Duck Dynasty star canned for homophobic remarks

Now they suit the wives.
It also explains why they have no tattoos.

The Biker/Hunting gear is a like a costume they put on.
No wonder I got nowhere trying to work them out. it's a role they play, a script to follow?
...why even suspect that of a Reality T.V. Program?
So, let me get this straight. A guy who compares beastiality to homosexuality makes his living helping people convince ducks that they want to have sex with them? Right.(well, he would know, wouldn't he?)
I almost fell out of my chair laughing. This thread is hilarious.:)
"After inadvertently infuriating Duck Dynasty fans, Cracker Barrel is hastily restoring order to its restaurant chain universe by putting products featuring the Robertson clan back on its shelves.

The home-cooking-style eatery started to yank selected Duck Dynasty-related items from its stores on Friday in an effort to avoid offending customers after patriarch Phil Robertson’s inflammatory comments to GQ magazine about gays and blacks. But the company’s move outraged many Duck Dynasty supporters.

On Sunday, Cracker Barrel rolled over, posting a new message on its Facebook page: “You flat out told us we were wrong. We listened. Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. And, we apologize for offending you.”"


" Louisiana's lieutenant governor says the Duck Dynasty reality TV show is important to state tourism - and he could help connect the Robertson family with new producers if they cannot reach agreement with the A&E cable TV network."
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It is rather odd that many shows today, like the Kardasians as an example, allow for lewd behavior, cursing, fighting each other, playing tricks on each other that sometimes hurt but yet when a redneck says something it is offensive and people are let go from the show. What a bunch of double standards the TV companies/media have.
It is rather odd that many shows today, like the Kardasians as an example, allow for lewd behavior, cursing, fighting each other, playing tricks on each other that sometimes hurt but yet when a redneck says something it is offensive and people are let go from the show. What a bunch of double standards the TV companies/media have.

Leave it to you to see a double standard where none exists, it's time for the peanut gallery to weigh in. This whole thing is a bit silly and sad at the same time.
The Kardasians.
Never watched that either. (Why have they named themselves after Star Trek characters?)
Must find a picture. so I can make some prejudiced remarks about them.


Opinion. Brain-dead rich bimbos. Am I close?
Oh, and they are all short. Some dwarfism in the genes?
The one third from left looks quite pleasant. Kind face.
She can come and live with me on my Pirate galley.
Gaaaaargh! She'd look good with an eye-patch, and a hook for an arm.
The others exceed each other exponentially from left to right in self-congratulating awfulness.
The one on the right looks like a totally evil poison-tongued bitch.
I'd like to see them all in duck-hunting gear.
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Homosexual behavior is not natural since it is not self sustaining.

Excuse me? Homosexuality is rooted in the genetics of almost all life on Earth. The earliest forms of life where probably hermaphrodites.

Today, we know that homosexuality is not a choice, at least most developed countries recognize this. There are many animals which display homosexual tendencies. Personally, you can't get more natural than that!
All the duck dynasty problems are all about one fact. It's about getting uneducated idiots famous through just being on tv.
Leave it to you to see a double standard where none exists, it's time for the peanut gallery to weigh in. This whole thing is a bit silly and sad at the same time.

But it is you that cannot see the double standard. The Kardasians series allow for the showing of adultery and make it seem OK to do but when another program just makes one statement that's not in good taste they kick him off the show. I see that as a double standard myself even if you do not. To allow for raunchy behavior and making light of it isn't what I would say is good taste but that's just the way I think.
Truth be told though... what he said wasn't really all that homophobic or even aggressive. Sure, it was tactless and blunt... but look who we're talking about, and then tell me that him being as blunt as a boot to the head isn't expected! And he was pretty careful (at least from what I can tell) to word what he said pretty carefully to make it obvious it was HIS opinion based on HIS beliefs. And honestly, he didn't even attack anyone outright. Yeah, he said he felt it was wrong, but that we need to love those who are wrong anyway...

*shrugs* I dunno... I mean, it isn't like he was advocating murder or stoning or even casting homosexuals out of society... while I agree, what he said was a bit inflammatory, this whole fracas has gotten blown WAY out of proportion... God forbid a back woods man states his opinion anymore. Then again, it seems upholding your personal convictions nowadays makes you "evil" so... what do I know *shrugs*
Excuse me? Homosexuality is rooted in the genetics of almost all life on Earth. The earliest forms of life where probably hermaphrodites.

Today, we know that homosexuality is not a choice, at least most developed countries recognize this. There are many animals which display homosexual tendencies. Personally, you can't get more natural than that!

Humans differ from animals in that we have willpower and choice. We can mimimic any behavior and call it natural, so you can't depend on propaganda to help us decide what is natural.

There is a simple litmus test that can differentiate natural from unnatural. If you buy natural foods, for these to be natural, requires that there be no artificial additives or preservatives. Natural human behavior should use the same definition. Like in nature, it should be self sustaining and should not require anything artificial to sustain or preserve it, since these is not observed or required anywhere in nature.

I can say it is natural to eat rocks since chickens do this in nature. This may be natural to chickens ,since they do not require anything artificial to sustain this. But this may not work for a humans but will require extra medical support to perpetuate. This simple test would tell us this is not natural for humans, due to the needed artificial medical additives.

Say we have animals in a zoo, is this natural for the animals? The answer is no. It requires a lot of artificial additives via zoo keepers to sustain the animals in this contained environment. If we removed the zoo keepers ,the animals would not be self sustaining in the zoo. Much of what liberalism calls natural, requires zoo keepers and artificial additives; social costs, not found in nature.

If homosexuality was natural, it should not require medications and condoms since these are not found in nature. If you see two apes looking like they are engaging in homosexuality do they use condoms and do they vista the clinic often? The answer is these don't need anything artificial so this is natural to apes.

In the 1980's, nature was allowed to run its course, since homosexuality was calls natural, but 100,000's died of AIDS and other diseases. It became necessary to add artificial additives. You can't call something natural if it requires artificial additives to prop it up. Humans have choice and will power so choosing artificial is OK, but calling such things natural to humans is misleading.

How about we run a test where all artificial additives are discontinued and we allow nature to run its course to see what is left standing. Would the Liberals and Christians both put their choices to the test? Long ago, there were no artificial additives due to lack of science. This test was run all the time, by default, and what was consistently left standing was call moral since the gods did not curse it. The immoral was a source of constant tragedy. Now we have plenty of zookeepers and propaganda to pretend this is natural. The Duck Guy did not know how to pose this challenge.
If homosexuality was natural, it should not require medications and condoms since these are not found in nature.

So when heteros have sex and practice birth control either thru medications and condoms, this means that sex is unnatural too? Seems to me you're trying to define unnatural in a way that will suit your own homophobia.

In the 1980's, nature was allowed to run its course, since homosexuality was calls natural, but 100,000's died of AIDS and other diseases.

3/4's of hiv cases worldwide are now transmitted thru heterosexual sex. And that's via the good old natural condomless method you enjoy singing the praises of. Thruout history STD's have always been passed on thru having sex. Does that mean sex is unnatural? No. AIDS is caused by a virus, not sex.

You can't call something natural if it requires artificial additives to prop it up. Humans have choice and will power so choosing artificial is OK, but calling such things natural to humans is misleading. How about we run a test where all artificial additives are discontinued and we allow nature to run its course to see what is left standing. Would the Liberals and Christians both put their choices to the test? Long ago, there were no artificial additives due to lack of science.

We put additives into all sorts of things to improve them. Water is treated with chlorine and fluoride. Food is enriched with vitamins and fiber and preservatives. Medicine itself is an additive we put in our bodies to stop the "natural" forces of disease and bacteria. I don't think many people would survive in a world without additives. When it comes to improving our lives, "natural" takes a back seat to health.
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Truth be told though... what he said wasn't really all that homophobic or even aggressive. Sure, it was tactless and blunt... but look who we're talking about, and then tell me that him being as blunt as a boot to the head isn't expected! And he was pretty careful (at least from what I can tell) to word what he said pretty carefully to make it obvious it was HIS opinion based on HIS beliefs. And honestly, he didn't even attack anyone outright. Yeah, he said he felt it was wrong, but that we need to love those who are wrong anyway...

*shrugs* I dunno... I mean, it isn't like he was advocating murder or stoning or even casting homosexuals out of society... while I agree, what he said was a bit inflammatory, this whole fracas has gotten blown WAY out of proportion... God forbid a back woods man states his opinion anymore. Then again, it seems upholding your personal convictions nowadays makes you "evil" so... what do I know *shrugs*

I guess denigrating a class of people for their particular style of loving has become so routine and commonplace in our society that it really DOESN'T seem like a big deal anymore. I guess gay people shouldn't be so sensitive about being compared to animal fuckers, murderers, and conspirators against God. Just a harmless innocent opinion expressed thru the megaphone of electronic media. Why take offense? I ask, WHY NOT take offense? In a society that is just beginning to show widespread acceptance of gay people for the first time in history, shouldn't we take a moral stand against those who advance bigotry and intolerance. Shouldn't it offend even heterosexuals that their brother or sister or nephew or friend is classified as some sort of moral degenerate for no other reason than for whom they go to bed with. I think it's time to take a stand against this traditional CHRISTIAN marginalization and demonization of gay people. Why NOT?
Humans differ from animals in that we have willpower and choice. We can mimimic any behavior and call it natural, so you can't depend on propaganda to help us decide what is natural.
Tell me wellwisher, did you choose to be born gay?

There is a simple litmus test that can differentiate natural from unnatural. If you buy natural foods, for these to be natural, requires that there be no artificial additives or preservatives. Natural human behavior should use the same definition. Like in nature, it should be self sustaining and should not require anything artificial to sustain or preserve it, since these is not observed or required anywhere in nature.
Do you use a toilet and toilet paper?

Or do you live in a cave and scrape your arse on the ground after doing your number two's? You know, naturally and without any artificial additives or preservatives. Do you hunt your meat and eat it raw, au naturel? Or do you put stuff on it and cook it?

