Dutch PM on trial for hate speech

Only in western media/

The actual war is between western puppets and those who oppose them
Only in western media/

Weak dodge.

The actual war is between western puppets and those who oppose them

Interesting that you use the singular - "actual war" - there.

Rivalry for Islamic street cred between Iran and Saudi Arabia and various smaller movements has been ongoing, in full public view, for a long time. Which is unsurprising, given that their legitimacies are all based on such.
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Weak dodge.

Here, from your favourite part of the world

Ahmadinejad leads unprecedented anti-US rally in Dubai

Published: 05.14.07, 03:46 / Israel News

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad led a raucous anti-American rally in the United Arab Emirates a day after a low-key visit by US Vice President Dick Cheney there in an attempt to counter Tehran's influence in the region.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a cheering Dubai crowd Sunday that America was to blame for creating instability and robbing the region of its wealth. ''Every time your name is mentioned, hatred builds up,'' Ahmadinejad said of the United States to a crowd of thousands, mostly Iranian expatriates. ''Go fix yourself. This is Iran's advice to you. Leave the region... The nations of the region can no longer take you forcing yourself on them.''

Here, from your favourite part of the world

Exactly. Even though the crowd consisted mainly of Iranian ex-pats, any opportunity to demonstrate Iranian influence and popularity on the Arabian penninsula is a political point for Iran's cred, at the expense of Saudi Arabia.

They previously attempted to overthrow the government of Bahrain.
Exactly. Even though the crowd consisted mainly of Iranian ex-pats, any opportunity to demonstrate Iranian influence and popularity on the Arabian penninsula is a political point for Iran's cred, at the expense of Saudi Arabia.

They previously attempted to overthrow the government of Bahrain.

Lol @ the expats, did you see the demonstration? Ahmedinejad spoke in Arabic not Farsi

Bahrain is a US puppet, I've personally seen the US helicopters at their tiny little airport. Iran is popular throughout the Arab world. Watch al Jazeera sometimes [preferably before Saban gets hold of it] and you might learn something

Meanwhile, back on topic, whats your take on Wilders court case? I'm curious to hear your spin on it
Lol @ the expats, did you see the demonstration? Ahmedinejad spoke in Arabic not Farsi

So? That's exactly the language I'd want to speak, if I were trying to bolster perceptions of Iranian influence in Arabia. And I'd expect that Iranian expats in Arabia would speak Arabic, for that matter.

Bahrain is a US puppet, I've personally seen the US helicopters at their tiny little airport.

So apparently it's okay to overthrow any government which signs a basing agreement with the US?

Iran is popular throughout the Arab world.


Meanwhile, back on topic, whats your take on Wilders court case? I'm curious to hear your spin on it

Wilders is an asshat exploiting a stupid law for publicity. Why you're so eager to help him in that regard is beyond me.
So apparently it's okay to overthrow any government which signs a basing agreement with the US?

No its okay to overthrow any dictatorship in favour of peoples rule. Doncha agree?
SAM said:
Hard to do that when the book is banned, but otherwise, its not only common, its also ignored when it happens in your own vicinity
You seem to be comparing an art gallery owner getting punched in the nose by her fellow citizens who were personally offended by some sculpture in her showing,

not even a threat against the sculptor,

with an officially promoted and encouraged and even financially rewarded campaign of dozens of murders and attempted murders all over the world, with the announced goal of killing an author and anyone associated with his book.

Are you serious?

Nothing like Khomeini's fatwa and the worldwide Muslim response has happened anywhere near me in my lifetime. The closest I can think of would be the reaction to the book "Black Like Me" by John Griffin, forty or more years ago, which targeted the author alone and was short lived - and the work was not fiction, the reaction was from people directly depicted in it as themselves, within Griffin's own community even (let alone country).
officially promoted? rewarded? Where? Who was rewarded?

Nothing like Khomeini's fatwa and the worldwide Muslim response has happened anywhere near me in my lifetime.

Worldwide Muslim response? Where? And have you missed the world wide western response to other societies in the last several centuries? How does Khomeini even begin to compare with the destruction that western countries have visited worldwide with the full cooperation of all western representative governments?

Just look at the world wide western response to the war against Muslims.

Khomeini could take lifelong lessons and still never hope to get anywhere close to 1000th of that stature
SAM said:
Worldwide Muslim response? Where?
Threats, firebombings, and assassinations on three continents counts as worldwide.

SAM said:
And have you missed the world wide western response to other societies in the last several centuries? How does Khomeini even begin to compare with the destruction that western countries have visited worldwide with the full cooperation of all western representative governments?
How should he compare? Why would we be comparing him?
SAM said:
Just look at the world wide western response to the war against Muslims.
That's insane.
You directed this at Bells who has not yet had the opportunity to reply.

The two forms of violence are comparable in that they both reflect a belief that men have 'ownership' of 'their' women. It is only in the last two or three decades in the UK that domestic violence has been properly acknowledged (many would argue we are not there yet). In the 1950s and 1960s neighbours and relatives would turn a blind eye to what was going on.

Are honour killings a more severe form of this phenomenon? Of course they are, but they lie on the same spectrum and have the same source. It is not religion, but an expression of innate human qualities.

The underlying attitude has changed for 'native' Britons. It can be changed for the immigrant population also. That will take the combined efforts of sincere people in bot communities. Such efforts are not encouraged by the posturing of the likes of Wilders.

So what you are saying is because domestic violence already exists that it makes sense to immigrate a group where there is a higher percentage of domestic violence? :bugeye: Domestic violence is stigmatized in our culture but honor killings are not for many muslims. Its ludicrous to place them in the same category. The Danes, who also have domestic violence didn't need to hide their women and send them to Sweden because there was a price on their head!!! Are you saying that it is up to the brits to 'wait' until some immigrants are convinced that honor killings are wrong? Immigrants tend to live in ghettos and do not integrate with the rest of society and in some cases are going to their own schools so how are you going to convince them? Who's job is it to convince them? In the States if an immigrant commits a felony they are repatriated to their home country and can never return, sounds like a good method for convincing.

But enough about honor killings, you seem to have not read the whole of my post. Like Bells you made a minor comment the main argument.:rolleyes: