Duck Dynasty star canned for homophobic remarks

But it is you that cannot see the double standard. The Kardasians series allow for the showing of adultery and make it seem OK to do but when another program just makes one statement that's not in good taste they kick him off the show. I see that as a double standard myself even if you do not. To allow for raunchy behavior and making light of it isn't what I would say is good taste but that's just the way I think.

The Kardasians is aired on a different network than Duck dynasty. The Kardasians airs on E!, which has different owners than A&E does. So how is a double standard being applied when it is different people applying the standard?
dumbest man on earth

Incidentally, she may, or may not, still be married to Bruce Jenner - the 1976 Olympic Gold Medalist in the Decathlon.

Who is preparing for a sex change operation, if the tabloids have it right. They are separated(maybe divorced by now), by the way, something about wanting different lifestyles.

Funny how his comments about gays are the only topic here, he also perpetuated the old "blacks were happier under Jim Crow" non-sense in the same interview, and that's just ignorant racist garbage.

This guy, unfortunately, represents the ignorance and prejudice that American religions have become. Jesus was not a homophobe, he was not a racist(through ignorance or intent), he was not a capitalist(he was a Socialist), he did not pack a gun(or any weapon), he said that the love of money is the root of evil, he told us a rich person cannot go to heaven(and duck guy is filthy rich) and yet duck guy calls himself a Christian. I think he is using his "Christianity" to hide his bigotry behind, I didn't watch him and his family of actors before and I certainly will drop A&E if he stays on the air. Same goes for the Kardashian er...what does one call someone who is well over the 15 minutes of fame you're supposed to get for breathing? What has any of them ever done besides swapping Kane West(another waste of airtime)around. And don't get me started on Honey BooBoo("A Dolla' makes me Holla'!" "then you're a 9 year old prostitute, aren't you?"). I thought Jerry Springer was the low point in modern culture, I was sorely mistaken, there is no bottom to that well.

The Kardasians is aired on a different network than Duck dynasty. The Kardasians airs on E!, which has different owners than A&E does. So how is a double standard being applied when it is different people applying the standard?

Because it is all a part of the TV network. You can see both of those programs on cable so they both are accessible to everyone. Now it is the MEDIA that has started all of the fuss over this not the network per say. Of course the network kicked him off the show but it was the MEDIA that wanted to make an issue out of it.
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Because it is all a part of the TV network. You cab see both of those programs on cable so they both are accessible to everyone. Now it is the MEDIA that has started all of the fuss over this not the network per say. Of course the network kicked him off the show but it was the MEDIA that wanted to make an issue out of it.

Oh come now, this is like saying that because Victoria's Secret sells sexy lingerie, and OshKosh B'gosh doesn't, that the CLOTHING INDUSTRY employ's a double standard.

And it isn't the MEDIA that has made an issue of it, but some conservative talking heads.
Oh come now, this is like saying that because Victoria's Secret sells sexy lingerie, and OshKosh B'gosh doesn't, that the CLOTHING INDUSTRY employ's a double standard.

And it isn't the MEDIA that has made an issue of it, but some conservative talking heads.

That doesn't have anything at all to do with what I said. We were discussing a remark made that somehow was blown way out of proportion by the MEDIA. They have always had a double standard for when there "liberal" buddies do something wrong they don't make an issue of it. The MEDIA and TV seems to have many shows that are very upsetting to conservatives but never say one fucking thing about that kind of crap.
Maybe I'm missing out by making instant judgements.
As it is, they would last three seconds on my TV before I made the judgement that they were vapid talentless morons.
A channel switch would happen milliseconds later.
Maybe it's me that's the stupid one.
They could be really talented and entertaining and I'd never find out.

I know that one of them is called Kim.
Is she the one with the beautiful hair?

Not sure of the names, but the "hair" could be a "weave" - fake - false - after all it is "American Television Programming".
Incidentally, you do know why it is called "Programming", right?!

This racist, homophobic, misogynist, backwoods acting hick has every right to say what he likes. He can even hide the responsibility he has for his continuation of the racial and sexual prejudices that he has behind a totally bogus "religious" exemption(I'm an Atheist, I like it when people behaving badly in the name of their religion get slapped up side the head by reality). His First Amendment Right to open his pie hole and reveal to all that, yes, he is a total cretin has successfully been exercised/protected, on public television and in the news. That he makes claims that Jesus made him do it are flat out lies(Jesus should sue him, and give the proceeds to charity). And nobody has yet spoken to his "Happy blacks" shtick(at least he didn't say the N word in public, thoughtful(and cautious)of him), him talking about the early sixties being better for black people than after the civil rights acts. Southerners tell this myth so they can whitewash the reality, I don't really think most of them are stupid enough to actually believe it, but then there's Louie Gohmert). Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit" was the reality...


