Eating dogs

Actually, predators' meat is supposed to be chewy, because of all the muscles and such. It could be still yummy though...
Please, please, if you are a vegetarian, DO NOT participate in this thread. Thanks!
This question is just for meat-eating folks: What's wrong with eating dogs or any other kind of animals considered to be pets or smart or fuzzy? If we eat pigs (they are fairly intelligent although not that fuzzy and only a few people keep them as pets), why shouldn't we eat dogs? Well, the Chinese do...

If we don't make dogfactories for eateries, but in case the dog is decided to be put down, we might as well eat it...You know, leftover meat.

I personally don't advocate dogeating, this is just a philosophical discussion on how we decide that one animal is OK to eat, and the other is forbidden...

I love eating dog meat, it so delicious! The type on the James R.'s profile pic, those types of dogs are so yummy! James R., I respect him thou. But the image of the dog he chose for the avatar, makes me want to go out and eat some bbq dog meat!
Sick Fuckers!

who the fuck would eat dog? and the way they tortue them. fucking savage asains. if i ever saw sum one even kick a dog neverless do what those sick asains do i would fucking take a bat beat the shit out of him then cut his leg open (like the asains do to the dogs) then i would make him breed then kill him slowy and painfully. then maybe i would raise his baby in a cage, burn her, starve her and the other shit they do to dogs. when she becomes the ripe old age of 3 or 4 i would cut her feet off and let her bleed to death as she crys out in pain.

Just the savage Asians? Should we go farther and say, then, that only savages eat dogs?

And what, then, if one's reaction to savagery is, itself, savage?
who the fuck would eat dog? and the way they tortue them. fucking savage asains. if i ever saw sum one even kick a dog neverless do what those sick asains do i would fucking take a bat beat the shit out of him then cut his leg open (like the asains do to the dogs) then i would make him breed then kill him slowy and painfully. then maybe i would raise his baby in a cage, burn her, starve her and the other shit they do to dogs. when she becomes the ripe old age of 3 or 4 i would cut her feet off and let her bleed to death as she crys out in pain.

jesus christ dude, that is way out of line
who the fuck would eat dog? and the way they tortue them. fucking savage asains. if i ever saw sum one even kick a dog neverless do what those sick asains do i would fucking take a bat beat the shit out of him then cut his leg open (like the asains do to the dogs) then i would make him breed then kill him slowy and painfully. then maybe i would raise his baby in a cage, burn her, starve her and the other shit they do to dogs. when she becomes the ripe old age of 3 or 4 i would cut her feet off and let her bleed to death as she crys out in pain.

What's the difference between dogs and cows?
Mod Hat - Yeah

Mod Hat - Yeah

thedevilsreject said:

jesus christ dude, that is way out of line

Yeah. I, uh ... I admit that I'm just curious to see where it leads. Maybe that's not a good reason. But really, this is just one of those occasions where I tend--and in life, also--to grant free speech in order to see (a) if it is real, and (b) just how embarrassing it can get.

I have a feeling this could get to be like watching Punky Brewster sing off-key and dance on a table. No, don't get lewd. She was nine or something, and on national television. Ms. Breaster, I mean Brewster, I mean Frye, must look back on that moment and cringe. There is a certain degree of humiliation child actors ought to be protected from by law. Even now, I cringe in a horrified sympathy; though time and pot smoke have muted the image, I can still feel that horrible ripple through mind and body. I would not have been able to perform such a scene. Or maybe I would, not realizing how bad it would be. And in that case, such a scene could, in later years, turn me into a humiliated recluse lashed by the tainted chorus of a million self-loathings.

So, yeah. I'm just wondering if that's where our friend Crestspoon is going.

Either way, though, it's quite an imaginative revenge.

It is inevitable, of course, that one sees a dog kicked at some point in their life. Stay tuned.


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Mod Hat - Indeed ....
Hey hey hey..

1) What's gotten into people today that they are resorting into ridiculous tirades and rants such as this?

2) Lou is not American

3) I won't even point out the irony of your abusing someone like this for what you perceive to be their abuse against animals because they aren't vegetarians. Oops, I think I just did point it out.
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Hey hey hey.. 1) What's gotten into people today that they are resorting into ridiculous tirades and rants such as this?

The shield of anonymity, that's what!

Few, if any, rational people would make such comments publically if they had to do so in person ...if they had to accept personal responsibility for their words/actions. The 'Net is the perfect medium for tirades and rants ...with none of the responsibility.

Baron Max
The shield of anonymity, that's what!

Few, if any, rational people would make such comments publically if they had to do so in person ...if they had to accept personal responsibility for their words/actions. The 'Net is the perfect medium for tirades and rants ...with none of the responsibility.

Baron Max

haHa..speak for yourself. My tirade was completely rational. Its heinous for a race that consumes the largest meat and milk on this planet to demonize(racially motivated) and scapegoat a group because they decided dog/god was equal to their ego. Its not like they are your dogs or your family members. They aren't even raised as pets. You eat raccoons, deer and rabbits and don't have a glint of remorse. They make the cutest pets and raccoons are extremely clever. Deer are beautiful and rabbits will soften up to you once it trusts you. Don't ever eat turtle since I had a pet turtle once and he was so sweet and cute. Why do you have so many unwanted and abused animals in pounds dying every year? Whats the number? hundreds of millions?? Ever watch animal cops? The abusers don't all look asian to me.

