Egyptian girl strips to protest; western media censors her photos

Trouble is SAM those pictures are all pre the Soviet Invasion.

Why not show some pictures dated after that?

I recommend you read how the Soviets were lured into Afghanistan by the Americans, note that the Soviet Union was an ally of the Afghans during the time these pictures were taken

Also, if you are interested in the opinions of the women of Afghanistan, they are freely available to access at rawa, although you won't recognise any of them, because they are not invited to comment at CNN - haven't you ever wondered, for a country going to save women across the oceans why none of these women ever make an appearance on mainstream media so we can hear their opinions? Why only bikini clad Afghan women are news? Why not invite the women who stood for Presidential elections or activists who work with the reconstruction programs?

For example:

As the US occupiers continue killing our innocent and sorrowed people without regret, this time they committed yet another horrible crime in Bala Baluk village of Farah Province. On 5th May 2009, the US airstrikes targeted people’s homes, killing more than 150, mostly women and children. This is another war crime but Pentagon shamelessly includes Taliban as the perpetrators too and announces the civilian deaths being only 12!

The so-called ‘new’ strategy of Obama’s administration and the surge of troops in Afghanistan have already dragged our ill-fated people in the danger zone and his 100-day old government proved itself as much more war-mongering than Bush and his only gifts to our people is hiking killings and ever-horrifying oppression. This administration is bombarding our country and tearing our women and children into pieces and from the other side, is lending a friendly hand towards the terrorist Gulbuddinis and Taliban -- the dirty, bloody enemies of our people-- and holding secret negotiations and talks with such brutal groups.
Maybe you should quit reading motives into my words, yes? Obviously the pictures make a difference. Hence your linking of the pictures of starvation and napalm bombing followed by bland textual commentaries like "Pictures of people suffering, Click at your own risk"

You're still not making a clear point.

One more try?

If you had linked appropriately to the images in the first place, then I would have had no reason to edit your posts and add in my warnings.

Not at all. I am completely against censorship.

We've established that. Now I wish to discuss your idea of forcing people to view material you think they need to see.

I suppose your ideal would be SAM-run state TV or something, with citizens forced to tune in at a particular time each day to see SAM's "educational" propaganda information.

No I think the media does not have the right to decide what the people should or should not see.

Only you, then? People really ought to be forced to see what you want them to see.

I think we can safely leave parental supervision to the parents.

So your forcing is only for adults, then, perhaps with an expectation that parents should also force their children to absorb some of the stuff.

However, if it comes to that, would you subject a two year old to torture at Abu Ghraib? A 7 year old? A 15 year old?

I wouldn't subject anybody to torture. What a strange question. How about you? How is this relevant to anything?

Were the children evacuated from Iraq before NATO went in?

No. How is this relevant to anything?

I draw the line at the age where people are old enough to be subject to the stuff that goes on in the pictures. At what age should you warn children of sexual predators?


So if 4-year old children are potential rape victims, then all 4 year olds should be shown rape imagery, I suppose.

And I suppose all kids should be shown war imagery, including bloody mutilations etc.

Regarding sexual predators, I think that children should be warned when they are old enough to understand what they are being warned about. At an early age, rather than exposing a young child to ideas such as sexual intercourse, rape and indecent assault, I would advocate warning children about "stranger danger" and the like. How about you? Would you advocateforcing children to watch explicit films about rape, say?

I think pictures like the ones I have shown should be viewed more, yes. Because we are complicit in those atrocities and grabbing the smelling salts or pandering to our delicate sensibilities is less important than acknowledging reality

I don't know about you, but I'm in no way complicit in the Abu Graib tortures.

Nor do I think that I, or anybody else, should be forced to view those pictures.

I think awareness is important.

There's awareness, then there's ramming stuff down people's throats against their will - you know, forcing.

You're all for freedom as long as it means people do what you want them to do.