He has every right to say what he likes, but A&E, if they're smart(outside of the momentary panic period caused by right wing bloviators and rabbit caught in the headlights politicians)they will drop kick this idiot out over some fence, hopefully fully enclosed, in some kind of nature preserve for the endangered hillbilly redneck actors guild. Send Honey Booboo and all but Kim K in with them(just sayin'). They will be safe from the consequences of anything they say there and free to practice their racial and sexual Tourettes to their hearts content, while the rest of us may learn how not to behave by visiting their reserve(the Sarah Palin monkey cage would be a riot, literally). Hey, they could do a Survivor episode there! Yeah, that's the ticket. Just keep this guy away from the ducks and don't let him pervert others in his weird sexual fixation with ducks and their sexual practices(with their scientifically and well known tendency for the males to form homosexual relationships with other males and often one will then mate with a female, all of this FOR LIFE. Mallards are especially susceptible to this menage a trois crap). He's made millions helping others participate in his strange behavior, where they lure innocent male ducks in with promises of wild sex and when they get close, pop up with shotguns and shoot them dead. Repugnant behavior we really don't want spreading.

He's made millions helping others participate in his strange behavior, where they lure innocent male ducks in with promises of wild sex and when they get close, pop up with shotguns and shoot them dead. Repugnant behavior we really don't want spreading

It is called hunting and they eat everything they shoot by the way. I take it you have not hunted ?

It is called hunting and they eat everything they shoot by the way. I take it you have not hunted ?

Not with groups of redneck, racist a-holes, no. I have seen all the killing I need to see, thank you. None of my freinds I used to hunt with wanted anything to do with it after seeing what war is.

Not sure of the names, but the "hair" could be a "weave" - fake - false - after all it is "American Television Programming".
Incidentally, you do know why it is called "Programming", right?!
Didn't think of that. The woman who originally had it on her head had beautiful hair.

Not with groups of redneck, racist a-holes, no. I have seen all the killing I need to see, thank you. None of my freinds I used to hunt with wanted anything to do with it after seeing what war is.


Now isn't that a bit racist saying A-hole about a group of rednecks?

I guess you do not watch TV much for everyday they show violence, war and murders. Most movies also have violence in them so you must not watch them either.

Now isn't that a bit racist saying A-hole about a group of rednecks?

Redneck is not a race, it's a disease you catch from your redneck parents and friends, characterized by senseless racism and prejudice against anyone not like yourself(along with abysmal ignorance about how the world really works and what constitutes morals). I live next to the Cherokee, many of them have the same redneck disease as duck guy, they also hide their prejudice behind claims of Christian religion. It isn't a racial designation, it is an attitude of ignorance that needs adjustment to reality. Maybe introducing them to Jesus would get them out of such a stupid cult.

I guess you do not watch TV much for everyday they show violence, war and murders. Most movies also have violence in them so you must not watch them either.

Does your TV not have a channel control? Mine does and I learned how to use it back when it still was on the TV itself and we didn't have a remote(well, my parents did, it was called "Hey you", they had four of us).

I have seen all the killing I need to see, thank you. None of my freinds I used to hunt with wanted anything to do with it after seeing what war is.


Got to agree with you on that, Grumpy! Heck, I can not even enjoy "going to the range" now, like I did before.

Still, I know of quite a few vet's that came back with the idea to just use "bigger guns" or "automatic guns" or to just drive the "prey" into their friends "fields of fire" - and just like in War - some of them "hunt", just to earn a "trophy".

Would be neat if there was a "reality show" that actually showed "reality", instead of the "programs" that are used to "drive the herds" to Wal-Mart.
The Kardasians..

Would you mind not derailing thew thread? Specially about a show you never watched? By the way this is America, the land of opportunity, so anyone who can convince millions to watch them to do everyday things and getting paid millions in the process is smart, no matter how they look or dress...

Now I am taking out the garbage, watch me on channel 47...
Would you mind not derailing thew thread? Specially about a show you never watched? By the way this is America, the land of opportunity, so anyone who can convince millions to watch them to do everyday things and getting paid millions in the process is smart, no matter how they look or dress...

Now I am taking out the garbage, watch me on channel 47...

Oh the cult of celebrity makes one so smart, really? Maybe American's are really just too simple and have nothing better to do with their time than to watch idiotic shows. Hell, could be makes them feel superior and better about themselves, who knows?

Anyway, don't know how he can claim freedom of speech as a defense.

Claiming his employers are denying him freedom of speech is indicative of the Duck Dynasty group IQ. Your employer isn't required to agree with dumb stuff you say in public or the work place. If they don't like it they can just fire your ass. You can talk all the way to the gate.
I have not seen any story that the Robertsons are claiming any sort of denial of free speech, but unless specified and agreed to in some contract, it could be discrimination on the basis of religion, as he only expressed his experience and religious beliefs, as he understands them. Religion is a protected status.
I have not seen any story that the Robertsons are claiming any sort of denial of free speech, but unless specified and agreed to in some contract, it could be discrimination on the basis of religion, as he only expressed his experience and religious beliefs, as he understands them. Religion is a protected status.
Only if one's religion does not break the law.