Egyptian girl strips to protest; western media censors her photos

Yes, I think people who pay for war should not only be forced to see it, but should also be put at the head of the pack that goes into the fight. If you're not a pacifist, I don't think your sensibilities are relevant.

In general, though I think any country at war should face up to the consequences of it. Its why we have holocaust museums galore and why there is a ban on denying the holocaust in European countries. Because people tend to overlook the consequences of war on the victims. The Vietnam war would not have been over if Americans were not forced to watch people dying on their media.
So, anyone on human nudity as pornography? I found this interesting experiment

Can people unlearn their naked shame?

It's a classic anxiety nightmare - you're standing in front of a room full of work colleagues, your boss is there, maybe even that new colleague you've been trying to impress. And you're stark naked. Ouch.

Why are we so ashamed of being seen naked? Is there something deep in human nature that finds naked skin abhorrent? Some prudishness inherited from our Victorian ancestors?

Horizon's What's the Problem With Nudity? is on BBC Two at 2100 GMT on Tuesday, 3 March
Or watch it later on the BBC iPlayer

And how can you explain the rebels who shun convention to spend their weekends hanging out with similar-minded nudists, insisting nothing could be more normal?

Eight ordinary people - none of them nudists - were recently brought together for an experiment filmed by the BBC's Horizon programme, to test some of the scientific theories that explain why naked bodies make us so uncomfortable.

...After a series of experiments, Phil and Kath, who had been so self-conscious at the start, each came face-to-face with a newly stripped fellow volunteer. They were invited to paint the body in front of them, colour coding every patch of skin to show how uncomfortable they felt touching that part of the body - red for no-go; yellow for squirming and green for fine.

Phil drew the line at colouring his subject's genitals, but Kath had lost all her inhibitions. Within moments she'd painted her subject completely green. Every inch.

Learned shame

It was an example of how flexible our attitudes to nudity are. And it explains how nudists can carry on as normal when they're surrounded by naked people. Over a couple of days, the volunteers had unlearned many of the social conventions that normally govern their life, and reached a new consensus that permitted them to be naked in each other's company.

It chimes with the psychologists' theory that we are not born with a shame of nudity. Instead we learn it, as an important behavioural code that allows us to operate in human society.
Can people unlearn their naked shame?

I don't think this has much to do with being naked as such, but the, usually, unconscious ideas that nudity may mean for us.
The discomfort we feel isn't about nudity, but about the ideas we associate with it.

I think those ideas revolve around vulnerability, the realization that ultimately, we are not in control of how things happen in this Universe, basic existential angst, the helplessness and powerlessness that comes with that.
Those are the really scary things.
I don't think this has much to do with being naked as such, but the, usually, unconscious ideas that nudity may mean for us.
The discomfort we feel isn't about nudity, but about the ideas we associate with it.

I think those ideas revolve around vulnerability, the realization that ultimately, we are not in control of how things happen in this Universe, basic existential angst, the helplessness and powerlessness that comes with that.
Those are the really scary things.

Do you actually consider any of that stuff when you're naked?
Do you actually consider any of that stuff when you're naked?

I think of these things most the time. It is my existential default.

I think people who have a strong and positive faith in God, or at least in karma and reincarnation, are less troubled by things such as nudity, aging, illness, death, deprivation, natural catastrophes, violence.


Isn't everyone like that?

I would imagine, given the confidence with which many people carry themselves, that they have conquered the problems of aging, illness and death.
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Yes, I think people who pay for war should not only be forced to see it, but should also be put at the head of the pack that goes into the fight. If you're not a pacifist, I don't think your sensibilities are relevant.

So SAM, is it someone like YOU who decides what others are forced to "see" and will it be someone like YOU who does the editing?

Typical despot.
So SAM, is it someone like YOU who decides what others are forced to "see" and will it be someone like YOU who does the editing?

Typical despot.

I call that a sign of protesting too much. With all the hints as to why viewing a NSFW page is bad for you given by you, why are you still posting in this thread Arthur?
I call that a sign of protesting too much.

