Earth Quake Trends - reason for concern?

The point I was trying to make...I'm fucked up just as much as you are. It's just we suffer from different diseases. Paranoid disorders make you think someone is out to get you...when they really aren't. I think you suffer from this.
Well Mac, you don't sound f*cked up to me...sure you have issues, like filling in time, non employment or what ever... but society will go on teling you you are f*cked up because you can't conform their social paradigm.
In the conselling I have done and I have done quite a bit, a signifcant part of the depression, most "normal" people seem to demonstrate is associated with what you are told is "poor performance" or "unproductivity", or not able to by the car that the neighbour just bought you.
You are a unique person who is special in his own right. How dare they tell you what normal is? Sure yu need to function but that is different to listening to someones else version of normality.

etc etc

Solve the issue of societies obsession with "productivity" and half the problem is solved. [especially for males 20 -50 year old]
It has already been shown to you that there was nothing selective about the rollback. No posts prior to the rollback period were deleted. Remember? We went over this already.

The members who are "missing" have left on their own accord. They even made posts explaining their departures. No doubt they can be found on other similar forums if you wanted to bother looking.

What is it you've said that you think is so important you must be silenced for it? Why have none of the loons who lost posts during the rollback tried to post them again?
utter nonsense!
I was wondering when you would show up...
I do recall one poster that I chatted to a few weeks ago... Member: Red Star.... and I can't find him or the posts of a few weeks ago and he appears not to be on the ban list. He appears to have just vanished along with all his posts.. any ideas Balerion?

His first post was in the intro members forum where he mentioned certain political persuasions.
sure you have no ideas about it? and others yet to be determined?
any way it is off topic.... and you may force me to start this thead again....'re still believing the rollback was to stifle your opinions? Really?
utter nonsense!
I was wondering when you would show up...
I do recall one poster that I chatted to a few weeks ago... Member: Red Star.... and I can't find him or the posts of a few weeks ago and he appears not to be on the ban list. He appears to have just vanished along with all his posts.. any ideas Balerion?

You mean these posts?

He hasn't been around since mid-August. He was given a one-week ban for flaming, and hasn't returned since. That happens, sometimes. A member will be temp-banned and in the meantime find a new haunt.

His first post was in the intro members forum where he mentioned certain political persuasions.
sure you have no ideas about it? and others yet to be determined?
any way it is off topic.... and you may force me to start this thead again....

And he discussed those political persuasions at length without anyone attempting to silence him. The only time he ran into trouble was when he started calling posters names. Just as anyone else would.

Anyway, I thought you were referring to the few posters who left as a result of the rollback. The Esotericist and Adstar come to mind, and they both posted their goodbyes. I didn't realize you were trying to suggest there's some larger conspiracy.
You mean these posts?

He hasn't been around since mid-August. He was given a one-week ban for flaming, and hasn't returned since. That happens, sometimes. A member will be temp-banned and in the meantime find a new haunt.

And he discussed those political persuasions at length without anyone attempting to silence him. The only time he ran into trouble was when he started calling posters names. Just as anyone else would.

Anyway, I thought you were referring to the few posters who left as a result of the rollback. The Esotericist and Adstar come to mind, and they both posted their goodbyes. I didn't realize you were trying to suggest there's some larger conspiracy.
oh good I will be able to find something he mentioned... thanks.... I did a search as you have but faie dot find him earlier... needed to look deeper than I did.
Another major quake this time in China: report lodged 2hrs 20minutes ago

At least 40 people were killed when a series of earthquakes, one of them measuring magnitude 5.7, struck south-west China, state broadcaster CCTV reported.
Television footage showed hundreds of people gathered on the streets in the town of Yiliang, which appeared to have been worst hit, and streets strewn with fallen bricks and rocks.
Our little conversation has inspired some thought which you may wish to share in.
It is to do with the fundamental of the psycho- path or socio path.
When a sensitive and astute person becomes aware of it it is little wonder that depression and a sense of futility creeps into their lives.
It is also to do with this thread as obviously given the trends of Eathquake incidence and what that implies to governments and corporations around the world etc.

Typically a sociopath or psychopath will display an arrogance that is fueled primarilly by the inability of that person or organisation to ground their perception of "success" in a away that is real and true to the world around them. A state of illusion if you want.


Do I, QQ, believe that this topic and the exposure of statistics is going to make a shred of difference to the delusions of those Governmentss and organisations and individuals?

What is the reality of the power that this thread has to influence thinking and events subsequent?

I think we can both comfortably state the answer to be almost zero.
Is it worth a shot: debatable

Yet knowing the statistics and the trend indication and the lack of public awareness suggests that we indeed know something that would "burst" others "bubble" or delusions associated with their perception of their individual success and future well being.

So trapped, we are, in a world where delusion is protected and this is a major cause of depression because it disempowers both you and I and others, from making a difference to the future or lack of future.

The entire world appears to be in a state of delusion thinking that tomorrow will be a bed of roses and the sun will continue to shine. Maybe they are right and I certainly hope so, However, being a realist, I see data that indicates cause for concern.

It is depressing to learn that the "illusion of success", the key factor in delusion and arrogance and failure to be successful in a real and sustainable way, is so prevailent in the world today.

Destroying the natural rainforests of the Amazonia for Teak, therefore destroying the very way this planet breathes is so loaded with persons believing in their own illusions of success. It is depressing that my grandchildren due to such delusions are going to have to endure a lesser existance to their granddad. [It was supposed to be the other way round - the grandchildren were supposed to do better than their parents to rise above and transcend our folly]
Is not the rape of our forests and oceans and land the act of a psycho path? A socio path? you bet it is...
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As depressing as this threads topic appears to be and as depressing as the statistics appear to be I have very good reason to believe that the planet and most of it's population will survive beyond any events as suggested.

I may be constantly suggesting an end times scenario or mass exitinction event or something akin to armageddeon etc but I do so because the reason to believe to the contrary is even less able to be believed than the negative assessment presented. The conscious world already knows that we are in serious trouble as a race....and this thread is only supporting and acknowledging that.

There is information and evidence to suggest reason for optmism.. and one day possibly soon that evidence will start to emmerge.
A strange but significant key piece of that evidence is the sudden inexplicable and very recent decline in the onset of childhood asthma [ which was a major pandemic sweeping the world since 1985/86 ] reported here by our national broadcaster about 3 months ago. [it is in the knowing what causation asthma has that allows one to see room for optimism]
We should also see a significant improvement to the plight of children being afflicted with that strange inexplicable condition called "Nodding disease" affecting over 3000 children in Southern Sudan/Northern Uganda.
And the reduction in "ocean turtles" coming to shore by the hundreds and dying at the feet of humans who happen to be on the Northern Queensland Australia.
and the signifcant desire for democracy [freedom] sweeping the Middle-East

Is this just another Poh!

well don't just take my word for it... go look for yourselves..
more detail about the quake in China including a video of report.
Media stats: 100,000 persons displaced , 20,000 homes destroyed...
and any referrance to HAARP use being the cause of these events IMO is merely speculation that has the potential to be quite distracting to what is needed to be done by people to minimise casualities in the event of further quakes around the world.
for example:
the need for the world to start mass manufacturing soft shelters such as tents. needs to be considered seriously.
logistical support for the distribution of aid to affected areas. [ no roads/power/water available ]
Provisioning for short term disaster relief, globally.

basically, get their heads out of the sand and start to do something....while there is time to do it...
Interesting article about Mt Fuji

The last time that Japanese volcano Mount Fuji erupted was back in 1707, known as the Hōei Eruption. The new readings from the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, reveal that the pressure is at 1.6 megapascals and it takes 0.1 megapascals to trigger an eruption. The pressure in Mount Fuji’s magma chamber is now 16 times higher than it was in 1707. The localised tectonic shifts of 2011 have probably put immense pressure on the magma chamber.
to read more:
Dude...if Mt. Fuji erupts, like they think it will...there's going to me a shitload of destruction.
"pressure in Mount Fuji’s magma chamber is now 16 times higher than it was in 1707. " . . . . I didn't know they were measuring magma chamber pressures back then . . . . if so, how so?
Dude...if Mt. Fuji erupts, like they think it will...there's going to me a shitload of destruction.

Yep! . . . and it is a strato-volcano . . . lots of nuee' ardente (Google it) potential . . . . not unlike Mt. St. Helens . . . just BIGGER!
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Dude...if Mt. Fuji erupts, like they think it will...there's going to me a shitload of destruction.
ditto but wait theres more....

a few super volcanoes around the world have all seemingly stired in to life... some have been dormant for over 8000 years....

I wont list them but ... scarey stuff....
Well...people have been talking about what will happen if Yellowstone could be an ass-kicker.
"pressure in Mount Fuji’s magma chamber is now 16 times higher than it was in 1707. " . . . . I didn't know they were measuring magma chamber pressures back then . . . . if so, how so?

allow for room for error... most of it is computer extrapolated based on certain premises no doubt. Presume embelishment [ human nature ] is present. However either way it aint good news for any one if Fuji has a coughing fit.

beautiful sunsets and sun rises globally if one can see through the dust...sort of thing I guess.