First date in list below is year projected for turn on. Then the location & reactor type. Then the owners. Then the date start construction operations was permitted. (Many more permits required prior to start up) Then US loan status.
2017 Vogtle, GA AP1000 x 2 2400 Southern Nuclear Operating Company 24/7/08 granted loan guarantee;
2017 Virgil C. Summer, SC AP1000 x 2 2400 South Carolina Electric & Gas 31/3/08 short list loan guarantee;
2019 Calvert Cliffs*, MD US EPR 1710 UniStar Nuclear
(merchant plant) 7/07 and 13/3/08 short list loan guarantee;
2017 Levy County, FL AP1000 x 2 2400 Progress Energy 30/7/08 but delayed 2021-22
“No date now” South Texas Project, TX ABWR x 2 2712 NRG Energy, Toshiba, Tepco, CPS Energy/STP Nuclear (merchant plant) 20/9/07 short list loan guarantee;
* Electricité de France (EDF) had hoped to lead US nuclear power with its EPR units via joint venture with Constellation Energy, which in January 2009 accepted the EDF $4.5 billion bid for half of its nuclear power business – more than 60% of its production, but even before the Japanese disaster, in October 2010, Constellation pulled out of Unistar group owners of the Calvert Clifts new units planned.
Note the US government does not loan any money – only guarantees the private loans the owners get. Calvert Clifts (in Md) five, nearly 40 year old units, did get a 20 year operational permit extensions but now does not have financing with the collapse for the Unistar owner group. – No loans to guarantee now.
Thus, only four new Westinghouse,AP1000 units have any chance of being built for at least a decade in the US. Probably, IMHO, only the two in George, with already guaranteed loans and long-lead time items ordered, will be completed and licensed to operate; however, it is certain, as earlier presented graph shows that fossil fuels, now more than 70% of US electric energy production will climb to at least 75% of the total in a little more than one decade. (perhaps sooner if natural gas prices continue to fall)
Thus, switching to EV cars will do little, if anything, to reduce the release of CO2 from cars in the USA.
(Switching to sugar cane alcohol fuel could reduce net CO2 release by at least 95%, perhaps even 101% as some carbon taken from the air is never returned.)
Additional notes:
“… Design certification by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) means that, after a thorough examination of compliance with safety requirements, a generic type of reactor (say, a Westinghouse AP1000) can be built anywhere in the USA, only having to go through site-specific licensing procedures and obtaining a combined construction and operating license before construction can begin. Design certification needs to be renewed after 15 years. ….
The Westinghouse AP1000 is the first Generation III+ reactor to receive certification. It is a scaled-up version of the Westinghouse AP600 which was certified earlier. It has a modular design to reduce construction time to 36 months. The
first of many of them is being built in China.* Westinghouse has submitted revisions to its design, and the NRC has requested another change, so the revised design will not be cleared until early 2010. …”
Quotes and data given above from:
* Probably 20 years from now, never again will there be a uranium based reactor built. China is leading the way to the inherently safe (automatic shut down if over heating only requires gravity - no electricity, no cooling water, no pumps, no control rods plunging into the core required) thorium reactors, which should be cheaper as less complex and Thorium is three times more abundant than uranium. It is a by product produced when rare earths are refined. The US has 3200 tons of it stored from when MolyCorp's mine was producing rare earths - enough to meet US electrical energy needs for decades, even if no more rare earths are mined in the US.
Lets just hope that US can buy perfected thorium reactors from China some day.