Dutch PM on trial for hate speech


Valued Senior Member
Geert Wilders, a right-wing Dutch MP, has appeared in an Amsterdam court on charges of inciting hatred against Muslims.

The Freedom Party leader is standing trial after a court overruled a decision by the public prosecutor, who had argued Wilders was protected by the right to free speech.

He told the court on Wednesday that the trial showed that the right to freedom of speech was at risk in The Netherlands.

"I believe in my heart and soul that freedom in the Netherlands is being threatened," Wilders said.

"It is not only our right, but our obligation as free people to speak out against every ideology that restricts freedom."

Defence lawyers have argued that the court does not have the constitutional right to put the MP on trial, but the prosecutor said Wilders' remarks must be tested against the "existing legal framework".

If convicted, Wilders would face a maximum sentence of 15 months in jail.

Wilders supporters staged demonstrations outside the court, holding banners saying "Freedom Yes" and "Stop the Islamisation of Europe".

An anti-racism group has also responded to the trial by placing 100 comments from Wilders online to back up its allegations that the MP is guilty of inciting immigrant hate and discrimination.

Wilders has become one of the Netherland's leading politicians, with his party emerging last year as the country's second-largest party in the European Parliament.

Recent polls have also indicated the Freedom Party stands a chance to become the largest in the Dutch Parliament in national elections due in May 2011.


If convicted won't this strengthen the nationalist movement which has already taken hold of the country and prove his point which is that they have indeed lost their freedom of speech?

Does anyone think he should be jailed for his documentary Fitna?

I always looked at Fitna as a bad documentary, quite simply the points he made wrongly frame extremism as Islam but a badly made documentary isn't a crime.
If convicted won't this strengthen the nationalist movement which has already taken hold of the country and prove his point which is that they have indeed lost their freedom of speech?
Does that mean he should continue to incite hatred and discrimination against Muslims? I guess you need to weigh what he has actually been accused of. Inciting hatred and vioence against a group of people is illegal. The crime is not protected by one's freedom of speech. Ergo, he has broken the law.

While it may be his right to speak out against any ideology that restricts his freedom, it is not his constitutional right to incite hatred against another group of people. I must admit, I did chuckle at the line his lawyers have used to try to get him out of the charges. They are arguing that as an MP, he is somehow above the law.

Does anyone think he should be jailed for his documentary Fitna?
I don't think it is just Fitna that is the issue here. It is also the other things he has said that would be the bigger issue.

Wilders published his political manifesto, called Klare Wijn ("Clear Wine"), in March 2005.[19] It received a mixed reception in public polls, with 53% calling it "implausible" and 47% more supportive.[30] The program proposed ten key points to be implemented:

* The present Article 1 of the Dutch constitution, guaranteeing equality under the law, will be replaced by a clause stating the cultural dominance of the Christian, Jewish and humanist traditions.

* Reduction of the influence of the European Union, which may no longer be expanded with new member states, especially Turkey; the European Parliament will be abolished. Dutch financial contributions to the European Union should be reduced by billions of euros.

* An immigration ban of five years for immigrants from non-western countries. Foreign residents will no longer have the right to vote in municipal elections.

* A ban of five years on the founding of mosques and Islamic schools; a permanent ban on preaching in any language other than Dutch. Foreign imams will not be allowed to preach.Radical mosques will be closed and radical Muslims will be expelled.

* Introduction of minimum penalties, and higher maximum penalties; introduction of administrative detention for terrorist suspects. Street terrorism will be punished by boot camps and denaturalisation deportation of immigrant offenders.


He believes that all Muslim immigration to the Netherlands should be halted and all settled immigrants should be paid to leave.

Seems eerily familiar. The irony of course is that he likened the Qu'ran to Mein Kampf. And yet his political platform and beliefs could be quite easily compared to what Hitler did when he first came to prominence in Germany.

The classic is still when he advocated lowering taxes, but then proposed taxing Muslim women for wearing the Hijab.
..., it is not his constitutional right to incite hatred against another group of people.

What "constitution" are you talking about, Bells? Does the Netherlands have a national "constitution"? And if so, what does it say about all this freedom of speech issue? You seem to know, so can you tell us?

Inciting hatred and vioence against a group of people is illegal.

Where did he "incite" violence? I didn't see that anywhere. Where did he "incite violence" ....specifically violence, not just dislike or hate?

And inciting hatred? Is that illegal in the laws of the Netherlands? Again, Bells, you seem to know the law, so please tell us. Now the Dutch can't even hate people that they want to hate? Seems pretty damned restrictive to me!

Baron Max
Well how has he exactly done so? Would you have said that the Danish cartoonist also stirred up hatred just because those in neighboring countries felt as if he had? They have to prove that he has actually broken the law because from what I understand they haven't really established that fact.

You know in the US the nation of islam is lead by a man named Farrakhan who makes bigoted statements about gays, jews and whites. One of his famous quotes is "White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet." No one accuses him of hate speech.

Here we have this PM who is asking for a halt to muslim immigration. I ask why is that racist? There is a problem with integration in their country. I spoke to a Duth couple the other day who are here on vacation and they also don't see any point in bringing in any more muslims until they have established a program for integration.

What about Theo Van Gogh (yes a relative of van gogh) the film maker and writer was stabbed to death by a muslim because some muslims were offended by his book 'Allah', after his murder the Dutch Complaints Bureau for Discrimination on the Internet received many complaints about websites praising the murder and making death threats against other people. Is it this kind of hatred that Wilders is being accused of inciting? Wilders didn't create the problem between Dutch society and muslims it was already there and he was addressing what he felt were concerns or fears. Why is that wrong? I mean the problem with this is that if they do not halt immigration and force integration then you WILL have a right wing nationalist backlash that will grow ever larger. All he has done is say out loud what everyone else was thinking. I mean what do you think is going to happen when the freedom party wins a majority vote? To bring up allusions of Hitler is incorrect unless you are saying that even to think of halting immigration amounts to exterminating them altogether. They are having this same discussion in England and France. Denmark has already added incredible immigration restrictions and it affects mostly muslims. Why because there was so much anger after the cartoonist attack that they fear the response of their own population against other muslims, better to deal with the problems they presently have than compound them by bringing in more!

Its not his immigration policy that angered muslims but his statements about the islamification of the netherlands and his mistrust of Islam because of the spread of radical extremists. If his sentiments are hate speech then please someone clue Michael because he wouldn't be able to say anything critical of Islam! Is that the world we are reaching for? What do you think will happen when this get's underway? "The British National Party (BNP) has joined forces with far-right groups in a new European Alliance of National Movements." Read the article http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8356284.stm

Being all PC and putting ones head in the sand will not solve this problem to the contrary it will only make the resistance even more intense!

Personally the only thing I would have had him re-think is this:

* The present Article 1 of the Dutch constitution, guaranteeing equality under the law, will be replaced by a clause stating the cultural dominance of the Christian, Jewish and humanist traditions.

I have no problem with any of his other suggestions unless of course you have some better suggestions to curb the spread of radical islam. I mean at least he has the balls to come up with a plan?

Anyone else out there got a plan? :D
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... He told the court on Wednesday that the trial showed that the right to freedom of speech was at risk in The Netherlands.

"I believe in my heart and soul that freedom in the Netherlands is being threatened," Wilders said.

"It is not only our right, but our obligation as free people to speak out against every ideology that restricts freedom." ....

What I find truly interesting, as well as somewhat humorous, is that many nations that are in place in the world today had their beginnings in revolutions that began in much the same way ...some with those very principles being stated.

If convicted ...(snip)... and prove his point which is that they have indeed lost their freedom of speech?

Indeed. However, I suppose the more appropriate word would be "eroded" ....all over the world, in all free nations, the right of freedom of speech is being eroded slowly but surely. I think it's happening so slowly that we haven't fully noticed it yet.

Perhaps we're at the leading edge of a great revolution and we can all sit back and watch history unfold right before our eyes on CNN. :D

Baron Max
Perhaps we're at the leading edge of a great revolution and we can all sit back and watch history unfold right before our eyes on CNN. :D

Baron Max

I agree. 'Eroded' is correct word to use.

You know in china your above statement is considered a curse 'may you live in interesting times'. It is unfolding and the PC brigade are playing pin the tail on the donkey while Wilders has simply taken off the blindfold!
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What "constitution" are you talking about, Bells? Does the Netherlands have a national "constitution"? And if so, what does it say about all this freedom of speech issue? You seem to know, so can you tell us?
You're kidding me, right?

The Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2008: Link

Click on the pdf link at the top and scroll down to Article 7:

Article 7
1. No one shall require prior permission to publish thoughts or opinions
through the press, without prejudice to the responsibility of every person
under the law.
2. Rules concerning radio and television shall be laid down by Act of
Parliament. There shall be no prior supervision of the content of a radio or
television broadcast.
3. No one shall be required to submit thoughts or opinions for prior
approval in order to disseminate them by means other than those
mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, without prejudice to the
responsibility of every person under the law. The holding of performances
open to persons younger than sixteen years of age may be regulated by Act
of Parliament in order to protect good morals.
4. The preceding paragraphs do not apply to commercial advertising.

You can also refer to Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Maybe it's time to pull your head out of your backside and recognise that it is not just the US that has a Constitution.

Where did he "incite" violence? I didn't see that anywhere. Where did he "incite violence" ....specifically violence, not just dislike or hate?
Look up the definition of 'hate speech'.

And inciting hatred? Is that illegal in the laws of the Netherlands? Again, Bells, you seem to know the law, so please tell us. Now the Dutch can't even hate people that they want to hate? Seems pretty damned restrictive to me!

What do you think this whole thread is about?

The man has been charged with inciting hatred in a Dutch court, as ordered by the Amsterdam Appeals Court, and you actually have to ask? Are you having a slow day today, my little village idiot?:D
Well how has he exactly done so? Would you have said that the Danish cartoonist also stirred up hatred just because those in neighboring countries felt as if he had? They have to prove that he has actually broken the law because from what I understand they haven't really established that fact.

I guess if you are anti-Muslim, you will have issues with attempting to see what he has done that is so wrong. The laws he wants passed are discriminatory. You cannot equate his words to that of the Danish cartoonist. They don't even come close.

He is looking to virtually ban a whole religion from the Netherlands. It is discriminatory and also goes against human rights laws that his country abide by. His words and actions are virtually akin to persecuting Muslims. It is also downright racist. The man wants an all white country that serves solely for the protection of all people born of European descent who are not Muslim.

You know in the US the nation of islam is lead by a man named Farrakhan who makes bigoted statements about gays, jews and whites. One of his famous quotes is "White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet." No one accuses him of hate speech.
Something you should take up with your Government. The man was banned from entering the UK, wasn't he?

Here we have this PM who is asking for a halt to muslim immigration. I ask why is that racist? There is a problem with integration in their country. I spoke to a Duth couple the other day who are here on vacation and they also don't see any point in bringing in any more muslims until they have established a program for integration.
Errmm okay...:bugeye:

He is demanding that Muslims as a whole be banned from the country. He isn't just asking for a halt on Muslim immigration. He is asking for a halt on Muslim immigration without any cessation to migrants who are white, Christian or Jewish, of European descent. Surely I don't have to point out to you that his policies are racist as well as discriminatory.

He is also demanding that all Muslims be expelled from the country, either by force or with payment (for those who were born there). On top of that, he is attempting to make some money for the country by taxing Muslim women for wearing the hijab. You somehow do not find all that discriminatory?

he was addressing what he felt were concerns or fears. Why is that wrong? I mean the problem with this is that if they do not halt immigration and force integration then you WILL have a right wing nationalist backlash that will grow ever larger. All he has done is say out loud what everyone else was thinking. I mean what do you think is going to happen when the freedom party wins a majority vote?
So you think it is acceptable to discriminate against a whole group of people? If his comments had been about Jews or Gays, would you be saying the same thing?

To bring up allusions of Hitler is incorrect unless you are saying that even to think of halting immigration amounts to exterminating them altogether.
Prior to extermination, Hitler's proposals were also similar.

Its not his immigration policy that angered muslims but his statements about the islamification of the netherlands and his mistrust of Islam because of the spread of radical extremists.
Right.. so comparing the Qu'ran to Mein Kampf, demanded that all Muslims be deported and those born there, paid to leave, a ban on building Mosques and Islamic schools, a ban on preaching in their own Mosques in their own language, taxing Muslim women for what they wear.. You don't think that is enough to cause anger? A film that virtually described all Muslims as being terrorists and violent, comments that any Muslim who follows their Qu'ran is violent, etc..?

I'm not even Muslim and I am angry. He wants to implement a white Netherlands policy. And you somehow think that is acceptable?

Being all PC and putting ones head in the sand will not solve this problem to the contrary it will only make the resistance even more intense!
So you think people are being "PC" when they state that such discrimination is wrong? Righteo..

I have no problem with any of his other suggestions unless of course you have some better suggestions to curb the spread of radical islam. I mean at least he has the balls to come up with a plan?
You think taxing Muslim women for their clothing is spreading radical Islam? You think banning foreign languages spoken, taught in schools and their places of religious worship is spreading radical Islam?

Do you think trying to force all Muslims from the country is not going to spread radical Islam? People will react with violence and will be tempted to look to a more radical system of belief when faced with such abject discrimination and hatred.
Wow, the Netherlands is in a poor state. A native pointing out a danger to their people, and posing possible solutions, puts them at the very real risk of a jail sentence. It's like having a shady bunch of characters in your house eying your silverware, and getting lambasted when you express your concerns to your family.
Wow, the Netherlands is in a poor state. A native pointing out a danger to their people, and posing possible solutions, puts them at the very real risk of a jail sentence. It's like having a shady bunch of characters in your house eying your silverware, and getting lambasted when you express your concerns to your family.

Funny but true.
Wow, the Netherlands is in a poor state. A native pointing out a danger to their people, and posing possible solutions, puts them at the very real risk of a jail sentence. It's like having a shady bunch of characters in your house eying your silverware, and getting lambasted when you express your concerns to your family.
yeah, and to think they killed native americans for even less.
yeah, and to think they killed native americans for even less.

Not to disagree with the assertion that we killed my Native Americans, but ...what the hell does that have to do with the topic?

Surely you don't think that early Americans gave the Native Americans any of the Constitutional rights of citizens, do you? As I see it, that's the only way your statment makes any sense at all ...and very little at that.

Baron Max
Wow, the Netherlands is in a poor state. A native pointing out a danger to their people, and posing possible solutions, puts them at the very real risk of a jail sentence.

Numerous revolutions began in much the same way.

Baron Max
Not to disagree with the assertion that we killed my Native Americans, but ...what the hell does that have to do with the topic?

Surely you don't think that early Americans gave the Native Americans any of the Constitutional rights of citizens, do you? As I see it, that's the only way your statment makes any sense at all ...and very little at that.

Baron Max
Not my point. The empathy for the 'victimized' is often so oddly ahistorical, so localized.....so easy. Without ever really having acknowledged vastly worse patterns, the lighter versions are passionately objected to. Some people skip steps.

But note...

your objection to my post holds against mordea's.

It's like having a shady bunch of characters in your house eying your silverware, and getting lambasted when you express your concerns to your family.

He(?) seems not to have noticed who also LIVES in the house and has been granted citizenship.
He is looking to virtually ban a whole religion from the Netherlands. It is discriminatory and also goes against human rights laws that his country abide by. His words and actions are virtually akin to persecuting Muslims. It is also downright racist. The man wants an all white country that serves solely for the protection of all people born of European descent who are not Muslim.

You do need to remember that the Dutch were their first and it is their country, and not the Muslims'.

Just thought I'd throw that in, because you are criticizing him as if his desire to protect his country is absurd.
You do need to remember that the Dutch were their first and it is their country, and not the Muslims'.

Just thought I'd throw that in, because you are criticizing him as if his desire to protect his country is absurd.
Protect his country against what, exactly?

Do you think Muslims pose a danger to society?
Protect his country against what, exactly?

Do you think Muslims pose a danger to society?

No. I mean, protect the native culture and custom of his country. Muslims don't pose a 'threat to society', but in a country like the Netherlands, they do pose a threat to Dutch native culture.
No. I mean, protect the native culture and custom of his country. Muslims don't pose a 'threat to society', but in a country like the Netherlands, they do pose a threat to Dutch native culture.

As would any non Dutch individuals or "natives".

So why is he being so selective in pointing the finger only at Muslims?
No. I mean, protect the native culture and custom of his country. Muslims don't pose a 'threat to society', but in a country like the Netherlands, they do pose a threat to Dutch native culture.

Oh, really? And just how do you manage to mentally separate a country's society from it's native culture? Impossible.