I'm not really a vegetarian since I eat fish. But even I know that people could do much better in treating livestock in the western countries and they don't because they don't care. Its atrocious their living conditions.
Stop abusing and dismembering cattle and pigs alive. Many pigs are dunked screaming in scalding water alive because they didn't die in time. Stop growing veal. Stop abusing chickens. Make sure every cow and pig can graze, raise its young, has adequate and clean shelter and then preach to me. I'm not even condoning the eating of dogs. I definitely don't condone the mistreatment of any animal because I think it is ethically wrong.

The abusers are not just one group. Asians are the ones who took to buddhism and the respect for living beings and they do not claim a deity. Of course there will always be people who are assholes no matter what society. Its just strange the self-righteous tirade of a race that traditionally connects with a religion that uses sacrifice(lamb), condones meateating and scapegoating(jesus christ) and the audacity of jesus christ who claimed divinity and was a preachy know it all to morally indict others.
Going back to topic, for those who are against eating dogs:

What if it is a vicious dog and bit several people already and going to be put down anyway? We might as well eat it...
Going back to topic, for those who are against eating dogs:

What if it is a vicious dog and bit several people already and going to be put down anyway? We might as well eat it...

Well if it was a vicious dog...I wouldnt eat that...might have some sort of disease that has a potential to be passed on. On retrospective the dog can be set free in an enclosed park, meanwhile me in a flying above chopper with Ak47 in both of my hands...aiming at the dog.

You are simply blinded by your social indoctrination. You are confusing instinct with what has been indoctrinated into you. It's unfortunate that you can't see this, but trust us when we say it's true.

Do vegetarians eat all plants and vegetables? Do asians eat endangered species to the point of killing them off forever?

No, and probably not. The former is a matter of what people want to eat, as well as what's safe to eat. The latter is not arbitrary. But it's worth noting that at least one species has already been eaten into oblivion.

Nothing. Its just like eating any other animal. Its just that we've created stupid ethics that we have to force onto other countries. Shows our ignorance. Just like when we protest the hunting of whales and dolphins.

I think the protest here is that they're endangered. Surely if eating meat is to be accepted, we should refrain from eating a species into extinction.

What? Don't you mean "ROFL"?
An uncle of mine (who's from vietnam) once had a friend of his (a white guy from North Carolina) approach him about trying dog meat. The guy had a dog he wanted to eat, but didn't know how to cook it. My uncle said to him, if you kill it, and bring it to me, I will show you how to cook it. Anyhow, the guy killed the dog, and brought it to my uncle. They cooked the dog, and invited some friends over for the feast. They all enjoyed it, remarking on how tasty the meat was. But one guy was kept out of the loop, they all told him it was some other kind of meat, like rabbit meat. After the meal, they finally let the guy know he had just eaten dog meat. The guy promptly excused himself, went to the bathroom, and expelled the contents of the dinner into the toilet. Meanwhile, my uncle and his friends laughed their asses off. From then on, whenever that guy went to a barbecue hosted by one of the guys, he would eye the meat suspiciously, and wouldn't eat it until he was sure what it was.
Dogs have been loyal, loving companions in our homes and partners in our work for 15,000 years: they are family members. For a tribe of humans to devolve to the level where it can regard these creatures as food is a local breakdown of the process of civilization. Most Americans are nauseated--as well as angered to the point of irrationality--by the idea of anyone eating dog meat.
Fraggle Rocker

Independently saying almost the exact same thing I have been saying in the thread.
Did we read each other's posts? No.
What we have in common is an adequate grasp on the history of human beings.
There's just no other way to look at the issue when you do.
Cultures which eat dogs aren't just different and quirky and cute, they grossly betrayed dogs.
Thinking at the time only humans have the awareness to judge such attrocities, and since they were the only humans around, they just dug in, high fived eachother and drank ale (or fermented dog hair or whatever).
Well now they aren't the only humans around and we know, the spotlight has fallen on their guilty faces, still greasy with dog fat.
We know they betrayed dogs in the most vile way while we held them up on pedestals, adequately and appropriately thanking them for their hardwork which got us to where we are.
It's our obligation to slander and deride this mutant element of their culture on behalf of the loyal hardworking dogs they stabbed in the back.
Not celebrate it, not shrug and laugh and say "those zany koreans" to eachother, then bow to them and say "you honour us with your teachings". They should be ashamed of themselves.
We shoud say to eachother "they did what?" and turn to them and say "you did what you sick motherf*ckers?
Last time we saw you guys you were relying on dogs for supplying your food and protection, they were getting you started in agrictulture, and obviously they've since civilised you, as they have us, and given you an out of this world level of comfort and safety from the demands of natural selection.
We have since stayed loyal to the relationship and our work together has payed off for both of us.
But you just turned on them once they were no longer necessarry, and started eating them?
Well, that is unmistakabley a diabolically treacherous and disgusting act, and your whole culture can go straight to f*cking hell for it".
Meanwhile the koreans would stand there, eyes to the ground, red faced, shuffling in the dirt, knowing that they've been caught in the most sickening betrayal in human history. Litterally, that's not hyperbole.