I can say it is natural to eat rocks since chickens do this in nature. This may be natural to chickens ,since they do not require anything artificial to sustain this. But this may not work for a humans but will require extra medical support to perpetuate. This simple test would tell us this is not natural for humans, due to the needed artificial medical additives.
It is natural to chickens. Just as it is natural to humans to not use toilet paper or a toilet.

Say we have animals in a zoo, is this natural for the animals? The answer is no. It requires a lot of artificial additives via zoo keepers to sustain the animals in this contained environment. If we removed the zoo keepers ,the animals would not be self sustaining in the zoo. Much of what liberalism calls natural, requires zoo keepers and artificial additives; social costs, not found in nature.
It's not natural for you to be using a computer or living in a house either. And yet, here you are.

If homosexuality was natural, it should not require medications and condoms since these are not found in nature.
It doesn't. Just as heterosexual sex does not need condoms or medications. However if you wish to practice safe sex, gay or straight, you need to use condoms.

If you see two apes looking like they are engaging in homosexuality do they use condoms and do they vista the clinic often? The answer is these don't need anything artificial so this is natural to apes.
Slowly now. Homosexuals and straight people do not need to use anything artificial either, but choose to do so to prevent pregnancy and for safe sex. I am sure once apes evolve enough in the coming years and recognise the necessity of safe sex, they too will be able to develop some safe sex methods. Since chimpanzees already self medicate with certain plants..... Oh noes! They aren't natural and are using medicines as well!:rolleyes:

In the 1980's, nature was allowed to run its course, since homosexuality was calls natural, but 100,000's died of AIDS and other diseases. It became necessary to add artificial additives. You can't call something natural if it requires artificial additives to prop it up. Humans have choice and will power so choosing artificial is OK, but calling such things natural to humans is misleading.
Yep. And when you go au natural and stick your doodle in random places and end up with a flaming STD, we can tell you it is nature running its course as the warts start to grow. Or you can use your brain and use condoms.

How about we run a test where all artificial additives are discontinued and we allow nature to run its course to see what is left standing.
Then you better find a patch of soft ground to scrape your arse on each time you go to the loo.

Would the Liberals and Christians both put their choices to the test?
Personally I'd rather use a toilet. You know, be "artificial" and all.

Long ago, there were no artificial additives due to lack of science.
Chimpanzees self medicate with certain plants. You don't always need science.

I have a brilliant idea. How about you ignore science and completely retreat from it. That means no toilet, electricity, fridge, heating and air-conditioning, no clothing, soap, shampoo, no computer or internet or phone, no car or any vehicle whatsoever. You know, embrace nature without any artificial additives. Let us know how you fare after a month.

This test was run all the time, by default, and what was consistently left standing was call moral since the gods did not curse it. The immoral was a source of constant tragedy. Now we have plenty of zookeepers and propaganda to pretend this is natural. The Duck Guy did not know how to pose this challenge.
The irony of course is that you are whining about lack of 'natural', in a discussion about a yokel who makes artificial duck callers to try to attract horny ducks.

The biggest irony, of course, is that the mallard duck callers they manufacture are for birds who often display strong homosexual behaviour. Even to the point of homosexual necrophilia.

Natural indeed..
But it is you that cannot see the double standard. The Kardasians series allow for the showing of adultery and make it seem OK to do but when another program just makes one statement that's not in good taste they kick him off the show. I see that as a double standard myself even if you do not. To allow for raunchy behavior and making light of it isn't what I would say is good taste but that's just the way I think.

Did the Kardasians say anything condemning anyone else as sinful as Robertson did? No. And that is the issue here, as much as you and those like you would like it to be the Kardasian lifestyle. It isn't the issue and that is why it isn't a double standard. Unfortunately, clear thinking is not something we see much of from the right wing ditto head faction.
The Kardasians.
Never watched that either. (Why have they named themselves after Star Trek characters?)
Must find a picture. so I can make some prejudiced remarks about them.


Opinion. Brain-dead rich bimbos. Am I close?
Oh, and they are all short. Some dwarfism in the genes?
The one third from left looks quite pleasant. Kind face.
She can come and live with me on my Pirate galley.
Gaaaaargh! She'd look good with an eye-patch, and a hook for an arm.
The others exceed each other exponentially from left to right in self-congratulating awfulness.
The one on the right looks like a totally evil poison-tongued bitch.
I'd like to see them all in duck-hunting gear.

Captain Kremmen, first off, I believe they are "The Kardashian's", with an "h".

The one on the right (in the picture), that you state "looks like a totally evil poison-tongued bitch.", is, I believe, the mother of the three to her right.

Incidentally, she may, or may not, still be married to Bruce Jenner - the 1976 Olympic Gold Medalist in the Decathlon.

Strange how the "Cult of Personality" is so heavily pushed/propagated/embraced/rewarded and it seems, even vilified, in our current society.
Maybe I'm missing out by making instant judgements.
As it is, they would last three seconds on my TV before I made the judgement that they were vapid talentless morons.
A channel switch would happen milliseconds later.
Maybe it's me that's the stupid one.
They could be really talented and entertaining and I'd never find out.

I know that one of them is called Kim.
Is she the one with the beautiful hair?