Views like this: "To deny that naked images have a sexual impact is naive" reflect a strange reality where social conditioning caused by censorship becomes a reason for that censorship to be further imposed.

What has been censored here?

You're still not making a clear point.

One more try?

Its explained here in detail, have at it

If you had linked appropriately to the images in the first place, then I would have had no reason to edit your posts and add in my warnings.

I've linked many of those pictures before and they are from mainstream news media which I assumed is the criteria for appropriateness on sciforums. Now I find that the one photo which is NOT from mainstream media is the one not moderated. So I understand that the moderation is arbitrary

We've established that. Now I wish to discuss your idea of forcing people to view material you think they need to see.

I suppose your ideal would be SAM-run state TV or something, with citizens forced to tune in at a particular time each day to see SAM's "educational" propaganda information.

No I think the civil liberties union does a fine job

Only you, then? People really ought to be forced to see what you want them to see.

No I think that people should be aware of self censorship in the news media

So your forcing is only for adults, then, perhaps with an expectation that parents should also force their children to absorb some of the stuff.

Thats the goal yes, maybe with greater awareness, you'd have less teenagers posing with dead children across the globe.

I wouldn't subject anybody to torture. What a strange question. How about you? How is this relevant to anything?

Right, but this is the social standard yes? People are old enough to be carpet bombed even before they are born but even adults are not old enough to see the results of the carpet bombing.

No. How is this relevant to anything?

Its about hypocrisy mostly. What choice do those starving or napalm bombed children have when it comes to being protected from reality? At the very least we can make children in our society aware of the cost of our lifestyles to other children rather than censor it across the media and pretend that the children who were sodomised in Abu Ghraib do not exist


So if 4-year old children are potential rape victims, then all 4 year olds should be shown rape imagery, I suppose.

Typically thats not how it is done. However, if a four year old is raped what would you tell her?
And I suppose all kids should be shown war imagery, including bloody mutilations etc.

We can leave the parental supervision to parents. Note however, that the picture of the Vietnamese being shot was published in the mainstream newspapers and pictures of the dead were shown on television and in general news circulation so clearly there are differences in what is appropriate. I also note that children in war zones walk through these scenes and are not given the choice of avoiding them.
Regarding sexual predators, I think that children should be warned when they are old enough to understand what they are being warned about. At an early age, rather than exposing a young child to ideas such as sexual intercourse, rape and indecent assault, I would advocate warning children about "stranger danger" and the like. How about you? Would you advocateforcing children to watch explicit films about rape, say?

Again we can leave parenting to the parents. Note that in all cases YOU are talking about children as though they were unsupervised and free to choose while I am talking about people with the understanding that most people with children supervise them. I have seen children on supervised visits to the Holocaust museums. Children as young as 10 are considered by law as capable of giving consent to sex. So again, there are differences in opinion as to what is appropriate for children.
I don't know about you, but I'm in no way complicit in the Abu Graib tortures.

Then you must not pay any taxes that supported the war efforts in Iraq
Nor do I think that I, or anybody else, should be forced to view those pictures.

No you believe in pixelating nipples because it is naive to believe that nudity does not have a sexual impact

There's awareness, then there's ramming stuff down people's throats against their will - you know, forcing.
Yeah, don't I ever!

You're all for freedom as long as it means people do what you want them to do.
What has been censored here?

I think you are confusing freedom with awareness. There is a way to remain unaware - by not participating in society, by avoiding all newspapers and television, all media that gives access to information. No one is forced to read this thread or a newspaper or watch television. However, apathy is not a virtue
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its kinda like how the average carnivore is squeamish about watching their dinner actually being butchered. in fact if abattoir tours are made mandatory, i bet the vegan population would increase in leaps and bounds
More on nudity, breasts and pornography:

Is this obscene?

Featured is an androgynous male model named Andrej Pejic, with hair and make-up usually seen only on women, sliding his shirt off his back. Some might say that the image deliberately blurs gender. Are we seeing a chest or small breasts? It is not immediately apparent.

Both Barnes & Noble and Borders “bagged” the magazine, as they do pornographic ones, so that the title of the magazine is visible but the rest of the cover is hidden. Barnes and Noble said that the magazine came that way, representatives for Dossier say that the bookstore “chains” required them to do it.

Non-ambiguously-male chests pepper most magazine racks, but this man’s chest hints at boobs. And so he goes under wraps.

What’s going on?

Explaining why it is legal for men to be shirtless in public but illegal for women to do the same, most Americans would probably say women have breasts and men have chests. Breasts, after all, are…these things. They incite us, disgust us, send us into grabby fits. They’re just so there. They force us to contend with them; they’re bouncy or flat or pointy or pendulous and sometimes they’re plain missing! They demand their individuality! Why won’t they obey some sort of law and order! Much better to contain those babies.

Chests … well they do have those haunting nipples … but they’re just less unruly, right? Not a threat to public order at all.

So, there you have it. Men have chests and women have breasts and that’s why topless women are indecent.

Australia bans small breasts:

The Australian Sex Party (ASP) said Wednesday that the Australian Classification Board (ACB) is now banning depictions of small-breasted women in adult publications and films. It comes just a week after it was found that material with depictions of females ejaculating during orgasm are now Refused Classification and Australian Customs directed to confiscate it.

ASP’s Fiona Patten writes on her party’s website that they are starting to see depictions of women in their late 20s being banned because they have an A cup breast size:

“This is in response to a campaign led by Kids Free 2 B Kids and promoted by Barnaby Joyce and Guy Barnett in Senate Estimates late last year. Mainstream companies such as Larry Flint’s Hustler produce some of the publications that have been banned. These companies are regulated by the FBI to ensure that only adult performers are featured in their publications.”

Patten writes that such bans may be an unintended consequence of the Senator’s actions “but they are largely responsible for the sharp increase in breast size in Australian adult magazines of late”.

So how does censoring small breasts contribute to the sexual culture of Australians? What changes have they created? Are more women going in for breast augmentation, for example?

Apple's no-nipples policy means fashion mags are censoring their iPad editions :

Magazines planning to launch iPad editions for the Apple's glossy e-Reader device will have to censor themselves to make into Apple's No Porn app store, I heard yesterday.

And we're not just talking about Nuts; "edgier" fashion magazines like Dazed & Confused and Vice will have to seriously cut back on nudity in photography and fashion shoots. New fashion bible LOVE famously launched a first edition with a naked photo shoot of Beth Ditto. That would not be alright with Steve Jobs.

A D&C insider revealed that the mag's iPad edition has been nicknamed the Iran edition by the people putting it together, given the parallels between censorship in the Muslim theocracy and the iTunes store.

Every week there have been complaints about apps removed from the iTunes store - usally small-scale soft porn stuff, but it throws the Apple policy into relief when art or fashion magazines have to start censoring themselves.

So is the female breast so obscene? Does the Apple policy apply to male nipples?
Things have moved on a bit, but I had no time yesterday to reply.

Wasn't it obvious that I meant a written attack? Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to SAM's usual penchant for threads that attempt to demonise "the West", and the US in particular.
As much as Fraggle, GeoffP and others attack and demonise Muslims, Islam and Muslim countries perhaps? I mean we have Fraggle in another thread speculating on how many Muslim men rape women when they come to the West, because apparently, that's sort of what they do if his tone is to be believed.

Again, sorry you are confused.

In my previous post I referred to SAM's gratuitous and irrelevant introduction of the Abu Graib tortures into a thread about an Egyptian girl's nude protest.

Maybe you've confused my discussion of SAM's attack on "the west" with the Egyptian girl's protest, which I have not referred to at all as an "attack" of any sort. Maybe if you go back and read my post again with this in mind it will make more sense for you.
I adore it when you are patronising and insulting.

The point was simple. The images from Abu Graib were plastered everywhere in the media, and the torture uncensored. Yet a girl's very artistic protest against her tight fisted regime which censores art and denies women equal rights is censored because it involved an artistic nude image. If you are unable to still grasp the hypocrisy of censorship and what the Western media deems to be offensive, then really, what is the point of this discussion?

No. I deem SAM's introduction of Abu Graib images into the context of the current thread as "garbage". Not quite the same thing. And I thought I'd been clear about that, too. Also, "garbage" is not my original term. Recall that we were referring to comments made originally by Fraggle.
Oh James deems it to be "garbage" and thus it is so!

I beg to differ. I have the right to my opinion. Last I checked, you were not the thought police. Yes, you removed the images in accordance to the rules and because Arthur was offended by nipples. But that you don't censor or infract others who have gone on and made very racist, abusive and insulting remarks in this thread shows where the priorities lie. Point taken.

How has this girl been censored? I looks to me like her message has been broadcast loud and clear.
You really fail to see the irony, don't you?

This is a straw man, and I think you know it. Why waste your time? Why not address what I've actually said rather than setting out to offend me by putting false words in my mouth?
Tut tut. So defensive James. Go back and read what I wrote again and tell me how you think it offends you?

You said that you agreed with Fraggle that the images used in this thread were garbage. If you don't want your words to be taken literally, then write more clearly. I stated that the images were symbolic of the war and not garbage.

You know, Bells, it looks to me an awful lot like you hit the "reply" button on posts before you've read them, then furiously bang out a reply paragraph by paragraph, assuming that if you haven't got to an explanation yet then it probably isn't there. Then, when you finish, you don't even go back to see if what you were complaining about at the top of your reply was actually addressed later on. Just hit "Submit" and move on to the next post.

Next time, try reading my entire reply before going off half-cocked after the first 30 words, ok?

How about next time, you read the entire thread instead of choice posts posted to you via reports before you make such a comment?

A point I directly addressed later in the post you're replying to. See what I mean?
Which you still don't quite get the point. But that's alright.

We've been here and done that before.

In my experience, the media tends to censor images of violence as well as images of nudity. If you disagree, we could have a more general discussion about that issue, perhaps in a separate thread. I have, of course, already talked about the comparison a little.
So you want me to start a separate thread about media censorship instead of discussing it in this thread which deals specifically with media censorship?

I banned SAM for a breach of a site rule that she has been warned about repeatedly. There's nothing hysterical in that. The rest is just commentary on the side.
Yes. The titty and blood reaction. Life will never be the same again.

No. Introducing the Abu Graib images into this thread was gratuitous, insensistive to the victims and to potential readers, and an off-topic distraction besides.
I beg to differ. Had you read the entire thread, it would have been obvious why those images were used as a comparison with what is censored in the media and what is not.

Yes. I've read the whole thing.
Having a slow day?

Once again, I think you're confusing the Egyptian girl's protest with SAM's latest tirade against the evil "west". I'll try to make it clearer for you as to which one I am discussing at any particular time, though I thought it would have been fairly obvious from context. Maybe my expression is worse that I imagine it is.
Oh no. You express yourself fine. I just don't agree with you.

How has she been censored? Anybody can go look at her blog. In fact, their attention has been captured by the news stories about it. She has received extra publicity, not censorship.

It's like trying to explain something to Arthur.

How do you think her image has been censored in the Western media James? I'll give you a hint.. Look at where her boobs are meant to be and where her vagina is meant to be and tell me what you see....

They do both. Haven't you noticed? Next time there is a fatal car accident, watch the evening news reports and note how the cover it. In particular, note whether they show images of the mutilated bodies or not.
That is because emergency workers rarely allow cameras to get in their way to film or take images.

Speak for yourself. I find the Abu Graib images and all that they imply deeply disturbing.
Yes they are. So why didn't the media censor it but decided to censor this girl's photo?

