End of Ice Age

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With submerged megalithic constructions now confirmed on the shallow seafloor off southwestern Japan, off northwestern and southeastern India, off Lebanon, Egypt, Greece, Malta, southern Spain, and Morocco, no doubt among others, and as these structures are often of a construction style of the cyclopean megalithic types which are often found nearby onshore, generally considered to be from circa 2500 B.C., does this not call into question the conventional time for the end of the Ice Age at circa 10000 B.C.?
In Plato's account about Atlantis going under, he says that the Atlanteans were using huge trireme sailing ships, commonly thought to have begun to sail at circa 2000 B.C., not at 10000 B.C., so was Plato actually referring to 9,000 lunar cycles before his time, rather than 9,000 solar cycles before his time?

And when Atlantis went under, Plato says that vast sections of Greece also went under, leaving only islands of the Aegean remaining, which were mountain tops of dry land, land which was submerged when the Ice Age ended.

The Athenian kings mentioned in Plato's account who ruled during the time of Atlantis were Erecthonius, Cecrops, and Erecthius, commonly thought to have lived circa 1500 B.C., certainly not at 10000 B.C., so what do we do with the time for the end of the Ice Age?
WHy should it? You have yet to rpovide any evidence for these supposed Megalithic remains and their actual age. Maybe they were built when the sea was much lower in a previous round of glaciation?
Well, why not?
THey are only rocks, probably, although you have yet to supply us with any photos. Rocks like sitting there, its what they are good at.
Its a perfectly good hypothesis.
Of course!
Plato was not aware of the difference between months and years.
When he SAID 9000 years, he REALLY meant 9000 lunar cycles - I do that all the time.
IceAgeCivilizations, what about the evidence provided by geology, ice cores and dendrochronology?
Yes, ice cores indicate that the oceans were cooling during the Ice Age, and that's predictable because only paradoxically warmer oceans could have caused the intense evaporation to form the dense cloud-cover for the Ice Age.

And dendrochronology, tree rings, indicate periods of relatively greater rainfall, not necessarily years.

What about geology are you asking?
Hey one raven, read the accounts of Critias and Timaeus, and you tell me if what is described better fits the timeframe of circa 1500 B.C., rather than circa 10000 B.C., and report back.
The ice age did not end uniformly everywhere. Even during the ice age, there were large areas with no ice near the equator.

IAC, which ice age are you talking about, you know they go back at least 800 to 600 million years ago, and that there were at least 4
I mean oxygen isotope ratios in ocean sediment cores, dry wind-blown loess deposits, deciduous pollen in lake sediments. More to come maybe.
Yes, ice cores indicate that the oceans were cooling during the Ice Age, and that's predictable because only paradoxically warmer oceans could have caused the intense evaporation to form the dense cloud-cover for the Ice Age.

Rather, ice cores show a sudden jump in the O-18:O-16 ratio around 10,000 years ago, but not at around 4000-3000 years ago (which I presume is your approximate date?).

Also, many parts of the world which were icebound in the last glaciation were inhabited around 2000 B.C.
I'm talking about the one which must have been caused by paradoxically warmer ocean waters, the one which ended to cause the sea level rise which submerged megalithic cities such as old Dwarka, the City of Bali, Kumari Kandam, Yarmuta, Menouthis and Herakleion, Onugnathos, and many others.
The British Isles, Scandinavia, Russia, North America. Agriculture was established in northern Europe by 4000 B.C.
The coastal lands there during the Ice Age were rainy and relatively temperate, near the paradoxically warmer waters of the Ice Age oceans, this is why we have all the animals entombed in frozen muck in the north, they lived there, during the Ice Age, and were entombed in the mud from the rapid Ice Age end, when it got much colder there in the winter, and warmer in the short summers, because the dense cloud-cover of the Ice Age had ended.
Hey one raven, read the accounts of Critias and Timaeus, and you tell me if what is described better fits the timeframe of circa 1500 B.C., rather than circa 10000 B.C., and report back.

Not only did he VERY CLEARLY state that it was 9000 years earlier, he makes an effort to specifically state that it was before the last destruction of mankind, long before any written history and before the fabled great flood.
So 1500 BC is most certainly out of the question.
He did NOT mistake months for years - he said AND most assuredly MEANT, 9000 years prior.
Again, I ask you, have YOU read it?
Either you have never read it, or you chose to simply disregard the inconvenient aspects of it, because Plato's account of Atlantis DOES NOT agree with your assessment.

Which is one of the reasons the accounts can not be held as historical evidence for the existence of Atlantis and must be regarded as either metaphor or folklore unless further evidence, of which there is now none, is revealed.

You can't pick and choose the evidence that agrees with your pre-concieved notion and simply disregard the rest, you ignorant, arrogant fuck.
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