Empirical Evidence of God

I'm not judging.

Perhaps it could be a good idea to judge the ideas you consider valid.

I think if you made a fair analysis and judged what is before you there is only one conclusion an honest person can reach...its all made up... or do you think God installed an eye witness to creation and that the account was not made up...hinting there was an eye witness to creation should get the alarm bells ringing unless you refuse to consider those facts. ..the only conclusion is the account was made up....and the account does not fit the science I dont suppose that small problem worries you...not to worry but it means you are being dishonest with yourself.

That is a fact ... a fact that decency should tell you not to ignore.

Ignore that fact and you choose a path leading away from truth and not towards truth...you would like to deal in truth so what is holding you back...fear of hell is most folks reply...guess what hell is made up so there is no reason to avoid honest judgent

So page one of the good book...made up stuff...fact...undeniable fact... the good book contains the evidence in plain sight...

Lets go to the flood...Do you like to believe a God could be driven to kill all humans and all animals bar a select few as in any way believable...A god cant do better?

Of course a god could make a better plan but maybe bronze age folk could come up with such an unreasonably simplistic story....there was no such flood unless it was silt free and left no trace that we can not find only 4500 years after the alledged event... if real there would be evidence of such a flood yet there is absolutely no evidence of such a flood.

Or is it just a story and you accept it is made up so as to draw from the story some moral lesson...if so what moral lesson should we take....I cant see one but I would love to hear how you fit that lie into a package you lable as truth.

God just wanted to kill everything ...start from there please.

I just can not understand how you ignore the errors lies and immoral directions in the good book such as to offer that good book as reliable evidence of anything or indeed something that offers direction for decent morals...

I know you feel warm and fuzzy etc but putting it down to the divine seems like a giant unsupported leap in belief.

I gather your foundational belief comes from the good book which appears both incorrect and immoral...should you not judge that good book rationally and consider if it can be relied upon to form a world view.

Religion does not have a monopoly of feeling joy you know and yet it seems the only way you can accept joy is to attribute it to some made up notion and unproven belief that came from superstitious beliefs from the bronze age.

Taking personal responsibilty for stuff will fill you more full of joy than your current dellusion...

And can you imagine the physical mechanism required for a everywhere God ...clearly you can not...anyways believe what you like but that is not really being honest with your self is it?

Your must ignore all the errors, ignore the calls to kill, ignore the fabrications from ignorance, ignore the science of evolution and current cosmogy to somehow arrive at a conclusion out of thin air because you feel happy.

Get real.

Judge my words.

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6 days to create the Earth plus Universe

40 days and nights to flood the Earth

Sounds about right


And the rainbow. ..Gods own note to self.

Don't drown humans anymore with rain...

darn... should have put the rainbow before a down fall
... what crazy logic right there.

Sick of them I say.

And sick of being Mr Nice guy saying they are deluded and not bat shit crazy.

I mean ...three hundred years ago when we still did not know stuff you could understand but these days we know enough to conclude its just superstitious made up stuff from the bronze age.

Judge my words.
Hey Alex, You know what I think? I think your spirituality has been hijacked by men who wish to play the role of gatekeepers. I think you know that, and in defense you have rejected all of it, including your spiritual self.

They don't own your soul, nor can they ransom it. That's why you have always been free to accept or reject God. Fear is not love.
It’s properly conditioned thought that defines a more accurate perception of the world.
Properly conditioned? Has your perception been conditioned? And to what authority did you submit your mind for conditioning?
Has your perception been conditioned?
Everything is in a constant state of conditioning, our minds included. So yes, my perception has been, and continues to be conditioned.
Properly conditioned?
Can you think of ways that would positively and negatively condition your mind? And wouldn’t it be more fortunate for you to be conditioned on the positive side?
And to what authority did you submit your mind for conditioning?
As to what authority is responsible for such conditioning should be obvious. Generally it’s exitance itself, more specifically it’s your role in it, and you submitted to it the moment of your emergence in it.
darn... should have put the rainbow before a down fall

Well as you know you at least need a little tinkle to provide the drops to split up the light

As there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (I know I have looked) it's about time the frown look should be reversed into a gigantic smile

I think your spirituality has been hijacked by men who wish to play the role of gatekeepers.
Well let me put you straight here...there was no influence from others I formed my views whilst alone in the bush with no input from anyone until I arrived here I never shared my views with anyone.

They don't own your soul, nor can they ransom it.
There is no "they" and there is no soul and there is no hope you will think about anything that I said...well it is your loss as its all made up and that is clear but you presumably can not handle the truth or even take time to consider it...

You're asking me to answer the question for you?
No, just to ask a narrower question.
Actually, you could say it's too large to answer, or you could try narrowing it down to an axiom. It's up for grabs as offered.
OK then I will start.

One truth of existence is that free space has both a permeability and a permittivity, and they are constant. That results in an effective impedance of free space (square root of the product of both of them) of 377 0hms. That's very cool, and means that electromagnetic fields propagate in a predictable way through most of the universe.
If you accept that God is all, there can be no separation, just like there can be no separation between your perceptions and the world. Over simplified, I know.
My perceptions of the world don't leave me wanting an intelligent designer or creator to explain it. I perceive I'm part of Nature for the good times and bad. You believe with your ace in the hole (God) you can live forever, good for you. Hmmm... Will you remember me an eternity from now?
Properly conditioned? Has your perception been conditioned? And to what authority did you submit your mind for conditioning?
Minds without conditioning barely function practically except to accept conditioning. Think- the mind of an infant.
I don't see a separation between the two. They are one and the same.
Generally, God is defined as supernatural i.e. not part of nature as we define it.

Regardless how you see it, the above is a good definition for virtually any discussion you'll have.
My perceptions of the world don't leave me wanting an intelligent designer or creator to explain it. I perceive I'm part of Nature for the good times and bad. You believe with your ace in the hole (God) you can live forever, good for you. Hmmm... Will you remember me an eternity from now?

Obviously you don't want there to be an intelligent designer, and you are prepared to perceive, and accept only a part of your whole (denial, and, rejection).

If you're perception makes you only ''part of nature'', what do you percieve to be the other part?

There is no "they" and there is no soul and there is no hope you will think about anything that I said...well it is your loss as its all made up and that is clear but you presumably can not handle the truth or even take time to consider it...

It's not all made up Alex, you just need to keep telling yourself that to maintain your atheism.

It's not all made up Alex, you just need to keep telling yourself that to maintain your atheism.

You probably think I have fallen under the evil hand of Matt☺
I worked it out for myself.
You worked out your view yourself perhaps based on other folks ideas.
Everything is in a constant state of conditioning, our minds included. So yes, my perception has been, and continues to be conditioned.

Can you show that there is no distinction between what you refer to as your, and mind, because they sounds like two different positions.

While you're at it, explain how you can perceieve ''I'' and ''mine'' as really one entity without refering to them as seperate aspects?

No Alex. There are two positions atheist, and theist. You're an atheist. That's your foundation.

I am thinking there should be another position which would respond loosly to any discussion of god by saying "I dont really give a ratz"
I have decided I dont care and will think about other things so call me "Idrgar"...and so the cult of Idrgar is born created before our very eyes. It is expected their numbers will now grow.