really give you the answer, which many people think it does, for example You.

Did you notice I wrote "It isn't important, but..."?

I don't think computer simulations give me "the answer", but they sure help show that a process is plausible.