Get it?

I can't comment on all the western media. I haven't checked who published this story, and what they published. But it seems to me that they have given her extra publicity, which is quite the opposite of censorship.
Again, look at the artistic photo published in the West and tell me what you see where her boobs and vagina would normally be.

So images and films of a soldier throwing a dog off a cliff, the film footage of the sexual assault on the mentally disabled girl by a bunch of school boys, the hacking away at people in the Rwandan genocide and in East Timor, to name a few.. None of that was censored.

I disagree.

You ought to ask yourself questions such as: in what context or contexts did this girl intend for her nude image to appear or be published? What control did she retain over her image? Would publishing the unmodified images, especially outside the intended context, tend to objectify the girl, invade her privacy, and/or disrespect her rights to her image? How could the girl's story best be presented while remaining sensitive to the various issues involved?

Various issues such as a regime that does not treat women equally and who censors artistic expression and the human form?

When you look at the image, it becomes quite clear.

She didn't intend it to be pornographic, but no doubt that is how some might view it. This becomes more likely the further it is removed from the context in which it was originally posted.
Do you equate human nudity with pornography? I would imagine not, since you are an intelligent individual. But if we were to cater to the idiots in society, then all art would be censored and the statue of David would have his genitals hacked off, because someone, somewhere will find it pornographic.
its kinda like how the average carnivore is squeamish about watching their dinner actually being butchered. in fact if abattoir tours are made mandatory, i bet the vegan population would increase in leaps and bounds

What average carnivore? Most of us go to the abattoir to get our meats. When I get my fish or shellfish, its still moving. And no, it has no effect on our dietary choices. The squeamishness I think increases in direct proportion to the distance from the food source
i was talking to james in a language that he might understand
similarly, one can show photos of blood and guts to dissuade people from warring
What average carnivore? Most of us go to the abattoir to get our meats. When I get my fish or shellfish, its still moving. And no, it has no effect on our dietary choices. The squeamishness I think increases in direct proportion to the distance from the food source

Average Canadian or American omnivore.:eek:
Most of us have never seen the inside of a slaughterhouse or gone to a fishmarket.
It's all wrapped in plastic and white styrofoam packages with this sort of tampon thingy in the styrofoam tray to catch the pooling blood as it sits in the cooler.
It's so clean and tidy, it's as if the cuts of flesh were birthed immaculately, from some sort of Virgin Mary chicken or cow...
I was surprised by the blood soaker-upper a couple of years ago, I have a dog with skin problems.
I tried feeding a diet of raw chicken and oatmeal. Which made him happy but no less itchy.:(

SAM, we really do sanitize death over here.
More on nudity, breasts and pornography:

Is this obscene?
Explaining why it is legal for men to be shirtless in public but illegal for women to do the same, most Americans would probably say women have breasts and men have chests. Breasts, after all, are…these things. They incite us, disgust us, send us into grabby fits. They’re just so there. They force us to contend with them; they’re bouncy or flat or pointy or pendulous and sometimes they’re plain missing! They demand their individuality! Why won’t they obey some sort of law and order! Much better to contain those babies.

Chests … well they do have those haunting nipples … but they’re just less unruly, right? Not a threat to public order at all.

So, there you have it. Men have chests and women have breasts and that’s why topless women are indecent.
Hmm, I skimmed that...who knew I was hiding twin anarchies under my shirt...

i'd freak out if i had to touch raw chicken
i can handle beef tho

If whole fryers were the cheapest thing...I got the fun of dismembering the carcass into serving sizes. Messy.
its kinda like how the average carnivore is squeamish about watching their dinner actually being butchered. in fact if abattoir tours are made mandatory, i bet the vegan population would increase in leaps and bounds

I doubt it.

People tend to practice disconnection - such as not acknowledging there is a connection between eating junk food and obesity, or that an animal needs to be killed before it can be eaten, etc..

