Effects of modren civilization on health?

Kumar said:
John, what is the effect of mental stress, infections & shallow breathing on somach acidity?

I don't believe there is an effect on acidity but I'd be happy if u gave me evidence for it! Maybe only mental stress will effect it but its not a cry for O2 I believe.

Can you tell me that why vomit sometimes taste bitter or sour? How alkaline tide/wave is related to it?

I didn't notice vomit tastes different at different times. Its probably due to having eaten different things coz i eat the same thing every day!
John, It is mentioned:

"Until quite recently, the accepted medical view was that ulcers were triggered mostly by stress (which disturbed the production of stomach acid) or by medications such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or aspirin, and were probably aggravated further by spicy or smoked foods and excess alcohol...
Dr Marshall has found that patients infected with H pylori can produce up to six times more acid than normal (the body's natural response to the infection) but also that, in some patients, the bacteria itself inhibits that production of stomach acid, increasing the likelihood of achlorhydria or hypochlorhydria-non-existent or limited levels of acid.
If your present medication is not helping you-or if the condition returns immediately the drugs are stopped -talk again with your GP. A simple test which can determine whether you are producing too much or too little hydrocholoric acid, along with a speedy and easy breath test for Helicobacter pylori is now available. "

If vomit which taste bitter is not common?
Yeah but it mentions nothing about the effects of breathing or O2 on acidity which is what u are asking.

I don't really notice the taste of vomit when I puke up :p but I doubt it tastes very much different from day to day.
John, it looks to me that bitter vomit, breathing pattern-stomach acidity, intestinal pH environment & other roles of bile are somewhat less attended but important aspects. How do we treat/control bitter vomit, intestinal environment?
John, more understanding is needed on this aspect. Now the other question: what makes vomit taste bitter. Bile reflux in stomach is possible & bile is:
bitter alkaline fluid of a yellow, brown, or green color, secreted, in man, by the liver. Bile, or gall, is composed of water, bile acids and their salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, fatty acids, and inorganic salts.

Can it be a reason of vomit taste bitter?

It is mentioned:

"Vomitus--the material that is vomited up--can look like almost anything, usually reflecting what was recently eaten. Sometimes it contains chunks of food. When blood is vomited, the vomitus is usually bright red (hematemesis). When bile is present, the vomitus is green."
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