Earth Quake Trends - reason for concern?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Another Earthquake has stuck off the coast of the Philippines at 7.2 magnitude over night.

Below are two screen shots of graphs generated for what appears to be a reputable data source.
extrapolated by:

The images clearly demonstate to me a recent trend that is rather concerning.


All quakes / Ave magnitude 1973 ~08/2012


All quakes/Average Strength 1973 ~08/2012

the graphing software allows various renderings of USA Geological data and can be accessed using this link:

care to comment?
Another Earthquake has stuck off the coast of the Philippines at 7.2 magnitude over night.

The images clearly demonstate to me a recent trend that is rather concerning.

All quakes / Ave magnitude 1973 ~08/2012

All quakes/Average Strength 1973 ~08/2012

the graphing software allows various renderings of USA Geological data and can be accessed using this link:

care to comment?

I anticipated quakes in Australia, including central Oz, following the unusual wet season.

After the central quake, I wrote a letter to the ABC, predicting an increase in earthquakes in Australia, and why they are occuring in areas not associated with named causes.

Weeks later we had a quake in Melbourne.

I am still waiting for the quake which will register above 7 on the Richter scale this year, and expect it to be on the eastern side of Oz, north NSW, SE Qld.

My letter may have been considered alarmist and publically inappropriate, hence not published. Which is quite understandable, considering that science has no 'evidence' for such predictions.

Although earthquakes have specific causes denied by common science, I cannot explain the increase in quakes from natural causes only.
I anticipated quakes in Australia, including central Oz, following the unusual wet season.

After the central quake, I wrote a letter to the ABC, predicting an increase in earthquakes in Australia, and why they are occuring in areas not associated with named causes.

Weeks later we had a quake in Melbourne.

I am still waiting for the quake which will register above 7 on the Richter scale this year, and expect it to be on the eastern side of Oz, north NSW, SE Qld.

My letter may have been considered alarmist and publically inappropriate, hence not published. Which is quite understandable, considering that science has no 'evidence' for such predictions.

Although earthquakes have specific causes denied by common science, I cannot explain the increase in quakes from natural causes only.

OH absolutey The ABC only wants to create it's own scarey stories based on it's own agenda...
The small quake in country Victoria recently was quite extrordinary.. I've lived here 52 years and never heard of such a thing...

If the trend continues as it appears we should start to see earthquakes at various gobal places every day [about 6/7mag] after the end of September I a quick guess.
Also 14th of Novemeber in Cairns is a fairly rare complete solar eclipse, with a shadow tracking centrally, right across the tectonic plate where Yasi started. Given the sensitivities it could be quite interesting.

Although earthquakes have specific causes denied by common science, I cannot explain the increase in quakes from natural causes only.

nor do they know what the Eridanas Void is nor the Dark flow phenonema they recorded is...
sometimes it's just best not to know... after all what can they do about it... jacksh*t!!
Latest screen shot of Earthquake data including latest Philippine quake:


[with out added large font text - arrows]

Now considering that this is showing results for 8 months of this year with 4 months to go, it doesn't take a math guru to work out where this is heading...
for the year 2012 add half as much again for the predicted 2012 result..assuming no acceleration beyond the trend and the actual event tiiming remains evenly spread.
News just in:
Another major quake this time Costa Rica M 7.6 - no tsunami

Massive subduction earthquake measuring M 7.6 struck Costa Rica on September 5, 2012 at 14:42 UTC according to USGS and EMSC. USGS reported preliminary magnitude of 7.9 but later revised it to magnitude 7.6. Epicenter was located 10 km (6 miles) NE of Hojancha, Costa Rica (10.120°N, 85.347°W). Both USGS and EMSC recorded depth of 40.8 km (25.4 miles). Laboratorio de Ingenieria Sismica, Universidad de Costa Rica reported epicenter at depth of 18 km located 6,3 km SSE from Samara de Nicoya with population of 3510. There are 670,000 people living within 100km area.
for details:

A new phase of activity has started at Krakatau volcano. A large explosion occurred early today September 3, 2012 (01:32 UTC) and produced an ash plume that reached 14,000 ft (4.2 km) according to Darwin VAAC.

Volcanic ash from the increasingly active Anak Krakatau has reached a number of areas in Lampung, prompting officials to issue a warning for local residents and tourists. According to state news agency Antara, the ash was carried by wind from the southeast to the south, reaching Bandarlampung, about 130 kilometers away from Krakatau.
ref:'s HAARP. They totally cause earthquakes. Either that, or God has a case of hemorrhoids and is a little cranky.'s HAARP. They totally cause earthquakes. Either that, or God has a case of hemorrhoids and is a little cranky.
I haven't posted solar information yet so I think HAARP conspiracies/facts may be a bit trivial.
The reason I haven't posted solar info is that I can not verify or confirm sources ....yet...due to information availability issues
It was a joke, dude. All of the nutters think HAARP is the cause of pretty much all natural disasters...including the earthquake in Japan and Haiti.

Did you know one of the signs of mental illness is the lack of ability to detect sarcasm and humor? :)
It was a joke, dude. All of the nutters think HAARP is the cause of pretty much all natural disasters...including the earthquake in Japan and Haiti.

Did you know one of the signs of mental illness is the lack of ability to detect sarcasm and humor? :)

I would not be too quick to discount HAARP conspiracies entirely... remember Reagen promoted the SDI or Star Wars program way back in 1983... two years later and the Soviet Union was finished...cold war over... hmmm... smell a rat yes? I do... from what I have learned since there is no defense against the orbital offensive use of weapons. due to the effect of our global magnetic field [EMP effects amplified signifcantly]
I woud not be too quick to discount HAARP conspiracies entirely... remember Reagen promoted the SDI or Star Wars program way back in 1983... two years later and the Soviet Union was finished...cold war over... hmmm... smell a rat yes? I do... from what I have learned since there is no defense against the orbital offensive use of weapons. due to the effect of our global magentic field [EMP effects amplified signifcantly]

Yes. They can also use it to steer hurricanes, and cause draughts. It's so cool! It's like the swiss army knife of destruction. Man...that was kick ass use of my tax dollars.
Yes. They can also use it to steer hurricanes, and cause draughts. It's so cool! It's like the swiss army knife of destruction. Man...that was kick ass use of my tax dollars.
and what is even more absurd..... you are going to love this as it is so far fetched... the technology for HAARP predates the ancient pharohs of Egypt by about 2500 years.... now aint that a hoot!:m::D
apparently , now get this it is so funny... found in a Soma Cave in the alps in Bulgaria during the communist regime. Now that is really funny ... Bulgarian djedi warriors.......ha ha makes you want to cry it is so weird. But wait....... theres more... not only do you get the...... :)

yeah they used your dollars sure but who exactly are they? [chuckle] Got to love a good conspiracy....
And the other really funny thing about all this is that "THEY" don't know or realise that when you screw around with "Mom" Earth using their technology, "DAD" our sun [star] can get really upset... like big time... and wipe out all satelite structures and half the planets surface in a blink of an eye.
it is so absurd but you know the'old saying, truth can be stranger than fiction.... sigh!
What's sad is I don't even know if that's a Poe:

nahh! of course it is(nt).... hmmmmmm....

there is a technique similar which is used frequently and that is to publish something that only the person who knows the truth will be able to see and understand. The author is prepared to get egg on face so that a message is delivered.
In other words a form of crytographic messaging using the public fora.... I have used this technique often and even admitted to it on many occassions.
The silent "You know who you are!" routine.
Who is "They"?

they know who they are!!!!!
and they really need to take note of the following cryptic quote:
And the other really funny thing about all this is that "THEY" don't know or realise that when you screw around with "Mom" Earth using their technology, "DAD" our sun [star] can get really upset... like big time... and wipe out all satelite structures and half the planets surface in a blink of an eye.
it is so absurd but you know the'old saying, truth can be stranger than fiction.... sigh!
see works a treat...only one problem

shhh! they need to exist to read it....[chuckle]

seriously you don't really want or need to know and as I said DAD aint too happy at the moment and the question may become moot.
"They" know who they are? what kind of answer is that? Are we talking about the Illuminati, or the Bilderbergs, or the Jews, or the reptilians from the moon? So who is after you?