Now it appears that we can make a serious dent in global climate change (in 10 - 20 years) by reducing carbon particulates.
Why do you think that? They radiate IR 24 hours /day much more intensely than the same mass of nearby air. (They radiate the full IR spectrum of a "black body" not just a few bands in it.)
Particles absorb sunlight on annual average only half a day, and most of that sunlight was destine to be absorbed, at least when it gets to zero altitude. I don't know, have not searched, but with the physic I know, I would guess that at least 10 times more IR energy is radiated into space per gm of tiny carbon particulates than per gram of air.
Probably big particles are less effective than the same mass of very small ones as they would on average be lower in the atmosphere and most of their radiation
in molecular absorption bands would be re-absorbed before escaping into space, but that part (about 2/3 I would guess) of their continuum spectrum which is not of the wavelength of molecular absorption and headed up, should escape Earth.
If I am correct, a good smoky diesel bus or truck may almost be "carbon neutral" not literally, but in its effect on global warming. If you smoke you surely are as your energy demands will terminate earlier and that smoke you exhale is all tiny particles (The big ones stay in your lungs.).
SUMMARY: Give out free cigarettes to fight global warming but keep the no-smoking indoors laws. (Like burning sugar cane alcohol, there is no net release of CO2 by burning tobacco or paper.)
I have posted a plan for carless cities - Computer controlled "autocars" that never need to stop for traffic lights and greatly reduce urban transit times and eliminate accidents. Autocars are like 2D elevators but on wheels in their own (no access) right-of ways. At the "ATM like" terminal in the center of each city block building you punch in your destination and size autocar you want (2,4 or 6 passengers). The "order machine" prints your bar code "key", reduces your pre-paid account balance (peak and non-peak rates/KM) and tells you the color of the auto car that will be waiting for you a few feet away in less than a minute. Like an elevator, you are locked inside but can hit the red button which aborts your scheduled end point and delivers you to the nearest center of building terminal, then unlocks the door for you to leave.
Reason I mention all this now, is mainly to promote my plan for very green cities but also because smoking is only allowed on the top of the a-symmetric pyramidal building's small, square, dog-walk park. (smoke detector alarms and stiff fines everywhere else.) The buildings are "stepped pyramids" so each level's step gets sunlight at least half a day and casts a shadow only for a few hours on adjacent building's lower floors, which are used for factories, shops, restaurants, movies, etc. and essential services facilities, not as residences).
These flat step surfaces of the block building's "roof" have resident determined plants, gardens, small trees etc. From high overhead, the entire city looks like a forest with some small crop land plots - 100% green and the urban air is "forest fresh." Because of the low surface to volume ratio, no energy is needed for heating, not even in Canada's winters. The clean outside air does most of the cooling need in summer. The per capital energy use should be less than 10% of a typical dirty-air, traffic-congested, city.
Below are links to more about my high efficiency cities. Most who commute do so my elevators or bike in the rain roof protected bike only grid which is over the autocar network. The covered walk ways are over the bike grid and its roof is limited growth (never cut) grass. Of course there are pre-"wired" optical data links in each residence so many work from home, but go to the lower level's bars, night clubs, exercise gyms, pool /sana etc. at the end of their work day to relax or for social life ("she ing" or "he ing").
First (late 2008) post about efficient cities is at:
http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2084856&postcount=24 with this ending:
SUMMARY: Once transportation (including bike paths and separate walkways that are both car free and rain free), is safer, cheaper, faster, and maintaince free to the user with only monthly bills, automatically deducted from your bank if so authorized;And every one’s daily needs, including parks, recreation, exercise facilities, food and other stores and most jobs are only an elevator ride and/or less than a block's walk away, living in a quite, fume-free, green city can be very safe, pleasant, and economical - both in monetary terms and environmental costs.
Later about autocars:
Later about buildings etc.: