Eight-year-old wins divorce

And, after all, if the kids don't like it, well they just don't have to live there. Right. Or it isn't immoral, because morality doesn't translate. Like those other concepts: extortion, misogyny and exploitation. No effective translation. Only Westerners have those concepts. Business as usual for everyone else. Part and parcel. Hearth and heart. Yes; better not to question or criticize. Blanket condemnation preferred.
Who said anything about kids? I said if I did not like their social values I would not live there. As a foreigner, I can help them to educate themselves and bring about change but only if I am willing to respect the fact that the choices should be made by them.
I'm not saying their choices should be taken away, but it's absurd to pretend a kid knows what they're getting into about marriage. The system is open to massive exploitation, and probably is. Aren't something like 75% of Pakistani women sexually abused or something?

But let's get onto the absonding responsability thing: do you not feel that if you abandon other nations to ignorance, that same ignorance eventually knocks on your own door?
I think if you don't allow people to make their own choices, they never completely adopt the change.
So if I disallow child marriage in my own country, they never completely adopt that change? Doesn't it at least prevent or discourage it? Why should acceptance be the key to societal reform? Societal reform often comes at great opposition. Choice is an area outside good jurisprudence.
In your country? You mean changing your own society without external influences? Like the Yemenis campaigning to fix the minimum age of marriage at 18? That kind of thing?
Religion: Heaven for the perverse, Hell for the innocent.

No matter how you slice or dice it, a child has been wrongfully exploited. Dress it up, ignore it, change the subject, fire off some scripture, whatever....there is absolutely no way in hell that anything about this case is acceptable.
In your country? You mean changing your own society without external influences? Like the Yemenis campaigning to fix the minimum age of marriage at 18? That kind of thing?

Are they? Where is this movement? Should it be left to wither on the vine, as it will?
Reading comprehension nil. Like I said from the very beginning, I'm against outside influences, especially western, imposing their moral judgements on any society. They've already done enough damage with their previous incursions and every foray seems to make the situation worse.

If by "western influences" do you mean the acknowledgment that most children are not mentally or physically able to take on the more complex issues and activities of adults, and that the development years for adults are the years that are spent as children as opposed to "eastern traditions" of exploiting children for sexual pleasure and religious fundamentalism?