Eighth grader strip searched


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Administrators at an Arizona middle school are asking the US Supreme Court to rule that they did not violate the privacy rights of an eighth-grade girl who was strip-searched in a fruitless attempt to find suspected drugs.

At issue in the case, set for argument Tuesday morning, is whether the strip search of a 13-year-old girl by school officials is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.

Lawyers for the girl and her mother say it was an unconstitutional invasion of the girl's privacy. School officials say their actions were justified because they were trying to protect the student population from a risk to their health and safety.

So, whats the legal precedent here? Strip searching is A-Okay for the greater good?
The precedent is that in the absense of the parents, the school gets the authority to act as a parent. There is no right to privacy between parents and kids.
The precedent is that in the absense of the parents, the school gets the authority to act as a parent. There is no right to privacy between parents and kids.

Is that the entirety of the rule? Parents can spank their children, can public schools apply corporal punishment since they act in loco parentis? A parent can demand you salute the American flag and an hit you to some reasonable extent if you refuse, I like to think a random teacher would be slapped in cuffs for that.

Why could they not have held the girl until her mother could be contacted, and given the monther the choice of agreeing to the strip search or facing her daughter's expulsion?

Also, when exactly did epidemic of ibuprofen abuse reach America's schools? Apparently friends don't let friends cure headaches.

I have no idea if these people should win on their suit or not, but I have a strong impression that the school overreacted. My giving a friend an Advil is not a sound reason for you to take a free look at my junk. At least the girl can be grateful that they didn't do a cavity search or conduct X-rays.
So the school can decide that everyone should be naked in school?
So the school can decide that everyone should be naked in school?

Obviously the school's decision has to be based to some extent on fostering a good educational environment, and if they thought nudity did that, every judge in America would say "No, it does not." and give the students involved a hefty amount in damages.

On the other hand, the schools can conduct random drug tests of student athletes. I am not sure they can conduct random drug tests of all students, however. They probably can, and then turn what they find over to the police and send students to jail, all conveniently without rights or parental consultation.
I have a feeling the girl was dressed like this...

And said things like "Fuck your bureaucratic injustices man!"
Obviously the school's decision has to be based to some extent on fostering a good educational environment, and if they thought nudity did that, every judge in America would say "No, it does not." and give the students involved a hefty amount in damages.

On the other hand, the schools can conduct random drug tests of student athletes. I am not sure they can conduct random drug tests of all students, however. They probably can, and then turn what they find over to the police and send students to jail, all conveniently without rights or parental consultation.

No, you have to sign a waiver consenting to random drug tests and you never have to take it if you don't want to. Just don't expect to be allowed to keep playing on the team. The students are subject to random drug searches without their consent, but no tests.
I have a feeling the girl was dressed like this...

And said things like "Fuck your bureaucratic injustices man!"

She looked like this


Was a 4.0 GPA student and now never wants to go back to school.

After she had stripped to her underwear, ‘they asked me to pull out my bra and move it from side to side,’ she said. ‘They made me open my legs and pull out my underwear.’”

you have to be kidding that they were looking for ibprofin. its not even a controled substance. what stupidity
Crazy school system...

Actually the school system I grew up in Arizona is pretty crazy too. I'm really not shocked. The schools are so underfunded in Arizona the teachers and leaders are not exactly top level.

Does anyone know the specific school? I know most of the schools around here and their respective reputations.
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So the school can decide that everyone should be naked in school?

maybe the issue here is the liability of the intelligence report. Perhaps if they do strip search you and find nothing...they are liable to pay for trouble to the kid who was searched.

Do you have any kids?

If so, if a teenage kid went to school and was dealing drugs or simpy possessed drugs around your child, and the only way to prove that they were committing this act was to strip search the individual, would you not approve?

Furthermore, by law, all strip searches must be conducted by members of the same gender as the suspect.
I think all kids that are stip searched should be strip searched but are liable to press charges on violation of body if nothing illegal is found on them.
Do you have any kids?

If so, if a teenage kid went to school and was dealing drugs or simpy possessed drugs around your child, and the only way to prove that they were committing this act was to strip search the individual, would you not approve?

Furthermore, by law, all strip searches must be conducted by members of the same gender as the suspect.

You are essentially giving the right for anyone to strip search a kid. Same gender doesn't matter its still a messed up thing to do.

When you give people power they abuse it. I don't think its right, sorry.

Take one of your liberties away and they will slowly take away another.