Same goes for pictures, or even first-hand experiences of violence.

People's desires for how things should be tend to override the perception of how things actually are.
As much as Fraggle, GeoffP and others attack and demonise Muslims, Islam and Muslim countries perhaps?

Careful there, chief. You don't really need me to make you look foolish again, do you? So mind your manners. Unless..what? You really think Islam is all about its worst elements? And that that has to be protected?

How stupid.
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I recommend you read how the Soviets were lured into Afghanistan by the Americans, note that the Soviet Union was an ally of the Afghans during the time these pictures were taken

SAM, anyone can find a book to support any warped view they want.

The Soviets weren't lured into Afghanistan by the US nor did we induce them to kill MILLIONS of Afghanis.

Your hatred makes you blind SAM.

And I'm not posting info from CNN am I SAM?

The Mujahideen took Kabul and liberated Afghanistan from the Communists and the Mujahideen formed an Islamic State. Eventually a civil war broke out, and during this time, gross violations of abuses occurred not only against women but the population in general. Massacres and mass killings occurred and the war took on an ethnic tone. Despite all of the chaos, women were still allowed to work, and get an education under the Mujahideen government of Burhanuddin Rabbani. In fact, before the Taliban took over Kabul, about half of the working population were women. They were employed as teachers, doctors, as well as in other professional occupations.

In September 1996, the Taliban took over Afghanistan's capital and immediately imposed restrictions on Afghan women. They were forbidden to work, leave the house without a male escort, not allowed to seek medical help from a male doctor, and forced to cover themselves from head to toe, even covering their eyes. Women who were doctors and teachers before, suddenly were forced to be beggars and even prostitutes in order to feed their families. During the rule of the Taliban, women were treated worse than in any other time or by any other society. Also see: Afghan Women's Health And The Taliban

Late 2001 The United Front (aka Alliance) together with the United States attacked the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and forced them out of Kabul.. The restrictions on Afghan women were officially lifted and they were allowed to once again work and go to school. Unfortunately, today, the abuse of women continue as the government is too weak to enforce many of the laws, especially in the rural areas, and in once Taliban supported areas.

Open your eyes SAM, the poor condition of women in Afghan was the direct result of being ruled by Islamic Fundamentalists.

Average Canadian or American omnivore.:eek:
Most of us have never seen the inside of a slaughterhouse or gone to a fishmarket.

It's not like we don't know they exist and what they do (and I think most of us know reasonably well how they do it)

It's all wrapped in plastic and white styrofoam packages with this sort of tampon thingy in the styrofoam tray to catch the pooling blood as it sits in the cooler.
It's so clean and tidy, it's as if the cuts of flesh were birthed immaculately, from some sort of Virgin Mary chicken or cow...

SAM, we really do sanitize death over here.

No Chimkin, we aren't that stupid. We simply have perfected streamlined ways to raise, butcher and package food for 310 million people in a manner which limits contamination. Only fools don't realize that the chicken or cow their meat comes from didn't have to be killed and butchered in order to make it to our shelves.

I've never actually seen wheat turned into bread either, but that doesn't mean I don't know how it's grown, harvested, milled and baked.

Adoucette said:

Open your eyes SAM, the poor condition of women in Afghan was the direct result of being ruled by Islamic Fundamentalists.

You're hilarious, Arthur.

And I actually mean that sincerely. To the other, no, I don't think you intend to make folks laugh by embarrassing yourself, but ... well, thanks for making the point.
Adoucette: SAM, anyone can find a book to support any warped view they want.

But how about a Zbigniew:

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise. Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.

Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?

B: It isn’t quite that. We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.

Q: When the Soviets justified their intervention by asserting that they intended to fight against a secret involvement of the United States in Afghanistan, people didn’t believe them. However, there was a basis of truth. You don’t regret anything today?

B: Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter. We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war. Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war unsupportable by the government, a conflict that brought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.
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