Not at all, you brought up the idea of forcing people to view things, and then reaffirmed that position in a second post so the questions I asked are quite logical.

With all the hints as to why viewing a NSFW page is bad for you given by you, why are you still posting in this thread Arthur?

It's a holiday, I'm not at work and besides the moderators removed the inline pics and replaced them with the appropriate links.

Why are you still posting?

You've turned it into what SAM thinks people should be forced to see.

Which has nothing to do with your original bogus premise.
Why are you?

You've turned it into what SAM thinks people should be forced to see.

Which has nothing to do with your original bogus premise.

Why am I? I'm challenging the premise of freedom of expression, which is an oft-quoted freedom in the western media. I'm also challenging the premise of women being saved by soldiers from these countries who consider the nipple the epitome of obscenity.

But like you, apparently, they can't keep away from it
We do have freedom of expression SAM, to bad you are too filled with HATE to see it.

Had she been a Westener and posted her picture on a web site she wouldn't get millions of hits, indeed it would simply be one of the many hundreds of thousands of such web sites.

As to the women in Afghanistan, that is not why we went there and you know it.

Still since we have been there the rights of women have increased significantly.

During the rule of the Taliban (1996 - 2001), women were treated worse than in any other time or by any other society. They were forbidden to work, leave the house without a male escort, not allowed to seek medical help from a male doctor, and forced to cover themselves from head to toe, even covering their eyes. Women who were doctors and teachers before, suddenly were forced to be beggars and even prostitutes in order to feed their families.

Since the fall of the Taliban in late 2001, many would agree that the political and cultural position of Afghan women has improved substantially. The recently adopted Afghan constitution states that "the citizens of Afghanistan - whether man or woman- have equal rights and duties before the law". So far, women have been allowed to return back to work, the government no longer forces them to wear the all covering burqa, and they even have been appointed to prominent positions in the government.

Which is the type of REAL advancement for women that you ignore, choosing to focus on the imagined slight that you can't go nude in public.

If it will make you feel better though, then simply create a web site and you too can show the world your tits.

We do have freedom of expression SAM, to bad you are too filled with HATE to see it.

As to the women in Afghanistan, that is not why we went there and you know it.

Still since we have been there the rights of women have increased significantly.

Which is the type of REAL advancement for women that you ignore, choosing to focus on the imagined slight that you can't go nude in public.

If it will make you feel better though, then simply create a web site and you too can show the world your tits.


She already has.

But she is right. Even before the images were 'censored' on this site, you kept posting in it, claiming you were at work and how it was bad for you in particular. One has to wonder if it was so bad, after the first time you saw a flash of nipple, you would avoid the thread while at work and carry on without complaint while at home, since you earlier claimed you had no issues with nudity. Unless of course you are the type to keep picking at a sore and then complain that it's not healing properly and that it hurts?
@Arthur: Who knows, in another century, you might get Afghanistan back to what it was before the Americans recruited the mujahideen


Thats if we can get past the child prostitution rings run by the US mercenaries and the opium cartels of the CIA and not to forget the pipeline passing through the country. Lol

And we still don't know whats in the 4000 photographs the US military is suppressing out of Afghanistan.
She already has.

Has what?
But she is right. Even before the images were 'censored' on this site, you kept posting in it, claiming you were at work and how it was bad for you in particular. One has to wonder if it was so bad, after the first time you saw a flash of nipple, you would avoid the thread while at work and carry on without complaint while at home, since you earlier claimed you had no issues with nudity. Unless of course you are the type to keep picking at a sore and then complain that it's not healing properly and that it hurts?

I work at home and so I can disconnect from the office VPN network, and use my home internet connection directly, which I had to do with those pictures on this site. Of course then I don't get email notifications and have access to network drives where much of what I need is stored, so it wasn't a great solution. I pointed out the issue and avoided the thread when connected to the office network.

Not the first time, won't be the last. ;)

True, true: But what can you do?
Will they keep on trolling red and blue?
Or perhaps they are trolling because of you?
How will you know if infract them not too?