Eight-year-old wins divorce

Poor people who sell or otherwise give away their children.

Why is this news?
Hey the article doesn't say, how should I know ? lol
Although I have to admit that it crossed my mind as well..

One million children are sold into sexual slavery every year, and in many cases the parents have the choice of either selling them or consigning them to death by starvation.

The idea that it is limited by religion or country is astonishing. Not when the corruption becomes incorporated at the highest and richest levels
Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away
Halliburton, Dyncorp lobbyists stall law banning human trafficking and sex slavery

UN Child Sex Slave Scandals Continue
Wave after wave of child abuse reports pour forward from all over the globe

Steve Watson
Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The UN is to investigate itself again after it was revealed by the London Telegraph today that more than twenty different cases of child sex slavery involving UN staff have been reported in southern Sudan.

The Telegraph reports that it has learned of dozens of victims’ accounts claiming that some peacekeeping and civilian staff based in the town are regularly picking up young children in their UN vehicles and forcing them to have sex. The Telegraph states that it is thought that hundreds of children may have been abused.

What options do the parents of these children have?
One million children are sold into sexual slavery every year, and in many cases the parents have the choice of either selling them or consigning them to death by starvation.

The idea that it is limited by religion or country is astonishing. Not when the corruption becomes incorporated at the highest and richest levels

What options do the parents of these children have?

Apparently none, which is bad enough. Why are you addressing me as if I don't care ?
Maybe she gets lucky and is put up for adoption for western parents ;)

Look at the statistics of who visits child sex prostitutes.:rolleyes:

Furthermore, many countries whose citizens most frequently engage in international child procurement, such as the United States[3], Australia and European countries, enforce worldwide jurisdiction on their nationals traveling abroad.

An estimated 50,000 prostitutes, some as young as 13, are among the 1.2 million Iraqis who fled to Syria after Bush invaded.
And ? Most children just get a nice family.

And many don't. :shrug:

The difficult news, however, is that, of the more than 300 million economically active children between the ages 5-17, roughly 50 million of them (ages 5-14) are still working in harmful environments.

Human Rights Watch notes these unsafe labor conditions include dangerous agriculture workplaces, bonded child labor (in which a family receives as little as $15 to hand over a child for forced labor), compulsory recruitment for armed conflict, forced prostitution or pornography, the illegal drug trade or other unlawful activities.

Child trafficking disguised as adoption
Posted: March 12, 2007
1:00 am Eastern

By Chuck Norris
© 2008

In just the past two weeks, international child trafficking has been the subject of many news stories:

* Recently, a woman in Colorado was charged with selling her 5-month old son to a couple for $1,500, part of which allegedly was used as the down payment on a used car.

* During the president's present swing through Latin America, he will visit Guatemala, one of the top sources for adoptive babies and corruption in baby trafficking.

* The government of Denmark is putting into action a four-year plan to combat trafficking into its country, with children as a focus.

* The minister for justice in Ireland announced that he would close the loopholes in children sexual exploitation and trafficking laws.

* UNICEF and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences hosted a seminar addressing issues regarding child exploitation, near a major trafficking intersection – the border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

* In India, thousands of people started marching to Delhi, calling upon the Indian government to create laws prohibiting child trafficking.